How To Use Risc In A Sentence

  • No, you plockit, no; and I will write your mother word you have proke Priscian's head four times this tay, since her letter came. Tales and Novels — Volume 04
  • On the other hand, we had the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Bild, Süddeutsche Zeitung as well as the Austrian Der Standard and the Neue Zürisches Zeitung covering the story in detail from a very different angle. Who is to run our foreign policy?
  • What else did Von Frisch notice about the wagging dance?
  • APPLETON (Nov 4): Richard Lloyd Linscott was born Oct. 28, 2008, at Miles Memorial Hospital in Damariscotta to Lloyd and Beth Linscott of Appleton. Knox
  • Leo and his friends also took the spinthariscope to an out-of-town astronomers convention and advertised that they had developed an optical system that could penetrate clouds.
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  • Here the mufti, or jurisconsult, appears to play a role remarkably similar to that of the roman jurist or contemporary European law professor (in providing Gutachten or opinions to courts).
  • So, who's laughing now, tovarisch? Times, Sunday Times
  • Crookes, a toy called the spinthariscope, on which radium particles impinge upon sulphide of zinc and make it luminous, induced him to associate the two sets of phenomena. The World Set Free
  • These include aquamarine, chrome diopside, diamond, jade, labradorite, forsterite, opal, pyrope, variscite, and many unique agates and jaspers.
  • Beside us, a Forward Air Controller uses a powerful periscope to pinpoint enemy targets over the sandbagged rim of the observation post.
  • Start by attaching the flexible vent from vent-connection kit to the periscope vent, using the band clamps in the kit.
  • Call it ‘Frisco Jazz,’ call it ‘Dixieland’ or ‘Traditional Jazz,’ it matters not - it's simply good-time music!
  • Hinter diesem Gedanken, der ein wenig misanthropisch vorkommen mag, hört man deutlich den milden und klugen Humor, der Ihr ganzes schriftstellerisches Werk durchströmt. The Nobel Prize in Literature 2002 - Presentation Speech
  • a scarlet "whittle" over all this motley finery; with a "outwork quoyf or ciffer" (New England French for coiffure) with "long wings" at the side, and a silk or tiffany hood on her drooping head, -- Priscilla in this attire were pretty indeed. Sabbath in Puritan New England
  • En dat po 'boy dat you's be'n a-kickin' en a-cuffin 'today is Percy Driscoll's son en yo' _marster_ -- Pudd'nhead Wilson
  • When Priscilla became pregnant, she asked Sarah to be godmother to her child, Lisa.
  • Matthew Risch, lately of "Pal Joey," is smooth and debonair as Sky Masterson, the high-rolling sharpie who wins the heart of Miss Sarah Brown Morgan James, the dishy Salvation Army doll who longs to save the souls of all the heels on Broadway. Joy in Runyonland
  • He came looking for Priscilla, and is grumly at not finding her," whispered Elizabeth Tilley; but Mary Chilton with a wise nod replied, as one who knows, -- Standish of Standish A story of the Pilgrims
  • There, in the very ground beneath her feet, was a periscopic reflection of what was going on above ground. EVERVILLE
  • Quando sono ben freddi, si spalma sulla base una confettura a scelta (io preferisco quella di rosa canina perchè ha una consistenza che adoro, tipo una gelatina liquida, in più non è dolce), si appiccica la parte superiore precedentemente spolverizzata di zucchero a velo. Ovis Mollis « Baking History
  • O'Driscoll does a great job of sketching out the characters, their relationships and filling their miserable lives with the kind of dread and unease that you can almost taste at the back of your tongue but when it comes time to move this story out of 'grim social realism' and into 'Horror' it all rather falls apart amidst random snowmen, which is a real pity as up until that ending, the story was going great guns. REVIEW: Black Static #16
  • The home is compact and stunning, with gorgeous xeriscape landscaping, and the most high-tech green materials and sustainable systems available, including a greywater recycling system, green roof, solar panels, and even a spot to plug in your electric vehicle for charging! PREFAB FRIDAY: Zero-Energy MkLotus debuts! | Inhabitat
  • Crisco and mix other ingredients gradually to them, bake in six small criscoed plates for 5 minutes. The Story of Crisco
  • Father's a railroad president and many times millionnaire, but the son's starving in 'Frisco, editing an anarchist sheet for twenty-five a month. Chapter 36
  • You can hold the auriscope in either a ‘pencil type’ grip or ‘hammer type’ grip.
