
How To Use Rising In A Sentence

  • In a sense the inclusion of an implied term of correspondence with description is a little surprising.
  • Digital technology comes to us heralded by a great deal of utopian ballyhoo, but in some surprising ways it discourages creativity.
  • Though serfs were freed in 1864, they remained poor sharecroppers and staged a massive peasant uprising in 1907.
  • The 27 models on display in Washington, supplemented by paintings, drawings, sculpture and medallions, show the products of a rising social structure and new technique.
  • a rising young politician
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  • Seizures are most likely to occur early in an illness (such as roseola, colds, gastrointestinal infection) when the fever is rising quickly.
  • To the left a small party was holding an entrenched position on rising ground. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is therefore unsurprising that such seizures are sometimes confused with panic attacks.
  • Fifty years on and technology seems to have leapt on by generations as you see the mushroom shaped cloud of the first nuclear test bomb rising high above the New Mexico desert.
  • This is not by any means the only instance of financial incompetence on the part of our various Scottish ancestors, nor indeed of the tendency to resort to violence, and those patterns offer surprisingly little reassurance from the genetic standpoint. Archive 2009-03-01
  • RHP Brandon Lyon parlayed his surprising spring performance into the opening day closer job, supplanting RHP Greg Aquino.
  • Rising up off a stone bench that stood in a shadowy area out of the torchlight was a dark, robed figure. Dragons of Winter Night
  • He needs medical attention and is also, unsurprisingly, concerned about his safety. Times, Sunday Times
  • I doubt that Michelle Obama was surprised or dismayed by the boos at the Nascar rally: it's not surprising that the national doubtfulness about first ladies and the strong, accomplished women who are coming to hold the role would emerge in boos from some of the Obama administration's fiercest opponents. Michelle Obama's Nascar boos | Kay Dilday
  • Perhaps not surprisingly, the researchers found that employers were considerably more likely to offer interviews and jobs to applicants with white names.
  • Not surprisingly, there are about three Joes for every Jane – but even so, that means there are over 8 million Janes.
  • It is surprisingly easy to manoeuvre and far less treacherous than parasailing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Members of the 800th Military Police Brigade had to use lethal force several times to quell prisoner uprisings, the report says.
  • In many ways one can look at Wilkins's work as popularising the more technical writings of Mersenne.
  • Starting this month, rival United Parcel Service Inc.'s freight division is raising average noncontractual shipping rates in North America by 6.9%, as the industry copes with rapidly rising fuel costs. FedEx to Raise U.S., Canada Freight Rates 6.8%
  • Exciting and surprisingly short matches for the undercard.
  • Even more unsurprising is the fact that this neo-nazi moron was parked in a disabled parking spot. Think Progress » Virginia DMV Pulls License Plate Coded With Neo-Nazi Message From Truck With Anti-Islam Imagery
  • However, he continued to press the need for military intervention to support, he said, worker risings in the country.
  • Recollecting the day he saw Napoleon on the street, the poet imagines what must be the tumult of thoughts behind Caesar's moveless mask-the cities, the factories, the armies rising in the conqueror's dream of power.
  • Very slowly or moderately it was rising, and I thought I was at the estate of a wealthy person for the architecture was very expensive looking.
  • Together they cast a breedy scent like that arising from dank beds of galax, and it overpowered even the reek of the strange meat. Cold Mountain
  • With rising medical costs growing by leaps and bounds, only the exclusive with mounds of $$$ will beable to afford it. Obama says health care delay is OK 'to get it right'
  • The cosmic symbol of the rising sun expresses the universality of God above all particular places and yet maintains the concreteness of divine revelation. Ignatius Insight Article on Restoring Ad Orientem
  • Each patrol day ends with uniforms soaked in sweat, and the soil of the deadland is powder under the hoofs of the patrol mounts, rising and infiltrating boots and uniforms, and leaving every lancer's skin dry and itchy from salt and sweat and dust. The Magi'i Of Cyador
  • Even from where I was standing I could see the jugular in her neck protruding, like a snake rising from somewhere inside her chest.
  • This meant that events presumably of interest mainly to Poles - such as the 1944 Rising - would often be scanted by the media.
  • It is not surprising that the mortality due to feather pecking, cannibalism and parasitic diseases can be disturbingly high.
  • But considering how much time we spend on that time of the month - from puberty to menopause, the average woman menstruates almost seven whole years - many of us know surprisingly little about it.
  • Not surprisingly, this imposing property is a popular choice for wedding receptions and regularly used for corporate entertaining, conferences and seminars.
