How To Use Rodent In A Sentence

  • Simply inserting the word "conservation" in the pesticide label and slightly watering down the percentage of the active ingredient, brodifacoum, does not make this rodenticide safe for wildlife, nor will it make it any less persistent. Maggie Sergio: The Proposal to Poison a Wildlife Refuge
  • Among these are the best specimen of the dome-skulled chalicothere Tylocephalonyx skinneri, and type specimens of several other mammals, including rodents, oreodonts and carnivores.
  • Foxes as predators prey on lambs and chickens and kill native small marsupials and rodents.
  • The most common bird of prey is the kestrel, which feeds chiefly on rodents such as mice and voles but will occasionally take small birds, beetles, small frogs, etc.
  • Herbert recognized in this animal the capybara, that is to say, one of the largest members of the rodent order. The Mysterious Island
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  • The residents have been overrun with the lop-eared rodents residing in the parklands and King George Park.
  • Agricultural pesticides may be applied by farmworkers or growers to reduce infestations of insects or rodents.
  • Check stored bulbs and corms for fungal diseases and damage by rodents.
  • Other rodents might also be suited to domestication; for instance, the potentially tamable, clean-living species of South American fields and woodlands - agouti, capybara, hutia, mare, coypu, pace, and vizcacha. Chapter 3
  • According to the sailor, any animal, whatever it was, would be a lawful prize, and the rodents or carnivora which might get into the new snares would be well received at Granite House. The Mysterious Island
  • She discovered, however, that the stored candy attracted the interest of insects and rodents.
  • RB51 did not cause visible signs of disease in birds, rodents, or other wild species.
  • Also, because brodifacoum causes an unslakable thirst, mice often venture outside in search of water just before they die - which leaves homeowners with fewer rodent carcasses festering in their walls.
  • Most of us find them unattractive, though there are thousands of rodent fanciers who dote on their well-groomed rat-pets.
  • Beyond the horse paddock, a troop of capybaras, pig-size aquatic rodents, emerged from the tree line and settled serenely into a wallow.
  • Small mammals, especially rodents such as voles, pocket gophers, and mice make up most of the Great Gray Owl's diet.
  • Li, who recently presented her results at the Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, will begin trials of Isorhy in rodents later this year.
  • First, it is likely that the bag fragment was carried underground by a squirrel, gopher or other burrowing rodent.
  • The Erethizontidae is a family of rodents commonly known as the New World porcupines.
  • Other animals found nearby included two extinct species of vole - a small rodent resembling a mouse - that were used to date the site.
  • While rodents often succeed in opening cocoons and extracting the nutritious pupae, birds rarely invest the time and effort needed to pierce the silken armor.
  • Rat-watchers in Alaska worry that shipborne rodents could stamp out 4 million birds-10 times the number slicked to death in the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Fear, Fur And Four Feet
  • Cavia aperea went locally extinct, and three other rodent species declined significantly: the South American giant rat News
  • Like some other mammal taxa, but unlike rabbits and other lagomorphs, male rodents have a baculum (penis bone).
  • ‘In dairy plants, the biggest issue is flies and the next is rodents,’ he says.
  • During the Oligocene, the South American rodents began their great evolutionary radiation.
  • Within the rodents, which generally have short generation times, generation time is positively correlated with adult survival elasticity.
  • Not a month goes by but someone else flees the sinking ship, following in the tiny footsteps of their predecessors, the shipside rodents. America is Lost--and We Lost It
  • In case you ever have a problem identifying rodents again, hamsters are cute and stuff food into their cheeks.
  • In their search for food, most of which is comprised of burrowing rodents, badgers tear up large areas of earth with powerful digging claws on their forefeet.
  • In wild areas, they hunt the tapir (a kind of wild hog), the anteater, and the jaguar, as well as the agouti (a rabbit-like rodent).
  • Moreover, a rodent capture still leaves behind the messy job of killing the creature and burying the evidence.
  • Rodents and lagomorphs are prime examples of breeders among mammals and have enormous incisors for their body size.
  • In this fable peopled with a fantastic cast of royalty, servants and talking rodents, Despereaux falls in love with a human princess and sets out to save her from danger.
  • It's also worthwhile surrounding your pots and trays with netting (or prickly holly clippings) to prevent these rodents digging up the seeds.
  • Related to the guinea pig, the capybara is the largest species of rodent. Archive 2010-02-14
  • And far from being a nasty raptor, the barn owl is ecologically important for natural rodent control.
