
How To Use Roads In A Sentence

  • As a young man he wrote words to popular folk airs and had them printed as broadsheets.
  • They estimate the cost of repairing the damaged roads at £1 million.
  • ‘The council operates a priority order for gritting roads and footpaths,’ a spokesman said.
  • Beautiful, green, the remoteness of Exmoor counterpointed by the glorious surf of the Atlantic beaches, coast roads with views of the craggy shoreline. Archive 2009-06-01
  • It's not possible or desirable to build enough roads for free-flowing traffic. Times, Sunday Times
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  • It is expected that the roads will be shut until at least 4pm today and that there will be major traffic congestion.
  • Some small villages in the northern Andes were left isolated as roads were blocked by slides.
  • Painter and decorator Geoffrey Jenks was so shocked when he failed a roadside breath test, he felt his Cokes must have been spiked, Kennet magistrates in Devizes heard on Tuesday.
  • The best way to reduce the risk of hydroplaning is to simply slow down when roads are wet. Video: How to reduce the risk of hydroplaning
  • They fine us when our vehicles are unroadworthy, but this is caused by the bad roads.
  • The roads are clear, and the Lexus purrs into life as we speed through the winter mist to stake-out the suspect.
  • At weekends the roads are jammed with holidaymakers coming to gawp at the parade.
  • The Dominican Republic's mountainous interior and long stretches of unimproved roads make for perfect fat-tire odysseys.
  • Details of how British electronic components have been found in roadside bombs were given to David Miliband, the Foreign Secretary, when he visited British troops at their military compound at Lashkagar, in Helmand province, earlier this week. Religion News Roundup — Islam: Music, Chess, and Sin
  • But when a rival dad challenges his title, it leads to a roadside competition of epic proportions.
  • We are trying to give the roads back to the motorist and the pavements back to pedestrians.
  • The bonus of having to traverse a network of constantly changing roads?
  • There are still flowers to be seen on the grass verges of country roads. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is helped by the orderly arrangement of The Square and the very good developments of roadside verges on the approach roads.
  • You will see graders keeping our rural roads in shape.
  • To improve the ambience of the village, they cleared the wild growth and widened the roads.
  • Local governments are responsible for salting and gritting roads as they freeze.
  • On Tuesday there was a serious accident at the crossroads at Tzanov Boulevard and Ivanov Street at 9pm when one driver jumped a red light.
  • The driver ran a stop light and broadsided the truck.
  • Colourful wild flowers sprung up by the roadside, purple violets and white daisies dotted among the grass.
  • Scrambling to her feet, she zigzagged away across the wasteland, through the grimy cans an(l hubcaps and other roadside jetsam. COMPULSION
  • Don't know what was wrong - the wind was swirly and the roads were in slippery condition, but the main problem was heavy legs.
  • Agricultural yields were improving and the development of turnpike roads and canals later in the century enabled food to be transported more quickly to areas of shortage.
  • That was helped, he said, by the fact that the local authorities responsible for the roads along the route were working on seven or eight projects involving key bottlenecks and pressure points.
  • Our problem since then is that we can't get them to the gallop because the roads are too icy to walk them on. Times, Sunday Times
  • The roads have large potholes, road calming humps, roundabouts and other obstacles.
  • Every day that passes sees the obituary columns of broadsheet newspapers bring us more examples.
  • President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is aiming for annual average GDP growth of 6.6 percent through the remainder of his term ending in 2014, partly by boosting spending on roads, railways and ports. -- Top News
  • He travelled each morning with bread supplies for Port-laoise but in the afternoons he travelled on the country byroads bringing Brad-bury's breads and confectioneries to rural shops.
  • Here was a beautiful British roadster offering huge performance. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the snow isn't cleared from the roads quickly, it packs down hard and makes driving difficult.
  • On the other hand, when armed with a large umbrella or a well-fitting raincoat and perhaps a pair of gumboots, it is possible to enjoy the monsoon rains, and take time out to splash through muddy puddles and wade through waterlogged roads.
  • The mine is a hive of activity with more traffic here than on the roads heading into the site, where visitors drive past a scenic vineyard. Times, Sunday Times
  • The main roads remind me of the roads on the outskirts of huge cities in the USA, with their seemingly endless miles of fast food joints and lurid neon signs.
  • Sites promoted as tourist attractions are usually signposted from main roads; look out for brown-coloured ‘tourist signs’.
