How To Use Romance In A Sentence
Edgar Allan Poe, I am fond of believing, earned as a critic a good deal of the excess of praise that he gets as a romancer and a poet, and another over-estimated American dithyrambist, Sidney Lanier, wrote the best textbook of prosody in English; [31] but in general the critical writing done in the United States has been of a low order, and most
A Book of Prefaces
Running parallel to this tempestuous relationship is the whirlwind romance between weathergirl Hero, played by Billie Piper, and sports presenter Claude.
The eight romances for saxophone and piano are indeed romantic.
Countless millions here and abroad will be hoping the Royal romance brings joy in dark economic times.
The Sun
Passion abounds in this romance set on Maryland's Eastern Shore, where the rough-hewn Seth Quinn wins over Drusilla, the town's icy beauty.

This World War II romance film makes Amanda feel all warm and cozy, as only stories of convicts and shell-shocked veterans can.
English pastoral was inaugurated by Spenser's verse eclogues in The Shepheardes Calendar and further developed in The Arcadia, a prose romance by Sidney.
For decades, such films were low-grade romances with weak plots interfused with 20-odd musical outbursts.
Bosnia are not simply in Brazil to elicit sympathy or provide romance, and they score an awful lot of goals.
Times, Sunday Times
It's very entertaining to watch and read, and cheaper even than a trashy romance novel.
This is where longtime friendships are fostered, where online acquaintances gather in meatspace, where rivalries and romances blossom.
7 Reasons to Attend Worldcon
Parkhurst tells Bullinger, among other novelties, that Riccio was a necromancer, who happened to be dirked; by whom he does not say.
John Knox and the Reformation
Obviously, then, the average romance reader is not the undereducated, uninformed, subnormal, frustrated housewife of recent mythology.
For a great many men and women, romance can be a most important part of marriage.
Far from the bucolic paradise of popular myth, with lowing herds winding slowly o'er the lea, modern farms have as much romance as a widget factory.
If summer sun is supposed to turn thoughts to romance, this year 's washout must be making the unattached feel as downcast as the overcast skies.
Times, Sunday Times
Hemingway's romance with his nurse inspired him to write 'A Farewell to Arms'.
a life unenlivened by romance
The fairy tale romance has come to an abrupt and totally unexpected end.
They sparked such strong chemistry on set that rumours of an off-screen romance followed.
The Sun
The reader of adventure stories wants romance and vicarious excitement.
Romance is the key with quirky touches including circular beds and exotic chandeliers.
The Sun
Now of the Romance languages, French and Portuguese are harder to learn, and so what are the characteristics there that make them less easy to learn than other Romance languages?
Also, I'm pretty sure that his intuition is correct about the unrequited bromance.
Ambassadors used to have a scent of mystery, secrecy and even of romance about them.
The Romance languages are the modern descendants of Latin, the language of the Roman Empire.
Of his style and manner, if we think first of the romance-poetry and then of Chaucers divine liquidness of diction, his divine fluidity of movement, it is difficult to speak temperately.
The Study of Poetry
Legio (acc. legionem) was formed, in accordance with the nature of the Romance-Castilian language, the name León, and the identity of this name with that of the king of beasts (león, from leo, acc. leonem) perhaps explains how, by what in German is called a
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
Death s inevitable.It's a promise made to each of us at birth.But before that promise is kept,we all hope something will happen to us,whether it is the thrill of romance,the joy of raising a family,or the anguish of great loss.We all hope to experience something that make our lives meaningful,but the sad fact is,not all lives have meaning.Some people spend their time on this planet just sitting on the sidelines,waiting for something to happen to them,before it's too late.
They seem to know that in leaner and livelier form their courtroom dramas, geisha memoirs, and horse-whisperer romances would not be taken seriously, and that it is precisely the lack of genre-ish suspense that elevates them to the status of prize-worthy "tales of loss and redemption.
A Reader's Manifesto
In November the pair rekindled their romance and were pictured out and about and looking loved-up again.
The Sun
It is ridiculous to suggest we are having a romance.
July brings confusion to your romance and you may need to remind yourself why you're in love!
