How To Use Roiling In A Sentence

  • In broiling or grilling, the food is cooked directly over a very hot flame.
  • The juicy yet slightly overcooked burger would have benefited from a nice charbroiling, the flavor of smoke and fire would have added some much needed depth. NYC Food Guy
  • Patches of pale blue appeared fleetingly, punch holes of sanity beneath the roiling storm clouds. Mercy Kill
  • Baking, broiling, or poaching fish will help you avoid extra calories from breading and frying.
  • A kind of grayness moved through me, thick and heavy like the fog roiling overhead. Hoodwink
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  • Suddenly I was on the barren playas of Tierra del Fuego, the broiling ground belching huge clouds of sulfurous gases into the heavy atmosphere.
  • Those on Wall Street had used their usual instrument - fear of 'roiling' the markets NYT > Home Page
  • Bread meat, chicken and fish rather than broiling or roasting them.
  • Suddenly I was on the barren playas of Tierra del Fuego, the broiling ground belching huge clouds of sulfurous gases into the heavy atmosphere.
  • Worry about liquidity is roiling the metals markets as expectations that euro-zone leaders will inject capital into the region's lenders fail to allay fears over the banking sector's health. Metal Market Loses Rose-Tinted Specs
  • After doing their time at the Hawara checkpoint, Omer and his company spent a few high-adrenaline months in Nablus, a city roiling with politics and rebellion, which the Israelis considered to be a major source of terrorism. The Checkpoint
  • Suddenly I was on the barren playas of Tierra del Fuego, the broiling ground belching huge clouds of sulfurous gases into the heavy atmosphere.
  • Then you had Watergate, so there was turbulence and all this sort of sense of the country kind of roiling all the time. CNN Transcript Jan 2, 2007
  • Being an "empath" may explain her wistful connection to the roiling waves of the ocean, the sanctuary it provides, and the sexual urges that seem to emanate from fathoms below … Archive 2007-02-01
  • Watching these roilings and cavortings I began to understand why Luman had been so reluctant to enter this room. GALILEE
  • I have linked to the recipe, but truthfully I found broiling the ground beef and bulghur patties to make them too dry. Archive 2008-09-01
  • It wavered, its substance changing, dissolving into a form of roiling water which reached out to seize her. THE GREENSTONE GRAIL: THE SANGREAL TRILOGY ONE
  • These measures are too polite, too distant from the roiling consumer psyche to be of much use anymore.
  • The only protection between my new plants and the broiling sun was a thick mulch of rye straw.
  • Mrs. Donovan caught the aroma of broiling steak, bacon crisping in a frying pan, and onion slices sautéing with fresh mushrooms in butter from where she was relaxing in the basement.
  • Instead, FEMA says help is coming, while people exist without water and food in broiling heat.
  • Bachmann has been riding around Iowa in her bus, with Elvis music and her name emblazoned 25 times on the outside, mocking Obama for going to Camp David last weekend and burrowing in, while the country was roiling. NYT > Home Page
  • And as for going as cook, — though I confess there is considerable glory in that, a cook being a sort of officer on ship-board — yet, somehow, I never fancied broiling fowls; — though once broiled, judiciously buttered, and judgmatically salted and peppered, there is no one who will speak more respectfully, not to say reverentially, of a broiled fowl than I will. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • Volcanic lightning occurs when roiling ash particles rub against each other and become electrically charged.
  • Beef is perfect for broiling, especially tender cuts like rib eye and sirloin.
  • I never fancied broiling fowls; -- though once broiled, judiciously buttered, and judgmatically salted and peppered, there is no one who will speak more respectfully, not to say reverentially, of a broiled fowl than I will. Moby Dick, or, the whale
  • In the afternoon everyone's broiling in the pit; at rush hour it's dense and frenetic.
