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How To Use Robbery In A Sentence

  • He described the sequence of events leading up to the robbery.
  • The teen was committed to DYRS last year, the source said, after being "adjudicated," or found guilty, in Family Court of an armed robbery. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • Police have ruled out robbery as a motive for the killing.
  • Her brother's doing a ten-year stretch for armed robbery.
  • The robbery suspect broke away from the lockup.
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  • The chase scene that follows is intercut with brief vignettes showing the bank officials glorying in the publicity the robbery has created.
  • Investigators have yet to establish a motive, but a failed robbery attempt is a likely reason, Moen said.
  • As he learns, the murders were a cover up for the diamond robbery that took place that night.
  • The unclaimed jewellery was part of the estimated £60m haul taken from the Knightsbridge Security deposit box robbery in 1987.
  • Robbery, which also includes carjackings, across the division has been reduced by more than 50 per cent.
  • They knew that several clerks lived in the shop and they felt that they would have to kill them in order to assure a successful robbery.
  • The incident came close on the heels of a series of robbery detections made by four police stations of South Mumbai early last morning.
  • He had been sent there for committing robbery at knifepoint. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her brother's doing a ten-year stretch for armed robbery.
  • In some areas nearly all robbery and burglary is drug related to pay for the next fix.
  • Police are treating the horrific crime as robbery. The Sun
  • About a hundred brains that had been stored in glass jars in a basement on campus have disappeared, prompting fears of a great brain robbery. Times, Sunday Times
  • The defendant argued that any liability which he had, extended only from his breach of duty until the armed robbery.
  • Our lone female antiheroine not only falls for the student protester, but she also agrees to help him with a robbery in order to help fund an all out war on the corrupt police. Remembering Yasuharu Hasebe (1932-2009)
  • The police are still smarting from their failure to prevent the robbery.
  • ` ` See what tidings that horn tells us of --- to announce, I ween, some hership* and robbery which has been done Ivanhoe
  • Davis also faces three other special circumstances in connection with the murder charge: kidnapping, burglary and robbery.
  • In the last three years the division has registered 700 cases of crimes, including dacoity, robbery and murder.
  • Nine people were charged with burglary, three with robbery and two with aggravated assault on a police officer.
  • It's barefaced robbery asking such a high price for that old bicycle!
  • The compartments have the added protection of three to four cross-bars running through all the bogies - to prevent robbery, snatching or the entry of miscreants through the window.
  • Just as he plans a railyard robbery with Bronco, he enters into a touching relationship with the 15-year-old Irene, whose father is serving time for armed robbery. Bronco Bullfrog
  • Moments of calm and serenity are interspersed with bursts of extreme violence which increase in frequency as a robbery gone wrong takes its toll. The Sun
  • Three children were taken hostage during the bank robbery.
  • A gang of bank robbers come up with a plan for a lucrative armoured car robbery, but a determined police officer is closing in on them. The Sun
  • Vidal D. Mason, 23, will serve the term consecutive to a five-year sentence imposed for violating the terms of his parole from an armed robbery conviction in 2006, according to online court records.
  • For the latter part of the power of the prerogative, or that whereby they are the supreme judicatory of this nation, and of the provinces of the same, the cognizances of crimes against the majesty of the people, such as high treason, as also of peculation, that is, robbery of the treasury, or defraudation of the commonwealth, appertains to this tribe. The Commonwealth of Oceana
  • The bank was carefully cased by the bandits before the robbery.
  • He confessed to other crimes subsequent to the bank robbery.
  • Fair exchange is no robbery.
  • He is charged with possession of a gun with intent to commit a robbery.
  • A 53-year-old man and a 38-year-old woman were last night charged with receiving stolen property in connection with the robbery.
  • Stealing without administering fear is called larceny, stealing by administering fear is called robbery, the keyword here is “steal.” O.J. Trial: Prosecution testimony denied
  • DARIEN -- Ben Malloy, the 21-year-old son of Stamford Mayor Dannel Malloy, turned himself in to Darien police Wednesday evening after learning they had a warrant for his arrest in connection with an attempted robbery over drugs. Greenwich Time Most Viewed
  • In scandal, as in robbery,the receiver is always thought as bad as the thief. 
  • A 33-year-old man was arrested and charged with aggravated robbery.
  • The robbery may have been carried out with the help of a bent policeman.
  • In a July 29th, 1971 robbery of the Banker's Trust, the accused was to act as the wheelman.