There is not much crossover between readers of modern and historical romances.
A trimmer / helmsman on board had only one thing on his mind when he arrived in Capetown at the end of leg one - romance.
There is a theme running through the magazine of crushes on gorgeous men, and mysterious romances with strange disappearing boys.
Romance is one thing, marriage is quite another.
Drawing on Asian traditions that date back centuries, its spa retreats blend romance and serenity with exotic sensuality.
This story would be highly unremarkable if not for the fact that William Gibson, author of Neuromancer and cyberpunk pioneer, wrote a little rhapsody to the Selectric type ball.
The necromancer appealed for my support, entreating me to stand firm by him, and to have assafetida flung upon the coals; so I turned to Vincenzio Romoli, and told him to make the fumigation at once.
The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
They also star as Ronnie and Sammi, whose hot/cold romance is celebrated in an impassioned duet with a title unprintable here.
NYT > Home Page
Theleb K'aarna had a respect born of fear for the powers of the aeromancer, the rare wizard who could control the wind elementals-and aeromancy was only one of the arts which Elric and his ancestors possessed.
The Bane of The Black Sword
Hopefully this romance will die a natural death, so keep schtum.
The Sun
It is described as a romance, set across the social divide in the world of Victorian industrial society.
Romance is to bid me farewell, but forget-me-not.
This subtle citrusy scent is not overpowering but is strong enough to attract a summer romance.
The Sun
Romance revs up when you hear rock music.
The Sun
The revelation of Niagara Falls as a place of horror dovetailed neatly with the appearance of the Gothic romance in literature.
Could romance be in the air for the young prince?
Yet lumpish Jane's fairytale romance is left stranded on the roadside by the self-centered pragmatism of robbers on the run.
A more light-minded woman than Anna Reynolds might have swooned at the romance of this troubled courtship.
In fact, I was pretty sure that the latest romances were the major topics of the staffroom at recesses and lunchtime breaks.
He was the humorous and satirical idyllist _par excellence_, and laid the scenes of his romances in idyllic surroundings, using the trifling events of daily life to wonderful purpose.
The Development of the Feeling for Nature in the Middle Ages and Modern Times
But it was her romance with the married footballer which last year thrust her back into the spotlight.
The Sun
As their name suggests, ‘romances of real life’ denote a self-consciously oxymoronic genre.
According to UsMagazine. com, Tish and rocker Bret Michaels (yes, the one with the brain hemorrhage and sketchy Billboard cover) were involved in an "on-the-sly romance" that began in February when Michaels and Cyrus released the duet "Nothing to Lose.
Rumor Mill: Miley Cyrus's mom had an affair with Bret Michaels
The writers juggled a nice mix of comedy, drama and romance pretty well, only occasionally stumbling into gooey sentimentality.
Therefore, a number of Category Romance series are listed and briefly annotated below.
Although William Beckford wrote a Gothick romance as reckless and immoderate as himself, his life of epic prodigality would arrest attention had he not written a single line.
Because where better to rekindle a romance than an abandoned car park.
Times, Sunday Times
You're not known for magnanimous gestures when it comes to love and romance but you will really have to try a bit harder.
The Sun
A chance meeting can turn friendship into romance.
The Sun
Conducted in mid-May by polling agency OpinionWay for labour law publishers Tissot Editions, the new survey on workplace romances covered 1,100 people of at least 18 years of age.
Jane had written a short note, thanking me for reading romance novels in general and wishing me luck with my studies.
Perhaps a purer time is near, when, upborne by a sense of the dignity of romance and the sacredness of life, man will refrain from laying rough hands on his mute brothers.
The Kempton-Wace Letters
It also posed one of the great unanswered questions of recent film romances - did they meet again?
[*] Though the judge's portrait, reprinted in White Heat, suggests the very antithesis of Byronic romance, it was very likely Lord in whose arms Emily Dickinson was reputedly once seen "reclining" in the Homestead parlor by her scandalized neighbor/sister-in-law Susan Dickinson.
The Woman in White
Propped up on the orange juice jug in front of her was a thin, trashy romance novel.
