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  1. a disposition to laugh

How To Use risibility In A Sentence

  • Perhaps occasional risibility is sometimes the price of reaching not simply for the stars, but for the event-horizon. Is Terrence Malick assuming Stanley Kubrick's mantle?
  • The absurdities he is guilty of, the capers he cuts, excite our philosophic risibility. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • And contemplate the risibility of the prospect of individuals with a role in these outrages ending up on a press council to sit in judgment on working journalists!
  • It is because their work is not so much literature as an insider's joke, and most serious readers don't read for risibility, but sensibility.
  • The gazers at Drilling soldiers discard risibility from the corners of their mouths, and every one led by hand-Bills or by hearing, are acting according to their pride, or their fear, or their interest. Letter 112
  • At length on his name being announced when a literary gentleman, particularly conversant in rural economy, happened to be present, the poem was formally re-examined, and its general aspect excited the risibility of that gentleman in so pointed a manner, that Bloomfield was called into the room, and exhorted not to waste his time, and neglect his employment, in making vain attempts, and particularly in treading on the ground which Letter 388
  • He is keenly alive to the risks—and occasional risibility—of American-style consumerism. Spend It or Save It?
  • ˜rational mortal animal™ is thought to be the real definition of ˜human being™, regardless of other associated features (even necessary features such as risibility) or fortuitous images (as any mental image of a human will be of someone with determinate features). Peter Abelard
  • However, beyond risibility, the "tea parties" are also an occasion for something more substantive; namely, a chance to test the resolve of America's 21st Century anti-intellectual movement. Stuart Whatley: Teabagging: Redux Anti-Intellectualism
  • We must commend the kindness of the Review Board in sparing their co-workers the embarrassment of having their risibility enshrined in a document of record.
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