  • They "rustled" and "cached" and "packed" things without even stopping to think, and _r's_ were unmistakably creeping into Priscilla's strictly Bostonian speech. Virginia of Elk Creek Valley
  • And found a certain Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus, lately come from Italy, with his wife Priscilla; (because that Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome:) and came unto them.
  • But first you'll need to buy a potato ricer (from somewhere like Briscoes, or you may find them at your supermarket).
  • By following these seven basic principles when xeriscaping your lawn and garden, you can create a lush, colourful and unique garden.
  • Super slow-motion replays appeared to show O'Driscoll did not apply downward pressure on the ball.
  • There he found a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, following a decree of the Emperor Claudius which ordered all Jews to leave Rome.
  • The mufti, Egypt's chief Muslim jurisconsult, serves at the pleasure of the Egyptian government.
  • This self-governing Australian external territory juts out, like a green volcanic periscope that has risen in mid-ocean for a look-see, approximately half way between Australia and New Zealand.
  • A ABI considera legítima a decisão da Petrobras de criar um blog para divulgação das informações que presta à imprensa e especialmente aos veículos impressos, uma vez que as questões relativas ao seu funcionamento e aos seus atos de gestão interessam ao conjunto da sociedade, que não pode ficar exposta ao risco de filtragem das informações típica e inseparável do processo de edição jornalística. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Petrobras Blog Versus Mainstream Media
  • Criscantoi Vaz was a sturdy-spirited man of much presence, of great sagacity, of considerable quiet strength. KING OF DREAMS
  • The williams Fork Formation preserves a diverse dinosaur fauna containing at least nine saurischian and five ornithischian species.
  • That very Irish phase – "copper-fasten" – motivates O'Driscoll more than ever. Brian O'Driscoll: 'Winning the Heineken Cup makes you hungry for more'
  • In his softer moments Driscoll tells us that it used to "cur-r-r-l" before he had the "faver" in Burmah, and on such occasions we assure him that it Campaign Pictures of the War in South Africa (1899-1900) Letters from the Front
  • Von Frisch waited for a marked bee to feed.
  • This plant needs full sun to perform its best and does extremely well in a xeriscape situation.
  • In this he was partially blocked, but a dozen of the ` Frisco Reds were executed, and the group was well-nigh destroyed. Chapter 19: Transformation
  • V.F. Philippus_; the meaning, according to the older interpretation, will be: "Philippus beseeches M. Holconius Priscus, duumvir of justice, to favor or patronize him;" whereas the true sense is: Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • I looked up to find Trischen staring at me, his eyes tearing from the laughter he was futilely trying to keeping in.
  • With xeriscape, you can reduce or eliminate the lawn and all that care and water, saving you a bundle. Pamper your pet's paws outdoors
  • The coalfield represents an erosional remnant of the South Wales coal basin preserved within the Variscan fold belt.
  • I also read more of the December issue of the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology — "Comparison and biomechanical interpretations of the vertebrae and osteoderms of Cacops aspidephorus and Dissorophus multicinctus (Temnospondyli; Dissorophoridae)," and "A possible new ctenosauriscid archosaur from the Middle Triassic Manda Beds of Tanzania. What I Did During My Plague Vacation ( by Me)
  • And last weekend saw the "Tribute to Elvis Aaron Presley" concert in Memphis, not only sanctioned by the Presley estate but hostessed by his ex, Priscilla. Forever Elvis
  • Chervil is a light green, lacey, fernlike leaf of Annthriscus cerefolium, a lowgrowing member of the parsley family. Spices and Herbs -Bandra Bazar Road « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • FRISCO - A herd of motorcycles departed sunny Frisco on Saturday morning for a ride of more than 400 miles to support the needy. Summit Daily News - Top Stories
  • The captain of a submarine is shown observing through the periscope a broken-backed merchantman, torpedoed fair amidships and sinking by the bow, with the complacent rhyme.