  • Hats off to two enterprising ladies who have opened up a ladies and gents hair salon at Cloneen.
  • I thought we were never going to reach it; and then, almost unexpectedly, we suddenly came upon it - a small but ancient village, rising up on a slight eminence, but concealed from view by big clumps of tall-growing reeds.
  • What mattered was the planet's diurnal position relative to the horizon - whether it was rising in the east or culminating overhead.
  • Then, all of a sudden rising from her chair, she went over to the jug of roses, which she had placed on the writing-table, bent over the flowers with a kind of perceptible hesitation. and as suddenly came back to her seat. Maurice Guest
  • This is the more surprising given the many build-up signs anticipating much greater outbursts of millenarian fervor around the year 2000.
  • Still, the SNP are understandably cock-a-hoop and, again unsurprisingly, SNP bloggers are urging the party on to 2010 and their plans for an independence referendum. The View from the North
  • The international investment bank has warned investors of the potential risk exposure arising from equities.
  • The result is surprising because silver atoms are normally diamagnetic in the bulk. I am not making this up.
  • How often I have I known him affect an open brow and a jovial manner, joining in the games of the gentry, and even in the sports of the common people, in order to invest himself with a temporary degree of popularity; while, in fact, his heart was bursting to witness what he called the degeneracy of the times, the decay of activity among the aged, and the want of zeal in the rising generation. Redgauntlet
  • There was no help for it, he had to be left there, and I went away with an anxious mind as to what his busy teeth would be employed upon all night; and, sure enough, next morning a velvet curtain was found nibbled and tattered, and being converted into a nest for the enterprising gerbille! Wild Nature Won By Kindness
  • Chains with more marketing clout, economies of scale and smarter ways of responding to rising costs are edging out smaller chains or those that fail to attract choosier customers. Hamburgers, Fries and a Shakeout
  • The structure is surprisingly complex, viewing the same events from different perspectives, which Zhang helpfully colour-codes in ravishing washes of primary tints.
  • She linked the rising narrational deficit under Obama to pricey spending proposals Barnes is pushing in his gubernatorial bid. Valdosta Daily Times Homepage
  • The road was rough and stony, the track always rising. Times, Sunday Times
  • Surprisingly, Albee points to the new-play development programs found in theatres across North America (involving dramaturges, readings, workshops) as a source of the blandness of so much of the drama of the past 20 years.
  • A tribal leader urged Baghdad to support the uprising. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was laying on its front and looked as if its head had been resting in its folded arms before rising up enough to let one of its unblinking eyes stare at Kyri through strands of long red hair.
  • It is surprising that so sharp-sighted a historian of architecture would neglect to mention the role of screens as monumental platforms.
  • And a younger, sprier Edwards fearlessly taunted his tormentor, U.S. Attorney John Volz, once rising to his feet for a toast in a French Quarter bar while trilling, “When my moods are over, and my time has come to pass, I hope they bury me upside down, so Volz can kiss my ass.” FLY FISHING WITH DARTH VADER
  • But rising gas prices in the 1970s forced the corporation to abandon the project.
  • The villages of San Juan and San Salvador Paricutín, the last just one kilometer from the rising volcano, were in danger, but nobody wanted to abandon land and home. Paricutín, The Volcano, Michoacán
  • Considering that the ship has been down almost 60 years, the wooden decking is in most places surprisingly intact, though it has rotted almost completely away in some areas.
  • The keel is a centreboard but not weighted; the ballast is in the hull itself (which sounds inefficient but actually works surprisingly well).
  • The rising inflation depressed the economy
  • This implementation of the principle of least privilege helps contain security breaches arising from buggy code, malicious code, user error and malicious users.
  • Today, spruced-up Times Square is in the midst of a surprising, almost surreal transformation into a family-oriented entertainment center.
  • With the floor of the channel shallowing from 200 metres to 60 metres and at the same time a rock pinnacle, like a finger, rising up from the sea bed to 29 metres from the surface, there is no surprise that the whirlpool was once described as a 'conflux so dreadful that it spurns all description. Found While Looking for Something Else
  • Surprisingly, studies are showing that they can actually help you to shed pounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • The denouement when the birthday comes is surprising enough not to spoil, but again there is something uneasy about it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rising next to the CCTV building, and also designed by OMA, the dazzling Television Cultural Center, or TVCC, peaks and plummets like a mountain cloaked in corrugated zinc. Road to Beijing | Impact Lab
  • In view of these possible sources of error it is surprising that extrapolated profiles ever yield results of any value.