As unique as this aspect of the film is, there's no arguing with the fact that this is sugar-coated sappy romance.
In my view, the arrival of a batman with a bucket of water is often inimical to romance.
you may need to flick through Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, a new version of Austen's classic romance into which US writer Seth Grahame-Smith has inserted a series of zombie horror interludes .
The film has a romance that makes it a cinematic experience amid some tough subject matter.
Sooner or later, we begin to understand that love is more than verses on valentines and romance in the movies.
B. Max Mehl once wrote: “In all of numismatics of the entire world, there is not today and there never has been a single coin which was and is the subject of so much romance, interest, comment, and upon which so much has been written and so much talked about and discussed as the United States silver dollar of 1804.”
CLASSIC RARITIES: Adams-Carter 1804 Class III Silver Dollar : Coin Collecting News
There must have been pages upon pages of typewriter paper filled with romance, horror, fantasy and tales of the strange.
For decades, Hindi films were low-grade romances with weak plots interfused with 20-odd musical outbursts.
The fruit of his excursion into the Pawnee country, on the waters of the Arkansas, a region untraversed by white men, except solitary trappers, was “A Tour on the Prairies,” a sort of romance of reality, which remains today as good a description as we have of hunting adventure on the plains.
Washington Irving
But whatever the subject, the mood was predominantly one of escape and the medium one of romance.
But even the most logical of us have illogical moments and problems with romance.
It's that time of year again, when thoughts turn to romance and gallantry.
She says they need to do something drastic to bring back the romance.
The Sun
What are the most brilliant fancies of a child or of a mere ignorant "romancer," compared to the amazing visions of the Arctic regions or the high Alps, which we have seen?
Under the Waves Diving in Deep Waters
They were quick to dismiss rumours of an off-screen romance.
Yet we have a variety of Krishna scenes—here he tackles a demon serpent, there he fights a demon crane, and in a grouping demarcated by darker walls he romances milkmaids, multiplying himself to dance with each individually.
From Stillness, Cosmic Action
She picked up her shoes, exhausted now by her behaviour, no better than a heroine from a slushy romance.
Depending upon the size of the library or the system, one or more romance readers may be found.
It certainly gives me hope that there is a little romance to be found in the world for us normal people, without all the glitz and glamour of a soap opera.
Any second-hand bookseller or charity shop can testify to a roaring trade in the once read and discarded romance volume.
Knox de Valois from the Prophecy series ... i don't know if you'd call it romance but he does have a hot bod and likes to bite the lower lip: -)
Countdown to Branded By Fire: 8 days to go!
She says:'I rekindled an old romance with a younger man two years ago and we are still seeing each other.
The Sun
Today sexual-harassment suits might have shut down his balletic endeavors, for Diaghilev was inveterate about conscripting into romance the young men he made the leading male stars of his company, most notably Nijinsky and Massine.
The Passions of an Impresario
Caliban as rapist threatens the romance of Prospero's colonial husbandry, and the failure of Caliban's education can be seen as a failure to erase a repressed legacy of female-gendered memory.
[455] For the early divisions of verse and prose story were all Topsies, and simply "growed"; although the smaller romances of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century, and the larger of the latter date, were undoubtedly influenced by the Greek, it was more a case of general imitation than specific endeavour; the Sensibility school was very limited and chiefly attended to tricks of manner; and the "Romantic vague" was never vaguer than in the vast and rather formless, though magnificent and delightful, novel-work started by Nodier, Mérimée,
A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
The romance added spice to the holiday.
Twice married to Richard Burton, their romance was named No. 3 in TV Guide Network's special, Hollywood's Greatest Love Affairs of All Time, which will rebroadcast Wednesday at 9 p.m.
What to Watch: Elizabeth Taylor Retrospectives and Marathons
Many people have developed online friendships and romances that have blossomed into offline relationships.