  • To conserve moisture or develop a xeriscape, a landscape requiring little water, it is essential to have soil with good water retention.
  • In addition to the interior design and the design of the furniture, Estudio Mariscal was responsible for the lighting and its image and communication.
  • A jurisconsult, in his criminal institute, announces that the non-observance of Sundays and holidays is treason against the A Philosophical Dictionary
  • To xeriscape means to place all plants with the same water needs together, emphasizing drought-tolerant plants. Globe and Mail
  • The test pilots found the double-slot flaps and quick-release engine cowlings most admirable but, oddly, armament was only briefly checked out and one of the things they did not like was the periscopic system for the twin turrets.
  • In its first season under coach Matthew Driscoll, North Florida made clear strides from the helpless team it was in 2008-09, winning five more games and qualifying for the conference tournament in its first year of eligibility. Atlantic Sun Conference
  • The test pilots found the double-slot flaps and quick-release engine cowlings most admirable but, oddly, armament was only briefly checked out and one of the things they did not like was the periscopic system for the twin turrets.
  • Iceland spar is used chiefly in the optical instrument known as the polariscope. Wealth of the World's Waste Places and Oceania
  • I had lost her face and I felt my own features fall apart like an old brick hotel in a Frisco earthquake.
  • Looks like a mirror only, of course, it's not a mirror, it's a U-boat 's periscope reflecting the sun. SAN ANDREAS
  • Obscurata diu populo bonus eruet, atque Proferet in lucem speciosa vocabula rerum, Quae priscis memorala Calonibus alque Cethegis, Nunc situs informis premit et deserta velustas: Adsciscet nova, quae genitor produxerit usus: Vehemens, et liquidus, puroque simillimus amni, Fundet opes Latiumque beabit divile lingua. [ Life Of Johnson
  • Where there is such a legislation, it becomes, in actual application to it, a system of positive right and law; and he who is versed in the knowledge of this system is called a jurist or jurisconsult (jurisconsultus). The Science of Right
  • The commander's cupola in the centre of the vehicle is equipped with five periscopic sights which give 360° vision.
  • The huge, heavy ‘frill’ of ceratopsians such as Triceratops may have served as armor against the attacks of saurischian predators like Tyrannosaurus, which lived in the same time and place as Triceratops.
  • Until this is done, however, it will be necessary for the Internal Revenue Bureau to adopt, provisionally, one of the best existing forms of polariscope, and by carefully defining the scale of this instrument, establish a basis for its polarimetric work which will be a close approximation to an absolute standard, and upon which it can rely in case of any dispute arising as to the results obtained by the officers of the bureau. Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
  • 2There he met a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had ordered all the Jews to leave Rome.
  • That would be great folly; as well might you wish them to have the same politeness, or to be all jurisconsults. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • With the success of the novel, film rights were snapped up by producer Walter Mirisch.
  • Mr Driscoll created the cartoon characters as bedtime stories for his children, Adam and Holly.
  • To be fair to O'Driscoll, this role was alien to him and the other team's central defenders were big and strong and took no prisoners.
  • When one of them is seen going along, people say: that is the sol, that is the mi, or that is the re of M. Narischkin. Ten Years' Exile
  • To see above and below the water, mudskippers pop their movable eyes out of the water and move them up and down like a submarine periscope.
  • Een gedicht als een ding een glazen draaideur en de chinese ober die steeds terugkeert met andere schotels een parkwachter die zijn nagels bijvijlt tussen siberische kinderen uit maine een venus van de voortjid samen met een spin op de snelweg een glas moedermelk, een geel gesteven smoking een bij, een pennemes beide stekend, een vliegtuig dat oplost in dorpsregen een gedicht als een ding. Gerrit Kouwenaar
  • These grains were not affected by the Variscan anatexis, so we consider them as residual.
