How To Use Romanticism In A Sentence

  • The full moon instilling some notion of romanticism in the minds of the stupid humans.
  • This kind of romanticism is everywhere in Buchan's books.
  • With the exception of one scene involving a killing, the film offers neither gritty realism nor lush romanticism. Times, Sunday Times
  • We perform classical, pre-classical, romanticism pieces, with domination of Bulgarian folk and church-Slavonic music.
  • William Blake is an important representative in English romanticism.
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  • From Chinese literati painting to Japanese Yamato-e, from romanticism to Dadaism, different forms of art serve as the instrumentality to educate the public.
  • His ideas on social justice were the foundation of new humanism and of Romanticism in general.
  • Taken verbally as well as ontologically, then, and directed back into romanticism, Agamben would thus help rethink Wordsworthian imminence as a kind of immanence in its own enunciative right. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • Janus-faced nature of Romanticism's engagement with secularism and cosmopolitanism. About This Volume
  • Whether it's the experimental sounds of Menomena, the craggy romanticism of the Walkmen, or the rhythmic overload of LCD Soundsystem and Hot Chip, all three shows promise dynamic concertgoing experiences. Mrs. Tansy Maude Peregrine: Denver's Essential Concert Calendar
  • With the exception of one scene involving a killing, the film offers neither gritty realism nor lush romanticism. Times, Sunday Times
  • She had little formal education but travelled widely in Europe where her somewhat dramatic taste led to an interest in Italian Mannerism, German Romanticism, Pre-Raphaelitism, and the decadents.
  • In my previous impostures in the English department, I had picked up some of the rudiments of Romanticism, but one idea that intrigued me was Edmund Burke's theory of the sublime.
  • Literary romanticism and cultural nationalism informed the historical consciousness of regional raconteurs like Hall who looked for American themes within the history of the West.
  • Freud's Jewish family fled Berlin for London in 1933, when he was just eleven (his father, an architect, was Sigmund Freud's son), yet his adolescent drawings retain a German tinge, feeling their way between the chilly stares of Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity) or of the Magic Realists (Alexander Kanoldt, for instance) and the more recent, doom-laden stridencies of neoromanticism and noir. The Way to All Flesh
  • At stake in this description is the very interruption of cognitive and performative language that de Man explains will emerge in the book itself — i.e., the interruption of the difference between a book about romanticism (cognitive, constative) and a book of romanticism and its disruption 'At the Far End of this Ongoing Enterprise...'
  • But I sense the callowness of pure Romanticism in such a rejection of restraint -- as coded into Odysseus's hood, into his arrival in disguise, as a beggar. Archive 2010-03-01
  • The cult of hard-headed routine and practicality, as expressed here, was often just another form of romanticism, and by no means always the most effective.
  • His brisk What Happens Next recounts the history of American screenwriting from the silents to 2005, but its cynosure is the studio era, a period he writes about with romanticism and passion. Toiling in the Dream Factory
  • To do so is to embrace an agonistic romanticism of perpetually unfulfilled longing and desire.
  • With both laughter and irritation Phoebe had returned to consciousness ironically amused at how nature could behave with such excessive romanticism.
  • Its "longish denouement" is "corny and contrived, but we seize on it with relief - as we seize on the Mahleresque romanticism of Gabriel Yared's score. GreenCine Daily: The Lives of Others and The Decomposition of the Soul.
  • Literary romanticism, of which Chateaubriand and Madame de Stael were the harbingers, owed its existence to a longing for a greater fulness of thought, a greater intenseness of feeling, a greater appropriateness and adequateness of expression, and, above all, a greater truth to life and nature. Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
  • His celebrated portrait of Charles William Lambton in scarlet velveteens was sometimes assumed to be an imaginary portrait of the dreaming, youthful Byron, the very soul of English romanticism, and was reproduced across Europe as such, and is still instantly recognisable today. Thomas Lawrence: The new romantic – review
  • Joseph Viscomi asserts that "working on metal with the tools of poet and painter enabled Blake to create a multi-media space, a 'site' where poetry, painting, and printmaking came together in ways both original and characteristic of Romanticism's fascination with autographic gesture, with spontaneity, intimacy, and organicism Blake's Contraries Game
  • Romanticism’ is the interpretive sense we make of Romantic-era literature by means of diachronic and synchronic narratives.
