
How To Use Robed In A Sentence

  • Moreover, the kinetic behavior suggests that the gate-opening process is attributable to condensation of the adsorbate on the surface of the crystal, indicating that surface chemistry, rather than crystal structure analysis, needs to be probed to fully understand the gate-opening process. Nano Tech Wire
  • Rising up off a stone bench that stood in a shadowy area out of the torchlight was a dark, robed figure. Dragons of Winter Night
  • Experts probed the origin of the sulphurous smell which appeared at the beginning of February after calls from worried Benfleet and Canvey residents who were left spluttering.
  • Mr Copley, robed in cassock and billowing surplice, was impatiently pacing the back lawn seeming oblivious to their presence.
  • When she asked what it was, I responded ‘Homemade marshmallows, roasted peanuts and cocoa nibs enrobed in dark chocolate’, a dark mood crossed her face.
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  • Larkham was in his element in his country's victory over Romania as he constantly probed for breaks against a brittle defence.
  • As examples, we have probed yeast proteome chips with calmodulin and six different phospholipids.
  • First the candy: Known as Mozart Kugeln, packed in a delightful red tin with tiny portraitures of the composer, these are deluxe confections exquisitely filled with marzipan, made from "fresh green pistachios, almonds and rich hazelnut-nougat, enrobed with delicious milk and bitter chocolates. Rozanne Gold: Tastes of the Week
  • She led a party of about six men towards an empty table, two of these also robed, but in brown, and the others in the attire of boatmen.
  • It simulates lots of tasty, infectable machines, and when they're probed by a worm, it grabs the worm's network connection and holds it -- for a very, very long time. Boing Boing: September 16, 2001 - September 22, 2001 Archives
  • Then the Caliph and his company drank, whilst the girls went away and there came forth yet other ten, as they were rubies, robed in red brocade inwoven with gold and purfled with pearls and jewels whilst all their heads were bare. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The robed and turbaned figures moving slowly across a sepia ground on the first screen are drawn from an 1895 film.
  • The baptism is being conducted by an adult, a robed figure with a halo and a maniple, presumably John the Baptist.
  • Until we came across this red robed magician, we didn't even know about real magic.
  • She was fatally wounded in a gun battle and her death is being probed. The Sun
  • Consider the ceremony of the weighing of the emperor, with all those flamboyantly robed courtiers arranged in strictly hierarchical order around the man-sized scales.
  • His tall, gaunt, black-robed form was bent over the center of the circle, absorbed in something that only he could see.
  • The one I drank while bathrobed and slippered in my front yard, holding the plunger that had been arbitrarily left standing beside my mail box overnight. Yard Sailing
  • When Tua had reached the pylon tower, where she lodged, and her ladies had unrobed her and gone, she called Asti to her from the adjoining chamber and said: Morning Star
  • He stared down at the water for a moment before he sat down next to it and slowly disrobed, easing his body into the water.
  • It tells us that heaven's worship features white robed presbyters, choral and instrumental music, and incense.
  • Lt. Howard Jacobs says flight attendants and other passengers then subdued Chappille, as he disrobed. Wait. what?
  • The viewer has his eye drawn through the openings of the screens to the end wall on the far side, with several stately blue robed woman gazing through.
  • The probed site was then biopsied and the tissue samples were fixed in formalin for routine histopathology.
  • P54M 'pilferage' in piers probed Customs says samples taken in bulk - Articles related to Data Show Economic Rebound in Euro Area
  • Some exercisable measures are probed into for training innovative thinking ability by application of induction and deduction in the chemistry teaching.
  • After this St. Germanus proceeded to Britain, and there encouraged his converts to meet the heathen Picts at Maes Garmon, in Flintshire, where the exulting shout of the white-robed catechumens turned to flight the wild superstitious savages of the north – and the Hallelujah victory was gained without a drop of bloodshed. A Book of Golden Deeds
  • He probed the mud with his knife.
  • Prithee, thou brown-robed fellow, how looked he in a _sanbenito_ -- that tall, fierce, black-bearded Captain that your Provincial mentions here? Sir Mortimer
  • Robed cultists danced with moderate abandon.
  • The surgeon completes the notchplasty with a spherical motorized arthroscopic burr until the posterior edge of the femur is identified and probed.
  • Last night both were suspended from duty as their force probed the claims. The Sun
  • Robed cultists danced with moderate abandon.
  • The ants probed the caterpillars much less often than they poked at mealworms.