  • Ma dato che fa cmq abbastanza schifo, preferisco aspettare qualcosa di meglio buono. No Fat Clips!!! : Historia tragica… Link Updated
  • This polemical work was nearing completion when Pascal had the joy of seeing his friends, the Duc de Roannez and the jurisconsult Domat, converted to Jansenism, as well as his niece Marguerite Perier, who had been cured of a fistula of the eye by contact with a relic of the Holy Thorn preserved at Port Royal. Archive 2008-06-15
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  • FRISCO - A prospective home owner's meeting will be hosted today for the new Peak One attainable-housing neighborhood in Frisco. Summit Daily News - Top Stories
  • Other recent infamous victims of superlarge lip engorgement -- Nicole Kidman, Christina Aguilera, Meg Ryan, Melanie Griffith, Priscilla Presley and Lisa Rinna, who have given up their naturally attractive kissers, in exchange for lips that are seen in nature only on underwater species. Bonnie Fuller: Oh No! Now Hollywood Lips Explode in Size
  • Melica altissima, and umbels such as bupleurum, fennel, anthriscus, selinum, eryngium and astrantia can be cut and collected whole. Life and style |
  • Paraisópolis não pode achar ruim de ter mais um menino morto por causa de uma simples lombada ou um sinal, tá faltando farol em São Paulo? acho que não, vai pro Jardins, vai pro alto de Pinheiros e você vai ver onde eles se concentram, para evitar que o boy com a cara cheia de álcool, coca, maconha volte da balada e corra algum risco. aqui! pancada, rojão, pneu queimado, tudo isso pra mostrar pro estado porco que agente dá valor pra uma vida. Global Voices Online
  • A "fatwa" is simply a considered opinion of a Muslim jurisconsult. Tom Friedman and "Deaf" Americans
  • If this is not found, the GP will examine the eardrums through an illuminating instrument (an auriscope or an otoscope) that is pushed gently into the ear canal.
  • Khomeini preached the theory of wilayat al-faqih (jurisconsult); an elitist concept associated with the supremacy of senior Shiite clergy. Joshua Gleis: Religious Divisions in Iran's Leadership -- More than Meets the Eye
  • Nay, Mistress Priscilla, I was not dubbed cooper until I was a se'nnight old, or so. Standish of Standish A story of the Pilgrims
  • Crisco, 1 tablespoon flour; dust flour over cabbage; stir carefully with wooden spoon, and add 1/2 pint of milk, 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1 saltspoon of white pepper. The Story of Crisco
  • O'Driscoll set up O'Shea but she was forced wide and under intense pressure her effort only reached the keeper.
  • Es cierto que debo evitar mariscos durante tiempos calurosos? Mexico FAQs: Food and water
  • 'Frisco Kid's Story" (Aegis, 15 February 1895) is mawkish and sentimental, a lesson in bathos and in how not to handle dialect (that is, by employing an abundance of it). The woe of an aspiring genius.
  • Divide the dough into two pieces, Flatten the small doughs into 0.2-0.3cm thick, Brush with Crisco and sprinkle some salt and chopped green onion.
  • But it was she and her sisters who prompted their mother to be so searingly honest about John Thaw, she tells Margarette Driscoll
  • Several features of the mountain belt are atypical when compared with other Palaeozoic orogens such as the Appalachians, Caledonides and Variscides.
  • In Latin American cooking, Maggi is used mostly with soups caldos and braised stews such as posole, caldo de mariscos and machaca shredded beef. Archive 2008-02-01
  • To their credit, Quick & Ruben (2009) do note that some birds (including kiwis, emus and the extinct elephant birds and mihirungs) have very small sterna that don't extend as far posteriorly as the abdominal air-sacs: these sterna are actually smaller, compared to trunk length, than those of such non-avian saurischians as dromaeosaurs and diplodocoid and macronarian sauropods (Wedel 2007). ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • This heresy was a compound of Priscillianism, the dualism of Manes, Oriental and Gnostic fancies, Gothic Arianism, and indigenous superstition, all fused together in what was known as Albigensianism, and which was hardly Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe
  • Therefore, Wiggs kept the word beet to himself, fine and private, despite his sensitivity to Priscilla's burning curiosity about the comettailed vegetable that had extended its crimson orbit into her atmosphere. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • At the workshops, which will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., participants will learn how to plant and care for hardier, drought-resistant landscaping called xeriscape: Phoenix Arizona Real Estate Local News and Business Directory
  • However, very few people want to see an Islamic revolution and the velayat-e faqih [Iran's "rule of the jurisconsult"]. Ayatollah Democracy
  • The equipment projected the image of the sun through a periscopic lens and reflected it on a sheet of paper.