  • [w] hat has still to be digested is a romanticism that no amount of ideology finger-pointing will allow us to evade, a romanticism that undertakes a reflection on the relation of historical knowledge and aesthetic understanding" (SU, 60). Introduction: 'The Power is There': Romanticism as Aesthetic Insistence
  • The prophetic is a literary mode long associated with Romanticism.
  • Poems expressing wills and determinations, " irony and sarcasm, elegancy and the active romanticism of Chu Verses had deeply influenced the creative arts of Mao Zedong's poems.
  • As the natural art of commemoration, sculpture took heart from romanticism, which fostered the remembrance of piety, power, talent, loyalty, or valour.
  • He follows Cohen's bittersweet romanticism with a solid dose of Sonic Youth.
  • It's how the word is spelled in English, and the idea of respelling it in every single reference book with the concomitant realphabetization to accommodate some people's romanticism... well, I just don't think it will fly. RENAMING THE HAN.
  • Revisionists would say that the romanticism of the chroniclers' reverie for that era was coloured by nostalgia for the generation lost in the first world war that choked their critical senses but the glory of Cardus's prose outweighs almost all quibbles. VVS Laxman is the latest standard bearer for the Golden Age
  • There was no simple retreat from austere aristocratic classicism to bourgeois romanticism.
  • In the wake of Romanticism, religion had also become modish. Earthly Powers: Religion and Politics in Europe from the Enlightenment to the Great War
  • The film is populated by types rather than people, and its whimsical romanticism is of the sort you'd find in a very slim book of pop psychology.
  • Illustrating Ortega's remark, we call unwitting or in - nocent Platonists all those — from German romanticism to recent popular poetry — who speak of “soul brother or sister,” “the fusion of souls” in “the ecstasy of love” in which lovers believe they are “joined as One,” and those who describe themselves as being loved by their LOVE
  • In Boston, for example, where German romanticism ruled supreme, German immigration remained at bay.
  • He combined elements of naturalism and romanticism to create a portrait of Napoleon which was both more physically accurate and more emotionally probing than the work of any of his rivals.
  • There was no simple retreat from austere aristocratic classicism to bourgeois romanticism.
  • Nathaniel Hawthorne is an outstanding representative of romanticism writers in latter 19 th century in America.
  • His creation is always based on the foundation of classical diapason and balance, and meanwhile notably features in anti-romanticism.
  • It was the European bourgeoisie who embraced romanticism, depoliticised the liberal social order, and transformed political debate into an endless conversation.
  • Anti-Enlightenment philosophy had a great influence on 19th-century Romanticism, which repudiated reason in favour of nature worship, and counterpoised the genius of the artist to mass mediocrity.
  • Typically the Futurists employed images of romanticism, the sacred and the military, to elevate drivers killed in accidents to the status of sacrifices on the altar of technology.
  • The cult of hard-headed routine and practicality, as expressed here, was often just another form of romanticism, and by no means always the most effective.
  • A very fine soundtrack shifts from a winsome romanticism in the early moments to the jarring untuned piano notes in the latter fraught stages.
  • Balanced between neoclassicism and romanticism, the composition appears at once rigidly stable yet inherently fluid.
  • Meanwhile, Americanism sets a heavy cultural foundation for American romanticism with its own national characteristics.
  • Throughout his life he read voraciously about the great figures of European romanticism and symbolism.
  • But an alternate view has always been present within experimental modernism and its aftermaths, a view that difficulty and complexity are actually the raisons d’être of romantic lyric, and that the real complexities of romantic lyric explicitly or by default underwrite modernist experimentation (an experimentation that in its turn honors romanticism’s unprecedented insurgencies precisely by avoiding the temptations of an easy, conventional neoromanticism). Sociopolitical (i.e., _Romantic_) Difficulty in Modern Poetry and Aesthetics
  • His poetry tended towards a dreamy romanticism.
  • Jason is the quintessential 21st century action hero - young, in buffed physical shape and devoid of any trace of romanticism.
  • Romanticism’ is the interpretive sense we make of Romantic-era literature by means of diachronic and synchronic narratives.
  • Yet even if Frankenstein had never been invented, Mary Shelley would continue to attract interest as the favoured child of romanticism.
  • He also describes ‘the principle of subjective interiority, the inward concern’ as one of the main themes of romanticism.
  • In common with religion, German Romanticism used allegory to preach its message.
  • In common with other early nineteenth century literature, Emily Brontë's novel contains elements of romanticism, gothic, and fantasy.
