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How To Use Roadblock In A Sentence

  • Intense lobbying by Canadian officials finally helped to clear the roadblock, the Globe and Mail said.
  • But as we rounded a bend, we saw that two cars had been stopped ahead of us by men in combat fatigues at a roadblock. Times, Sunday Times
  • For months she struggled with computers and photography - ‘technological addictions’ she calls them - physical demons and creative roadblocks in order to find her film's voice.
  • More now from CNN space correspondent, and based on his reporting last hour on "hypermiling" Mr. Rolling Traffic Jam, Mr. Roadblock, miles O'Brien. CNN Transcript Jun 3, 2008
  • Greece's attempts to get the British government to return the Elgin Marbles have met another roadblock, this time from within.
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  • For some reason, the first people to start walking towards the centre bypassed the roadblock and headed cross-country, making a beeline for the fence closest to the place where detainees were protesting.
  • In light of these video issues, the burnt-in subtitles may seem minor, but it was another roadblock to enjoyment of the film.
  • But I was stopped there by a military roadblock. Travels with Rosinante
  • The nightly sweeps of raids and arrests are reinforced by daytime roadblocks and identity checks. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the road running north, US special forces were last night mounting roadblocks.
  • But the doctors argued it was the morphine, and everybody treated me like I was being overemotional when I tried to get past the roadblock in my neurons. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Later, after Hass exposed the situation in an article for the paper, the army returns the roadblock to its original location.
  • Accented and umlauted vowels, and diacritical marks on consonants must be avoided, because they act as roadblocks and break the speed of a typist.
  • When you reach a roadblock, you have three choices: Retreat, ram stubbornly into the barrier, or take a detour and continue forward.
  • They drove straight through the roadblock in a hail of bullets.
  • Attempts to depart are met with roadblocks and gangs of confrontational junk cars.
  • The traditional teachers in the school lash out at her modern ways, gangs roam the streets, and roadblocks prevent travel outside of the area.
  • Our car slows down for traffic, and Daddy says, ‘It's a roadblock, see the cops way up there?’
  • Your dream may have collided head-on with a roadblock. Christianity Today
  • The sound, while dated, presents no significant roadblocks to the enjoyment of the music.
  • It is after this strong three song opening salvo that the album should run into a roadblock.
  • MARCIANO: But his other job also is to kind of pry into health reform, so he talked to President Clinton about the possible roadblocks to health reform. CNN Transcript Mar 12, 2009
  • Broder's "vacillating" Democrats want the religous Islamic victory mosque, because now the flip-flopping Democrats are religous conscience, and Republicans just say No. What an outrage that our government has put roadblocks in the path of its own citizens trying rebuild their beloved Church destroyed by Islamic extremists, St. Nicholas Greek stories: News
  • The mixture of fear and exhilaration he feels when passing through a police roadblock isn't logical, but it is completely understandable.
  • Policeman can lose sight of you as you drive through their roadblock, and criminals on foot don't actually come looking for you as a rule.
  • Campus access challenges represent more than a roadblock to campus ministry. Christianity Today
  • The investigators go to Albany and Atlanta to find their perp, run into endless roadblocks, combat fatigue, and must reconcile with the angry community.
  • The Government plans to give all forces the power to set up such roadblocks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Partly that's because I've hit a mental roadblock -- I need to step back and unknot some plotting stuff before I can progress, and because my brain knows that it's starting to throw a tanty. Urgent reading for all Aussie book lovers
  • If her priority is to be with you - or at least to not be languishing in a blah marriage - then she should think of ways around these roadblocks.
  • In many residential areas of Baghdad yesterday locals had set up private roadblocks, fearful that an outbreak of major violence today could trigger looting.
  • The Rally and the League said rail services to the capital coming from the eastern region of Kabylia—an opposition hotbed—were interrupted, while drivers coming from the area were stopped at roadblocks. Organizers: Algerian Protesters Barred from Square
  • India's growth story could hit a roadblock if our youth remain out of schools. Times, Sunday Times
  • Workers set up roadblocks in order to prevent the police from entering the industrial facility again.
