How To Use Robotlike In A Sentence
Conte's robotlike bugs have a distinctly spooky look, conjuring the frequent sci-fi fear about machines becoming self-aware and taking over the planet.
Dr. Terminator: The Prosthetics Designer Who Makes Sci-Fi Sculptures
Each one had a pair of jointed, robotlike arms, controlled from inside, for handling tools or manipulating objects in space.
Golden State
Training Flint to do things was not difficult as long as I did not require robotlike precision and reliability.
Born to Bark
Soviet security men and staff were a little less robotlike when dealing with Henry and other small children than they were in their relations with their parents, who were mostly diplomats or journalists.
Henry’s Demons
Although this year's applicant pool is by many measures the most highly qualified yet, admissions deans at a dozen top-tier colleges and universities said in interviews last week that they're also seeing a disappointing trend: Too many students are submitting "professionalized" applications rendered all too slick by misguided attempts at perfection, parental meddling and what one admissions dean describes as the robotlike approach teens are taking in presenting themselves.
How Not to Get Into College: Submit a Robotic Application
Too stunned to react except in a robotlike manner, she answered it.
The Shadow of Your Smile
The jerky, robotlike workers slaving away belowground like zombies twelve hours a day.
Silver Zombie