Yet these were the years that most intrigued me; as I continued my research, I found out she may have had a broken romance with Prince Leopold of England but ended up marrying another man (while wearing a diamond brooch from the Prince on her wedding dress); as a mother, she suffered heartbreak during
A Note about Alice I Have Been by author Melanie Benjamin
To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. Oscar Wilde
Just as much of today's horror fiction is vampire-driven, one major branch of modern fantasy -- in novels, "cosplay" (costume play), gaming and comics -- is obsessed with an alternate 19th century, one in which the inventions and mad scientists of Jules Verne, the tweedy science fiction of H.G. Wells and the gaslight romances of Arthur Conan Doyle have been mixed and remixed.
"The Strange Affair of Spring Heeled Jack," steampunk by Mark Hodder
Using a highly scientific personality test, the boffins behind this genius idea will match you up with one of six potential mates who will then romance you via email.
From Honk Kong comes a confusing romance about chance encounters between lovesick cops and unusual women.
The one true romance has had its legs cut out from under it; we are left with the ugly, grotesque caricature of lust that drives these two to their ultimate doom.
Toltecs is merely an euhemerized myth, and they are as pure creations of the fancy as the giants and fairies of mediæval romance.
The Annals of the Cakchiquels
There are other delights around each and every corner of this film… if you like a good romp that has elements of tear-jerking romance.
The implications of such claims, needless to say, are a far cry from traditionary assumptions about romance being a tissue of impossible fantasies and history being a discourse of empirical truth.
We have no physical contact and certainly no romance.
Times, Sunday Times
The Normans; or rather the private adventurers of that warlike people, who founded a powerful kingdom in Apulia and Sicily, shook the throne of Constantinople, displayed the trophies of chivalry, and almost realized the wonders of romance.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Historical romances offer an escape from the present.
Only a cynic would begrudge her this one moment of romance.
Times, Sunday Times
Then Veronica mar was the first show i came across that has all the thing i hope for in a show, wit, a little darkness, spunk, drama, just enough romance, and actually makes you think a little.
It is fair to postulate from the comparison that romantic fantasies for both men and women often involve someone "ordinary" of the intended audience's own sex having a romance with someone "extraordinary" of the opposite sex.
A Modestly Scandalous Confession
For now, everybody will have to pick out little hints of romance with eagle eyes while I cackle in the background.
Emperor Charles V., an accomplished soldier and a learned historian -- such was the creator of the hungry rogue Lazarillo, and the founder of the "picaresque" school of fiction, or the romance of roguery, which is not yet extinct.
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 06 — Fiction
Despite the age gap, romance blossomed.
Roses always seemed more personal; the very epitome of romance.
She says they need to do something drastic to bring back the romance.
The Sun
It was a time when romance reigned supreme.
In the early stage of their friendship, Anna's romance with the widow Lehntman involves their common ‘goodness’: their embodiment of Christian caritas and selfless devotion to others.
Gothic romance: "Now the co-presence of something regular, something to which the mind has been accustomed in various moods and in a less excited state, cannot but have great efficacy in tempering and restraining the passion by an intertexture of ordinary feeling, and of feeling not strictly and necessarily connected with the passion" (609).
Gothic Visions, Romantic Acoustics
There had never been a hint of any romance between them, although their friendship had deepened with each meeting.
Such unintentional romances signal the "unnaturalness" of celibacy, for the priest cannot resist the call of love and desire once exposed to the right woman.
The Little Professor:
What links genuine romance and the showbiz world?
The Sun
They tell tales ranging from courtly romances full of gallant knights and maidens-in-distress to rude fabliaux telling of the perils of drink, fighting and lust!
You can rebuild a rocky relationship or find romance where sport is played.
The Sun
She definitely deserves to find some romance.
The Sun
French is essentially an attempt by the Dutch to speak a Romance language.
The romance was ebbing away fast.
Times, Sunday Times
Some are more thriller than romance.
Perhaps that whirlwind romance was too fast.
The Sun
According to one tradition, the necromancer was the wife of Zephaniah and the mother of Abner (Pirkei de-Rabbi Eliezer [ed. Higger], chap. 32).
Necromancer of Endor: Midrash and Aggadah.
Foreign reporting has obviously always had an aura of romance and adventure - Christiane Amanpour in a black leather jacket!
So far, there had been as much romance as when the farm animals mated.