  • A campaign to curb speeders on one of the area's most notorious roads has been given a boost.
  • The roads intersect near the bridge.
  • To emphasize the cold, inhospitable emptiness of the West, O'Sullivan had to aim his lens elsewhere than at the roads and bivouacs just out of camera range. Western Development
  • Broadsystem Ventures (UK) - provider of cheap-rate telephone calls, particularly for customers of Sky Television. Bloggers.Pakistan
  • Back roads around Tollerton were almost impassable because of standing water and the only clear way in and out of the village was on the road to and from the A19.
  • The show presents its monumental architecture, its military might, the way it controlled and administered its dominions through provincial satrapies and the network of roads that traversed its vast distances.
  • A wonderfully eerie musical score accompanies the two youngsters as they pound miles of wet roads for hours on end, experiencing nothing but uncertainty at every turn.
  • The roadsides sparkled with coreopsis, crimson clover, vetch, spring beauties, and other gem-like blooms.
  • Modeled after British roadsters, the Miata MX - 5 is less about muscle than about being a quick and nimble extension of you.
  • What is so alarming about the commissioner's report is the revelation that so many relatively minor inroads on civil liberties have gone unremarked and unnoticed.
  • One of these went past me as I stood by the roadside, rising very gradually into the air and repeating all the way, _Chip, chip, chip, chip_, till at last he broke into the warble, which was a full half longer than usual. Birds in the Bush
  • My wife calls those jacked-up monstrosities aka “mosnter trucks” on the public roads that are obviously never going to even come within sight of a mud puddle “penis substitutes.” EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - “Save the clock tower!”
  • In this spirit, topologists regard any two objects that can be deformed into each other without tearing to be one and the same thing - have a look at Plus article In space, do all roads lead home?
  • The idea is to finance programmes making it possible to afforest non-arable farmland, improve the quality of forests, invest in construction of forest roads, and develop forestry farms.
  • Certainly this suffices to show superabundantly by how many roads Modernism leads to the annihilation of all religion. An anniversary note
  • And for the first 16 weeks of 2009, the AAR said U.S. railroads reported cumulative volume of 4,286,128 carloads, which is down 18.0 percent from the first 16 weeks of 2008. Undefined
  • Needless to say, this has led to additional burden on the locality's narrow roads.
  • Intense deforestation is constrained to the few roads that do exist or around urban centers such as Iquitos, Puerto Maldonado, and Rio Branco. Southwest Amazon moist forests
  • the ship was broadside to the dock
  • The city seems to wait a week to see if the ice will melt before salting the roads.
  • Silver is still desirable, but other metallics and copper tones in costume jewellery are making inroads.
  • All I could hear in the hush was the birds tweeting until, suddenly ahead of me, a lithe lad in Lycra darted over a crossroads like a rabbit scuttling for cover.
  • We stopped there so the farrier could make calked sandals with spikes for the horses to wear on the icy roads of the mountains. Wildfire
  • Opportunities range from production of technical componentry and plant for wind turbines to the development of infrastructure such as roads and buildings and the purchase of consumables like workwear and lubricants.
  • Clean, paved roads give way to dirt paths strewn with rubbish and open sewers. The Sun
  • When one entered the city, the metalled roads and high-rise buildings conveyed the feeling of universal city.
  • pave the roads in the village
  • Will their taxes repave our pot-holed roads or halt the spread of suburban shanties caused by a grotesque housing shortage? The Sun
  • The roads then would be nearly empty. The Sun
  • Driving on those rough roads has really done for my car.
  • Daily trials on a creaking and antiquated public transport and roads system is just a part of it.
  • Shortly afterwards the Guardian, a British broadsheet newspaper, published the obituary of Cohn Osman, founder of Creative Camera.
  • Modern roads have a maze of water and sewer pipes running beneath them.
  • There are no teachers to check on progress, and only a few mothers at some crossroads to oversee road crossing.
  • The prospect of cashing in on the huge émigré market is one reason many Irish retailers are making a concerted effort to make inroads into e-commerce.
  • There is a lay-by on each carriageway, but 70 mph roads have those as well without anyone complaining that they represent a safety threat.
  • This includes 24-hour roadside assistance, with no call-out charge and up to an hour's free roadside labour. Times, Sunday Times
  • The very roads that permit us to travel may be impassable barriers to other species.
  • Bangalore's roads were a distinct bad omen for its new government.