  • The debut in spring 2006 of HBO's television series, Big Love, which featured a fictional and in some ways likeable polygamous family in Utah, propelled polygamy to the front pages of American newspapers and put the idea of legalized polygamy "in play" in some surprising quarters. Elizabeth Marquardt: Get Ready for Group Marriage
  • The compact dimensions of the system means minimum impact on interior space and the design of the drivetrain is surprisingly simple but highly efficient.
  • Once wide awake, even enterprising, they slowly become dilatory, leaden, slow, laggard, and lumpish.
  • *Although the link between microorganisms and infection was yet to be established, the connection between pus—purulence—and sepsis, fever, and death, often arising from an abscess or wound, was well known to Bennett. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • rising crime in our so-called civilized societies.
  • Unsurprisingly, the story is much more complex than the headline suggests and provides yet another example of the story being spun to meet a commercial agenda.
  • Here he pointed toward the white peaks of the great massif rising up to the east of the valley. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART TWO OF THE EA CYCLE
  • The prospect of war arising with the Elves and lycanthropes wasn't very appealing.
  • Setting the crossbow on the counter and sheathing his sword, he moved with surprising speed and agility to replace the bar across the door.
  • Such is a part of tire strange medley that is before and around me; and amidst them and the blue streams of smoke that are rising from the tops of these hundred "coal-pits," can be seen in distance, the green and boundless, treeless, bushless prairie; and on it, and contiguous to the piquet which encloses the village, a hundred scaffolds, on which their "dead live", as they term it. Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and conditions of the North American Indians
  • It is not surprising that such a view has led to very considerable conflict.
  • Even as a child I had heard what a monadnock was - a huge lump of rock rising above rolling forests, a big hunk scraped bare but still left after the icecap had gone back.
  • Not surprisingly, Metung attracted a number of distinguished early holiday-makers, some of whom settled there permanently, including the explorer and mineralogist Dr. Alfred Howitt; His Honour Judge John Burnett Box; and John King, the second son of Rear Admiral Philip Parker King. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Although the majority of slaves lived and died in bondage, the intelligent and enterprising slave lived in the hope of eventually buying his freedom.
  • The scaleup has been made largely possible by rising donations and falling price for drugs, which have plummeted from 10,000 dollars to 300 dollars per person per year in three years. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The point is that Ikea sells inexpensive furniture of surprisingly high quality.
  • Her husband's left her and the kids are running wild, so it's not surprising that she can't cope.
  • Now I know it's surprising to see a different gas price every time you stop at a Texonobil.
  • With a back catalogue as long as Weller's, its surprising that a collection of rare cuts, cover versions and re-mixes hasn't been seen before.
  • The book contains addition, subtraction, multiplication and, very surprisingly for that period, also division.
  • Not surprisingly, the strikers were preoccupied with regaining their jobs and keeping their system of seniority.
  • Also, surprising to me, was the skill and energy of Torry Castellano's drumming.
  • Such winkingly ostentatious nastiness and Mr. Pollock's habit of telegraphing violence rather than lingering over it make this violent book surprisingly easy to read and digest. The Comic-Grotesque Goes North
  • Of the three classes of isomeric anhydrides which can be formed from hydroxybenzoic acids, the chemistry of the natural tannins is only concerned with the class comprising the ester anhydrides. Synthetic Tannins
  • Eventually we found the exit and climbed a steep, suburban street into some hills, rising above the great cloverleaf of the freeway into a development of newly built houses.
  • They develop a surprising ability to exchange information verbally and non verbally within the culture groups they are familiar with.
  • A recent poll suggests some surprising changes in public opinion.
  • The family bathroom has a green suite comprising a bath, pedestal hand basin, toilet and step-in shower.
  • Not surprisingly, the twistiness of the daffodil was much higher (fourteen times higher, in fact) than its bendiness, explaining why these plants are far more likely to turn in the wind than to bend over.
  • In dense media with lossless reflection arising from multiple scattering, the threshold for laser action is greatly reduced.
  • To my knowledge, the patient relations office never discussed the matter with the surgeon -- I certainly never heard from him -- but I did receive a termination letter followed by a series of surprisingly rude and condescending letters from their risk management attorney after I pointed out that HIPPA promises patients will not be "penalized" for filing a privacy complaint. Genital Photos, HIPAA and the Media
  • At first sight it can seem very hard and austere, with a daily schedule comprising set periods of silence, prayer, work and recreation.