  • O'Driscoll said he had been trying to sell the concept to wholesalers and retailers throughout the UK.
  • The Dutch were wordier but equally sensible: “Mijn lof zal hier na altijt even frisch aengroeien” (my fame shall ... grow fresh — a nod to the abundance of sea air, perhaps). Postera crescam laude
  • She -- SHE who would be the laughing-stock of them all -- she had thought him a "locater," a "towny" from 'Frisco! Openings in the Old Trail
  • Priscilla Hill, my new skating teacher, showed up to our first lesson wearing a snowsuit . . . in the summertime. Welcome to My World
  • And Mr. Brul was here this morning to tell you that the variscite helped him recall a past life. Unfinished Symphony
  • Together with the Appalachian, Caledonian and Variscan orogens, the Uralian orogeny contributed to the assembly of the late Palaeozoic supercontinent of Pangaea.
  • :Ecodesign: come riscaldarsi con una candela in ufficio durante queste grigie e umide giornate d'inverno::. Turn a Candle Into a Radiator
  • Now he craned back his neck and peered into his periscope. ANTI-ICE
  • He dismissed claims from ServGate that NetScreen's hardware lacks flexibility, pointing out that its appliances feature programmable RISC processors as well as hard-wired ASICs.
  • Amalgamation of the late Palaeozoic supercontinent Pangaea led to the collision of Gondwana with Laurasia forming the Variscan orogen.
  • With a little practice this may be overcome and the neutral point found, but when it cannot, the ordinary telescope of the instrument may be replaced by another, which is furnished with the polariscope and which carries a yellow plate. Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
  • To be sure I did, to calm down the pain; and that was what I call laudanum and Mr Briscoe here calls opium. Old Gold The Cruise of the "Jason" Brig
  • A chaordic threat: Right-wing terrorism in the United States (USAWC strategy research project) by John B Driscoll Red-meat Radical Right to Al Gore: Whoa, big fella. Whoa!
  • In questo punto l'insegnante suggerisce di disegnare un grafico a torta con i componenti della sessualità bacio profondo, accoppiamento, ... e confrontarlo con il grafico del partner. Archive 2006-12-01
  • Microscopical Society: "Its chief purpose is that of illuminating and defining objects which are nonpolarizable, in a similar manner to that in which the polariscope defines polarizable objects. Scientific American Supplement, No. 514, November 7, 1885
  • He invented the polariscope, and produced the first solar coronagraph. Weekend SkyWatcher's Forecast – February 26-28, 2010 | Universe Today
  • Though, I first recommend you not have a lawn if you can landscape with xeriscape plants, but if you do have one, water until you can cut a hole with a spade or knife and touch about 10 deep in the soil. Choose Plants That Need Less Water For A Low Maintenance Garden | Lifehacker Australia
  • Each country will have a government-appointed Mufti or jurisconsult, who issues written opinions on issues brought to him.
  • The Ornithischia - unlike saurischian dinosaurs, reptiles and birds - possessed mammal-like cheek muscles and cheek pouches to aid in chewing.
  • He is appearing at the Palace alongside adopted Brit Jason Donovan and bona fide Brit Oliver Thornton, who play drag queens Tick (aka Mitzi) and Adam (Felicia), Bernadette's travelling companions on the bus they name Priscilla. Undefined
  • Primitive periscopes, made from long wooden boxes with mirrors, were arranged so that an observer could look over the rim of the trench without getting hit by a sniper's bullet.
  • There was the conning tower with the periscope easily identifiable inside; there were the access hatches.
  • So I happen to have several spinthariscopes of various vintages, of which this item is a poor imitation.
  • Priscilla's hair was dyed jet black.
  • There are no female figures in Swann's Way who achieve as artistically productive or as spiritually rewarding an independence as that of Lily Briscoe.
