How To Use Ritualism In A Sentence

  • It had come home in the form of drugs and broken vets, a generation turning to spiritualism and mystic cults.
  • Hasn't magick and spiritualism always been around, under the guises of many religions and beliefs?
  • He presents us with a feel-good spiritualism without any specific obligations.
  • In order to reach their goals for conversion, they actively coerced the children into condemning their traditional religiosity and spiritualism as ungodly rites, rituals, and idolatry.
  • Concomitantly, there has been a shift from religion to spiritualisms manifested in a trend toward syncretism and the simultaneous identification with different traditions.
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  • And anyway, how can you justify spending money and manpower on keeping alive such a fatally old-fashioned ritualism ? ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Spiritualism, pan-animism, metempsychosis and reincarnation were at the radical end of a spectrum, but wide consensus existed for accepting evolution as a creed of progress.
  • Can you tell me something about the ritualism associated with this murder? TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • Ritualism is normal toddler behavior.
  • Erika dabbled in spiritualism, and claimed to be a medium. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • He refused to be drawn into the ritualism which for many was the natural consequence of the Oxford movement, but supported the revival of Anglican monastic life, particularly for women.
  • While these wild but ingenious speculators conducted the career of that philosophy called the Ionian, to the later time of the serene and lofty spiritualism of Anaxagoras, two new schools arose, both founded by Ionians, but distinguished by separate names -- the Eleatic and the Italic. Athens: Its Rise and Fall, Complete
  • I end up discussing doctrine with you and spiritualism with your daughter. GRACE
  • I believe that we have great opportunities to create 'contemporary decoration that is part of our digital and information age, part of our shrinking borderless world, and part of our new movement of individualism, casualism, and spiritualism. Information aesthetics
  • Jung believed in astrology, spiritualism, telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance and ESP.
  • Of course, the term "mediumship," as above defined, lacks a clear meaning unless the term "spiritualistic," or "spiritualism" be defined. Genuine Mediumship or The Invisible Powers
  • To his Russian Orthodoxy he added freemasonry, spiritualism, and a huge dose of the Yoga, Hinduism and Buddhism that were a legacy of the many years he lived in the Himalayas.
  • An acute interest in psychology segued into medieval mysticism and from there he stumbled into Eastern philosophy and spiritualism.
  • This curious publication listed its fields of interest as ‘magic, fortune telling, palmistry, graphology and spiritualism’.
  • Erika dabbled in spiritualism, and claimed to be a medium. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • Spiritualism added the necessary pep to the cult of the nation.
  • It's interesting to see that Geller drags out Home as evidence for spiritualism, when that matter has long ago ceased to serve the cause.
  • Darwin, however, was also a late arrival but disliked religiosity and spiritualism.
  • Many experiments have been conducted on the results of emotional stability from ritualism.
  • I refer to such organic forces as are popularly summed up under the words clairvoyance, mesmerism, rhabdomancy, animal magnetism, physical spiritualism. The Myths of the New World A Treatise on the Symbolism and Mythology of the Red Race of America
  • There may be ritualism behaviour which the subject feels compelled to carry out.
  • Here one can simply cite the evocation of Eastern philosophy and spiritualism in the performance work of Yoko Ono and the installations of Judy Chicago.
  • This is not the wishy-washy spiritualism that insists that it does not matter what you believe so long as you believe in something.
  • He carried his "ritualism" among the Methodists and sought to make them conform until they "waxed fat and kicked. History of the Afro-American Group of the Episcopal Church
  • Note: I'm not saying Ford's interest in ritualism is what made him a good writer. November 13th, 2006
  • It must be noted that he had had fairly extensive experience of spiritualism; he had made regular experiments with Mrs. Haydon at his brother George's house (the paper on which these are recorded is undated, but it must have been before 1863); he was referred to as a disbeliever in an article in the "Pall Mall Gazette" during January Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 2
  • In the fourteenth century a pseudo-spiritualism akin to that of the ancient Euchites or Messalians, culminating in the famous Hesychast controversies (see HESYCHASM; PALAMAS), greatly disturbed the mutual harmony of Greek monasteries, especially those of Mount Athos, one of whose monks, Callistus, had become Patriarch of Constantinople The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Can you tell me something about the ritualism associated with this murder? TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • Rome, and of the so-called ritualism of England, in its true light. Clara Maynard The True and the False - A Tale of the Times
  • Ilan slid closer to his brother and kneaded the nape of his neck in an easy, unstudied way that held an air of ritualism. Slice Of Cherry
  • He was also deeply influenced by spiritualism and the occult and often organised seances at his home.
