
rock wren

  1. short-tailed bird resembling a wren
  2. wren inhabiting badlands and mesa country of western United States and Mexico

How To Use rock wren In A Sentence

  • The most abundant resident birds are the bushtit, pinyon jay, plain titmouse, black-chinned hummingbird, Woodhouse's jay, red-tailed hawk, golden eagle, red-shafted flicker, and rock wren. Colorado Plateau Semidesert Province (Bailey)
  • The Rock Wren is the largest wren in Washington.
  • The endemic rock wren (Xenicus gilviventris) and the world's only alpine parrot, the kea (Nestor notabalis) probably evolved from lowland equivalents. Southland montane grasslands
  • Nevertheless, a number of rare and protected birds such as kea, the New Zealand falcon, rock wrens, black stilt, wrybills, and black-fronted terns can be observed.
  • Rock Wrens use their long bills to probe into narrow crevices and find prey.
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