  • Again in miniatures from the ninth century the figure is robed, and stands erect on the cross and on the suppedaneum. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • The death is being probed by Spanish cops. The Sun
  • In one of the untitled drawings, a characteristically inverted robed figure, skirts ornamented with ink arabesques, topped with a hat, recalls the painted fables of Chagall.
  • The shields strobed for a second, turned white, and flicked off.
  • In forgetting this wisdom, Pablo charted his destiny while consuming his friend's: for the rifle was robed in sudden death. The Sanchez Ghost
  • The nurse disrobed the elderly patient expertly.
  • As with California's Supreme Court, many of the berobed judiciary take it as their solemn duty to do the people's thinking for them on the modern world's most difficult and divisive social issues. Gay Marriage Returns
  • Tom gently probed the wound, his expression lacking optimism. Rot & Ruin
  • The fur was very soft and warm and the rabbit trembled slightly as I probed its smashed up hind legs with the tips of my fingers, then suddenly recoiled as they sunk into wet, ripped flesh.
  • Having finished the hurried and uncomfortable meal, consisting chiefly of tinned tongue and a rather out-of-date cream cheese, Toni was allowed to run home to change her dress; and at half-past two precisely she was back, robed in the daintiest, filmiest white lawn gown, to take her place with the other stallholders, in readiness for the opening ceremony, performed, much to the delight of the entire Madgwick family, by a real duchess. The Making of a Soul
  • Cardinal Sigismondo Gonzaga, a very beautiful kneeling figure, robed in the habit of a Cardinal, with the rochet, which is also a portrait from life; and in front of that Cardinal is a portrait of Signora Leonora, the daughter of the same Marquis, who was then a girl, and afterwards became Duchess of Urbino. Lives of the most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 06 (of 10) Fra Giocondo to Niccolo Soggi
  • Employing all the legalistic tricks of her trade, she probed and cross-examined me at breakfast and each evening.
  • * Elder Joy – This fabled treat coveted by the dark deities is a sinister cousin to a popular human confection -- an ambrosial amalgam of Coconut, white-chocolate Ganache, and Rum, enrobed in the darkest Chocolate and topped with a crisp, whole Almond. Places You Haunt
  • Mitchell probed the leftover debris on the plates Adrian had bussed.
  • The four berobed Klingons pounded their spears now and then and roared softly in outrage -- or maybe enthusiasm. Theater Review: Washington Shakespeare Company's evening of the Bard in Klingon
  • These issues need to be handled sensitively; some people might be touchy about being probed in this way. Times, Sunday Times
  • A wooden carving of a berobed angel salvaged from another church is yet more tongue-in-cheek. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the left, they face a robed figure who has entered the shop to pawn an article of clothing.
  • We had only robed ourselves in looser drapery, when a violent ringing at the bell startled us; we listened, and heard the voice of M. d'Arblay, and Jerry answering, 'They're gone to bed.' Juniper Hall: A Rendezvous of Certain Illustrious Personages during the French Revolution, Including Alexandre D'Arblay and Fanny Burney
  • Instead of being robed in the skin of a lion or a leopard that is customary for African royalty, he is clad in a cape made from the skin of some wild animal.
  • He earned the moniker Butt Naked because he and his soldiers completely disrobed before attacking their victims . 'Butt Naked' D.C. filmmakers join ranks of Sundance documentary picks
  • They are robed in ermine-trimmed royal red, as in Snow White.
  • While explanatory texts are frustratingly short and few, photographs showing the white-robed monks serving meals in the unadorned white-walled refectory, studying in the book-lined scriptorium and making mustard and face cream in their new workhouse convey better than any script the fullness of experience possible in even the sparest settings. The Pared Minimum
  • The restoration, organised by Rome's cultural heritage office, not only de-robed the statues but also brought to light a beautiful fresco of flying cherubs, which had been covered in a thick crust of paint and wax.
  • He probed the swelling anxiously with his finger.
  • Lee probed the wound, sighing in relief when he determined it was just a graze.
  • In a colourful ceremony the scholars, who were robed and gowned in full academic dress, were presented with their award by the president in front of the deans, doctors and dons of the college.
  • We are not tired of the endless processions of cheerful, chattering gossipers that throng these courts and streets all day long, either; nor of the coarse-robed monks; nor of the "Asti" wines, which that old doctor The Innocents Abroad
  • But out on the grassy fields, impressive numbers of snipe poked and probed about. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was fatally wounded in a gun battle and her death is being probed. The Sun
  • You see, I wear the pentacle and a collar at work (which involves me being disrobed as an erotic dancer).
