How To Use Roman emperor In A Sentence
Constantine I, baptized on his deathbed, was the first Christian Roman emperor.
Within less than 300 pages, he tells the whole complicated story of 13th century Mediterranean history - the struggles of the Hohenstaufen dynasty to maintain their power as Holy Roman Emperors after the death of Frederick II; the growth of the power of Aragon; the political machinations by the Popes; the doggedness of the Byzantine emperor Michael Paleologus.
The Sicilian Vespers, by Sir Steven Runciman
That many an author has sunk to silence from the adjudgment of this tribunal is undoubtedly the case; but it reminds me of a judicious Roman emperor I have read of, who ordered the greater part of the writ - ings of the primal poets of his country to be burnt, that the world might be troubled with them no longer.
The rosary, or Beads of love [verse]. With the poem of Sula
How this woman's life evolved from serving wench to mother of the Roman Emperor, including her conversion to Christianity when being a Christian carried a death sentence, the finding of the True Cross under three centuries of debris, her association with the construction workers who were assisting her in building a church at Calvary is the fascinating story of Santa Elena, which can be found in Mexico Connect at SANTA ELENA, DISCOVERER OF THE HOLY CROSS
The Day Of The Holy Cross - May 3rd
In the 4th century, Roman Emperor Constantine the Great converted to Christianity and created a Christian empire, prompting the building of many new churches.
King of France (55-547) who waged four wars against Holy Roman Emperor Charles V from 52 to 544. A patron of the arts, he reigned during the Renaissance in France.
The second Roman expedition leads directly to the Rescript of Honorius, the document with force of law with which the Western Roman emperor, Honorius, directed Britain's local authorities to take arms and defend themselves, in the course of the turmoil of 410AD.
Atop their pillars round the Sheldonian Theatre, the busts of Roman emperors cast classically guarded looks at his retreating figure.
The Collectanea argued that since AD 187 the king of England had enjoyed secular imperium and spiritual supremacy within his realm, powers modelled on the kings of Israel and later Roman emperors.
On the report of his ambassadors, the chagan was awed by the apparent firmness of a Roman emperor of whose character and resources he was ignorant.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The title assumed by the Roman emperors after Julius Caesar.
Easton's Bible Dictionary
A pirate, a rural French bug collector, a Soviet mineralogist and a Holy Roman Emperor count among this volume's contributors.
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At that time, the Roman Emperor Claudius II was cruel and involved in many wars.
Julius Caesar, which Voltaire reworked in alexandrines, amplifies the patriotic and republican spirit of the Roman Emperor.
William at first could only defend, but after he rebuilt the Netherlands army and allied with the Holy Roman Emperor and the elector of Brandenburg, the provinces were recovered.
In 1520 he was crowned Holy Roman emperor, and until he abdicated in 1556 his reign was troubled by religious disputes and wars.
Professor Greg Snyder of Davidson College in the US, one of the leading experts in the study of the ancient practice of number mysticism (known as 'gematria'), says that the number 666 is most likely to refer to Nero Caesar (a Roman emperor who was particularly unpopular with early Christians, thanks to his habit of turning them into candles) because when that name is transliterated into Hebrew and the numerical equivalent of each letter is added up, the total comes to 666.
06.06.06 - A Date with The Devil
On top of all that, she wore a wreath of laurel leaves on her head, like some sort of Roman emperor.
According to one story the Roman Emperor in the A . D . 200's forbade young men to marry.
Visitors to Valencia usually expect to find a town packed with remnants of the days when it was ruled by Roman emperors, Visigoth princes, Moorish caliphs and Christian kings.
Bob Schulman: Valencia: From Oranges to Operas
There weren't any Roman emperors about to barter oysters weight by weight for gold, as they did in the ancient past.
I felt like a Roman emperor, looking down on my subject wondering whether to show mercy or cruelty.
The cathedral was built, as most cathedrals in the German Empire at that time, with two choirs, an east choir for the high altar, and a west choir were the Emperor and his court would assist (remember that the Roman Emperors of the middle ages had no fixed capital, but moved from city to city; actually, Bamberg cathedral is not exactly oriented, thus the east choir is actually east-northeast, and west choir west-southwest).
Catholic Bamberg: The Cathedral
But we speak now separately of human testimony, according to which — that which the Grecians call apotheosis, and the Latins relatio inter divos — was the supreme honour which man could attribute unto man, specially when it was given, not by a formal decree or act of state (as it was used among the Roman Emperors), but by an inward assent and belief.
The Advancement of Learning
France also played a central part in the formulation of a coalition that included Denmark, Holland, England and Frederick of the Palatinate who allied against the might of the Holy Roman Emperor.
These sheikhs were acknowledged as such by the Roman emperors who gave them the title of phylarch.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
While the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, might be God's sworn defender, he wasn't above using the swords of heretics to swell his army and terrify his enemies.
The nominal conversion of the Roman emperor Constantine the Great to Christianity indeed led to compromise and apostasy .
Legend has it a notorious robber baron from the 15th century escaped the revenge of the Holy Roman Emperor with his family and they settled in this castle.
Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus, popularly known simply as Tiberius, was the Roman emperor at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
The fiscus was the organization managing the pubic property, income and expenditures of the Roman Emperor.
Andivius Hedulio Adventures of a Roman Nobleman in the Days of the Empire
The Roman name "Philistia" was a fiction invented by the Roman emperor Hadrian after the Bar Kochba Revolt in 135 C.E., a fiction of Hadrian then, and a fiction of the Arabs today, to the same degree.
Archive 2001-09-01
Conradin, the last legitimate male heir of the Hohenstaufen dynasty of Kings of Germany and Holy Roman Emperors, is executed along with his companion Frederick I, Margrave of Baden by Charles I of Sicily, a political rival and ally to the hostile Catholic church.
