[ US /ˈɹɔɹ/ ]
[ UK /ɹˈɔː/ ]
  1. emit long loud cries
    howl with sorrow
    wail in self-pity
  2. utter words loudly and forcefully
    `Get out of here,' he roared
  3. act or proceed in a riotous, turbulent, or disorderly way
    desperadoes from the hills regularly roared in to take over the town
  4. laugh unrestrainedly and heartily
  5. make a loud noise, as of wind, water, or vehicles
    The water roared down the chute
    The wind was howling in the trees
  6. make a loud noise, as of animal
    The bull bellowed
  1. the sound made by a lion
  2. a deep prolonged loud noise
  3. a very loud utterance (like the sound of an animal)
    his bellow filled the hallway
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How To Use roar In A Sentence

  • The bombardment of the GPO had fascinated MacMurrough: the annunciatory puffs of smoke and the flames that roared to greet them; then the crashing gun’s report, the shell’s eruption—an illogical sequence, effect before cause, an object lesson in the madness of war. At Swim, Two Boys
  • Rob also reckons that the south-west coast of Ireland has some of the best sailing grounds in the world - particularly around Roaring Water Bay in West Cork.
  • It's a poor teacher who can only control the class by roaring at the children.
  • Folks may crow all they want about the roar of Niagara or the growlin’ of the sea—but give me a splendacious peal o’ stormbrewed thunder and your other nat’ral music is no more than a penny whistle is to a church organ! Nevermore
  • The uproar in both cases was swift and decisive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then the truck roared down the road, crashed into the ranks, turned over and hit a tree. Times, Sunday Times
  • It sounded like a dull roar at first, but now it was nearly deafening.
  • They got comfortable on the rocks, with the waves roaring in, lapping at their feet, they stroked their bellies and chattered on about the sea, about stealing a small fishing boat when they should have been in school. September 17 , 2004
  • He was embarrassed and even ashamed of his indiscretion, but then he realized that there was no way he could have been heard above the roar of the boisterous crowd.
  • A calendar picturing semi-naked men, shot in aid of a village school, has caused uproar after proving too hot to handle.
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