  • Jump out now," Ashley urged, as the raft maneuvered effortlessly through the roiling river. The Horror Movie That Was Only in My Head
  • Abdullah, his Ugandan freight-agent, had been waiting on the broiling tarmac when he climbed down from the Canadair. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • Or, to put it as some aspiring writers might: without embroiling us in superfluous polysemousness, it must be averred that the aesthetic propensities of a vainglorious tome toward prolixity or indeed even the pseudo-pragmatic co-optation — as by droit du seigneur — of an antiquitarian lexis, whilst purportedly an amendment to the erudition of said opuscule and arguably consanguinean (metaphorically speaking) and perhaps even existentially bound up with its literary apprizal, can all too facilely directionize in the azimuth of fustian grandiloquence or unmanacle unpurposed (or even dystelelogical) consequences on a pith and/or douceur de vivre level vis-à-vis even the most pansophic reader. Author! Author! » 2010 » August
  • France is under heavy pressure by international investors to rein in chronic budget deficits to reassure investors that the country won't be contaminated by the sovereign-debt crisis roiling Greece and other Southern European nations. Socialists Square Off: Who's to Face Sarkozy?
  • As the roiling backwash streamed past, it scoured around me, and when the froth cleared, there beneath my feet were multitudes of clams, all small and without hydroids.
  • You talk to me of heat, when we are freezing beneath our bearskins; you recall the broiling rays of the sun when its April beams cannot melt the icicles on our lips! The Fur Country
  • In broiling or grilling, the food is cooked directly over a very hot flame.
  • In Benghazi, the country's second-largest city and the hub of eastern Libya, a group of army colonels who recently defected said they are plotting the end their former commander's 42-year reign, which began to crumble last week as Libyans joined the antiauthoritarian protests roiling the Arab world. Libya Rebels Tighten Noose
  • She and her sister Lucy were scrambling up a Ligurian hillside under the broiling Italian sun when they spotted a tumbledown house.
  • In some methods of cookery, such as broiling and roasting, the extractives are retained, while in others, such as those employed for making stews and soups, they are drawn out. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 3: Soup; Meat; Poultry and Game; Fish and Shell Fish
  • To help keep larger cuts of meat from drying out while broiling, grilling or baking, sear them first.
  • Peering though the roiling mist, Andrew could see back-lit shapes moving within.
  • Because in the roiling cauldron of activity that galaxy formation, some stars go supernova.
  • It requires nerve, as the milk ensures the superheated sugar rises in roiling fury up the sides of the saucepan, as a kind of white volcanic lava. 2009 December « Tales from the Reading Room
  • At a time of dissolving borders and distances the nation as a whole, with 92 million inhabitants, an impressive system of electronic communications, and a whole new subproletariat in shantytowns trying to fight its way into the middle class, is due for another decades-long round of roiling, combustible history. History Moving North
  • And up from the city of fumes and smoke rose a broiling cloud of steam, covering the stars.
  • Stepping back a couple of paces in the roiling smoke, he aimed the shotgun at the lock and pulled the trigger.
  • So think of us in NSW this weekend, slowly broiling. Clone Wars 4 update
  • The women toil in the broiling sun, backs bent, feet bare, working for hours at a stretch with a mattock, for most the only tool for every job.
  • Suddenly I was on the barren playas of Tierra del Fuego, the broiling ground belching huge clouds of sulfurous gases into the heavy atmosphere.
  • Outside, in the broiling humidity, with his venerable coach Brooks Johnson and the 110m hurdler David Oliver, who won bronze at both the last Olympics and world championships, Gatlin limbers up gingerly. Justin Gatlin: I got to the point where I said, 'I don't care anymore'
  • We have seen that the opposite of boiling is imperfect boiling: now there is something correspondingly opposed to the species of concoction called broiling, but it is more difficult to find a name for it. Meteorology
  • After explanation of the fish come general hints on how to cook fish, from deep frying, steaming, broiling and cooking it in butter.
  • And the achievement — the glottal suspense of "Beat It," the aspirated frenzy of "Dont Stop 'til You Get Enough," the roiling, implacable funk of "Billie Jean," the impregnable position of "Thriller" as the greatest novelty single of all time — was, even as my taste in pop became more jaded and skeptical, persistently superb. Archive 2009-06-01
  • He twists his tall, wiry frame and points downstream to where the roiling current is slamming into a stone wall.
  • But wood-fired ovens go far beyond bread, and are capable of roasting, broiling, steaming or braising.