  • Like the Arab the Indian is profuse in personification; but the doctrine of pre-existence, of incarnation and emanation and an excessive spiritualism ever aiming at the infinite, makes his imagery run mad. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The Protestant Reformation in England brought a rejection of some of the ritualism of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • Whatever may be the precise force of the remark in brackets, it is unquestionably true that mysticism is often used in a semi-contemptuous way to denote vaguely any kind of occultism or spiritualism, or any specially curious or fantastic views about God and the universe. Mysticism in English Literature
  • During the heyday of spiritualism, many writers speculated about spiritualistic phenomena, offering concepts of bodily forces as explanations.
  • Would Hindu spiritualism be able to exist with Western materialism?
  • How I hate born-again neopagan politically-correct moral relativism ... but I do love the benighted sinners who practice this particular form of synthetic spiritualism. The Ritual: After Death, Before Venison
  • Ritualism could develop as a defence mechanism.
  • In spiritualism, a medium is one with whom spirits communicate directly.
  • The curious thing is, in that example as in others, that it is the conscious ritualism which is comparatively simple, the unconscious ritual which is really heavy and complicated. Heretics
  • The applicants were often 'fragile' people who had been involved in spiritualism and mediumship, he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • Erika dabbled in spiritualism, and claimed to be a medium. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • Her work might also be described as "syncretic," although its spiritualism is somewhat submerged, since religion was not a hot topic in postmodernism. NYT > Home Page
  • Space fuii of arts and nature fully reflects dignity and spiritualism.
  • Materialism and spiritualism are a fine pair of battledores with which charlatans in long gowns keep a shuttlecock a-going. The Magic Skin
  • These remains document an extravagant ritualism and outspoken insistence on the nobles' political dignity.
  • I end up discussing doctrine with you and spiritualism with your daughter. GRACE
  • From where we are today, there is something naive about the more literal manifestations of spiritualism: the ectoplasmic materialisations, the ventriloquial productions and the psychokinetic feats.
  • So, again, if we see what is called ritualism making conquests in our Puritan middle - class, we may rejoice that portions of this class should have become alive to the aesthetical weakness of their position, even although they have not yet become alive to the intellectual weakness of it. Culture and Anarchy
  • – There are a few more phrases that I think could maybe be toned down: “pleading ritualism,” “unfathomable impossibility,” “illusory biology,” “contradictive peculiarity …” Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Frank Murdock’s Review Forum
  • News of this incident quickly spread through the nation, and soon spiritualism, an informal religion centered on the seance, vied with the more established denominations for followers.
  • I end up discussing doctrine with you and spiritualism with your daughter. GRACE
  • Chinese mysticism was all the rage in those days when Spiritualism was everywhere and seances were popular.
  • This is clearly the case with spiritualism or the unsupported assertion that human beings must have had some supernatural help in their evolution but not the case with phrenology, mesmerism, anti-vaccination and radical land reform.
  • His statements clearly show his belief that God had commanded him to preach an entirely new religion, the central idea of which was the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God, shorn of all ritualism and priestcraft.
  • We have bowled them clean in the field of religion and spiritualism.
  • Niedenthal and Chutaro guide their nonprofessional cast through a screenplay that is fairly complex with issues relating to spiritualism, guilt, miscreancy, angst and emotional isolation. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • A common idea was that these phenomena arose from the action of a biological energy dependent on the body of the medium, a clear extension of earlier concepts from mesmerism and spiritualism.
  • Readers don't need to come to the book with a prior interest in spiritualism - the religious movement that holds communication with the spirit world as a central tenet - to be captivated by the story.
  • The successors to Frazerism and ritualism have been principally two: structuralism and semiotics.
  • Amongst the aspects of hypnotism and spiritualism he chose to focus upon was the psychological make-up of mediums.
  • In addition, Protestantism, with its emphasis on ‘godly’ preaching and Bible study, was an academic creed, unattractive to illiterate villagers steeped in the oral traditions and symbolic ritualism of medieval England.
  • Quackery usually involves integrating metaphysics and such things as sympathetic magic or spiritualism with healing.
  • This self-confidence lies behind his avid and vocal support of spiritualism in the last 20 years of his life.
  • The community believes in performing good deeds, which are more than worship, and good worship is a matter of the heart and not of formal ritualism.
  • For spiritualism, an enlightened individual is more than enough.
  • I was faced with frustrated people who watched their favorite notions and practitioners of spiritualism go down in flames.
  • Spiritism or spiritualism is the belief that the human personality survives death and can communicate with the living through a sensitive medium.
  • But this thing they call ‘spiritualism,’ wherein a medium intercommunicates with the dead, is a fraud from start to finish.
  • Eventually the use of the body, ritualism, masquerade, and the shrine-like aura in non-Western religious and art practices found their way into conceptual art.
  • The Boxing Day sales tradition was "consumer ritualism at its best".
  • Ritualism ensues with an unchallenged insistence upon punctilious adherence to formalized procedures.