For example, that familiar animal the cat is called in Guyenne _lou catou_ and even _lou cat_; but the word belongs to the Romance language, and is the same all through Languedoc and
Wanderings by southern waters, eastern Aquitaine
They fumble through their budding romances, discovering meaning as they go.
Death s inevitable.It's a promise made to each of us at birth.But before that promise is kept,we all hope something will happen to us,whether it is the thrill of romance,the joy of raising a family,or the anguish of great loss.We all hope to experience something that make our lives meaningful,but the sad fact is,not all lives have meaning.Some people spend their time on this planet just sitting on the sidelines,waiting for something to happen to them,before it's too late.
The whirlwind romance took a little time to gather speed - just a quarter of a century.
This fairytale city is equal parts European sophistication, stunning scenery and romance.
I read it as a kind of defaced romance; very thin and lean, but all true, and very marvelous as such.
The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol II
WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_
Practical Grammar and Composition
The smokiness of sautéed artichokes suavely romances the seared salmon with roasted tomatoes.
Describing her role as a "raconteur," she said, "Verlaine's poems are sheer romance.
The Milford Daily News Homepage RSS
Left alone, she is exposed to assorted rather too colorful locals: hulks and half-wits, telephone romancers and spurious cops, none of them couth.
When that first romance ended she was extremely good as I nearly dipped out of the course.
Film sets are unreal settings for real romance.
The Sun
Their twin USPs are, first, their cleverly constructed harmonies, which offset the affectlessness of Roxanne Clifford's voice, and, second, that they eschew the twee and embrace the gothic, be it suicide (Beachy Head), romance with the afterlife (Found Love in a Graveyard), or simply nameless dread (Bad Feeling).
Veronica Falls: Veronica Falls – review
She then left her room with a spritz of her favorite perfume… Midnight Romance.
There is no romance or endearing quality about that.
The Sun
The variations for piano and orchestra, on a romance from Morlacci's opera Tebaldo e Isolina, were destined for the court at Parma.
Guisante (Corrupted Latin: Arabo-Romance Spanish Dialect Mozarabic, adopted by Castillian dialect) _Pisum sativum_ (Modern day binomial scientific name of the English pea or Green pea) "Rooted" in the same time frame we had: cicer, cicero (Latin)
Translation for peas & greenbeans (nfm)
The pair have also exchanged flirty messages on social media but have yet to confirm a romance.
The Sun
As romance fiction blossomed, a number of organizations and publications developed to serve it.
In this hothouse atmosphere, romances can quickly grow very intense.
The Sun
The city was and is home to many great painters, sculptors, poets and composers ... a city of romance.
There is Latin itself, which ultimately failed to outlive the imperium and which slowly transmuted into the vernacular Romance languages.
I have about as much finesse when it comes to romance as a lumberjack has when cutting down a tree.
WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_
Practical Grammar and Composition
Starring together in a string of grade B romance adventures, the couple had become the hottest item in Hollywood.
All this questioning is so analytical and clinical — it kills romance.
It was just a holiday romance.
Folk and country, romance and ruefulness, innocence and experience are all conjoined in their bewitching vocal harmonies.
For middle-aged women since the 1950s, Paris has been associated with romance - and sometimes with sex.
What we once enjoyed and maybe even defended against less confused peers can sometimes emerge from the time-fog as a shamefully regrettable “phase” that etches an embarrassing low-water mark for all films (or romances) to follow.
Top 10 Classic Movies That Got it Wrong » Scene-Stealers
Sun, sand and romance - her holiday was complete.
Now he's breaking into the U.S. With more than 50 million YouTube plays, his song "Somebody That I Used to Know" lingers on an expired romance and features ear-grabbing instrumental hooks.
The Short List
As the romance proceeded, she became restless.
They had a whirlwind romance, and after a few months she'd started hinting for a ring.
It was written not in Latin, but in the Romance language.