  • Five main roads fan out from the village.
  • When workmen put salt on icy roads, the salt makes the ice melt and so the roads become safer for cars.
  • How did you get a dirk and a broadsword on an airplane?
  • Regional manager Gavin Pritchard said the number of pitches more than doubled and they now have 113 hardstanding pitches, as well as a new toilet block with modern facilities, new reception and roads.
  • Police and motoring organizations said the roads were slightly busier than normal.
  • With temperatures below zero and icy roads many people were unable to get into the village for supplies of candles, batteries for torches etc.
  • Government grants were available in cases where rail would keep lorries off roads regarded as sensitive.
  • The Roads Authority imposed restrictions on the use of the B1 route between Rehoboth and Windhoek for the purpose of major roadworks.
  • Their view is that many of the birds and animals are exclusive to the river and its banks, so they are pleading with Roads Service to move the road northwards, away from the river.
  • Logistics in the automotive industry is at a crossroads.
  • Indeed, consider how many drivers on our roads today have any experience of driving in snow, slush and frost?
  • I watch rice being planted, traditional canoes paddled in peacoloured swamps and monks in saffron robes walking along red dirt roads.
  • Their roads were highways, raised up on a cambered bank of material dug from roadside ditches.
  • With more than 3,600 Filipinos riding out the typhoon in sturdy school buildings, town halls, churches and relatives 'homes, roads in and out of coastal Isabela province were deserted and blocked by collapsed trees and power lines. Super Typhoon Strikes The Philippines
  • Stillington made major inroads into Harrogate's batting as they dismissed three home batsmen for ducks.
  • They wore heaving broadswords belted on at the waist.
  • As the twentieth century wore on, railroads and mail-order catalogs supplanted the country stores.
  • Local governments throughout China have increasingly been using tolls on roads and bridges as a means of supplementing their income.
  • Britain has reached a crossroads. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Roadshow is going Continental, starting with Paris - then Rome and Berlin. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • Snow was settling on the Pennines this morning but roads were still passable with care.
  • I will keep my car off bridle paths if she'll keep her horse off the roads. Times, Sunday Times
  • We shall contest every river, every crossroads, every village, every town, and every kopje. Rainbow’s End
  • The traffic had started to move more freely now and he walked to the bus shelter at the roadside, and waited.
  • Fort Benton, the great distribution center, the head of navigation for the vast Montana Territory as well as Canada, was fast losing out to the incoming railroads, which in turn were putting the big freighting outfits out of business.
  • Try to take it along open roads at a decent speed, rather than just pottering around town. Times, Sunday Times
  • As an added bonus, the lava would simultaneously pave roads and sidewalks when it hardens into a glassy smooth surface of igneous rock.
  • It looks like the supercar is being driven sportively on some California back roads during Monterey Speed Week.
  • Randall's first publications in 1965 were literally broadsides - single poems printed on large sheets of paper that sold for fifty cents.
  • Habitat wind township and village roads panacea , Micronesia, as beads Network, to facilitate passenger and freight.
  • Slowly, the building grew farther apart, the roads larger, and sidewalks less common.
  • The Cardinal was greeted on arrival 46 years ago by a great concourse of parishioners who had gaily decorated the roads leading to the new church with bunting and scrolls, many of which were Irish.
  • She saw three men rush in, all carrying broadswords, heavy swords that were almost as hard to block as axes.
  • The snow along the roadside was six feet deep in places.
  • That is also his view of much fashionable broadsheet journalese.
  • The dynamic attributes of the C-MAX are good, with dependable handling on twisty roads and the car holds its line on bumpy surfaces.
  • But Russian forces have been held up by heavily mined roads and tough rebel resistance.
  • Weep not for roads untraveled. Weep not for paths left alone 'cause beyond every bend is a long blinding end.
  • Conditions are now worsening as the days become shorter and the roads icier.
  • An American soldier was killed when he tried to disarm a roadside bomb that had been attached to a telephone pole.
  • I had this old habit of speeding along the old country roads late at night and dipping my headlights before going around corners or going over the brows of hills.
  • On a drive around the county's back roads, the sheriff pointed to new house after new house, some with mansard roofs, some with Palladian windows, that he said were built with drug profits.