  • Tomorrow afternoon Lovely, Colicky and I are gonna meet friends B & T + lil S! at KevMart's place, and we'll be charbroiling fresh oysters all afternoon. Your Right Hand Thief
  • It was all very familiar to the squirrels, save for the object that turned and turned in the centre of the roiling water in the pool. A DEATH IN TIME
  • And if you're not broiling in the sun and wearing enough sunscreen, you're safe, right?
  • We are broiling in this hot sun!
  • Young Tess and her neighborhood friends are broiling in the hot sun, their inner city block having been deprived of moisture for a long time.
  • Their companions dropped their spectral hands without a thought, their memory fading like a frost, their lover roiling alone in her sheets, the guy at the bar asking “Did I order two?” GONE • by Christopher P. Garlington
  • Ghorbanifar is a storied figure who played a key role in embroiling the Reagan administration in the Iran-Contra affair. Primary Returns
  • The implication is that the writer of such works does the disengaging, disembroiling and disencumbering from experience as we know it, while the author of novels reports faithfully on all our encumbrances.
  • This is a good description of what I would call braising, at least here in the U.S. Could this be a confusion of the terms braising and broiling? BROIL/GRILL.
  • _Roasting_ is just like broiling, that is, cooking a piece of meat before an open fire. Maintaining Health Formerly Health and Efficiency
  • In this city, lingering fear takes the form of a roiling, oily fog that covers victim, attacker, and crime.
  • Liver may only be koshered through broiling, because of the preponderance of blood in it.
  • She was a prudent woman, that poor mother of mine, and she was afraid of her son's chastising what she called presumption, and thus embroiling himself with the Parliament people. Stray Pearls
  • When plans call for grilling, sauteing, or broiling, quail takes well to marinating for flavor enhancement.
  • -- The cooking process known as broiling consists in exposing directly to the source of heat the food that is to be cooked; that is, in cooking it over or before a clear bed of coals or a gas flame. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 1: Essentials of Cookery; Cereals; Bread; Hot Breads
  • As a youth, I recall spending hours under a broiling June sun, picking tiny wild strawberries for desserts.
  • Or, to put it as some aspiring writers might: without embroiling us in superfluous polysemousness, it must be averred that the aesthetic propensities of a vainglorious tome toward prolixity or indeed even the pseudo-pragmatic co-optation — as by droit du seigneur — of an antiquitarian lexis, whilst purportedly an amendment to the erudition of said opuscule and arguably consanguinean (metaphorically speaking) and perhaps even existentially bound up with its literary apprizal, can all too facilely directionize in the azimuth of fustian grandiloquence or unmanacle unpurposed (or even dystelelogical) consequences on a pith and/or douceur de vivre level vis-à-vis even the most pansophic reader. Author! Author! » 2010 » August
  • How will those hardy minions survive the summer blasts of arctic air conditioning in between the bouts of broiling street heat beneath searing serge?
  • All I felt was frustration and anger and hot emotions roiling through me.
  • Bobby Darin had now secured a place in nearly every entertainment niche, but storm clouds were roiling, and two earthshaking thunderclaps would shatter his world in 1968.
  • At worst, I would end up falling off the bridge and into the roiling waters of the gorge below. The Rainbow Clockwerkz
  • Battling acrophobia and nausea as you scale the mast of this 104-foot-tall ship to the crow's nest and peer down into the roiling water below.
  • Toyota's European division saw sales drop 20% to 44,462 vehicles in February from a year earlier, suggesting that the global recall embroiling the world's largest auto maker by sales took its toll. European Car Sales Rise; Toyota Slumps 20%
  • The first thing Berner did was to take the girl with him to the woods; Sunday after Sunday they went to Nordmarken, in broiling sunshine or pouring rain, in the thaws of spring, and in winter on ski. Jenny: A Novel
  • In addition, the spacecraft will follow an orbit that requires it to pass only briefly over Mercury's hottest regions, limiting exposure to the intense heat bouncing back from the broiling surface.
  • Liver may only be koshered by the broiling method, because it has so much blood in it and such complex blood vessels.