  • In one break it appeared alongside my current bete noire, the one where a fortyish chap, with a look on his face that I suspect is intended to be misty-eyed romanticism, talks about how instead of doing the weekly shop he would rather be watching the waves break on the shore, or walking with his lovely wife and kids in the park, or be in bed making love to his lovely wife. Magical weekend in Cardiff is in a league of its own
  • He studied law at Palermo University, but like many of his background and generation he soon got sidetracked into the exciting world of political and literary romanticism.
  • In Thomas McFarland's Romanticism and the Forms of Ruin, the fragmentary is instead elevated to a cultural theme. Notes on 'The Ruins of Empire: Nationalism, Art, and Empire in Hemans's Modern Greece'
  • He undertakes "one last job" with the dream of reuniting with his long-abandoned first love, but when he finds her in flagrante delicto, what little romanticism left within him is destroyed. A Killer Vision of a Corrupt Society
  • In Germany various strands of spiritualist thought, descended from Romanticism, informed the idea of the German people - the volk - as an ethical, socially united, patriarchal, ethnic, and linguistic community.
  • The full moon instilling some notion of romanticism in the minds of the stupid humans.
  • His title marks and deforms the subject with the stroke of a typo, a coquille, the semi-random byproduct of the workings of technological reproduction; his thesis is that "Romanticism, broadly understood, can be said to trouble the reduction of the subject to the merely subjective," even though Romanticism has also "promoted that somewhat newfangled thing called the subject. Response: Reading the Aesthetic, Reading Romanticism
  • Here Conrad nearly attains his desired unity of effect, the atmospheric steeping which is the essence of his romanticism. The Voyages of Conrad
  • Regardless of whether the songs featured distorted guitars or oboes and clarinets, Downes' lyrical romanticism remained constant and fervent.
  • Critics say the romanticism of homosexuality may lead to gender confusion for youngsters and the hard-core sex editions are offensive.
  • The romanticism of gazing at the famous rock, differing shades and hues drifting across it as the sun rises and sets, rapidly diminishes, leaving you feeling numb from the shock.
  • His foppishness was the foppishness of his youth, and to the last he wandered through Paris clad in the splendour of the days when young men were "lions," and when the quarrel between classicism and romanticism was vital. The Wits and Beaux of Society Volume 1
  • Is not the admiration of people of all ages for our Tarzans, Supermen, Lone Rangers and indestructible detectives the result of a love for romanticism?
  • That doesn't mean we're left with a starry-eyed romanticism.
  • Moreover, the Romantic painter's impulsion to take risks, eloquently discussed in Anita Brookner's Romanticism and its discontents, throws valuable light on Berlioz's use of rhetoric.
  • Walton, who in early days dabbled in atonality, eventually settled for neo-romanticism and his Viola Concerto is a most elegiac composition.
  • In fact, except for a patina of age that has added a touch of romanticism to its sleek, Brassai-set curvaceousness, Odeon looks exactly the way it did when it introduced its country salad, cassoulet, steak frites, and lemon tart.
  • Was it this, the sense of art as supreme sacrifice, which appealed so strongly to Western romanticism and the avant-garde?
  • The theological romanticism of Lacordaire and of Montalembert was not much more appreciated by them, the dogmatic ignorance and the very weak reasoning powers of this school indisposing them against it. Recollections of My Youth
  • The strange thing about his enthusiasm was that it was for one of the great works of 20th century romanticism and by the greatest romantic writer of the century.
  • Consider, for example, a relatively narrow subarea in music: nineteenth-century romanticism. Scrivener's Error
  • In these works of tragic grandeur and flamboyant Romanticism, some sparkling scherzo movements and brilliant finales bring sharp contrasts of mood.
  • Such escape tactics, in which the image of the castrato is wrenched from the sound of his voice in the name of delicacy or comfort is significant both to the study of the castrato specifically and to the study of image/sound relations in romanticism more generally. Sounds Romantic: The Castrato and English Poetics Around 1800
  • In its clunky realism and breathless romanticism, Looking at the Landscape strikes me as a real stunner, part late Balthus, but more importantly, part proto-John Currin.
  • To do so is to embrace an agonistic romanticism of perpetually unfulfilled longing and desire.
  • Chateaubriand, the founder of romanticism, and his compositions had extensive and comprehensive influence over French society and Romantic Movement.