  • Of course, there's one big roadblock with this release: It's saddled with a remixing/remastering treatment that sands down some of the original's edges.
  • The military threw up roadblocks and searched vehicles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Demonstrators refused to move from the roadblock as police in helicopters fired teargas grenades and live ammunition. Death in the Amazon
  • One major roadblock is Orascom's Algerian unit, Djezzy, which the Algerian government has prevented from being sold in the past. Emerging Telecoms in $6.5 Billion Deal
  • From a hilltop in a silent residential quarter, the vigil filed down to the junction where the main road reopens - but only as far as the roadblock five hundred yards away.
  • His decision didn't come until signing day, and even then he hadn't cleared the final roadblock to play in crimson and cream.
  • Whether it's her love of conspiracy theories (but only those that involve the American Gov't perpetrating them), her Anti-American views, her hatred of America's military, or her love of anything that could possibly cause embarrassment to the US, the human roadblock they call Rosie is a big hit in lefty circles. Archive 2007-07-01
  • Police manned roadblocks and checkpoints and foreigners were told to stay indoors after threats against today's independence day party. The Sun
  • For small-company executives, the "procedural roadblocks" that Hoppe describes are exasperating.
  • We're trying to tell them it's the same principle as sending out soil samples to analyze, but we are still running into roadblocks.
  • One major roadblock that needs to be overcome is the lack of security that arises from having all of this valuable information floating around in our airwaves for any hacker to take.
  • Republicans will be judged by the history as the main roadblock that stood before heath care reform until the very last moment. annie s McConnell: Health care bill a 'legislative train wreck'
  • One potential roadblock is the amount of equity required to complete a deal, estimated at up to $4 billion, said the people familiar with the matter. Seagate Buyout Talks Face Challenges
  • Clean-up crews were called to the scene as the van had shed its load of nails and tacks and roadblocks were set up outside the George Ward School in Melksham, while other diversions were put in place.
  • Police set up roadblocks in the village to ask drivers whether they had been in the area last week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rather, he cautions young musicians to beware of the dangers of political roadblocks in building a career.
  • Before dawn, protesters set roadblocks of rocks and debris to prevent residents of the neighbouring Mabvuku and Tafara townships from travelling to work, witnesses said.
  • Technological advances aren't the only challenges facing those in transportation: Rising gas and oil prices put up a formidable roadblock, too.
  • The Government plans to give all forces the power to set up such roadblocks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Matters had been made worse by the fuss over the American shipment of arms and ammunition to Saudi Arabia and the announcement about the roadblock to delivering half-track vehicles to Israel.64 Eisenhower 1956
  • Your dream may have collided head-on with a roadblock. Christianity Today
  • The next day they called a general strike, and roadblocks appeared everywhere.
  • Almost instantly the roadblocks were removed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The roadblocks are even greater if a rookie joins a team that has poor chemistry or if he lands with a multicar outfit in which the teams and/or drivers don't get along.
  • Others seized airports and set up roadblocks. The Sun
  • Police manned roadblocks and checkpoints and foreigners were told to stay indoors after threats against today's independence day party. The Sun
  • Setting himself up as a roadblock, Don Quijote demands that they identify and explain themselves.
  • At the same time, Du Bois's and Washington's own notions of elitism within ‘the race’ suggest a less obvious yet equally formidable roadblock.
  • Drivers say that they have to pass numerous roadblocks each day set up by police to demand bribes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police set up roadblocks across the city and said that a number of people had been arrested. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other roadblocks have been put up by environmentalists who say the fence will put some animals, such as the ocelot and the jaguarundi, in increased danger of extinction. Chertoff Leaps Legal Barriers in Race to Finish Border Fence Before Year���s End
  • Residents set up similar roadblocks. The Tribes Triumphant
  • Rather than enhancements, these are roadblocks to communication and empathy.