  • Hi! iva gas riscaldamento just for kix dance wear Risultati esami del sangue barcelona airport rent a car carburetor chrysler conversion engine marine campionato italiano slalom comune di cropani dallas kessler park renaissance tx by clio instrument muse played BJORN FOLK JOHN PETER YOUNG Reso Condemning MoveOn Passes Overwhelmingly, With Lots Of Dems
  • In these cases the shoot system is often more or less dorsiventral, and the sexual organs are borne on short lateral branches (e.g. _Thuidium tamariscinum_). Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • There were two horses under the oak where Bryony had left Drake and she immediately recognized the second as Driscoll's roan.
  • The commission recommends that the work of polarizing sugars be placed in the hands of chemists, or at least of persons who are familiar with the use of the polariscope and have some knowledge of the theory of its construction and of chemical manipulations. Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
  • As a teenager, she discovered hip-hop, then went to art college and eventually made contact with two pivotal female Svengali figures, Elastica's Justine Frischmann and raunchy MC Peaches, who taught her to use a beatbox.
  • Depending on weather, sea state and our selected altitude, we can ‘see’ a weekend fisherman in his tinnie, a pod of leaping dolphins or a submarine's periscope, far beyond our binocular-assisted visual range.
  • You know, Diary, Priscilla is a pretty girl, but I'd bet she'd look really great with a 16-inch beehive and about four pounds of makeup.
  • Se sei colui che sta mettendo online questa roba sai a cosa mi riferisco mi piacerebbe dartene credito o almeno ringraziarti. No Fat Clips!!! : ANTONIO MERCERO – La cabina
  • Theropoda is the second saurischian group, consisting of the carnivorous dinosaurs.
  • Iceland-spar is extensively used in the construction of Nicol's prisms for polariscopes, polarizing microscopes and saccharimeters, and of dichroscopes for testing the pleochroism of gem-stones. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • The principle of the periscope is the same as that of the "busybody," familiar to householders, and which is placed on the sill of an upper window, so that a person inside the house may see who is at the front door. Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights
  • The prize-winning poodle was handled by Mrs. Priscilla Prescott
  • The gunner's station is equipped with gunner's main sight, three periscopes and a visual display unit.
  • I am half tempted to ring Paul O'Connell and Brian O'Driscoll on Monday night to see if their ringtone is English, and then at least I would know, and the waiting would be over.
  • Aug 21st, 2007 at 9: 54 am paul the red snapper at le bernardin – pricey and fantastic! crab cakes at del friscos are not bad either! PROFILE: Midtown Lunch’er (& Esca Chef) “David Pasternack”… PLUS another book giveaway! | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • Adams een cathagorisch antwoord heeft versogt, om daar van aan sijne principaalen kennis te kunnen geeven, als meede op de requesten van een groot aantal commercieerende, fabriceerende en sig door den handel geneerende ingezeetenen in deese provincie, tot appui van hunne versoeken ter generaliteit den 20 deeser gedaan ten einde tot verkrijging der handel uit deesen landen op The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876
  • Grant had come to Oakdale late the previous autumn, and was living with his aunt, an odd, seclusive spinster, by the name of Priscilla Kent. Rival Pitchers of Oakdale
  • En dat po 'boy dat you's be'n a-kickin' en a-cuffin 'today is Percy Driscoll's son en yo' marster -- The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson
  • Use a deep skillet with a mixture of oil and Crisco to make fried chicken with advice from a cooking instructor in this free video on cooking.
  • As praetor 148, he was sent to Macedonia, probably with proconsular status, and remained until 146, defeating Andriscus and perhaps another pretender.