  • He is working, dilatorily, on a book on failed alternatives to Romanticism.
  • It became one of the standard works on German romanticism. Times, Sunday Times
  • With both laughter and irritation Phoebe had returned to consciousness ironically amused at how nature could behave with such excessive romanticism.
  • Meanwhile, Americanism sets a heavy cultural foundation for American romanticism with its own national characteristics.
  • Inspired by the romanticism of post-World-War-II Tijuana -- think Herb Alpert, tequila-fueled elopements, jai alai, colorful tourist art and street tacos -- Tiki Oasis 11 presents Burros, Black Velvet & Other Delights, an art show benefiting WiLDCOAST. Lisa Derrick: Burros & Black Velvet Art Benefit WiLDCOAST
  • His creation is always based on the foundation of classical diapason and balance, and meanwhile notably features in anti-romanticism.
  • In the wake of Romanticism, religion had also become modish. Earthly Powers: Religion and Politics in Europe from the Enlightenment to the Great War
  • We have ditched romanticism for the meanspirited pragmatism that is an essential part of the science of football management. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is this embattled romanticism that surfaces in Orwell's text in the form of paranoia.
  • This body of work idealizes the places I explore throughout Europe as enchanting lands of fantasy and fairy tale: stony and mineral-stained French farmhouses, creaking and battered old windmills from Greece, Spain and Holland, suspended white rabbits leaping through the air, and things that, if just for a moment, turn our dreams of sweet old world romanticism into something precious we can hold and keep. Susan Fogwell: An American Sculptor in Holland
  • This phenomenon was severely criticized by humanism and romanticism.
  • In the figure of the beautiful, flamboyant poet and improvisatore Corinne, de Staël created a fictional character who became an international symbol of Romanticism, quite as much as Goethe's Werther or Byron's Corsair. The Great de Staël
  • Such escape tactics, in which the image of the castrato is wrenched from the sound of his voice in the name of delicacy or comfort is significant both to the study of the castrato specifically and to the study of image/sound relations in romanticism more generally. Sounds Romantic: The Castrato and English Poetics Around 1800
  • I know it looks like the old positivist duality, but it does give some insight into the way that political romanticism poeticizes politics.
  • His music has a sense of romanticism missing from millennial pop music.
  • In her 1995 novel The Blue Flower, Penelope Fitzgerald pays tender homage to Novalis's romanticism, but tells the story of his love for Sophie in a language very different to the poet's own. Love in literature
  • Writings were characterized by symbolism, romanticism, and existentialism.
  • Myaskovsky's Sixth, written in 1924, is rooted in post-Romanticism, while its stance, equating the Revolution with the biblical apocalypse, links it to the Russian symbolists of the previous decade.
  • The painting gracefully combines the classical ideal of stability with Romanticism's restless play of unresolvable tensions.
  • I will attempt to translate this one but need a little more time to sift all the romanticism from the sweetness of its flavor. Amor y romanticismo 3
  • Revelling in colour and contrast, drama and dissonance, boldness and individualism, it was the architectural legacy of Romanticism.
  • Of seminal importance for so-called political readings of Romanticism, as well as for the recent, intense debate over new hermeneutic developments in musicology (to name only two discourses), the question may also be formulated thus: is the telos of aesthetic pleasure that of its critical articulation, its redemption by some kind of discursive intelligence? [ The Voice of Critique: Aesthetic Cognition After Kant,
  • Horowitz's Watson cleverly excuses himself right at the start from any complaints about style or content by reminding us of Holmes's oft-stated judgement of the stories: "He accused me more than once of vulgar romanticism, and thought me no better than any Grub Street scribbler. The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz – review
  • The programme for that night was an unapologetic exploration of Russian romanticism spanning approximately 50 years.
  • As a celebrated milestone in the development of British Romanticism, Wordsworth's prefatorial success lay in his proposal of a new artistic mechanism. Haunted Britain in the 1970s
  • Her argument about romanticism - which is one of the primary thrusts of the book - is based on the period's celebration of inwardness and the notion of an essential authorial subject.
  • Christopher's ballets demonstrate a strong musicality and romanticism, which the choreographer says sets him apart from his more avant-garde contemporaries.
  • A very fine soundtrack shifts from a winsome romanticism in the early moments to the jarring untuned piano notes in the latter fraught stages.
  • Though natural history does not privilege the individual moment of perception in quite the way that romanticism does, it does rely on a process of imaginative synthesis.