  • They took to the streets, setting up roadblocks of burning tyres.
  • They look at Superbowl Guy like he was a superstitious "ex" Nazi, somewhere to the right of Attila The Hun, who preaches discrimination against gays and women, believes himself to be infallible, is a firm roadblock to social progress, dictates policies that ensures the spread of AIDS, dresses like an overly-rich drag queen with no taste, and devotes his time to protecting child molesters around the globe? Tallulah Morehead: Survivor 21: Infants vs Senior Citizens : Triage for Dummies.
  • There is a roadblock somewhere further ahead and the convoy stalls for the night.
  • Roadblocks would also focus on public passenger transport to ensure that minibuses and buses were roadworthy and not overloaded.
  • They took to the streets, setting up roadblocks of burning tyres.
  • Anywhere you go, you risk being stopped at a roadblock. Times, Sunday Times
  • The nightly sweeps of raids and arrests are reinforced by daytime roadblocks and identity checks. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have also discovered that, without much crime to keep them busy, the local cops set up a roadblock every weekend, effectively cutting me off from the fleshpots of Kalk Bay and all points north.
  • We must convince our legislators to place roadblocks in the almost criminal misuse of American jurisprudence.
  • Not every writer has mastered the craft well enough to navigate around the roadblocks, and that's the reason why god created editors.
  • Allette said the roadblocks inconvenienced some residents and could have caused problems in an emergency.
  • They have ringed the city with roadblocks, and now appear to be trying to establish a wider zone of control. Times, Sunday Times
  • White fumes rose from tear gas fired by the French, and black smoke billowed from a roadblock of burning metal drums set afire at the base gates by the loyalists.
  • You could make a longer list of the roadblocks they have set up against progress. The Sun
  • A few years ago, I was hitting a roadblock in my personal work.
  • More than once the back of my car was concealing the very people the police sought as they waved me through the roadblock.
  • We'll put up roadblocks if they come. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mentorship, she believes, will help the younger generation address the physical, attitudinal, and practical roadblocks between them and architectural careers.
  • Now some chefs are throwing up roadblocks to bacon's lava-like flow into every crevice of the culinary topography. The Bacon Backlash
  • At any rate, regardless of the roadblocks a company faces in bringing innovative new products to market, exciting times are surely ahead, so stay tuned.
  • But I was stopped there by a military roadblock. Travels with Rosinante
  • The city 's roadblocks and machineguns vanished. Times, Sunday Times
  • But as we rounded a bend, we saw that two cars had been stopped ahead of us by men in combat fatigues at a roadblock. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beyond Clinton and Palin, Kornblut describes the roadblocks all female candidates must hurdle, dubbed facetiously as "hair, hemlines and husbands," and as she tackles the question of what it will take to win, looks at the women who have successfully maneuvered around them. National Catholic Reporter
  • Police have set up a roadblock on the road to London.
  • Roadblocks were set up to obstruct the advance of the demonstrators.
  • Drivers say that they have to pass numerous roadblocks each day set up by police to demand bribes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stone ran into considerable roadblocks when making the film.
  • We negotiated a ride with a well-connected local, sardined into the back of his jeep, and he drove us straight past every dusty roadblock with a grin and a wave.
  • Can't the world conspire to ambush you, putting up dead ends and roadblocks where once there were wide-open personal spaces?
  • Dozens of roadblocks force you to slow to a crawl, you wave your summit badge, they ask you where you're from to judge just how bad your French is and then wave you on.
  • Police set up roadblocks across the city and said that a number of people had been arrested. Times, Sunday Times
  • The police had set up roadblocks immediately, and at one point that night a whole heap of people tried to bust through the roadblock in cars and on foot.
  • We would be called ever so often to augment police units at checkpoints and roadblocks on days when tension ran high.