  • professors robed in crimson
  • And so did Boston Globe ombud Christine Chinlund, who wrote in 2003 of opponents of gay marriage: “One need not agree with them to think that their views need to be reflected, probed and understood as part of the essential coverage of this historic shift.” LOSING OUR RELIGION
  • Then, as I probed them, one sprang up, and stared With piteous recognition in fixed eyes, Lifting distressful hands, as if to bless.
  • The fearsome creatures prove there's more to them than a mouthful of sharp teeth as their complex social lives are probed. The Sun
  • Jules probed the mud gingerly with a stick.
  • They were mostly acolytes, one or two black-robed priests among them.
  • The doctor probed the wound for signs of infection.
  • Walking out onto the grand balcony, two robed men, one in teal, the other in purple, paused for a while to admire the open sea.
  • Archaeologists and site-workers anxiously probed into the sand and uncover three magnificently carved unidentified wooden anthropoid sarcophagi dating back to the 26th Dynasty.
  • He was robed in garish scarlet and green, and he grabbed people's shoulders and gesticulated wildly as he shouted at them.
  • Forcing everyone to disrobe and be probed is likely going to be unacceptable to many non-Muslim Americans. Source: WH considers Friday incident attempted terrorist attack
  • It's an almond kernel housed within a date and enrobed in Middle Eastern chocolate.
  • Finishing the entry, he blew out the candle and disrobed, pulling on his nightshirt.
  • She probed my abdomen to look for imbalances in qi, the energy that flows throughout the body along channels called meridians.
  • Among those white-robed girls this young enchantress must have shone out like a diamond in white flax.
  • His name, rank and regiment strobed on the bottom of the Sergeant's heads-up display.
  • On many occasions, swimmers jumped in with all of their clothes on-and disrobed to their suits during warm-up.
  • The two Moloctan had taken Claire's body, and disrobed it.
  • So much passes for good that is really not passable at all - air bubbles in the molded bonbons, bottoms with dipping fork marks or filling peeking out, thick layers of "enrobed" chocolate overwhelming the delicate ganache inside. Flora Lazar: Pastry Outside of Paris: Museum and 'Mets' in Metz
  • Inevitably, with a subject already minutely probed and examined, the territory is familiar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maana's wife went to the temple to give alms daily, serving breakfasts and lunches to her son, other novices and monks, until her son was disrobed.
  • He gingerly probed his scalp, then winced as his hands skimmed over the lump.
  • At the back of the church were a robed choir and musicians making a quartet of stringed instruments.
  • In the first image, Runggye Adak is pictured looking down at the ground, leaning towards a maroon-robed monk, his bearing still dignified, before he is taken away. Kate Saunders: Pictures From Tibet That Tell a Story of Courage
  • The lawyer probed the witness' truthfulness by asking questions.
  • Eight agents are also being probed. The Sun
  • A member of the Met's territorial support group has been suspended while the incident is being probed. The Sun
  • At the Dawn Temple a saffron robed monk sprinkled us with holy water and tied yellow string around our wrists in exchange for a donation in his bowl.
  • Particle electrophoretic mobility (PEM) changes are shown to correlate well with the amount of ligand fixed on the particles, as probed by its biological activity.
  • This gives an idea of the effective timescales of the processes probed in the present simulations.
  • Some berobed men are staring at us, so he takes me down to the mosque's office. Johann Hari: Meet the Ex-Jihadis
  • The Queen disrobed after the ceremony.
  • Links to a letter bomb campaign targeting political and religious groups last year are also being probed. The Sun
  • Blue - robed oarsman seafarers travelling between Southeast Asia and the coast of Fujian, in southern China.
  • For instance, several alabasters depict the Trinity, with the crowned and bearded Father majestically robed and enthroned, supporting the crucified Son between his legs, the cross surmounted by the dove representing the Holy Spirit. Giving Physical Form to Faith
  • Edward was an extraordinarily tall, powerful and imposing figure robed in majesty.
  • Dr. Hagelin: Modern science has probed deeper levels of nature's functioning, from the macroscopic world of classical physics to the world of the atom, then to the underlying nucleus and the subnuclear. Jeanne Ball: 9/11: Have We Overlooked the Most Effective Way to Prevent Terrorism and War?
  • crimson-robed Harvard professors
  • In addition to markers from the linkage map, we also probed karyotypes with ribosomal RNA gene sequences and 4 of the 12 ungrouped markers.