  • Romantics is by now "hopelessly naive, escapist, and self-deluding," distinguishing between romantic lyric and conventional neoromanticism; while Altieri examines in detail how Arnold’s Wordsworth constructed Introduction
  • Somewhere between Faust's bartered lease on life and the Count's countless days — between the poet seeking an immortality in phrased voice that he thinks will compensate for his soul's fate and the damned polyglot soul so committed to leaving his body's imprint that poetic justice requires his being hounded down by textual inscription — somewhere between these poles falls the watershed Victorian moment of a long if ultimately posthumous Romanticism. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • In the telling of the history of the West, “bottom-up” scholars replaced the silly romanticism of older historians with a far more intelligent and hardheaded narrative of American expansion. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Missing from the first three editions, Blake was no longer "preromantic"; Blake Studies had affected and benefited from ongoing re-evaluations of Romanticism itself, resulting in Blake becoming an essential figure of the movement. Introduction
  • Chandler suggests that casuistry instantiates the very form of deliberation as value-constructing activity, and he explains its historical evolution from the classical Jesuit activity to English Romanticism.
  • A period of classicism in the eighteenth century saw the development of political and social satire, comedy, and romanticism.
  • Berlioz is a composer, conductor and music critic with distinctive character in the Romanticism Times.
  • Though born lame in one leg, and displaying a streak of romanticism, Agesilaus was typically Spartan in his qualities and limitations.
  • When I was an undergraduate student studying sociology we were all warned of the dangers of romanticism.
  • Just like the text by Itard on which it is based, Truffaut's film expresses both the romanticism of Victor's impassioned longing for the woods and the moon, and also the clinical compassion with which his stiff-necked, reserved teacher offers him the values of civilisation. Truffaut: growing backwards into childhood
  • His music unites lyrical Romanticism with the rigours of Baroque and Classical forms.
  • I agree that romanticism aestheticizes everything but I do not see it as conformist in the way you do.
  • As for the discussions within experimentalism itself, one finds a reprise of the same old back-and-forth about romanticism (though keyed to standards of sophistication now often taken from recent theoretical discourse rather thanas was once the casefrom modernist poetry): Is the lyric-romantic legacy simplistic or complex? Sociopolitical (i.e., _Romantic_) Difficulty in Modern Poetry and Aesthetics
  • Mr. Jacobs, having ditched his 60's futurist pastiche from last season, had worked like a dog to turn out a brilliant collection of unpornographic, unironic romanticism: flirty tea dresses, Virginia Woolf coats in denim tweed and gorgeous panne velvet flapper frocks. Marc Jacobs, Circa 2003: Long Hair, Neck Brace & Sweaty (PHOTO)
  • He exaggerates both romanticism's sense of the expansive subject and modernism's sense of the subject suspended within a complex web of signs.
  • Perhaps, in his romanticism about the heartiness and frankness of English football, he found the Leicester doggedness in defence enthralling and cheering.
  • This was contrary to the idea (influenced by Romanticism) that an artist should rely on inspiration and creativity.
  • German chauvinism aside, this was a description of the new spirit of romanticism in opera, and it would be no exaggeration to claim for Cherubini the role of co-founder of German romantic opera. Rodney Punt: Medea Takes Revenge in an Abandoned Warehouse
  • Romanticism valued imagination and emotion over rationality
  • Dacic played this music with idiomatic romanticism and true Russian soul!
  • Expect ripe language, prostitution, low-life characters, black marketeering, drug abuse and more - but there may be a little bit of romanticism even in this grim tale.
  • With both laughter and irritation Phoebe had returned to consciousness ironically amused at how nature could behave with such excessive romanticism.
  • British romanticism transformed the landscape aesthetic towards seeing mountains as sublime and picturesque.
  • There is no dewy-eyed romanticism, no sentimentality though plenty of sentiment.
  • Gone was the woozy romanticism I had wanted to read into his first billet-doux.
  • Throughout his life he read voraciously about the great figures of European romanticism and symbolism.
  • She had little formal education but travelled widely in Europe where her somewhat dramatic taste led to an interest in Italian Mannerism, German Romanticism, Pre-Raphaelitism, and the decadents.
  • This involved a step from classicism towards romanticism - which was also a shift from civilisation towards barbarism.
  • Outside the city, though, his work took on the very different character evident here, combining the lessons of Europe with the pastoral romanticism of Samuel Palmer.