  • Sure, the men behind the robbery looked pretty clever in the immediate aftermath of the heist.
  • He was arrested in 1979 over a bungled post office robbery and got two years. The Sun
  • When arrests were made stolen property was recovered that belonged to two victims of a robbery in the town centre.
  • That survey, the groups have to drive robbery, an immediate task force on the Tanggu District, car rental industry, small and medium-sized hotels and pawnbroking a comprehensive Mopai.
  • The bank conducted its own internal investigation into the robbery.
  • Their descendants were distinguished by various praenomina and cognomina [285], but rejected by common consent the praenomen of (193) Lucius, when, of the two races who bore it, one individual had been convicted of robbery, and another of murder. De vita Caesarum
  • The robbery took place at Aker Brygge, an upscale shopping centre and apartment complex on the Oslo waterfront.
  • According to an eyewitness account, the thieves abandoned their vehicle near the scene of the robbery and then ran off.
  • We speak with victims of armed robbery about coping with the physical and mental aftermath of a hold-up; their role in criminal investigations, and getting access to crimes compensation.
  • HONOWITZ: Yes, I mean, the source and what I've read is -- is the bottom line is -- people that were up from this gentleman Gonzalez, who they say is the shooter, knew what was going on and the people lower were just kind of lassoed into this robbery. CNN Transcript Jul 31, 2009
  • Three of those arrested have previous convictions for armed robbery and murder.
  • Wednesday, July 22, 2009 at 3: 40 p.m. MENOMINEE -- Further charges may be brought against a Menominee man, recently arrested for an armed robbery incident in Marinette. TV6 - TV6 News
  • He was arrested in 1979 over a bungled post office robbery and got two years. The Sun
  • Marquis Dillard (d.o.b. 7-15-89) wanted for robbery with a firearm that occurred during a drug deal. ABC7 News
  • It's an armed robbery but not in the conventional sense most people would recognise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Enclosure turned a once independent peasantry into an unfree workforce in thrall to those who had seized hold by robbery of the means of production in the fields and in the towns.
  • It is understood police had the suspects under surveillance for weeks before the robbery.
  • Robbery is now an everyday occurrence.
  • He was also handed a 10-year concurrent sentence for robbery.
  • The drop in house prices may be heftier than the actual stolen goods: a doubled-up version of daylight robbery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Turns out he'd been caught between an armed robbery and some police that just happened to be driving by.
  • All the evidence collected so far points to robbery as the motive of the crime.
  • He has previous convictions for theft, robbery and assault causing actual bodily harm.
  • The personal accounts that I have read indicate that a taxi robbery, even if you are unhurt, is a very traumatic experience. Mexico City taxi robberies
  • He was deported on a court order following a conviction for armed robbery.
  • They were said to have made it look as though she died during a bungled robbery. The Sun
  • Robbery was believed to be the motive for the killing.
  • Co Durham in England, after one of the busiest weekends in the racing calendar when the terrifying eight-minute robbery took place. Top Stories:
  • Govinda was shot dead in a police action in 2005 after he was named an accused in a rape and murder case, committed during a robbery, at Mulki in Mangalore. The Hindu - Front Page
  • Followed by a crime caper following the story of a seaman lured into a robbery in the City. Times, Sunday Times
  • The net was closing last night on raiders who fired at unarmed gardai during a bank robbery in Co Limerick yesterday.
  • It is little more than daylight robbery. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dossier was opened for attempted murder and armed robbery. Times, Sunday Times
  • When a couple is taken hostage in their home by an intruder, a simple home invasion robbery turns into something much more complicated.
  • They make the Evening News: they filmed a local gemstone store robbery in progress, a crime in which $10 million in jewels was jacked.
  • He added that more than one person had to be involved in the robbery while another vehicle also had to be used to transport the stolen goods.
  • £4 for an orange juice? That's just daylight robbery!
  • Two of the suspects have records for drug abuse and armed robbery. The Sun
  • She was hit in the leg with two pellets from the shotgun blast during the robbery at Barclay's Bank, Westhoughton, five years ago.
  • I rail at the theistic credulity of Voltaire, the amoristic superstition of Shelley, the revival of tribal soothsaying and idolatrous rites which Huxley called Science and mistook for an advance on the Pentateuch, no less than at the welter of ecclesiastical and professional humbug which saves the face of the stupid system of violence and robbery which we call Law and Industry. Epistle Dedicatory
  • Four men were arrested in connection with the attack and a separate robbery.