  • I have talked with him, fully probed his evil past, and found the detailed plans for his reign as the Master of the Death's-Head emblemed, black-uniformed killers who were to have moved into Britain with the all-conquering German Army. England Under Hitler
  • Oh, yes, we all know about the growth of the Islamic Empire, whose berobed foot-soldiers held a scimitar in one hand and the Quran in the other. Clay Farris Naff: Bible Vs. Quran: The Evolution Of Violence In Religion
  • Mounds of crispy slivered almonds enrobed in dark chocolate.
  • Being robed in white bespeaks one who is redeemed and no longer subject to her fleshly appetites.
  • The red robed magician had appeared out of thin air, with the albino in tow.
  • Puzzled, we probed farther into the jungle, and, a couple of miles ahead, we found them in a poor hutment compared with their old village.
  • Even when a loud "cloop" in the dark passageway to the kitchen told that another bottle was being opened as the omelet came in, borne aloft by white-robed Suey, crowned with red poppies and blue blazes, and set triumphantly before the mistress of the feast, Harris could detect no flutter of disapprobation. Tonio, Son of the Sierras A Story of the Apache War
  • She was fatally wounded in a gun battle and her death is being probed. The Sun
  • The more they probed into his background, the more inflamed their suspicions would become.
  • Then the Caliph and his company drank, whilst the girls went away and there came forth yet other ten, as they were rubies, robed in red brocade inwoven with gold and purfled with pearls and jewels whilst all their heads were bare. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Not counting The Darkness' campy unitard revivalism or the robed gospel cult of The Polyphonic Spree, most of indie rock's current darlings get their style from a thrift store rather than a costume trunk.
  • P54M 'pilferage' in piers probed Customs says samples taken in bulk photo: Creative Commons/Jayel Aheram - Articles related to After IT, it's decade of infrastructure in India: Kamal Nath
  • In one picture, Mr. Bennett, who has a second career as a painter, is shown sketching a nude portrait of Lady Gaga, with the real Lady Gaga reclining disrobed nearby. Tony Bennett to Pursue Projects With Stevie Wonder and Lady Gaga
  • As soon as it was evenfall, he went in to her and found her robed in her richest raiment and decked with her goodliest adornments. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • She was fatally wounded in a gun battle and her death is being probed. The Sun
  • As it probed, an identifica'tion tag jiggled against one ear. The Chronicles of Riddick
  • In fact, it's inspiration - a deliciously fragrant, eat-over-the-sink ripe mango just dripping with juice - drew me in so quickly and with such force that the intended victim was instead impaled upon my spoon, rather than enrobed in batter. Wicked, Wicked Ways
  • Blinding bursts of lightning strobed like a parade of super novae, and in a rainstorm of colors no less.
  • Various synonyms refer specifically - often as a negative - to the absence or rather removal of clothing, such as denuded, divested, peeled, stripped, unclad, unclothed, uncovered, un - dressed and dis - or un-robed. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • I was fairly comfortable with him and watched him as he unrobed and stood in front of the basin allowing the hot water to run.
  • D.A.D.S. program at Percy Clark's personal direction, will face murder charges in the 1983 death of a prostitute whose partially-disrobed body was found dumped near an LA Times distribution center. This is an archive of a past election
  • The consumer group probed 34 payday loan firms' websites and found most of them failed to clearly show charges. The Sun
  • Slowly he probed through the vacant conscious levels of her mind to the turbulent preconscious, heavily hung with obscuring clouds like a vast dark nebula in the heavens. Wild Dreams of Reality, 5
  • The rectangular manifolds checked out, as she probed the divide that beautifully separated the two evenly, checking the wire housing and electrical connections.
  • At the back of the church were a robed choir and musicians making a quartet of stringed instruments.
  • With white and purple-robed priests heading the procession, the coffin was carried into the church.
  • The roundels in the center show a doge kneeling before an enthroned Saint Mark and a seated, robed figure with the right hand raised, presumably in blessing.
  • The act of being robed in white by the heavenly benefactor speaks of the divine patron bestowing honor upon them in their hour of shame.
  • Beyond the hordes of robed priests and priestesses, there were villagers.
  • * Elder Joy – This fabled treat coveted by the dark deities is a sinister cousin to a popular human confection -- an ambrosial amalgam of Coconut, white-chocolate Ganache, and Rum, enrobed in the darkest Chocolate and topped with a crisp, whole Almond. Places You Haunt
  • In "Office of the Dead," for example, the hooded figures in the background are clearly separated from the tonsured clerics in the middle-ground, who in turn stand apart from the robed eminences in the foreground. 'Fashion In The Middle Ages' At The Getty Center, Los Angeles
  • With voltmeter in hand, I quickly back-probed the three separate red ECM power wires and the two black/white ECM ground wires.