  • Carlson, (Romanticism's) phantasy is our reality test, which she provocatively refers to as the in/fancy of Introduction
  • It is the acme of romanticism; I devoted most of a year's worth of high school study halls to it, along with all of the volumes of Dumas's Three Musketeers series, which I inherited from my grandmother.
  • The score samples the most beautiful, evocative measures from Bernard Herrman's Vertigo score, counterpointing its predecessor's smothering romanticism with its own spare original orchestration.
  • With both laughter and irritation Phoebe had returned to consciousness ironically amused at how nature could behave with such excessive romanticism.
  • Shakspere's influence it might be expected that his would have been the name paramount among the pioneers of English romanticism. A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century
  • Antithesis is not a facile device of rhetorical amplification, as the adversaries of Romanticism have contended.
  • A period of classicism in the eighteenth century saw the development of political and social satire, comedy, and romanticism.
  • But how many on the right, aside from Schmitt, explicitly rejected German Romanticism - the main current of German conservatism, with its organicist ideas of the volk - as intellectually and politically bankrupt?
  • Anglican orthodoxy and conservative political principles insisted on the value of existing institutions, while revolution, Romanticism, and the rise of democracy insisted on the necessity of progress.
  • Historically, vitalism stems from the romanticism of the 19th century, begins the 20th century as a right-wing philosophy, and during the late 20th century becomes a left-wing philosophy as well.
  • He then listed eight distinctive but rather abstractly described features, such as its "antiromanticism," its "premodern" political philosophy, and its "detached attachment" to "bourgeois society and the bourgeois ethos." [ An Anti-Intellectual Intellectual
  • On the other, it made Shakespeare translation the prime site of the struggle between French neoclassicism and German Romanticism for cultural hegemony in Europe.
  • These are said to have been most influential in early nineteenth-century France and Germany and to have had a profound effect on German idealism and on European romanticism in general.
  • It would be of interest to divagate from literature to politics and inquire to what extent Romanticism is incorporate in Imperialism; to inquire to what extent Romanticism has possessed the imagination of Imperialists, and to what extent it was made use of by Disraeli. Imperfect Critics
  • We're in the realm of the satin pointe shoe and the sylphlike ballerina, but any resemblance to floaty romanticism ends there.
  • But, Trimborn writes, despite such arguments, it would be an oversimplification to consider the mountain films exclusively as prefascist creations, as this does not take into consideration the complex roots of the genre, including the literature of Romanticism, the alpinist movement, and the nature cult of the early twentieth century. GreenCine Daily
  • As one might expect from its title, this book enters the critical conversations about Romanticism and orientalism of the last fifteen years, but with an important expansion of focus.
  • The period of history is in harmony with the music, and its romanticism has been reflected in the decors and costumes of the cast.
  • Balanced between neoclassicism and romanticism, the composition appears at once rigidly stable yet inherently fluid.
  • My fourth-graders had been studying painting periods such as Romanticism, impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Cubism, Abstractionism and Surrealism.
  • The wealthy Morris fed Burne-Jones's appetite for aestheticism: They shared an interest in Romanticism, illuminated manuscripts, medieval church interiors and Chaucer. A Penchant for Dreaming
  • [2] The definition is adapted from that provided by Workman in a 1993 essay “Medievalism and Romanticism,” were he declares, “In short, medievalism implies any aspect of the postmedieval response to the Middle Ages” (“Medievalism and Romanticism,” Poetica: An International Journal of Linguistic-Literary Studies (Tokyo) 39-40 (1993): 15 [1-44]). Mission statement and history
  • The fundamental feature of the realismromanticism combination is demonstrated in its effort to portray the image of the socialist New Man, in whom reality and ideal are highly identified.
  • In one break it appeared alongside my current bete noire, the one where a fortyish chap, with a look on his face that I suspect is intended to be misty-eyed romanticism, talks about how instead of doing the weekly shop he would rather be watching the waves break on the shore, or walking with his lovely wife and kids in the park, or be in bed making love to his lovely wife. Magical weekend in Cardiff is in a league of its own
  • Meanwhile, Americanism sets a heavy cultural foundation for American romanticism with its own national characteristics.
  • I believed that his romanticisms were foolish nonsense and were to be looked down upon.
  • The beauty of nature and human feelings were important ideas in romanticism.
