How To Use Roman law In A Sentence
Chthonic law can't be closed; the roman law of the jurists had no mechanism for radical change; hence no mechanism for anything as radical as closure.
In systems based on Roman law, a landowner always had dominium.
under Roman law addiction was the justification for slavery
The Roman law system is historically the most important and influential of all the historic legal systems.
Roman law, which he knew quite a lot about, he treated with deep respect as indispensable for the coherence of society.
Whereas the Roman Law assigns to the term ‘intent to get married,’ an emotive or affective quality is what the canonists now sought to convey.
A modern exemplar is Peter Birks, who was the leading unjust enrichment (restitution) scholar in the English speaking world (as well as being a leading scholar on civil law and roman law).
Europe of the Roman Law (from the twelfth century) to disavow judicial precedent as a source of law, though in reconciling Roman law with custom, judicial ac - ceptance of custom was recognized.
Countercharge system, a very useful system in practice, can be traced back to offset plea in Roman law about 1,300 years ago.
The agnates, who were an important class of kinsmen, in the early Roman law were cognates connected through males either by blood relationship or by the artificial tie of agnation.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
Codex Theodosianus", probably because they were written on parchment sheets bound together in book form, the title lex was given to collections of Roman Law made by order of the barbarian kings for such of their subjects as followed that legislation.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
To make things more complicated, all distinction between agnates and cognates in matters of succession had been abolished at the very time when the great collection of Roman law, the Corpus juris civilis, had been assembled and codified.
In those areas where the Romanized population was the strongest element, such as Italy and southern France, this custom was in effect a barbarized Roman law.
The legal system is based on modified Roman law, with strong protection for the rights of the accused.
An ancient Roman law made it treason for any general to cross the Rubicon and enter Italy proper with a standing army.
Differences between possession in Criminal Law andin Civil law have existed since the Roman law era.
In Roman law obligations, rights, and actions were not embraced in the terms moveables and immoveables.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
S6 pupils also undertake a dissertation on a subject of their own choice such as Roman Law, philosophy, etc.
Roman law included in the term actio both the right of action and the action itself.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
Roman law still forms the basis of our own legal system.
/1/No passage has met my eye in which Bracton expressly decides that an easement goes with the dominant estate upon a disseisin, but what he says leaves little doubt that he followed the Roman law in this as in other things.
The Common Law
Acquisition prescription originated from The Roman Law, constructs the traditional prescription system together with negative prescription in civil law system.
Roman law, architecture[Sentencedict], literature are the glory of the human race.
Roman law distinguished between agnation (a relation through a male person) and cognation (a relation through either a male or a female person).
Roman law and Roman legal practice enriched the system of images of Byzantine hymnography.
The word “postliminy” is listed in the OED as “Roman Law.
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Here, as elsewhere, Coriden notes the tension between the roots of the canons in Roman law and a more recent desire to highlight their connection to the imperatives of the gospel life.
This arrangement is distinguishable from the hypothec of Roman Law and of modern civil law, which is comparable to a mortgage.
The court referred to the concept of arra contractu imperfecto data, a rather obscure institution of Roman law (paras 44-55).
S6 pupils also undertake a dissertation on a subject of their own choice such as Roman Law, philosophy, etc.
Roman law gave a priority to the ius civile, the laws of the city of Rome itself, but there was also the ius gentium, recognitions of the indigenous laws of the gens, the tribes, the other peoples and cultures in the empire.
It did not forbid the disinherison of direct descendants, inasmuch as it did not legislate against a contingency which no Roman lawgiver of that era could have contemplated.
Ancient Law Its Connection to the History of Early Society
Roman law, flocked into such centres; a tenacious and ambitious race of men issued from among the burgesses, who equally hated the naughtiness of the lords and what they called the lawlessness of the peasants.
Mutual Aid; a factor of evolution
Heresy was a crime against the state. Roman law in the Code of Justinian made it a capital offense.
Recall that legal procedures of the chthonic tradition were essentially open ones; there were no barriers such as the praetor of roman law or the chancellor (keeper of the writs) of the common law.
Jesus was a man, of illegitimate birth, of a benevolent heart, and an enthusiastic mind, who set out without pretensions of divinity, ended in believing them, and was punished capitally for sedition by being gibbeted according to the Roman law.
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Hence in Roman law affinity arising from a valid marriage, whether consummated or not, constituted a diriment impediment between the affined in all degrees throughout the direct line, and to the second degree (civil method of computing) in the indirect or oblique line.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
His efforts to explore the ethical basis of legal rules goes along with a more crabbed style than is usual with Roman lawyers.
In Roman law slaves, who were owned as property, could also own property of their own, and all slaves in later times had a peculium, a minimum property attached to them.
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I'm reminded of the first Christian legislators, who didn't quickly abolish the tolerant Roman laws regarding practices which didn't conform to the natural law, or which were actually contrary to it, such as concubinage and slavery," Cardinal Cottier wrote.
The word “Pandects” is a term of great importance in the investigation of the origin of the Roman laws; it points directly and certainly to the fact that the Roman laws, known as the _Pandects_, were gathered from all laws, for such is the import of the term itself when it is associated with the term _laws_.
The Christian Foundation, Or, Scientific and Religious Journal, March, 1880
In Roman law, a marriage was simply an agreement between two free parties.
Property usually concerns families: the Roman law carefully regulated problems of marriage, such as dowries, the rights of women and children, wills, and inheritances.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
For generations it was understood that a beneficium was a purely personal contract entered into under the strict conceptions of the Roman law, and, if no term were mentioned, terminable at the latest at the death of the grantor.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
The author of Glanvill clearly had a sound grounding in Roman law, though the book makes it clear that English law is by no means the same.
Civil law of civil law system adopts and develops the rules of error of the Roman law, but has different models of legislative act in the balance of interests.
Such personality attributes credit in Roman law in Utah for more prominent.
Visitation right is a concrete right comes to existence gradually from the parental power system, which developed from the parental right from Roman law and the Father right from Germanic law.
During this period, Roman Law was used in Holland although it had been subject to changes contributed not only by glossarists and commentators but also by Dutch jurisconsultants.
Rome -- the 'colluvies gentium' -- the sink of the nations, with its conceit, its pomposity, its beggary, its profligacy, its superstition, its pretence of preserving the Roman law and rights, while practically it cared for no law nor right at all.
Roman and the Teuton
But here I cannot forbear taking notice of a remarkable subtilty of the Roman law, in distinguishing betwixt confusion and commixtion.
A Treatise of Human Nature
Its rulers called themselves Roman emperors and its subjects were Roman citizens subject to Roman law.