  • He tells them to sit and when he takes off his cloak they see that he is robed in white.
  • The presence we make known: As our group of robed, stoled and collaredmarchersweavedthroughthe financialdistrict, on more than one occasion I saw an expression of bewilderment in the eyes of observers. Bruce Reyes-Chow: Faith Leaders March And Pray For Occupy San Francisco
  • For example, the Fortune Cookie ice cream includes bits of fortune cookies enrobed with chocolate.
  • Griffin easily cleared the hood of the 2011 Kia Optima and caught a pass from teammate Baron Davis out of the sunroof while the berobed Crenshaw Select Choir sang "I Believe I Can Fly," winning the 26th NBA dunk contest in iconic style before his hometown fans. Blake Griffin Dunk Contest 2011 (VIDEO): Clippers Sensation Leaps Car For Victory
  • The aid of a Highland leech was procured, who probed the wound with a probe made out of a castock; i.e., the stalk of a colewort or cabbage. Rob Roy
  • The presence we make known: As our group of robed, stoled and collaredmarchersweavedthroughthe financialdistrict, on more than one occasion I saw an expression of bewilderment in the eyes of observers. Bruce Reyes-Chow: Faith Leaders March And Pray For Occupy San Francisco
  • For immunoblots, proteins were transferred electrophoretically to nitrocellulose and resulting replicas were probed with antibodies.
  • He further probed: “Perhaps you are [menstrually] impure?” Tamar: Midrash and Aggadah.
  • After energy minimization, the deformed protein structures can be superposed on the native structure to determine in which direction the probed residue moved.
  • They probed in/into the mud with a special drill.
  • The roundels in the center show a doge kneeling before an enthroned Saint Mark and a seated, robed figure with the right hand raised, presumably in blessing.
  • When present in asthmatic subjects, nasal polypi, erectile swelling of the inferior turbinated bodies, spines of the septum in contact with the inferior turbinal, or areas on the mucous membrane which, when probed, produce coughing, call for treatment with the object of modifying the asthma. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Nadine has probed her needles in between my teeth to check the state of the pockets under the gums.
  • He unrobed and joined her in the water.
  • It probed crime and business for the government and now has about 400 representative offices around the world.
  • Solid has gone on a spiritual pilgrimage to some mountainous area in Tibet to enlighten his inner-self, and spend plenty of time learning the ancient martial arts techniques with a load of orange-robed monks.
  • We became a robed choir, so we adopted the vesture of the traditional choir dress.
  • But although such imagery is offered in scripture and probed by mystics, it is seldom celebrated in church tradition.
  • The scout plane's robed signalman tapped the pilot on his right wing and gave a thumbs-up.
  • The Queen disrobed after the ceremony.
  • A black-robed priest offered what words of consolation and comfort he could to distraught onlookers as more than 20 ambulances ferried the injured to hospitals.
  • Yet 250 are still being probed by the IHAT gravy train. The Sun
  • The Queen disrobed after the coronation ceremony.
  • They carry me under a half-lowered blast shield that looks nuke-proof, then through a vault door, and finally into a series of cold, concrete rooms where I am fingerprinted and photographed, palpated and probed, swabbed, scanned, and scrubbed, deloused and depilated. Masked
  • While all of the good people in the world were on their way to Sunday morning services, I stood bathrobed and slippered in my front yard drinking a beer and holding a plunger that had been arbitrarily left standing beside my mail box overnight. Yard Sailing
  • The nurse disrobed the elderly patient expertly.
  • In a colourful ceremony the scholars, who were robed and gowned in full academic dress, were presented with their award by the president in front of the deans, doctors and dons of the college.
  • There's electricity but no water so I guess we'll be doing the "bizness" in the woods, but hey, I've got an aerobed so it's all good! Confessions of a Pioneer Woman | Ree Drummond
  • I probed it with a silver probe, wherewith I found a large cavity in the middle of the thigh, and others round the knee, sanious and cuniculate: also several scales of bone, some loose, others not. The Harvard Classics Volume 38 Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology)
  • Before entering the forest, we saw an impressive cell of mini thunderheads, gorgeously mauve and dimly aflicker from within, standing on the phony horizon like purple-robed clerics of Doom. New Race
  • Mechanical stimulation of both cultivars by probing with blunt micropipettes without penetrating the epidermal cells resulted in regular depolarizations each time the root was probed.
