
rock outcrop

  1. the part of a rock formation that appears above the surface of the surrounding land

How To Use rock outcrop In A Sentence

  • A huge, bemused fiberglass giraffe looks down on the proceedings from a fake rock outcropping in the middle of the course.
  • Sweet observed a male of the small arboreal species V. glauerti descend the home tree of one female and travel more than 300 yards in a straight line, through dense forest and rock outcrops, to the base of another tree.
  • I'm heavily involved in all aspects of the broader project, but my own interests really lie with rocks-the aquifer system that is flowing underneath North Pond, and what kind of intraterrestrial microbes might colonize rock, inhabiting the nooks and crannies of volcanic basalt and catalyzing reactions that result in "weathering" - like what you can see on old buildings, roads and rock outcrops on the continents. Scientific American
  • In the rock outcropping, you notice grooves and wedge-shaped holes of varying sizes.
  • Just this summer, the park's forest ecologist discovered a 278 - year-old pignut hickory growing on a rock outcrop.
  • Steller sea lions lumber around the rock outcropping, while others lie still, looking like so many long sandbags.
  • The next year researchers returned to the spot and found that he had simply seen a rock outcropping that looked vertical from his position.
  • Shallow soils and rock outcrops of limestone or dolomite characterize these glades; dry conditions prevail during the growing season, although soils can be saturated or flooded in winter and spring.
  • To continue the walk from the rock outcrops simply head straight on along the ridge.
  • Eventually it would have reached a weak spot in the terrain - a dip in the face, a rock outcropping - and broken off completely.
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