3.10 About the same time Abbot Benedict ordered the transcription of sixty volumes, containing one hundred titles, for his library at Peterborough. 3.11 By 1244, in spite of losses in the fire of 1184, Glastonbury had a library of some four hundred volumes, historical books consorting with romances, Bibles and patristical works almost crowding out some forlorn classics. 3.12 Nearly half a century later
Old English Libraries; The Making, Collection and Use of Books During the Middle Ages
In a wider sense, the phrase refers to any verb form whose grammatical object is a reflexive pronoun, regardless of semantics; such verbs are also referred to as pronominal verbs, especially in grammars of the Romance languages.
Page 2
Worse, the fact that biopics are structured as heroic romance makes the possibility of dramatic interpretation of character more remote: the knights of romance embody noble ideals and elicit only unmixed reactions.
They made their romance public last week by sunbathing together.
The Sun
‘We romanced the idea of having customers see what's in the store - people and products - when they're not in the store,’ says Zenaide Russack, Canal Jean's manager.
Shakespeare, in Johnson's phrase, lost the world for a quibble and was content to lose it, so does Mr. Meredith discrown himself of the sovereignty of contemporary romance to put on the cap and bells of the professional wit.
Views and Reviews Essays in appreciation
Not even the ladies-in-waiting cared for much except when it had to do with castle romances or flirtations.
Hope's Folly (2009) by Linnea Sinclair blends military SF and romance in a story that pits a rag-tag starship crew against a powerful empire.
MIND MELD: The Best Genre-Related Books/Films/Shows Consumed in 2009 (Part 2)
His accent is that of a Romance language, but I don't know.
With good-looking blokes oozing charm it certainly seems the place for a holiday romance.
The Sun
Two female Romance language instructors were tossed out of their Brooklyn high school after being caught "undressed" in an empty classroom, sources told the Daily News Tuesday. - Business News
The romance of the sea beckoned the young sailors.
New romance waits where items are weighed or measured.
The Sun
Vicente Aranda's take on the story is a classical tale of faithless woman, doomed lover and romance gone awry.
He tells his parents it's just a summer romance, but he's having so much fun that he's thinking about blowing off his career for a year or so.
WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_
Practical Grammar and Composition
In general, violence and romance are uneasy bedfellows.
Imagination, -- all from which, when it was all his own, he had turned half weary and impatient, and termed the exaggerations of a visionary romance, now that the world had lost them evermore, he interpreted aright as truths.
My Novel — Volume 12
Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond.
John W. Whitehead: Have a Very Merry Celluloid Christmas
We are given intimations of romance, all along recognizing that it is unlikely to be realized or consummated.
She says they need to do something drastic to bring back the romance.
The Sun
I comfort myself like this: although I am in the lowest place, seeing now flowers blossoming, I can always witness the romance when the petals fall down and fly in the wind.
This romance is duly mirrored in working-class politics - miners are the Clark Gables, the Reds of class struggle.
Walpole's more aristocratically-detached contemplation of Gothic paraphernalia is precisely what gave rise to the unprecedented amount of Gothic romances in the
Haunted Britain in the 1970s
Death s inevitable.It's a promise made to each of us at birth.But before that promise is kept,we all hope something will happen to us,whether it is the thrill of romance,the joy of raising a family,or the anguish of great loss.We all hope to experience something that make our lives meaningful,but the sad fact is,not all lives have meaning.Some people spend their time on this planet just sitting on the sidelines,waiting for something to happen to them,before it's too late.
I, Madame Zoe, chiromancer, lifelong student of the moldings and markings of the human hand; I, Madame Zoe, to whom no facet of your character or destiny is not readily revealed, I am prepared to ...
Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
There used to be a mystique and romance surrounding actors.
Times, Sunday Times
The Gypsies chiromanced
Jumping back and forth in time, the play follows the couple's romance and Charlie's misadventures in the First World War.
Too many movie romances depend on the love story as a function of the plot, rather than giving us two characters who have appealing qualities or who might actually see something in one another.
The bromance of Claude (Gavin Creel) and Berger (Will Swenson) is front and centre.
Do you enjoy watching soap operas on tv, or reading good fiction or romance novels?
Just as easily, enjoy the laid back casualness of the Breeze Bar with its BBQ by the swimming pool, or the quiet romance of a sunset cocktail in the Aroma Lobby Lounge.