  • She'd written most of the lyrics, and it was surprising that he'd caught on about the general tone of the piece.
  • I think he has something interesting to tell us about political alienation, but he is surprisingly elusive. Times, Sunday Times
  • The passports came from his friend `Picasso", who worked in the Perservancia, the casbah of Bogota rising behind the Hilton Hotel. BLACK EAGLES
  • The mist is sill rising in the lanes of a quiet farm as a convoy of cars and trailers appears. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of these went past me as I stood by the roadside, rising very gradually into the air and repeating all the way, _Chip, chip, chip, chip_, till at last he broke into the warble, which was a full half longer than usual. Birds in the Bush
  • Your finances are in tatters, your blood pressure is rising and the queue for the bank cashiers' desks is never-ending.
  • The teeth of our distant ancestors can yield a surprising amount of evidence about their lives and deaths. Times, Sunday Times
  • Damages are assessed on the basis of the damage naturally arising from the breach and in the contemplation of the parties.
  • This produced no immediate effect; he then got a small bundle of different kinds of medicinal woods, and, burning them in a potsherd nearly to ashes, used the smoke and hot vapor arising from them as an auxiliary to the other in causing diaphoresis. Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa
  • This work connected the introverted poet with a new and surprisingly outer-directed passion that would affect many lives.
  • Cases of moderate to severe depression are rising also because depression often co-occurs with other problems - alcohol and drug abuse; personality, eating and anxiety disorders.
  • Despite the upheaval resulting from the arrival of Business Casual in the workplace and what has been described as the casualization of America, women rising through management ranks stick to their suits. “I Don’t Have a Thing to Wear”
  • Eventually, with r rising and g falling, r would exceed g, which is the only sustainable long-run equilibrium position.
  • To them, we suggest trying a shade close to charcoal, in a soft fabric such as organza, voile or chiffon, and accessorising it with some striking white jewellery.
  • There is, in our submission, no demonstrable or justiciable error of law that should attract this Court's jurisdiction arising from the judgment of the Full Court.
  • Unemployment is rising again and retail buying has fallen off.
  • leaped up with surprising agility
  • It is expected to show rising unemployment helping to keep earnings growth relatively subdued. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oudin defeated Dementieva and three other Russians in a surprising run to the U.S. USA tops Russia, advances to Fed Cup final against Italy
  • The birds spread across a rising slope of snow furrowed with ditches worn by thousands of penguin feet.
  • Recording/reproducing device which receives an FM multiplexed signal comprising a subcarrier or a darc signal and outputs traffic information after detecting an intermission.
  • Similarly, in ‘Darska,’ Rimbaud overlays a stuttering beat with the rising chords of a church organ and voices.
  • I would suggest that if they are bent on breaking Bengal they may opt for joining Sikkim which is a state comprising of Nepalese, Gorkhas, Bhutias, Lepchas and some other mongoloid ethnic groups. Is Gorkhaland Movement Entering a Phase of Violence?
  • The meatless croquettes have a surprising lightness and a lively upper register of dill.
  • There has also been a blizzard of complaints about poor customer service, falling earnings, rising debt, and a hostile attempt to force changes at board level.
  • By prising the gas and electricity markets away from state-owned monopolies, EU policy aims to get prices down - and that could mean higher consumption.
  • The lake seemed to breathe, expanding and contracting, rising and falling, its surface level changing several feet in a matter of minutes, spectacular and terrifying at once.
  • Summarising, political correctness is a one-way street: they may use every form of rudeness but we must treat their concerns as sacred; this must be fought.
  • For this reason a number of states have adopted no-fault systems for settling personal injury claims arising from auto accidents.
  • Rising delinquencies reduce cash inflow from debt payments and increase collection expenses.
  • 'It had a grand effect when Arthur stood on the second landing-place, and raised it above the balusters -- a sort of bodilessness rising from vacancy.' Heartsease, Or, the Brother's Wife
  • Rising waters would uproot prosperous farmers from the fertile riverbanks, forcing an estimated 100,000 people to move to higher ground where they could no longer plant corn and wheat.
  • Jan was surprisingly matter-of-fact about her divorce.
  • An agent for eliminating singlet oxygen which comprises a colloidal solution of a platinum group metal; and a composition comprising the agent as an effective component.