  • According to an eyewitness account, the thieves abandoned their vehicle near the scene of the robbery and then ran off.
  • Three men have been charged with robbery of the shop. Times, Sunday Times
  • That other honour to our profession, Roker, is well versed in chicane, and knows more of the law, or rather of its abuse, than an honest man would wish to know; but Fisherton is so ignorant that, while his lavish expences continually reduce him to necessities that drive him into bold attempts at robbery, his skill in managing them is so inferior that he is almost always baffled, and has been more than once exposed. ' The Old Manor House
  • So rapacious were some accountant trustees, in contradistinction to legal practitioner trustees, that bankruptcy trusteeships were referred to in parliament and in the press as ‘legalised robbery’.
  • Theft of motor vehicles, robbery, drink-driving – daft little things, but it sticks with you," he says. Britain's not working
  • Break-ins and robbery, armed or otherwise, in Switzerland is almost non-existant. PA Governor Calls For Semi-Auto Ban
  • He served a long prison sentence in the 1970s for armed robbery. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was an overnight bank robbery. Times, Sunday Times
  • A wide range of offences are usually subsumed under the category of robbery.
  • Besides, there is no king, be his cause never so spotless, if it come to the arbitrement of swords, can try it out with all unspotted soldiers: some peradventure have on them the guilt of premeditated and contrived murder; some, of beguiling virgins with the broken seals of perjury; some, making the wars their bulwark, that have before gored the gentle bosom of peace with pillage and robbery. The Life of King Henry the Fifth
  • Last night the ones who were chuntering about ‘robbery’ were not the home players.
  • what they are asking for gas these days is highway robbery
  • A policewoman was dead last night and another was seriously injured after they were gunned down during an armed robbery at a travel agents in Bradford.
  • The principal felonies were homicide, rape, theft, burglary, robbery and arson.
  • Robbery is now classified as theft from a person; burglary is downgraded to criminal damage. Times, Sunday Times
  • The thieves carved up the profit from the robbery.
  • Two vandalism cases, one "demoralising" case, "dissatisfaction" case, trespassing, three assaults, two debt cases with two arrests made and a robbery case in Jangsak were also recorded. Brudirect News1
  • Closer inspection reveals the soothsayer had made a typically vague prophecy that a ‘very large robbery’ would take place across the water.
  • My detective solved a jewelry store robbery.
  • Several men are awaiting trial for robbery.
  • A brave police chief foiled an armed robbery on a jewellers' by grabbing the raiders' shotgun.
  • Max is up for armed robbery.
  • Two men are to appear in court on charges of armed robbery.
  • Unfortunately, the boys find out that the money was stolen as part of a robbery, and one of the robbers wants it back.
  • About £50 million from the robbery five years ago is unaccounted for.
  • He denied all knowledge of the bank robbery, but police were able to detain him on a technicality.
  • Officer Goldstein of the Police Department tells me that this robbery is grand larceny. THE UNORTHODOX MURDER OF RABBI MOSS
  • FAMILIES helped themselves to 500,000 which rained down after a bungled robbery. The Sun
  • Minneapolis police seek man with 'unibrow' after pharmacy robbery Former Prior Lake cop will be jailed for breaking into ex's house News
  • Blunt is being advised about how to roll out the plans by Victim Support and the Restorative Justice Consortium, which wants 75,000 victims of robbery, violence and burglary each year to be offered meetings, arguing that this would cut reconviction rates by 27%. Prisons minister says criminals could cut jail sentences by saying 'sorry'
  • Voltaire, the amoristic superstition of Shelley, the revival of tribal soothsaying and idolatrous rites which Huxley called Science and mistook for an advance on the Pentateuch, no less than at the welter of ecclesiastical and professional humbug which saves the face of the stupid system of violence and robbery which we call Law and Industry. Man and Superman
  • He was jailed for two years in January for a booze and cigs robbery at an off-licence. The Sun
  • Fair exchange is no robbery.
  • The gang that pulled the bank robbery were all arrested.
  • Renner and Yurchesyn compared cases of physical assault, sexual assault and robbery in Nova Scotia.
  • The robbery occurred in broad daylight, in a crowded street.