  • Another roadblock is that most of the incentives for clean energy development are structured as tax-credits, so most potential community organizations (including non-profits like churches and schools, Native American tribes, etc.) can't take advantage of them. Billy Parish: Community Solar Pioneers
  • For me personally, the only physical discomfort caused by the riots was having to drive around roadblocks.
  • India's growth story could hit a roadblock if our youth remain out of schools. Times, Sunday Times
  • The next day they called a general strike, and roadblocks appeared everywhere.
  • A number of people have visited officers manning roadblocks on the road asking where they can leave flowers and tributes.
  • With policy at a roadblock in many European capitals, and much initiative focused upon national rather than international issues, the continent is at an effective standstill except for momentum generated by Brussels, especially through the EU's 2020 initiative. EU Must Act Fast and Share Knowledge With China
  • Sanjeev's speeding BMW is a symbol of gleaming, maleficent capital, unchecked by conscience or by the roadblocks of the state. Christopher Lydon: This "Year of India": Rana Dasgupta
  • The Guide explains the most common roadblocks to such institutional use of local food and how to get around them.
  • Mining villages are ringed with officers, police roadblocks established, non-police movements restricted.
  • They explained to the cabbie, who at one point talked us through a roadblock, that I was looking for an American and the American wasn't at home.
  • In other districts, vigilantes set up roadblocks and patrolled neighbourhoods to deter thieves and looters.
  • Tens of thousands of troops and police are manning checkpoints and roadblocks.
  • Don't put up roadblocks but try to find solutions. Times, Sunday Times
  • And this time when it went up, the governors of the two states where this happened -- Taraba state (INAUDIBLE) state, separately invited to the military, through me, to take care of what they called the lawlessness of young men who put illegal roadblocks on either side of the state boundary, and if you do not belong to their ethnic group, they take you and kill you. CNN Transcript Nov 2, 2001
  • Residents set up similar roadblocks. The Tribes Triumphant
  • Accented and umlauted vowels, and diacritical marks on consonants must be avoided, because they act as roadblocks and break the speed of a typist.
  • In fact, his lyricism is at once his greatest strength and greatest roadblock to growth.
  • However, they were greeted by a two-kilometre roadblock of residents from Quebec, New Brunswick and the nearby native reserves.
  • If you hit any roadblocks or speed bumps along the way, don't lose sight of what matters most—your friends and fam.
  • December 25th, 2008 at 12: 26 pm gut pokero on pc gewinn says: gut pokero on pc gewinn … roadblock committeewomen forged lunch. implant … Think Progress » “Frist told reporters
  • The emphasis there will be on police action - roadblocks, security checks and controls on militias and weapons. Times, Sunday Times
  • The flying vehicle of ours crashed through the roadblock, sending splinters and pieces of wood whistling all over the place.
  • Our tendency to downplay the building of relationships erected a second roadblock to unity. Christianity Today
  • This fervid belief is essential to overcoming the inevitable dissenters and roadblocks that arise when challenging conventional notions.
  • Perhaps a more legitimate roadblock is doubt about the effectiveness of the flu vaccine. David Katz, M.D.: What to Do About Flu? Get Vaccinated
  • The emphasis there will be on police action - roadblocks, security checks and controls on militias and weapons. Times, Sunday Times
  • One roadblock is hit after Jackson waxes nostalgic about famous friends. Archive: Michael in the mirror
  • A department official manning the roadblock said he and the police officers there had been instructed not to speak to the media.
  • We were only about 3 km outside the roadblocks around the Forêt but were not detected by enemy patrols scouting widely throughout the area.
  • June 27: Dad watched cricket all day and then got smashed drunk and pranged the truck on a police roadblock. Rainbow’s End
  • The truck drove through the roadblock at 100 mph.
  • Police have set up a roadblock on the road to London.
  • We must all question the practices of roadblocks, strip-searches, urine tests, locker searches, and money laundering laws.