  • However, as The Wall Street Journal noted last week, the nation's high unemployment rate is charbroiling fast-food chains, even as the rest of the economy recovers. Headlines
  • Perhaps the time spent away from him would help her regain some control over the wild emotions roiling inside her.
  • Actually, the gradualness of their descent helped control the turbidity, so whenever Dortmunder aimed his flashlight back up the track there was very little extra roiling of the water. Drowned Hopes
  • And it is the subsequent mourning for two English romantics in this same poem, Wordsworth following Byron, that gets more than its share of the prelinguistic "Ah" — and with it a subtextual roiling of further elegiac energy at the phonemic level. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • The tough, stringy gristle of the child psyche is tenderized, and, after prolonged broiling, at the maw of bedtime, child flesh goes down easy. The Case Against Summer
  • Dry heat develops the best flavour, hence the tender cuts are cooked by the processes known as broiling and roasting. Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Household Science in Rural Schools
  • In the great Chaplin-versus-Keaton debate that's been roiling for decades among cinephiles, I come down firmly on the Chaplin side.
  • My brother's old chocolate lab, charbroiling patently in the late May sun. Blog: May 2009
  • In broiling or grilling, the food is cooked directly over a very hot flame.
  • To recreate the scene, imagine the aftermath of the battle of Maldon restaged on the nursery ground's sodden and sticky turf: entire divisions of genial, man-shorted, smartphone-braying figures roiling giddily from bench to grass, many already on their knees, others entirely capsized. Sozzled - how English cricket got lost in drink | Barney Ronay
  • The founder of the Clan supposedly wasexiled 1, 500 years ago from Ireland because he was a hothead whom his familydisowned for embroiling them in fights.
  • The tension between Dave and Connie in her room is broken by its arrival along with a roiling, almost opera buffa, programmatic theme from Deutsch's music track.
  • It was the sort of roiling, writhing ancientness I expected.
  • A sky of roiling colors, and a shore upon which the waters of the dream-sea threw themselves, dark and foamy. EVERVILLE
  • the river's roiling current
  • The proposal to erect an eruv is roiling Westhampton Beach and nearby communities where the religious boundary would extend. Beach Community Divided by a Line
  • As a chef, one should manipulate cooking techniques such as frying pan - frying, braising and broiling.
  • While again Rawsthorne doesn't go so far as to lose his head or wear his heart on his sleeve, one gets the impression of great passions roiling under a relatively calm surface.
  • They shot downward, through the roiling waves of electroluminescence, and into the protecting grooves of the disk. Tides Of Light
  • Something of Turner's seascapes, where everything appears to be roiling, comes through.
  • We are broiling in this hot sun!
  • Latovsky remembered Riley broiling steaks on it last summer. DOLL'S EYES
  • The air sizzled as oxygen was greedily consumed by the roiling ball of fire.
  • Troops stood at attention under a broiling noon sun.
  • And as for going as cook, -- though I confess there is considerable glory in that, a cook being a sort of officer on ship-board -- yet, somehow, I never fancied broiling fowls; -- though once broiled, judiciously buttered, and judgmatically salted and peppered, there is no one who will speak more respectfully, not to say reverentially, of a broiled fowl than I will. Moby-Dick, or, The Whale
  • A long pull up the hill in broiling sunshine brings us at last to the houses and the church. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • Â She now sits on her throne on an abandoned world, trying to control the eldritch power roiling within her. Dueling Review: Adventure Comics #4 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • There was relatively clear air here, with a low ceiling of roiling, ashy smoke through which flaming missiles broke.
  • That's the kind of stuff that comforts us when we read it, that keeps the patina of civilization over the roiling stewpot of daily business. Fortune's Stanley Bing: How to Bury Your Former Partner
  • If Zeus and Hera started at it hammer and tongs, they might not even notice charbroiling a more or less innocent mortal bystander by mistake. Counting Up, Counting Down
  • The creature was looking up through the roof of the temple, into the roiling wall of the invader. EVERVILLE
  • Newspapers that expect to attain eternal life as lighthouses amidst the roiling darkness of "data smog" (a fine coinage of onliners) will have to smarten up.