  • Legend Potential areas of conflict Roads Railroads Threats to the troopsIn planning the peacekeeping operation, army officials are preparing U.S. troops for Bosnia's many dangers: 1 As many as 1,000 Islamic fundamentalists, called mujahedin, are operating independently in Bosnia and could harm U.S. troops. Gearing Up For Peace
  • For instance, you need only drive a few miles out from Benidorm to discover narrow mountain roads that twist through pine forests.
  • Yet lumpish Jane's fairytale romance is left stranded on the roadside by the self-centered pragmatism of robbers on the run.
  • As cyclists choose shortest routes, the network should be dense, with virtually all roads accessible for cycle movement.
  • One other authority has a joint budget with the health authority, funding a crossroads care attendant scheme and health care assistants.
  • Without dismounting, he drew his broadsword and rapped the hilt against the gate.
  • Some of the worst blackspots occur on train routes or main arterial roads around the country.
  • Rural counties such as Gwynedd suffer particularly since they often have very low density settlements, rugged terrain and relatively poor roads.
  • The BBC Radio 2 Roadshow will broadcast live from the exhibition.
  • A back road in the area had never been tarred and he wondered if there were any other roads like that in county Mayo.
  • The incident caused congestion on surrounding roads as police cleared the area.
  • In England the road traffic code system is much the same as here, if you stay away from the motorways and travel the country roads.
  • Butcher himself risked life and limb on roads that have returned to jungle and a river that is increasingly lawless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Water fills the ruts in the roads, the declivities in the plankboard steps. The Right Thing
  • You turn sharp right at the crossroads.
  • Roads and bridges, public utilities such as sewerage, buildings and machinery, schools, hospitals and power supplies have all been severely damaged in the disaster area. Australian Assistance for Fiji Flooding Disaster
  • At Andover the River Anton has overtopped its banks and there are scores of roads across the south blocked by flooding.
  • He first promised two weeks ago to clear Britain's congested roads.
  • The party that promises speed bumps on all residential roads would win a landslide. Times, Sunday Times
  • The argument of the insurance company is that it's not really a roadworthy vehicle and as such, shouldn't be on the roads.
  • The next day the broadsheets printed special editions with huge double-page spreads showing the havoc in Manhattan.
  • Building new roads increases traffic and the converse is equally true:reducing the number and size of roads means less traffic.
  • ‘You have a more literate, educated and aspirant population in the working class and they are naturally moving towards either middle-market tabloids or broadsheets,’ he says.
  • In the Hampton Roads region Tuesday, Rep. Glenn Nye (D) swung from a 5-point win over an incumbent two years ago to an 11-point loss against auto dealer Scott Rigell (R). Democrats took a bruising, but state's still in 'purple' territory
  • Fact sheets on sun creams and protection, sunbeds and skin cancer will be distributed at the roadshow in Thirsk Market Place on Monday between 10 am and 12.30 pm.
  • To an earlier generation, landscape would have meant drove roads and sunken lanes. Times, Sunday Times
  • It took the fireroads of the Blue Mountains and the four lanes of the Hume Highway in equal comfort (admittedly not much of that: the only "aircon" was the manual winder handle in the door. The IT Skeptic - Comments
  • White water poured over the sides of the raft which now was slewing down the wave, broadside into a maelstrom.
  • All roads into the town will be a sea of green and red and maroon and white as another generation answer the tribal call.
  • An annual windfall of up to £83m could be ring-fenced to create an improved business environment, through better roads, streetscapes, traffic control, and offering a better service for tourists.
  • However the map was drawn in pencil, it had no towns, no villages, no roads, no mountain names, no river names.
  • They line the grass verge along the roadside, proudly displaying flags and banners.
  • Manama has modern buildings and wide, tree-lined roads as well as an older section with a traditional souk, or marketplace.
  • These calculations suggest that over 1.53 million ton miles of freight haulage took place on the Chester sub-region's roads in 1827-28.
  • In many ways this is rural France's most appealing region, an area of winding back roads, of lost-and-gone hamlets, of tree-smothered hills and of wheat fields bright with poppies and corncockles.
  • The end of the War of 1812 with Britain inaugurated decades of peaceful economic growth, with new roads and canals opening the eastern seaboard to easier and speedier travel.
  • Eventually (due to a massive diversion along some hairy country roads, and some cows crossing) we arrive at our destination.
  • They exerted great influence in inducing communities to macadamize roads, for which the passing of the stage-coach and the spread of railroads had diminished the demand. History of the United States, Volume 6 (of 6)
  • And who knows what creep will be waiting on the roadside to accompany them.