  • In theory, PLS is applied in situations of multicollinearity, but the MBH network has many series that are essentially white noise and thus the proxies are surprisingly close to being orthogonal in the early networks and there are blocks of orthogonal series in the later network. More on Bürger et al 2006 « Climate Audit
  • The night's very dark," said Hobbie, rising and looking through the casement of the cottage; "and, to speak truth, and shame the deil, though Elshie's a real honest fallow, yet somegate I would rather take daylight wi 'me when I gang to visit him. The Black Dwarf
  • It is not surprising that she is, literally, the most prized journalist in America today.
  • The information is invalid and as such this Court has no jurisdiction to try the issue arising therefrom.
  • CPC also claims for damages arising from harm caused to the roof of its plant by JDL in the course of its installation of the equipment.
  • Labour often postponed planned duty rises when world oil prices were rising. The Sun
  • Roughly 18% of emails received were spam, comprising both actual spam and "graymail" i.e. unwanted newsletters, alerts, etc. Brett King: Too Much Content: A World of Exponential Information Growth
  • Tall grassland is scattered with hawkweed, ragwort, wild carrot and melilot flowers, along with clumps of bird's-foot trefoil, lucerne and goat's rue, and there are regular uprisings of brambles and wild rose, and sprawls of sallow and birch scrub. Country Diary: Canvey Wick, Essex
  • This event catalyzed a year-long quest to develop an observer/participant art form reflecting the integration of time (particle) and space (wave) into the living breathing presence of a new archetype, the "wavicle" reflecting Tambellini's space/time experiments in art & physics at MIT, anticipating the hyperdimensional model based on the torsion effect of the rotation of the planets and their satellites arising from behind the Iron Curtain. Lisa Paul Streitfeld: (R)evolution in Art & Physics: The All-Round Genius of Aldo Tambellini
  • Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds find surprising satisfaction in fulfilling their everyday needs.
  • As more and more woke up, a rising chorus of shrieks for help shook hoarfrost from the vaulted stones, and eventually called help.
  • Nell clutched at her chest, trying to stem the rising swell of nausea.
  • I had a momentary image - very clear, very politically incorrect, and very likely brought on by Pam's mention of the cartoon books I'd once drawn for a little sick girl - of a large talking skunk in a beret, Monsieur Pepé Le Pew, strutting around my daughter's pension (if that was the word for a bedsitter-type apartment in Paris) with wavy aroma lines rising from his white-striped back. Duma Key
  • A structural shift in the nature of the public markets means that opportunities for venture capitalists that weren't there previously are now arising at both ends of the deal spectrum.
  • The rapidly rising numbers of people with low back pain, for example, implies a sociological rather than biological cause.
  • Stripped naked of additives and processes, save a pinch of stabilising sulphur dioxide for all but the purists, the finished product is surprising and fractious. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the other hand, it would be surprising if they had equal levels of ambition.
  • Russell's findings are not altogether surprising.
  • In the recent retrospective of Nan Kempner’s wardrobe at the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute, the late socialite’s closet was re-created in breathtaking detail — all 354 jackets and 362 sweaters — but her surprisingly undistinguished collection of handbags was relegated to a high shelf and mostly hidden. Carried Away
  • Italy versus Japan is turning out to be a surprisingly well matched competition.
  • Intrigued, the aliens monitored the few lyrics they could hear rising up from this outdoor roller ritual.
  • Thus might they outspeed the tales of their coming, surprising the demons and their human servants. Conan and The Mists of Door
  • But Darwin, happily insomnious with his vision of South America rising on swelling magma, thought this notion of collapsed lakes small thinking. Wired Top Stories
  • Given their unusual appearance and extraordinary biology, it is not surprising that Asians have credited sea horses with magical powers.
  • A new type of human being was rising up from its subaltern feudal origins and making its demands known.
  • He was summonsed over articles that appeared in Australia and PNG in January expressing concerns over rising crime and the security of his family in PNG.
  • But that hadn't stopped the evil from rising as a phoenix from the ashes. OUT OF THE ASHES
  • This rivalry had involved civil wars, peasant uprisings, and religious strife of every description.
  • For two women such as us, confirmed members of the jeans and T-shirt brigade, we were developing a surprising unspoken admiration for the seriously girly.
  • Also known as the paragraph mark, the pilcrow, for such a humble, rarely used mark, has a surprisingly complex history.
  • So it's mildly surprising to hear the axeman sounding like some gentle bod who works at your local guitar shop. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have a bad case of Dawn Phenomenon and *have* to eat breakfast or my blood glucose keeps rising. Intermittent fasting guest blog | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • The report says of its figures: "The rising number of notifications in NSW is encouraging and suggests that our safety culture is robust. Which Hospitals Perform Best? If Only We Knew | Impact Lab
  • Kisangani - The rising sun is already burning a brilliant path across the muddy vastness of the mighty Congo river as the group of busy women bustle around the night's catch.