  • For example, Itzaj form a group of arboreal animals, including monkeys as well as tree-dwelling procyonids (kinkajou, cacomistle, raccoon) and squirrels (a rodent). How To Study Intuitions: Examples from the Adult and Developmental Literatures
  • Current Music: crown me king with slutty rodent- "chipmonk"crown me king Mordicai: crown me king!
  • Every area of the sanctuary is full, with 54 cats and kittens, 35 dogs and more than 50 rabbits and small rodents all looking for loving homes.
  • Review of the registration and reregistration process of the Environmental Protection Agency under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide ... first session, June 8, 10, and July 14, 1993 by United States OpEdNews - Diary: Woman who threatened to kill Michelle Obama likely a U.S. Federal Govt employee
  • The animals are looked after by a network of volunteer fosterers across Swindon, and currently include rabbits, dogs, cats and degus a type of rat-like rodent.
  • However, the second cell must be maintained to keep weeds from growing or rodents from burrowing and potentially damaging the liner.
  • Intraordinal comparisons indicate equal rates within rodents and variable rates within perissodactyls and artiodactyls.
  • The direct clinical relevance of such rodent studies may not be immediately apparent, because humans with airway infection rarely become bacteremic or septic when infected with even the wild-type, more virulent organisms.
  • The coachwhip is a nervous snake and may retreat into rocks or rodent burrows when threatened, but it is just as likely to approach an intruder hissing, striking, and possibly shaking its tail; it will bite if handled.
  • In California, the chaparral and coastal sage shrubs form excellent cover for rodents, rabbits, and birds.
  • We arranged for 33 donkeys and miniature donkeys to receive veterinary care, and we found new homes for camels, emus, bison and several large South American rodents called cavies. Wayne Pacelle: Menagerie of Animals Saved from Suffering
  • This web-footed rodent living in the bayous and backwoods of Louisiana has become a kind of unofficial state animal, an anointed nuisance with resident status.
  • Salut, marmotte = Hello, marmot a marmot is a furry rodent thathibernates Books
  • Meat, bones, grease, whole eggs, and dairy products should not be added because they can attract rodents.
  • Rodent and mustelid eradication programs are planned for some of the island reserves. Richmond temperate forests
  • Despite its hardness, it can be gnawed through, after it has fallen to the ground, by rodents such as the agouti.
  • Like some other mammal taxa, but unlike rabbits and other lagomorphs, male rodents have a baculum (penis bone).
  • The researchers found that in rodents, a molecule called 27-hydroxycholesterol, or 27HC, binds to the same receptors in the blood vessels of the heart to which estrogen binds.
  • The following is a position paper challenging the paradigm that ‘carcinogen = mutagen’, and that the current rodent bioassay to predict risks to human cancers is relevant and useful.
  • Small mammals, especially rodents such as voles, pocket gophers, and mice make up most of the Great Gray Owl's diet.
  • The birds, the rodents, had perhaps moved away to lusher spots. ON CATS
  • The Rodentia also includes beavers, muskrats, porcupines, woodchucks, chipmunks, squirrels, prairie dogs, marmots, chinchillas, voles, lemmings, and many others.
  • In one of them, Dallman and her colleagues simulated chronic stress by increasing the brain concentration of a rodent version of the glucocorticoid called cortisol.
  • Scorpions which hunt live prey, usually insects or small rodents (not humans), are able to grasp the victim in their pincers and whip over the tail to sting and paralyse them.
  • It also may provide protected chewing access for small rodents and other animals, which can severely injure the bark and cambium.
  • Despite their morphological and ecological diversity, all rodents share one characteristic: their dentition is highly specialized for gnawing.
  • Poisoned rodents may still contain undigested rodenticide and their carcasses present a danger to pets and other animals.
  • She worried away at her husband like a small and angry rat tackling an even smaller rodent.
  • When there is a full moon, this nocturnal rodent is careful to stay in its burrow.
  • Many small birds and rodents fall prey to the domestic cat.
  • We read, color, do the alphabet and numbers and bestiaries - when she identifies a small rodent as ‘de mohs’ it's so sweet it makes Mogen David taste like paint thinner.
  • He saw a long elegant paw flash out and retract, holding some tiny rodent. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • Restless behaviour was also noted in cats, rodents and birds. The Sun
  • Objective To confirm whether one-time deployment of bromadiolone is effective in seaport rodent control.
  • In part, the large mesocarp of ripe fruits can be viewed as a necessary cost to the plant to facilitate caching behavior by the rodent.