  • Novalis's Hymns to the Night were published in Prussia in 1800, when the poet-philosopher was 28; the moment of German romanticism is central to May's argument because he believes the cult of love was born out of "reactions to the irretrievable loss of a divine world-order and the firm moorings it afforded". Love in literature
  • The nineteenth century brought romanticism and realism.
  • McDowell's versions of rural life can at times settle into unearned romanticism.
  • In the first movement the oboe introduces the melody, quasi-ironic in its soupy neo-Romanticism, almost crass except that it avoids predictability, and is counterpointed.
  • An aware, as opposed to naive, romanticism never did anyone any harm.
  • A glimpse at the vice-regal residence reveals a certain Byronic romanticism. It is battlemented , with sham turrets, massive chimney-stacks, and a good deal of carved stone.
  • The postmodernists rejected this viewpoint, however, as excessive romanticism, but Peto would surely not have cared.
  • Romanticism and the political reforms concomitant with liberal thought changed this situation to some extent.
  • One is the use of a shared repudiation of romanticism to denigrate the Stuart cause.
  • The girls tossed flowers and blew kisses as the ranks of military personnel passed by, a supportive gesture tinged with romanticism.
  • Though natural history does not privilege the individual moment of perception in quite the way that romanticism does, it does rely on a process of imaginative synthesis.
  • Balanced between neoclassicism and romanticism, the composition appears at once rigidly stable yet inherently fluid.
  • Horowitz's Watson cleverly excuses himself right at the start from any complaints about style or content by reminding us of Holmes's oft-stated judgement of the stories: "He accused me more than once of vulgar romanticism, and thought me no better than any Grub Street scribbler. The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz – review
  • The sense that romanticism prioritizes image over sound because sound cannot overcome its immanence is unsettled by the voice of Farinelli, which seems to vastly increase the power of sound, his voice having been described by English listeners precisely by drawing on the vocabulary of transcendence. Sounds Romantic: The Castrato and English Poetics Around 1800
  • His poetry is elegant, polished, and witty; as a critic he is one of the main theorists of Russian Romanticism.
  • About the same time I revelled in the romanticism of 'Henry Esmond,' with its pseudo-eighteenth-century sentiment, and its appeals to an overwrought ideal of gentlemanhood and honor. My Literary Passions
  • In Romanticism, the ruin motif is expressed and interpreted in various ways; here the literal ruin or monument, there the figurative ruin of the self, and elsewhere still the formalistic ruin of the Romantic fragment poem, with all of its unsettled meaning. The Ruins of Empire: Nationalism, Art, and Empire in Hemans's Modern Greece
  • The height of romanticism; there was little else I could do apart from down my drink, suppress a ladylike belch and swing my legs around you in an elegant straddle.
  • As an attitude, romanticism can be described as a tendency to favour the spiritual and oppose materialism.
  • This book helps put aside what the late Prof. Takaaki Aikawa described as the ‘somniferous romanticism’ with which the Westerner approaches Japanese studies.
  • However, Symphony #1 holds up quite well to the Haydn and Mozart models, and the 2nd Symphony is close to being a masterpiece of early romanticism.
  • I'm fascinated by the period of early romanticism, when the composers of the time continued to inhabit some classical conventions but work outwards from within those.
  • Marx detested romanticism, emotionalism, sentimentalism and humanitarianism of any kind.
  • In the wake of Romanticism, religion had also become modish. Earthly Powers: Religion and Politics in Europe from the Enlightenment to the Great War
  • That's the difference between romanticism and classicism.
  • This involved a step from classicism towards romanticism - which was also a shift from civilisation towards barbarism.
  • It is time secular and self-proclaimed leftist intellectuals called off their romance with irrationalism and romanticism.
  • We have ditched romanticism for the meanspirited pragmatism that is an essential part of the science of football management. Times, Sunday Times
  • Within a remarkably short span of time they cycled through a variety of literary schools and trends, ranging from neo-romanticism to imagism to surrealism.
  • Shelley's conversations with Southey at this time would have major consequences for the rest of his career; imagining the nineteen-year-old radical visiting the author of Joan of Arc and Wat Tyler two years before Southey's appointment as poet laureate and finding him comfortably settled into Toryism is one of the keys to understanding Shelley's evolving relationship to first-generation romanticism. Young Shelley
  • Heavily influenced by French romanticism, Lanusse's poetry in Les Cenelles highlights love, death, and both the pleasures and the general oppressiveness of life.

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