  • Signage on roads is terrible - coming just after you've missed the turn-off.
  • I lowered the rifle and saw that he had stopped and was standing broadside looking at us.
  • The mountain roads are totally impassable to cars in winter.
  • Wagons repeatedly broke down on the rutty roads, and men as well as horses were exhausted by the hardships of travel over the long distances.
  • Whereas in times when there was some order and government the travellers might be safe in the open roads, and the robbers were forced to lurk in the by-ways, no, on the contrary, the robbers insulted on the open roads without check, and the honest travellers were obliged to sculk and walk through by-ways, in continual frights. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume II (Joshua to Esther)
  • There's a crying need for more roads, but at the same time the wildlife needs to be preserved.
  • We had so much equipment over there, at one point, it just clogged the roads and filled up a nearby church parking lot.
  • And all on roads where the stickiest congestion is a tractor huffing up a hill. Times, Sunday Times
  • We want roads, screamed one; No more potholes, squealed another.
  • As we approached the coast we started to fly over buildings and roads, growing denser the closer we got to the airport.
  • Rocket holes in the walls, no paved roads. The Sun
  • From Kaiteriteri, cruise the protected waters of the Astrolabe Roadstead past idyllic beaches fringed by lush native forest to the golden expanse of Anchorage Bay (30-45 mins).
  • On the motorway you can cruise along in comfort mode, switching to sport on the A-roads, flicking to advanced sport to hug corners and bends.
  • After the earthquake many roads were obstructed by collapsed buildings.
  • I think today our nation is at the crossroads where a serious reflection on the direction of our policies is a matter of uttermost urgency.
  • I also believe that congestion pricing or tolling on existing roads via electronic ticketing/tagging may need to be considered in the near to medium term future.
  • People are not used to driving on windy country roads with adverse cambers and it takes them by surprise.
  • They were diverted from flooded roads twice, then found themselves in a traffic jam caused by a multicar fender bender. WRECKED
  • Most of the shipwrecks in the roadstead here are due to these south-eastern squalls.
  • Some are understood to have gone from lay-bys alongside major trunk roads such as the A64, while five others are set to be removed in the near future from streets in York.
  • l reviewing the signing, lining and signal timings on major roads to improve traffic flow.
  • The vast majority live in sprawling towns and cities, and the countryside has been chopped up with thousands of roads.
  • The officials said the board's underground fibre-optic network between Dhaka and Cox's Bazar is often severed by the Roads and Highways Department and other agencies during maintenance work and by cable thieves, resulting in frequent service disruptions. Frequent optical cable cuts worry Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board
  • We were at the first crossroads, where I had last seen him four nights previously.
  • A petition was presented which requested action on two roads.
  • Unpaved roads, the great majority, could become quagmires with the passage of the first few vehicles.
  • Like railroads, gaslights were instrumental stimulants for industrial growth.
  • Bridle paths are replaced by motorable roads; new bus services affect life in previously remote hill areas; the resulting mass tourism poses a grave threat to the environment and contacts with the outside world change local culture.
  • Heavy snow has caused total chaos on the roads.
  • On Thursday, salvors started moving the marine gas oil into containers on the ship, then airlifting these by helicopter to shore, where it is decanted into a big roadside tanker.
  • She contrasted this chaos to the relaxed and friendly atmosphere of Buala, which had no roads, no construction and no amenities.
  • In the organization of this transport the constant and helpful cooperation of the Shipping Board, the railroads, and those in control of warehousing, wharfing, lighterage, and other terminal facilities has been invaluable. World's War Events, Vol. II
  • Some side roads will also be temporarily closed with appropriate diversion routes added.
  • On approaching the Moravian chapel we observed the negroes, wending their way churchward, from the surrounding estates, along the roads leading into town. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • The bateau was a unique and distinctive feature of north woods river driving, that is getting logs downstream from the woods to mills, railroads, and communities for use.
  • The Monitor proved impervious to the Virginia's broadsides and captured the imaginations of naval officials and the public.
  • Investigators found two unexploded devices next to the pipe bomb in a roadside bin. The Sun
  • You can almost hear the roads whimper. Times, Sunday Times
  • Heavy rainfalls and snow across the province resulted in at least one death, forced the closure of several roads and passes, and led to rockfalls and minor car accidents yesterday.
  • Culture: 18,000 miles of paved roads. Christianity Today

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