How To Use Rock salmon In A Sentence
Rock salmon - that had a noble sound about it, though he believed it was actually inferior to real salmon.
Dog Fish" is called "Rock Salmon" in England, so you would only get it, if you specifically ordered rock saman 'and chips.
The English used to call it Rock Salmon, or Coley, and the Scots called it 'saithe' (and wouldn't eat it).
Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
The majority of sharks caught for their fins are the blue sharks, threshers and hammerheads of more exotic waters, but North Atlantic species, including the porbeagle, angel, shortfin mako and spiny dogfish – sold in British fish and chip shops as rock salmon – are also under threat.
Shark Populations in Sharp Decline | Impact Lab
The majority of sharks caught for their fins are the blue sharks, threshers and hammerheads of more exotic waters, but North Atlantic species, including the porbeagle, angel, shortfin mako and spiny dogfish – sold in British fish and chip shops as rock salmon – are also under threat.
Shark Populations in Sharp Decline | Impact Lab
The chain had been serving 17 tonnes of cod a year, but simply replaced them with fish such as coley, rock salmon, whiting and plaice.
We used to sell mostly skate, cod and rock salmon but now the Chinese want lobster and Dover sole, while the West Indians want snapper.