  • But at least most of us don't have to earn our lucre by taking bribes at refugee centres and metro police roadblocks.
  • And moderate and independent voters who believe we must stop the bickering in Washington and end partisan roadblocks must recognize that Boxer is abig part of the problem. Richard Grenell: Barbara Boxer Has Spent 28 Years in Washington Representing Radical Ideas
  • Traffic officials would conduct random roadblocks, cracking down on offences such as vehicle overloading, drunken driving and invalid licences.
  • The frailty of the government's authority was underscored on the road north, when we were stopped at a roadblock by a group of men with assault rifles.
  • They were setting up roadblocks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Officers used the vehicles to set up a roadblock after the animal escaped from a slaughterhouse in Graz.
  • Teenagers sit swigging beer at roadblocks, ready to kill anyone who doesn't have the right papers.
  • Others seized airports and set up roadblocks. The Sun
  • In Zhuoni, a county in the northwest province of Gansu, protesters in mid-March torched a school, set up their own roadblock and trashed officials' cars, residents said.
  • Army roadblocks prevented any further forward movement .
  • Funnel enough money to Amtrak to repair the out-of-service cars (the main roadblock to increasing service right now). Matthew Yglesias » The High-Speed Rail Stimulus?
  • Police set up roadblocks in the village to ask drivers whether they had been in the area last week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police have said the site will be sealed off by roadblocks from today, but the fight was still going on yesterday, with council and Travellers embroiled in a new war of words over who first concreted over the site where some of the families have been for the past decade. Battle lines drawn as Dale farm travellers brace for eviction face-off
  • The language barrier is a roadblock to potential cooperation between foreigners and Chinese.
  • That meant having to hide the cameras to capture footage of the police and military roadblocks that are a common sight across Mexico.
  • Our tendency to downplay the building of relationships erected a second roadblock to unity. Christianity Today
  • For a strictly arboreal species like the hoolock gibbon, a gap in the canopy is like a roadblock.
  • The police have set up roadblocks to try and catch the two men.
  • They were setting up roadblocks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here's how to identify your unrecognized emotional roadblocks and get past them
  • You could make a longer list of the roadblocks they have set up against progress. The Sun
  • The Koch brothers' plan to resegregate schools hit a roadblock when students, parents, teachers, and civil rights leaders united to stop the return to Jim Crow. Robert Greenwald: There Are Many More Koch Brother Secret Sins (VIDEO)
  • Don't put up roadblocks but try to find solutions. Times, Sunday Times
  • It puts up a roadblock to the ultimate solution.
  • We'll put up roadblocks if they come. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inform the police before you take him away, their Missing Persons is set up at the roadblock. Noble House
  • But the real roadblock is in Brussels, where the European Parliament has unilaterally demanded that the administration renegotiate the E.U. - U.S. agreement on travel reservation data -- launching the fourth set of talks on this topic in seven years. How Europe puts America at risk
  • The military threw up roadblocks and searched vehicles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sometimes the way past a roadblock is not over it or through it, but to take a different route around it. Kristine Kathryn Rusch » Freelancer’s Survival Guide: Giving Up On Yourself Part One
  • They have ringed the city with roadblocks, and now appear to be trying to establish a wider zone of control. Times, Sunday Times
  • Evidence emerged last night of how much planning went into the roadblocks.
  • There will be roadblocks around the metropolitan areas and every suspicious-looking vehicle within a 20 kilometre of a weighbridge or vehicle-testing centre will be inspected.
  • The city 's roadblocks and machineguns vanished. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anywhere you go, you risk being stopped at a roadblock. Times, Sunday Times
  • If smaller, proprietary trading groups are classified as swap dealers, they would be subject to more onerous capital charges, throwing a potential roadblock in plans to expand into the evolving swaps market. Chicago Mayor Presses Regulatory Leeway for Local Trading Firms

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