  • Bolts and bars being all unused, the business of locksmith is quite at a discount in the back woods, where all idea of a midnight robbery is unknown; and yet, if rumour was true, there were persons not far from us to whom the trade of stealing would not be new. Sketches and Tales Illustrative of Life in the Backwoods of New Brunswick, North America
  • In the first robbery he dressed in a three quarter length, cream coloured jacket with fur around the edges.
  • United States not only believed in slavery, but bought and sold women and babes in the name of Jesus Christ, this infidel, this wretch who is now burning in the flames of hell, lifted his voice against human slavery and said: "It is robbery, and a slaveholder is a thief; the whipper of women is a barbarian; the seller of a child is a savage. Lectures of Col. R. G. Ingersoll - Latest
  • Ross is consumed by his need to discover who grassed about his bank robbery, and had him locked up for eight years.
  • His direct action and cool nerves foil the robbery in suitably dramatic fashion.
  • Up to their eyeballs in debt, they resort to inept armed robbery to pay the bills. The Sun
  • There is a lot of abuse, robbery, corruption, crime and theft of our wealth.
  • IT wasn't exactly a steal for the buyers but the auction of Martin Cahill's former home didn't represent daylight robbery by the sellers either.
  • He did ten years porridge for armed robbery.
  • The VCTF is a joint FBI and Houston Police Department task force responsible for the investigation of, among other violent crimes, kidnaping, bank robbery, extortion, serial murder, and Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution. Michael McMannus
  • A group called Banknote Watch is promoting the use of machines that stain banknotes during robbery attempts.
  • These acts included armed robberies by guerilla groups called repossession units, who were tasked with obtaining weapons and goods for subsistence, by means of armed robbery if necessary. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • More than 50 per cent of arrests led to successful convictions for robbery, burglary, handling stolen goods and possessing or dealing in drugs.
  • Joanna died in a violent robbery when I was three, and I continued to live with my great-aunt and great-uncle for two more years, before I was adopted by Kathryn, the only person I think of as “Mom.” Dark Secrets 2: No Time to Die the Deep End of Fear
  • Now today, I would be an accessory to a robbery, but in those days I really did not care all that much.
  • Charles, who has admitted striking the first blow, claimed it was a robbery that went wrong.
  • Armed robbery and abduction have been on the increase countrywide.
  • Moreover, since all human arrangements are vulnerable to changes in circumstances, the possibility that a planned robbery might be cancelled if there are police in the vicinity at the time does not negate the existence of a conspiracy.
  • Trends in age-specific violent arrest rates for homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault confirm the patterns found in homicide statistics.
  • I did a robbery and I got grassed up off my own brother and got four years.
  • The man was found guilty of armed robbery, and condemned to eight years'imprisonment.
  • Their descendants were distinguished by various praenomina and cognomina [285], but rejected by common consent the praenomen of (193) Lucius, when, of the two races who bore it, one individual had been convicted of robbery, and another of murder. De vita Caesarum
  • Every time he turns around, the cops tow his car, his girls are hauled before the courts, or he's busted on some phony armed robbery charge.
  • A school spokeswoman declined to comment on the robbery yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • If enough people avoid the place of the robbery or the assault, the problem will go away.
  • Police decided to publicise the robbery as much as possible in an effort to make the paintings too hot to handle.
  • Facts: convicted of attempted robbery: pleaded guilty to two further offences of robbery and one of indecent assault.
  • The robbery was carried out by an armed gang.
  • The policeman detailed the events leading up to the robbery.
  • Armed robbery is on the increase everywhere.
  • He has twice been convicted of robbery/arson.
  • The worst part of over criminalization is that police stop enforcing real crimes – rape, robbery, fraud etc. because they have to enforce the crime du jour – speeding tickets, seat belt violations etc. The Volokh Conspiracy » Panel on Overcriminalization at the Heritage Foundation
  • The suspects were arrested and charged with aggravated robbery, felonious assault and theft.
  • Now that poor guy, charged with attempted rape and robbery.
  • Police say now believe the motive for the killing was robbery; a small amount of cash was taken from the till.
  • Three were imprisoned for robbery, one for theft and one for drug dealing.
  • Three people have been arrested after Britain's first alleged attempted online bank robbery was thwarted.
  • The good effects of this law is admirable, insomuch that it has almost annihilated robbery: but when one has actually been committed, the energy and exertion of every individual is directed to discover the depredator, and they seldom fail to discover him. An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa
  • A dramatized reconstruction of the robbery was shown on television to try to make people remember any vital pieces of information that would help the police.