  • The rodent's sharp teeth can inflict a nasty bite.
  • Occasionally it can be attacked by leafy mistletoe, verticillium wilt, fungal diseases, stem borers, scale, and some rodents.
  • In all, 4 species of insectivora, 4 bats, 5 lagomorphs, 32 rodents, 18 carnivores, 9 artiodactyla, 5 lizards and 3 snakes are recorded in the Tuvan reserves, among them 22 locally rare species of mammal. 41 species of mammal are recorded for the Mongolian portion. Uvs Nuur Basin, Russian Federation, Republic of Tuva and Mongolia
  • Most of what I found were unidentifiable broken sections of long bones, but I did find a bird femur (thigh bone) and a nice rodent astragalus (ankle bone).
  • Look for the soaring rough-legged hawk and the hovering kestrel as each hunts for ground squirrels and other rodents.
  • One of the favorite targets of the trappers in North America was the beaver, the largest of the North American rodents.
  • Others with a more monetary bent could base their entire philanthropic nature on this tale of a robbing rodent who swipes from the miserly and scats on the insolvent.
  • Most drumming mammals are rodents, but drumming has also been described in carnivores, deer, rabbits, elephant shrews and marsupials.
  • Even within our own class, mammals, roughly 300 new species have been discovered in the first decade of this century—mostly rodents, but also marsupials, a beaked whale and a slew of primates.
  • Leonardo Da Vinci wrote accounts about the amphisbaena as a living creature, giving details on how the serpent caught rodents as prey by confusing it with its two heads.
  • Don't put out any more seed than can be eaten by the birds by nightfall, especially where raccoons, opossums, deer, or rodents are a problem.
  • If rodent damage is found, clean and repair or replace damaged wiring, relays, and other components and seal over openings that allowed rodent entry.
  • It has been shown to be teratogenic and carcinogenic in rodents.
  • The diet of bandicoots and bilbies is made up mostly of insects, but they also eat lots of plant material, and sometimes also rodents and lizards.
  • Advisors will also be working with individual landowners, helping to improve the image of water voles and thus decrease the use of rodenticides.
  • They were fed 50 ml of commercial birdseed and two commercial rodent chow blocks once a week.
  • Other South American rodents include guinea pigs, chinchillas, and New World porcupines (one species of which has dispersed into North America).
  • The major categories of pesticides classified by target are fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, acaricides, molluscicides, nematicides, rodenticides, avicides, and antibiotics.
  • This tick borne spirochaete normally infects birds, small rodents, and red deer.
  • Small rodents with cylindrical bodies and short limbs, adapted for burrow-living.
  • Watch as a female anaconda in Venezuela hunts down a capybara - the world's largest rodent - and swallows her meal whole.
  • Meanwhile, the wild dingo living in the outback existed on a diet that ranged from kangaroos to small rodents.
  • At this very moment our freezer contains, in addition to food for us and frozen rodents for pet snakes, a painted turtle, a star nosed mole, a Senegal bichir, his pet rat "Pam" (who he's saving until his pine snake is big enough to eat her), porcupine feet, and probably many other things I have not found yet. A Freezer Full of Mystery
  • The rodents could be heard scurrying about under the beds. The Sun
  • The 48 mammal species include Chacma baboon Papio cynocephalus ursinus, 5 species of carnivora including the blackbacked jackal Canis mesomelas, ardwolf Proteles cristatus and serval Felis serval, 11 species of artiodactyla and 16 species of rodentia, 11 of which last are endemic to South Africa. UKhahlamba Drakensberg Park, South Africa
  • While bamboo stalks and roots make up about 95 percent of its diet, the giant panda also feeds on gentians, irises, crocuses, fish, and occasionally small rodents.
  • The main muscle used in chewing by rodents is the masseter, and the rodents can be divided into several groups based on exactly how they use these muscles.
  • Rodent studies have shown that antidepressants stimulate the growth of new neurons, and that this correlates with their mood-elevating effects.
  • Cane rats should not be confused with domestic rodents such as rats and mice which can be disease-carrying vermin.
  • The furry flying rodents weren't confined to the "belfry", butare soaring freely throughout the building. O'Reilly Doesn't Give a Bat's Ass About Walter Reed Scandal
  • Thus far, they have had islet neogenesis around rodentia pancreases, but there are still a number of variables that need to be tested before human trials can be done. Qdiosa Diary Entry
  • Organisms with r-selected traits range from bacteria and diatoms, through insects and weeds, to various semelparous cephalopods and mammals, especially small rodents. So what's so wrong with a "WYSIWYG" world?