  • Touring bassist Dave Pajo the former Slint guitarist animated even the draggier songs, and the interplay of his booming patterns and Kessler's roiling guitar was worthy of Interpol's classic punk-meets-disco models. In concert: Interpol at DAR Constitution Hall
  • None of this elaborate stuff but simple seasoning and charbroiling. Taps
  • It wavered, its substance changing, dissolving into a form of roiling water which reached out to seize her. THE GREENSTONE GRAIL: THE SANGREAL TRILOGY ONE
  • But the broiling is a neat trick, I haven’t heard of that before! Bento #94 – Weekend leftovers and Weekend candy « Were rabbits
  • Maybe it was sight of the axletree, maybe it was just the roiling confusion of his life, but he felt fury rise in him like that he felt in the dreams where he swung a sword. Lord of the Isles
  • Day after day, with the others, Luke picks the cotton bolls under the broiling sun.
  • We went to the best big hotel there, and such was the miserable discomfort of our accommodation, that after enduring it for one day, we all agreed with common consent to return home, and having been obliged to have a fire, and being chilled through with the bitter sea blast, we traveled back to Philadelphia in broiling scorching heat, and were thankful at any price to be in our own houses again. Further Records, 1848-1883: A Series of Letters
  • Build it inside a ring of rocks or logs to hold the frying pan, and feed dry wood into the fire to keep the oil roiling, which is key for crispy fish. Four Types of Cooking Fires and What Foods to Cook on Them
  • Or, to put it as some aspiring writers might: without embroiling us in superfluous polysemousness, it must be averred that the aesthetic propensities of a vainglorious tome toward prolixity or indeed even the pseudo-pragmatic co-optation — as by droit du seigneur — of an antiquitarian lexis, whilst purportedly an amendment to the erudition of said opuscule and arguably consanguinean (metaphorically speaking) and perhaps even existentially bound up with its literary apprizal, can all too facilely directionize in the azimuth of fustian grandiloquence or unmanacle unpurposed (or even dystelelogical) consequences on a pith and/or douceur de vivre level vis-à-vis even the most pansophic reader. Author! Author! » Blog Archive » Speaking of dialogue revision, part VI: and then there’s the fine art of doing it right, or, love, agent-style
  • Roiling waters in the streets have given way to festering piles of garbage on the curbs.
  • We lay broiling in the sun.
  • But the restaurant industry says the timing couldn't be worse because of the economy, and that new charbroiling equipment can cost owners from $2,000 to $100,000 per year. The Modesto Bee: Front
  • The current theory of Huerta's conduct in embroiling Mexico with the United States gives one pause to contemplate as amazing a situation as is conceivable in a particular man's affairs. The Red Game of War
  • The town was broiling in the sun
  • Bent in two, I lifted my eyes and saw a roiling, black plume of ash and debris ascending into the sky.
  • I clung to the deck while the vessel bucked in the roiling air like a frightened horse! ANTI-ICE
  • Fear of the secret knowledge she felt seething and broiling in the book she held under her arm. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • The demoness lay wrapped in shadows, her pale skin roiling and flowing with inky blackness while ebony flames of darkfire danced across her skin. Wit'ch Storm
  • Each sentence begins with a standard verb phrase, embellished by a series of participles: tumbling, roiling, separating in the one; carrying, bouncing in the other. Deconstructing Obama
  • And as for going as cook, - though I confess there is considerable glory in that, a cook being a sort of officer on ship-board - yet, somehow, I never fancied broiling fowls; - though once broiled, judiciously buttered, and judgmatically salted and peppered, there is no one who will speak more respectfully, not to say reverentially, of a broiled fowl than I will. ZGeek
  • A century or more ago, every Independence Day parade would be followed by a frock-coated local politician waxing eloquent on patriotic themes for an hour or two, heedless of the broiling sunshine.
  • At each landing is an open porch, supported by columns and protected from exposure to the broiling sun, where the visitor can pause to enjoy a quiet moment in the cool shade.
  • That said, his third solo exhibition at Kasmin featured 10 roiling, deliquescent abstractions that refer less to nature than to the mediated status of its representation.

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