How To Use Romanticist In A Sentence

  • In our own day the principle that the leaders should practice economic renunciation and should identify themselves with the multitude is advocated only by a few isolated romanticists who belong to the anarchist wing of the socialist movement, and even by them only in timid periphrases. Political Parties; a Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy
  • The wild romanticist, the lover of the strange and the lurid and the grotesque who created the "Symphonic Fantastique," never, perhaps, became entirely abeyant. Musical Portraits Interpretations of Twenty Modern Composers
  • I prefer to think of Cowper as a naturalist, of Shelley as an idealist, and of Wordsworth as a transcendental realist, and to reserve the name romanticist for writers like Scott, Coleridge, and Keats; and I think the distinction a serviceable one. A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century
  • As a romanticist, Carlyle hated the system but described it accurately. An Economy of Liars
  • The romanticist is a kind of scientific person engaged in the correct assembling of chemical constituents that will produce a formula by which he can live out every one of his moments with a perfect comprehension of their charm and of their everlasting value to him. Adventures in the Arts Informal Chapters on Painters, Vaudeville, and Poets
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  • The man was not a fantaisiste or romanticist at all – he did not even try to give us the churning, prismatic ephemera of dreams, but coldly and sardonically reflected some stable, mechanistic, and well – established horror – world which he saw fully, brilliantly, squarely, and unfalteringly. Illustrating The Unseen « Become A Robot
  • Although you're not a Romanticist, you are heavily involved in what you have called a praxis or practice of your own. Blake & Virtuality: An Exchange
  • For the romanticist, each step follows the footsteps of Hillary, Tenzing, Herzog and other Himalayan explorers. Motion Trek | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Euphuism of the Elizabethan age, and of the modern French romanticists, its neologies were the ground of one of the favourite charges against it; though indeed, as regards these tricks of taste also, there is nothing new, but a quaint family likeness rather, between the Euphuists of successive ages. Marius the Epicurean — Volume 1
  • This work has proven useful to scholars in many fields - from Romanticists to modernists - and with quite varied interests.
  • Idealist and romanticist that I was and always had been in spite of my analytical nature, yet I had failed till now in grasping much of the physical characteristics of love. Chapter 27
  • Anschauung, is a prime source of that romanticist irony which characterized the literature of die Romantik, an awareness of the inevitable disparity between aspira - tion and realization. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • As a number one Romanticist, Byron's chief contribution is his crewhenion of the "Byronic hero, " a proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin.
  • The man was not a fantaisiste or romanticist at all – he did not even try to give us the churning, prismatic ephemera of dreams, but coldly and sardonically reflected some stable, mechanistic, and well – established horror – world which he saw fully, brilliantly, squarely, and unfalteringly. Illustrating The Unseen « Become A Robot
  • Back then, as now in his new Concord Music Group release "New Time, New 'Tet" (Amazon), I was drawn -- in his tenor saxophone improvisations and compositions -- to their flowing sense of ordered liberty, with the inner warmth of an adventurous romanticist. Benny Golson's Adventure
  • Like the leading surrealists he undertook a serious study of psychoanalysis and cultivated a friendship with the German romanticist writer Hermann Hesse for whose books he provided illustrations.
  • Art critics have called the impressionist's work "reminiscent of the 19th-century Romanticists. Tahoe Daily Tribune - Top Stories
  • This philosophy derives its name from the fact that it was a combination of the romanticist theory of truth with the idealist conception of the universe.
  • In the five-year plan, Stalin the romanticist, or: the blind baldaquin takes revenge for a stage upon which plays a vermiculating drama of excess. Excerpt from De Imitatio Calembouri
  • At the beginning of the new era, the realistic spirit of Chinese literature has been restored and carried forward step by step but the romanticist spirit still lags behind.
  • Emptiness resides in plenitude and solitude, the problematic path for Buddhists and Romanticists alike. About This Volume
  • After a brief stint as a literary critic in the columns of L' Indicatore Genovese on the side of the romanticists against classicists, he found his way into the secret society of the carbonari to conspire and agitate for government reform.
  • By my halidom!" and all the rest of the sweepings and tailings of Scott and the third-rate romanticists. A Lost Story
  • Is she, they ask, a realist or an ironist, a romanticist or a feminist?
  • N&S critique the presumed attachment of environmentalists to romanticist premodernist images of society and celebrate economic modernization, along with the growing affluence, individualization, and freedom that this social process creates. Joseph Romm: Memo to Media: Don't be Suckered by Bad Analyses from the Breakthrough Institute
  • It was a pathetic love story of the romanticist poetess Elizabeth Barrett and novice poet Robert Browning.
  • I'm a romanticist and an adventurer," he said last week in answer to a voter's question about exploring Mars. The Politics Of Personality

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