  • In a later address on the subject Pink spoke of spiritualism (belief in communication with the spirit of the dead) as the ‘pioneer’ to theosophy.
  • He devoted his life to the species problem but also became a popular authority on many topics, including spiritualism, mesmerism, and phrenology.
  • Religious alternatives such as spiritualism and Theosophy have had a small but steady presence since the 1850s.
  • Like dancers raising their arms in pleading ritualism, the scarlet tide splashed upward and drew back as gravity displayed evidence of past groping made in vain. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Frank Murdock’s Review Forum
  • As a grassroots, populist religious revival, Spiritualism adherents were often at the forefront of other reform movements, championing the cause of women’s rights, child labor concerns, and the temperance and antismut crusades. The Secret Life of Houdini
  • Does Brancusi come closer to the spiritualism of the Shaker society or to the witticism of Duchamp and Dada?
  • There is a thread of spiritualism and mysticism.
  • In 1913 its adherents founded the Progressive Spiritual Church to establish spiritualism on a more religious basis.
  • The resurgence in religion and spiritualism in China follows the country's ongoing moves toward liberalization during the past decade.
  • Malick's seminal second film – a dreamy mix of earthiness and spiritualism, set on a Texan farmstead. This week's new films
  • Some questions are about his views on various issues relating to spiritualism and religion, while others are about contemporary happenings.
  • Thus spiritualism, near-death experiences, and communication with dead people interest both paranormal and religious investigators.
  • We lived with my grandparents and, as grandmother was a medium, spiritualism was part of everyday life.
  • In Australia, Spiritualism is practised by all kinds of groups, organisations, individuals and churches.
  • The Archbishop of York has condemned the Internet for ‘moving us towards a soulless society’ that will ‘reduce spiritualism and human intercourse’.
  • Spiritualism deals with disincarnate entities or spirits.
  • The media once feasted on such stories, although they never quite delved deeply enough into the phenomenon to increase the public's understanding of the subtle ways cynical and power-hungry people use phony spiritualism, alienation, and communes run by guru pretenders for power and profit. Warren Adler: Martha Marcy May Marlene: A Brave Movie
  • This cooperation is not a new age spiritualism.
  • One should recall that Marx's writings are contemporaneous with the rise of spiritualism and that they can be viewed as historical materialist attempts to exorcise this craze.
  • Some religions today still see spiritualism in the same way; there will always be those things that are unexplainable.
  • Or, if the Protestants of all classes would abandon their contemptuous attitude towards so-called ecclesiasticism and ritualism, and criticise themselves, saying: We have had too much confidence in human reason and human words. The Agony of the Church (1917)
  • Therefore, if Rousseau were interested in spiritualism, during his lifetime it need not have made him an object of ridicule.
  • With this sort of spiritualism of the great-hearted self, nonobservant America acknowledged the reality of the transcendent realm. Living-Room Crusaders
  • The period when he fancied that he was a medium didn't last more than two or three years, and he wasn't the only Prime Minister interested in spiritual matters or in theosophy or spiritualism.
  • Surely enough, the first thing I saw on arrival was a dank-looking man holding forth on Spiritualism, and enjoying what I should call a chastened vogue with most of the company gathered about him. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 158, 1920-04-07
  • If the context is tragic, however, the daily practice of spiritualism was a theatrical spectacle that, as Gaskill says, drew on ‘farce, burlesque and vaudeville’.
  • And anyway, how can you justify spending money and manpower on keeping alive such a fatally old-fashioned ritualism ? ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • When I asked about other aspects of the hippie culture such as recreational drugs, free love, spiritualism and wild sex orgies, I was told to mellow out and leave the planning to those who know what they are doing.
  • He has always insisted that the roots of classical music in India are to be found in Indian religion and spiritualism.
  • Our ritualism lets each individual walk through everyday life with a shell of privacy and forbearance.
  • A whole book has been written on his attitude towards the Church; in another section of this chronicle I have dealt at some length with his hostility to Pluralism, Sabbatarianism, Ritualism, and endeavoured to show how a generally tolerant and "hang theology" attitude was in the early 'fifties exchanged for one of fierce anti-Vaticanism. Mr. Punch`s history of modern England, Volume I -- 1841-1857
  • English moralism lingered in general in a state of capricious wavering between the principle of happiness and the principle of spiritual perfection, between the principle of subjective eudemonism and the principle of objective spiritualism. Christian Ethics. Volume I.���History of Ethics.
  • Magic, including spiritualism, palmistry, fortune-telling by cards, hot chestnuts, double-kernelled nuts and tallow droppings; would have adopted Voodoo and Oboe had it known anything about them, and showed itself, in every way, one of the most accommodating arrangements that had ever been invented since the birth of the Sea. Soldiers Three

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