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Rogation Day

  1. one of the three days before Ascension Day; observed by some Christians as days of supplication

How To Use Rogation Day In A Sentence

  • Initially, however, the king did not wait for a rogation day to collect the necessary revenues for the young prince's household. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • Speaking of the Fraternity, they also have put up some images of their rogation day observances; here is a sample: Children's Feast of St. Jean Baptist de la Salle and Rogation Day Procession
  • This general chapter assembled once a year, at Sempringham, on the rogation days, and was attended by the prior, cellarer, and prioress of each house. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
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