  • Its lyrics unashamedly retread the themes of guns, murder, robbery and drugs.
  • Markhasev is accused of killing Ennis Cosby in the course of a robbery, which qualifies as a special circumstance.
  • They stole one hundred and forty five louis d'or and paid me with an acquittance for a tax for the sans-culottes, which is another robbery done to the citizens of this commune where I have neither home nor possessions. The French Revolution - Volume 3
  • ACTS constitute protection; and is that public sentiment which makes the slave 'property,' and perpetrates hourly robbery and batteries upon him, so penetrated with a sense of the sacredness of his right to life, that it will protect it at all hazards, and drag to the gallows his OWNER, if he take the life of his own _property_? The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 3 of 4
  • It doesn't help that in spite of being a first-term convict serving a short sentence for bank robbery, Chaffee was a nice guy. Dannie martin: long day's journey into death
  • It's an armed robbery but not in the conventional sense most people would recognise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Robbery is a criminal act.
  • They were for a variety of arrests - including drugs, motoring offences, disqualified driving, theft and robbery.
  • A taciturn man, Olivier still grieves for his son, who was murdered during an attempted car robbery some years before.
  • The bank will investigate the circumstances surrounding the robbery.
  • The institute turned out to have certified the diamond before the robbery and determined it was the same one, albeit recut. Graff robbery diamond turns up in Hong Kong pawn shop
  • The chief suspect for the robbery is a Caucasian male.
  • A wild ride in Southern California has landed three robbery suspects in custody.
  • A small sum of money is supposed to be forked out quarterly for burglary and robbery insurance.
  • The bank robbery was recorded on video.
  • An earlier robbery rap was also dropped. The Sun
  • A matter of murder-more than one murder, highway robbery and probably the rape of a young girl too.
  • He went on to chalk up a string of convictions including housebreaking and armed robbery, before remarrying and fathering another three children.
  • What's more, the alleged shooter reportedly is the wife of one of the inmates, who was serving 35 years for aggravated robbery and assault.
  • And Foley's production piles on the sight gags: chairs and tables spin across the stage every time a train passes, the robbery is re-created by miniaturised cars colliding on a vertical wall, and, when the thieves fall out, a trick-knife is embedded in the boxer's bonce, and the pill-popper is apparently run through with a non-musical stave. The Ladykillers – review by Michael Billington
  • He admitted two counts of theft, one of robbery and taking the car without consent.
  • Two 16-year-old boys were among six people held at gunpoint and tied up in a restaurant robbery.
  • The robbery took a deadly new twist as the robber pulled out a gun.
  • Police have not ruled out robbery as a motive for the murder, but suspect it could have been a revenge murder or a contract killing disguised as a robbery.
  • Grigorov had spent time in jail for illegal possession of firearms and had pending court cases for robbery, blackmailing and pimping.
  • Neither the lorry nor four other vehicles used in the robbery have been found. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is charged with possession of a gun with intent to commit a robbery.
  • Two men are to appear in court on charges of armed robbery.
  • She initially refused to give names, claiming that she feared reprisals from those involved in the robbery. Times, Sunday Times
  • He spent ten years in the can for armed robbery.
  • They also want to enjoy their prosperity without fear of robbery, violence and the menace of drugs. Times, Sunday Times
  • And that sounds suspiciously like daylight robbery to us. The Sun
  • In scandal, as in robbery,the receiver is always thought as bad as the thief. 
  • The chase scene that follows is intercut with brief vignettes showing the bank officials glorying in the publicity the robbery has created.
  • This crime included murder, attempt to murder, dacoity, robbery and kidnapping.
  • Robbery. 2 p.m. Feb. 3, overcrossing, 24200 block of Frampton Avenue. Daily Breeze Most Viewed
  • Police pulled Deener over for a routine traffic stop and after questioning him, took him in to custody on suspicion of armed robbery. - Local News
  • Williams had received the George Medal for saving three young children who were taken hostage during a bank robbery.
  • He said police were investigating robbery as a possible motive for the murder and they believe she let her killer in as there was no sign of forced entry.
  • The automobilist is a good advertiser of what he finds _en route_ that pleases him, and scores pitilessly -- to other automobilists -- everything in the nature of a swindle that he meets with, and they are not few, for in many places the automobilist is still considered fair game for robbery. The Automobilist Abroad
  • He received a 10 year prison sentence for armed robbery .

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