  • A rising number of elderly patients are being hospitalised after going hungry, the data suggests. Times, Sunday Times
  • In short, our forty-fourth chief executive sought to end America's two-and-a-third centuries as a truly exceptional nation-more patriotic, more dynamic, more enterprising and freer than any other-to turn the republic into a kind of enervated satellite of Western Europe. News
  • Figures confirm complaints about flying cameras being used to peer into windows are rising. The Sun
  • There is an equation between unemployment and rising crime levels.
  • We expect to debut the surprising research from this groundbreaking study at the end of July.
  • The hostels for Gujjar students established during the tenure of Sheikh Abdullah in the late 1970s are far from adequate to meet the rising demand.
  • Psychoanalysts tend to regard both sadism and masochism as arising from childhood deprivation.
  • Rising hurriedly, she soon was neatly dressed and combed. Heidi
  • Otley had the advantage of a strong wind in the first-half and not surprisingly had the better of the game in terms of territory.
  • This prompted me do do a little cutting, pasting and formularising, and this it what I found.
  • I turn away, gagging on the bilious waves of resentment rising up within me. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • However, such a shocking thing as violence is hardly hinted at, and the Princess always succeeds, as the Creole lady in _Newton Forster_ said she did with the pirates, in "temporising," while her abductors confine themselves for the most part to the finest "Phébus. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • It is also credited to his enterprising spirit that many such dreams are materialised.
  • Rising interest rates were an outward indication of the change in government attitude to economic controls.
  • The most urgent diagnosis is retinoblastoma, a malignancy most likely arising from retinal germ cells.
  • Act, in a commercial view, they think introductive of monopolies, and tending to bring on them the extensive evils thence arising. Tea Leaves Being a Collection of Letters and Documents relating to the shipment of Tea to the American Colonies in the year 1773, by the East India Tea Company. (With an introduction, notes, and biographical notices of the Boston Tea Party)
  • Ancient sources alluded to this element of frigidity by categorising the sign as ‘slightly barren’ in matters of fertility, and drawing pre-pubescent youth or sexless beings into its symbolic expression.
  • I objected, my voice rising in pitch of its own accord.
  • However, the products obtained from reactions with halides can be rather surprising - ie the dithiadiazole can trap free radical intermediates.
  • The boss said a Yes result would mean poorer families, fewer jobs and rising borrowing costs. The Sun
  • This is the source of the intifada, the uprising of Palestinian youth and workers against the Israeli regime.
  • This is hardly surprising, bearing in mind that no other adult animal naturally drinks milk.
  • That “never-happened” is a static phenomenon that starts to be the case on our mental continuum with the arising of the “present-happening of our attainment of arhatship” and then continues on our mental continuum, without changing or being affected by anything, forever. What Does a Buddha Know in Knowing the Past, Present, and Future? ��� Part One: Temporally Related Phenomena
  • Unsurprisingly, few teams can have topped their table with such little fanfare and there was little in the way of a carnival atmosphere yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • For he took a genuine interest in his pupils; and, in that first year of his teaching, carried his class to surprising lengths, nor let them betray any evidences of unthoroughness when they went trembling up to the examinations provided by the great Anton himself, in the mid-year term. The Genius
  • Potiphar discovers that Joseph is surprisingly honest, diligent and bright for a common slave, and puts him in charge of all the affairs of his house. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Deception And Desire: An Overview Of Genesis
  • He has surprisingly done everything the unilateralist screamers assured us he would not do; namely, take every precautionary step the UN has asked him to take.
  • Christopher was on his way home from school when he was caught up in the start of the 1976 anti-apartheid uprising in Cape Town.
  • In a way, the mismatch between virus and vaccine isn't surprising.
  • This singer has a penchant for scatting and surprising material, but where he has an astonishingly pure voice, hers has more feeling.
  • His voice is also surprisingly cultured, far more so in many ways than Jagger's flattened vowels.
  • Not too surprisingly, it had broad upper incisors and chisel-shaped lower incisors.
  • Unsurprisingly, the resulting play won five-star reviews. Times, Sunday Times
  • You may need to cover the resolution of disputes and other problems arising from the day to day administration of business.
  • And the action, therefore, which Pliny denominated obstinacy, would, if it had been left to us to name it, have been called inflexible virtue, as arising out of a sense of the obligations imposed upon them by the Christian religion. A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume 3

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