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Some say the Roman emperor Nero invented ice cream to satisfy his sweet tooth.
Perhaps could the eye of Anastasius have pierced through the mists of seven future centuries, could he have foreseen the insults, the extortions, the cruelties which a Roman Emperor at Constantinople was to endure at the hands of "Frankish" invaders, [111] he would not have been so eager in his worship of the new sun which was rising over Gaul from out of the marshes of the Scheldt.
Theodoric the Goth Barbarian Champion of Civilisation
But given that most Roman emperors expected to be apotheosized after death, at least his choice of signature had some logic behind it.
Please remain seated - Beyond The Commons -
This is the only example portraying a Roman Emperor which has survived intact from such an early age.
While the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, might be God's sworn defender, he wasn't above using the swords of heretics to swell his army and terrify his enemies.
D. the Germanic general Odacer or Odovacar overthrew the last of the Roman Emperors, Augustulus Romulus.
Think Progress » At least 112.
Roman emperors attained not this right by a senatus-consultum, duly founded upon a plebiscitum, it is very likely that they fully enjoyed it by the courtesy of the ladies.
A Philosophical Dictionary
The room is furnished with a set of Roman emperors, -- they are not placed in their proper order; for in the mad revelry of the evening, this family of frenzy have decollated all of them, except Nero; and his manners had too great a similarity to their own, to admit of his suffering so degrading an insult; their reverence for _virtue_ induced them to spare his head.
The Works of William Hogarth: In a Series of Engravings With Descriptions, and a Comment on Their Moral Tendency
Carr often professes admiration for the sage detachment of the ancient Roman emperor-philosopher Marcus Aurelius.
In the sixteenth chapter, Gibbon examinees the persecution of Christians by several Roman emperors.
All the rest is a soap opera dreamed up by politicians and their lickspittles in the London media, just as mad Roman emperors gave their citizens bread and circuses to keep them from revolting.
Problem is that those kept staying in the long run. *waves to Odovacar who sent the last Roman emperor packing and took the job himself* :
Birdoswald Roman Fort: dating the post-Roman use of the site
The full range of vices attributed to decadent Roman emperors was to be found in the private dachas and public buildings of 1930s and 1940s Russia.
Set during the era of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, Gladiator casts Joaquin Phoenix as Aurelius's villainous heir who imprisons hero general Maximus and forces him to become a gladiator.
If the bold scheme could be carried through there would again be a Roman emperor in the West, Latin Christianity would stand strong and unified against schismatic Byzantium and threatening Saracens, and, by the awe and magic of the imperial name, barbarized Europe might reach back across centuries of darkness, and inherit and Christianize the civilization and culture of the ancient world.
Charlemagne, King of the Franks, 28 Jan 814
Whether forced or voluntary, Roman emperors, kings and queens, hereditary princes and grand dukes and, yes, even popes have abdicated.
In 476 AD, the last Roman Emperor Romulus Augustulus was dethroned by the German general Odoacer, ending the Western Empire.
Philip Giraldi: Neocon Ancient History
Both St. Peter and St. Paul suffered martyrdom under the Roman Emperor Nero about 65 A . D .
In the sixteenth chapter, Gibbon examines the persecution of Christians by several Roman emperors.
The pope went on in 1303 to confirm the disputed choice of Albert of Hapsburg as Holy Roman Emperor and announce that the emperor was overlord of all other rulers, including the king of France.
Yet, for all that, he was vain and weak-willed and insecure - qualities that do not make for good Roman emperors.
Part Roman emperor, part chief slaughterman, Cowell and his talent abattoir are backX Factor Autotune row hits the wrong notes
TV review: The X Factor
The cult of the Roman emperor was sacrilege to Jews and Christians.
It was reinforced in the middle of the sixteenth century by the attempts of Ferdinand I, the Holy Roman emperor and Bohemian king, to bring the population back under the influence of the Roman Catholic Church.
The cult of the Roman emperor was sacrilege to Jews and Christians.
Whether forced or voluntary, Roman emperors, kings and queens, hereditary princes and grand dukes and, yes, even popes have abdicated.
Himmler modeled not only these outward symbols but also the hierarchic structure of SS leadership itself after the pattern of the orders blessed by the Holy Roman Emperors.
The highest price at the auction was paid for a Roman gold medallion of 4 aurei struck in AD 308 for the Roman Emperor Maxentius.
A famous bearer of the name was Publius Aelius Hadrianus, better known as Hadrian, a 2nd-century Roman emperor who built a wall across northern Britain.
Neth Space
For several years, Benedict lived as a hermit in a cave at Subiaco, where the Roman Emperor Nero had had a villa centuries earlier.
In the 11th century it became an independent countship, and from the 12th century its rulers were vassals of the Holy Roman Emperor and came to style themselves ‘princes’.
It is a most apt and elegant expression of the Roman emperor Marcus Antioninus to this purpose, who says, "Such an inordinate self-love is like an ulcer, or imposthumated part, that draweth all to itself, and starveth the body to which it belongs.
The Whole Works of the Rev. John Howe, M.A. with a Memoir of the Author. Vol. VI.
The idea that the word "ambulance" comes from the Latin word to walk, "ambulare", proved particularly intriguing, as did the fact that the months July and August were named after the first two Roman emperors, Julius Caesar and Augustus.
The Guardian World News
Its rulers called themselves Roman emperors and its subjects were Roman citizens subject to Roman law.
The German emperor claimed the title of Holy Roman Emperor, but where did that leave the French king - as his permanent vassal?
It was traditional by this time that only this German king could also be crowned Holy Roman Emperor, though this could be done only by the pope or a papal legate.