  • Rodent-borne diseases such as hantavirus, leptospirosis, bartonellosis and plague are likely common within many rodent populations in Canada. Progressive Bloggers
  • He is also compiling photographic evidence of the rodents.
  • In the study, it was found that DEET blocked the enzyme cholinesterase, which is essential for transmitting messages from the brain to the muscles, in experiments done on rodents using an amount of DEET equivalent to that used by humans.
  • The mesh should then be weighted down around the perimeter to prevent access by rodents or other vermin.
  • Among the mammals profiled here are the unusual and exotic spectacled bear, the capybara (the world's largest rodent), and the common llama.
  • The Rodentia also includes beavers, muskrats, porcupines, woodchucks, chipmunks, squirrels, prairie dogs, marmots, chinchillas, voles, lemmings, and many others.
  • Also smaller vertebrate herbivores, such as rodents, are commonly negatively affected by endophyte ingestion. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Although biogeographic and body size similarities suggest that it may be related to the Puerto Rican giant hutia Elasmodontomys, the Antillean large-bodied rodent family Heptaxodontidae is now interpreted as invalid, and it is impossible to assign Tainotherium to a particular caviomorph family in the absence of associated craniodental material. Archive 2006-12-01
  • Among other rare and endangered mammal species protected in this ecoregion are: marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna koshevnikovi), otter (Lutra lutra seistanica), manul cat (F. manul ferrugineus), and a number of species of bats and rodents. Kopet Dag woodlands and forest steppe
  • As with most small cat species, the diet of wild cats, or domestic cats, is mainly made up of small rodents, such as mice and rats.
  • The rodents are known to carry 40 diseases including plague. The Sun
  • The rodent also seems to be an ancestor of the hystricognaths, a group of rodents that is spread across the globe and includes porcupines, African mole rats, guinea pigs, and chinchillas.
  • Based on these results, the potency and efficacy of this donor stem cell line for restoring fertility to azoospermic rodents is currently unprecedented. Elites TV
  • Rodents, salamanders, lizards, geckos, and skinks shed their tails.
  • Small desert rodents and the Bedouin goat can survive short periods of dehydration which result in a 20-30 percent weight loss.
  • Check stored bulbs and corms for frost damage, fungal disease and attacks by rodents.
  • You may even see an opossum-like manicou or the large agouti - a rodent introduced as food by the Amerindians.
  • In their minds 'eyes, the birdfeed they put out is for birds, not those nasty rodents that were lured into the neighborhood by some next-door do-gooder. Headlines
  • The rodent's sharp teeth can inflict a nasty bite.
  • Salut, marmotte = Hello, marmot (a marmot is a furry rodent thathibernates) le début de l'après-midi = beginning of the afternoon Bon Appétit!
  • Admittedly some of the rodents that possess the ability, such as rats and mice, are almost completely nocturnal.
  • Similar to Ecoregion 22k, some species of rodents and reptiles found here have developed abnormally dark coloration, called melanism, for camouflage against the dark lava. Ecoregions of New Mexico (EPA)
  • On Cuba, three species of rodent and two species of nesophont primitive shrewlike insectivores unique to the Caribbean have disappeared. The Song of The Dodo
  • On the whole, the hedgehog appeared to evolve at a rate not significantly different from those of Primates, Proboscidea, and Rodentia but faster than those of Carnivora, Perissodactyla, and Artiodactyla.
  • More than 30 of the nearly 200 mammals found in the Ethiopian Highlands are found nowhere else, including a remarkable six endemic genera, four of which are monotypic: three rodents (Megadendromus, Muriculus, and Nilopegamys) and one primate, the gelada (Theropithecus gelada). Biological diversity in the Eastern Afromontane
  • It is not known if all the burrow nesting species excavate the tunnels or if some use tunnels dug by rodents or other animals.
  • Other animals found nearby included two extinct species of vole - a small rodent resembling a mouse - that were used to date the site.
  • The fact that hibernators are as numerous and as varied as they are - the club includes some ground squirrels and rodents, at least one bird, various snakes and the echidna which is the platypus's closest living relative, among other species - suggests that the biological machinery that's needed for hibernation is both ancient and widespread in the animal kingdom. Many species use hibernation to survive the rigors of winter
  • These creatures include fish, crocodiles, turtles, hippopotamuses, monkeys, rodents, and antelopes.