  • He is robed in black and white, although the background and lighting are red.
  • The gondola had a swinging lantern on one end and carried a robed and cowled figure with a pole.
  • Since its launch last June, NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has discovered a new class of pulsars, probed gamma-ray bursts and watched flaring jets in galaxies billions of light-years away. Tew's Day!
  • The consumer group probed 34 payday loan firms' websites and found most of them failed to clearly show charges. The Sun
  • A videocast from the courtroom showed him taking his seat in the dock, without any lawyers, facing a large team of prosecutors and a panel of four red-robed judges on the bench.
  • The special examiner then probed the legitimacy of William's first marriage to Marion.
  • Filters were probed with 32P-labeled HBVayw genomic DNA to detect HBV sequences and mouse glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) cDNA to detect the GAPDH transcript used as an internal control PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Soon they, their cousin Ricky, and his main squeeze Clementine are racing back and forth across the area trying to not get tentacle-probed by the shape-changing Wilberforces while Theo tries to get his act together enough to trust his twin and unleash the POOOOOOWER!!!! Fantastic Fest – Under the Mountain « Geek Related
  • Wish good-day to berobed, mosque-bound gents. Times, Sunday Times
  • P54M 'pilferage' in piers probed Customs says samples taken in bulk photo: Creative Commons/BrokenSphere - Articles related to Japan Democrats' No. 2 moves to defuse criticism
  • Meanwhile, a mysterious red-robed monk is sneaking around in the shadows, snapping people's necks with a bullwhip.
  • The pine tress were robed in snow.
  • Eight agents are also being probed. The Sun
  • In this program Pavlova was robed in shimmering white and silver, with diademed head and ankles tied with rosy ribbons … The fairy scene vanishes and a radiant figure — (Pavlova) — [re -] enters the stage walking with the delicate precision and grace of some wild bird. Further Pavlova
  • They saw advancing towards them, to the sound of this pleasing music, what they call a triumphal car, drawn by six grey mules with white linen housings, on each of which was mounted a penitent, robed also in white, with a large lighted wax taper in his hand. Don Quixote
  • Endogenous ER markers ERGIC-53 and calreticulin as well as plasma membrane protein markers Na/K ATPase and Na/Ca exchanger (NCX) were probed against to allow accurate visualization of the ER and the plasma membrane. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Robed in raiment of beauty, diaphanous gear of Benares. Psalms of the Sisters
  • His/her long muscular tongue lashed and probed the air like a sense organ as if to supplement his/her tiny shrunken eyes.
  • It was so hot during filming that many of the cast members disrobed at their leisure. Patrick Sauer: Porky's : An Oral History
  • Every white - robed angelic child carried a candle.
  • The story is bookended by a red-robed monk reminiscing about his youth.
  • Dr Amid probed around the sensitive area.
  • Colors strobed and whirled about the room, giving it an unearthly feel.
  • Ulrika Jonsson has been papped and probed not because of a job she did 20 years ago, nor because of her later work presenting Gladiators, serving as team captain on Shooting Stars, or appearing on Celebrity Big Brother, but because of her love life. The Saturday interview: Ulrika Jonsson
  • He probed the mud with his knife.
  • A member of the Met's territorial support group has been suspended while the incident is being probed. The Sun
  • A robed figure seated in a cart drawn by a tiger and a leopard follows two foot soldiers.
  • Robed in the Kumari's garb of scarlet brocade silk, with gold jewellery hanging heavy from her ears, arms and neck, she is then escorted to the audience room.
  • Every time a robed thing approached him, it would find itself at the wrong end of a stab, slice, slash or kick.
  • Finally, disrobed of all liturgical and ceremonial vestments she donned the exquisite Robe of Purple Velvet before leaving Westminster Abbey.
  • When Domingo sang Neruda's famous love sonnet "Mañana XXVII," a poetic evocation of his naked beloved, he disrobed Gallardo-Domas to the waist (so much for figurative speech). Domingo's tenor lifts respectable, but too literal, 'Il Postino' by Daniel Catán
  • One of the robed elite, more handbill pusher than ideologue, seemed above, apart from, or perhaps, by now, simply oblivious to the rhetoric.
  • Angkor Thom Monks, Cambodia, 1968 "Ghostlike faces surround two saffron-robed Buddhist monks in a window of the extravagantly carved Bayon, central temple of Angkor Thom.

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