  • All cTnI constructs were derived from the full-length rodent sequence and tagged with C-terminal Flag epitope (DYKDDDDK, Sigma) to distinguish the recombinant from the native cTnI; while, the Tm mutants were engineered into the full-length human Tm PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • He shrugs off any discomfort of sharing space with rodents and other wildlife that live in the thatched canopies.
  • Treatment is only supportive, and the best prevention is to minimize contact with rodent excreta.
  • It's also worthwhile surrounding your pots and trays with netting (or prickly holly clippings) to prevent these rodents digging up the seeds.
  • One who knows anything about the structure of animals 'bodies need not be told that the jerboa is a rodent. Scientific American Supplement, No. 841, February 13, 1892
  • He was watching her with the paralytic fascination a rodent has for a poisonous serpent. FLOATING CITY
  • Rodents are prey for avian, reptilian, and mammalian predators.
  • The 48 mammal species include Chacma baboon Papio cynocephalus ursinus, 5 species of carnivora including the blackbacked jackal Canis mesomelas, ardwolf Proteles cristatus and serval Felis serval, 11 species of artiodactyla and 16 species of rodentia, 11 of which last are endemic to South Africa. UKhahlamba Drakensberg Park, South Africa
  • Humans can be infected by inhaling tiny droplets of virus-laden rodent excreta, eating contaminated food or simply by absorption through the skin.
  • The rodent squeezed into this bird feeder but after scoffing the lot was too fat to get out. The Sun
  • Those adaptations enable the rodent to rely on the evergreen saltbush plants for sustenance throughout the year.
  • Until now, there has not been a viable method for measuring rodent proinsulin, which would allow researchers to establish models for testing targeted therapies or interventions in the pre-clinical setting. Press Releases
  • In the distance, a barn owl quartered a field looking for a rodent supper.
  • Clean around the bins too, removing high grass, weeds, spilled grain, and debris that attracts insects, rodents, woodchucks and other undesirable wildlife.
  • Special temperature sensor must be developed in order to meet the need of specific environment including highly erodent, heat melt, vacuum and carburizing etc. die characteristic.
  • Using a standardized checklist, the vets will be looking for practices that would prevent the herd's exposure to infected rodents or wildlife, such as raccoons or foxes, or to raw garbage.
  • It indicated that the spatial distribution for the rodent damage of the xerophytic peanut pods belongs to the aggregated distribution.
  • The capybara is a large edible South American rodent. Tomorrow is World Hearing Voices Day
  • Plaster flaked from walls; paper shredded by tiny rodent teeth eddied in draughts from broken doors. SPLITTING
  • Mink are monogastric animals with a digestive tract more similar to that of humans than that of rodents as there is no cecum at the junction of the small and large intestine. Mink
  • A variety of rodents such as gerbils (Rhombomys, Meriones), and more than ten species of jerboas (Allactaga, Dipus, Paradipus, Eremodipus, Stylodipus) are found here. Central Asian northern desert
  • She dirties her hands and feet, splashes paint onto her skin or pinches it with clothespins, squeezes herself into cupboards and detached fireplace moldings, wraps herself in tattered wallpaper peeling from the walls, crouches barefoot amongst the dust and detritus and reclines in display cases alongside taxidermied rodents. Larissa Archer: Artist Unbound: Francesca Woodman at SFMOMA
  • Researchers observed one bird impale a rodent on a cactus.
  • Many early mammal taxa were superficially rodent-like, such as the extinct multituberculates.
  • The nutritional requirements for laboratory rodent species have been worked out and a variety of commercial pelleted diets are available.
  • Check the leptospira in kidney of duck, pig and rodents and urine of cattle.
  • I drove around our perimeter road one rainy night and saw lots of little rodents of some type running around.
  • On this 140-mile journey, you'll visit fishing villages atop South American criollo horses, fuel up on lamb and steak, and gaze at capybaras (the world's largest rodents).
  • A typical rodent model of chronic pain involves tying a temporary ligature around the sciatic nerve.
  • In the past three decades, it has been demonstrated that grafts of dopaminergic neurons derived from fetal and/or embryonic cells survive, reinnervate appropriate targets, and function in vivo in rodent and non-human primate PD models PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Vermin, mostly rodents and cockroaches, climbed out of the flooded gutters to seek refuge inside houses.
  • Discovered in Laos, Southeast Asia, the animal is described as an ‘oddball rodent’ with long whiskers, stubby legs, and a furry tail.
  • These include the shrews, some moles, some bats, the striped skunk, the pinniped carnivores, toothed whales, the aardvark, and murid rodents.
  • In the dark oil Rats, the rodents swarm in a mass around the corner of a windowless red-brick building, perhaps a factory.
  • Three species-two squirrels and a murid rodent-with limited distributions are considered to be endemic to the ecoregion (Table 1). Eastern Himalayan subalpine conifer forests
  • The crop stack would then be cleared of any rodents.
  • The rodent plague has been caused by the many tourists who visit the place on account of its legendary status. The Sun
  • As well as carrion, harriers will eat the young of pukekos and ducks, and prey upon rodents found in fields.
  • Nor was it the overpowering smell or the rodents scurrying around just out of sight. Times, Sunday Times
  • The more important of these are the capybara - the world's largest rodent - peccaries, turtles, and alligators.
  • Of the weird rodent he likens to a spineless porcupine, Timmins added, ‘Nobody could have predicted this new family.’
  • All of the sound nuts in these lots were planted in a rodent-proof coldframe immediately after they were removed from storage, and from 90 to 95\% germination of the seed was obtained throughout. Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Thirty-Seventh Annual Report Wooster, Ohio, September 3, 4, 5, 1946
  • Within the Rodentia, only extralimital localities are shown.
  • Most fluoride poisonings have been the result of rodenticide and pesticide ingestion.
  • Onychophorans themselves have few predators, except perhaps insect carnivores such as centipedes, birds and rodents.
  • Elevating plasma cortisol levels, either by exogenous administration or stress, facilitates the acquisition of stimulant administration in preclinical rodent models.
  • Small mammals and rodents such as collard pika (Occhotona rufescens), Royle's pika (Ochotona roylei), stone marten (Martes foina), migratory hamster (Cricetulus migratorius), and three sand rat species are spread widely. Sulaiman Range alpine meadows
  • Rodents and four Insectivora, including a shrew-mouse and six squirrels, whose unaided passage over twenty miles of sea is even more inconceivable than that of the larger animals. The Malay Archipelago
  • Watch as a female anaconda in Venezuela hunts down a capybara - the world's largest rodent - and swallows her meal whole.
  • On this 140-mile journey, you'll visit fishing villages atop South American criollo horses, fuel up on lamb and steak, and gaze at capybaras (the world's largest rodents).
  • Yes, beavers are industrious rodents whose dams help our river systems.
  • PATRICK HOOKER, N.Y. STATE AGRICULTURE COMMISSIONER: The New Y.rk State Food Laboratory identified aminopterin, which is a toxic chemical that has been identified as a rodenticide, although it is not registered in the United States. CNN Transcript Mar 23, 2007
  • Do you know of the nutritional value of certain rodent/varmint nutria, agouti, and guinea pig make marvelous Easter brunch … Think Progress » Price expands GOP repeal campaign: We should repeal all of TARP, the stimulus, and ‘the bailout philosophy.’
  • There are many other bulbs you can plant to brighten your spring, but daffodils are simple, they multiply and the squirrels and other rodents don't seem to like the taste very well.
  • It is the rat breeding season when many people use pesticides and poisons to kill off the rodents.
  • Nor was it the overpowering smell or the rodents scurrying around just out of sight. Times, Sunday Times
  • The theriodonts included both carnivores and herbivores, and various lineages correlated to late Cenozoic wolves, weasels, otters, rodents, and shrews.
  • Inevitably, though, the squeals and pitter-patter of the burgeoning rodent families increased, and I gave in.
  • As the rodents scurry about eating Douglas fir seed, their droppings are distributed widely in the burned area of a forest.
  • Needless to say, I made a hasty retreat, kicking aside the wedge propping my kitchen door open so it slammed shut, keeping the rodent hopefully contained in one room.
  • At school, our classroom had a small rodent zoo consisting of two rabbits, three hamsters, a litter of baby gerbils and a guinea pig.
  • It could be a marsupial rat or mole or something opossumlike, or a rodent, insectivore, or even a primate akin to a tarsier or loris.
  • If you see any mice, rodents or other potential carriers of those dangerous fleas, kill them immediately.
  • He saw a long elegant paw flash out and retract, holding some tiny rodent. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • The longer a seedling takes to emerge, the greater the possibility of stand loss to crusting, disease, insects, and rodents.
  • In their search for food, most of which is comprised of burrowing rodents, badgers tear up large areas of earth with powerful digging claws on their forefeet.
  • The rodent raised its paws and opened its mouth hoping to scare off the predator. The Sun

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