  • FDA issues emergency use authorization for intravenous antiviral drug peramivir in H1N1 patients Maxim Health Systems cancels all flu shot clinics at retail locations Health Canada issues medical device license for IMRISNV and IMRIScardio systems Kmart Pharmacies rewards its customers for having all prescriptions filled at one pharmacy Sonomed launches new PacScan Plus, an A-Scan with optional pachymeter Coast Dental offers smile makeovers with Lumineers ultra-thin veneers to patients State reports: Providers struggle to make do with limited resources Torchmark raises quarterly dividend to $.15 per share on all common stock THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Stir Crisco and flour quickly and lightly into egg mixture, turn into well-criscoed mold, and bake in a moderate oven for 15 to 20 minutes. The Story of Crisco
  • Conspiracy against Phocas, led by Priscus and supported by the exarch of Africa. 610
  • Priscilla, or some other winsome and good maiden of the early colonial days, who transplanted to New England this poetic practice, sweet as the fragrant pink and white blossoms of the trailing arbutus, which is especially used to commemorate it. Apples, Ripe and Rosy, Sir
  • Generally ascribed to the Priscillianist school are the prologues to the four Gospels as they are found in many Old Latin texts.
  • I found by inclosing the glass in heavy iron tubes and exposing it for five hours to a temperature somewhat above that of melting zinc, and then allowing an hour or two for the cooling process, that the strong polarization figure which it displays in a polariscope was completely removed, and hence the glass annealed. Scientific American Supplement, No. 303, October 22, 1881
  • _insurrectos_; the blame Gover'ment being in possession of all the trails leadin 'into the hinterland; so says he,' What for a game would it be for me to hyke up to 'Frisco an' git in touch with my financial backers an 'conspirate to smuggle down a load o' arms? ' A Deal in Wheat and Other Stories of the New and Old West
  • Three celebrated jurisconsults, Dumoulin, Lannoy, and Duaren, have written strongly against annats, which they call a real simony. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Although cramped and uncomfortable, these boats were fine examples of engineering, with most of the features to be found on normal-sized boats, including a periscope.
  • 'He must unswear it' said Priscilla, 'that is all. He Knew He Was Right
  • Donna was eating Triscuts and thumbing through the Daily News.
  • Convex Computer Corp is expected to reveal the fruits of its work with Hewlett-Packard using the PA-RISC chip early this week.
  • Priscilla, in rueful remembrance of many trips to the dressmaker's. Just Patty
  • Oh, and there being a widespread proliferation of interesting ARM-based designs, many available to buy on a per unit basis for reasonable sums of money, and yet RISC OS is the "devil on skis" choice, hypothetically available for such devices if people weren't too busy squabbling and playing gatekeeper with their continually depreciating "intellectual property". bluenose: "Still we can dream of another white knight riding in to produce ARM hardware Drobe Launchpad News
  • Some genetic tests in the world are done only by a few laboratories including Acibadem (for example: griscelli, osteopetrosis, osteoimperfecta genetic tests). AME Info Latest News
  • In Briscoe's case the court made the prohibition of bills of credit nugatory.
  • During this period, Roman Law was used in Holland although it had been subject to changes contributed not only by glossarists and commentators but also by Dutch jurisconsultants.
  • Hatches are intact, periscope housings in place, propeller-shafts and control rods stick out of the stern alongside intact hydroplanes and rudder.
  • Some jurisconsults, indeed, have wisely held that the contumacious person ought not to be condemned unless the crime were clearly established; but other lawyers have been of a contrary opinion: they have boldly affirmed that the flight of the accused was a proof of the crime; that the contempt which he showed for justice, by refusing to appear, merited the same chastisement as would have followed his conviction. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • At the outbreak of the war, he had been on another vessel going from London to New York and he recalled the unquiet nights, the days of anxious vigilance, searching the sea and the atmosphere, fearing from one moment to another the appearance of a periscope upon the waters, or the electric warning of a steamer torpedoed by the submarine. Mare Nostrum (Our Sea) A Novel
  • Briscoe explained how she used cannonballs supposedly left behind after the War of 1812 to weigh down tobacco in hogshead barrels. Oral history project offers firsthand recollections of Calvert's past
  • Many etiologies can induce winging scapula, including trauma, infection, iatrogenic injury, congenital abnormality, and the impairment of periscapular nerves, muscles, bones and joints.
  • He quotes various jurisconsults, called demonographers, who assert that Luther was the son of a woman and a goat. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Back in Frisco, Carpenter knew, they were probably kneeling in the streets, praying for him to have some luck, finally.
  • 8 The answers of those learned in the law are the opinions and views of persons authorized to determine and expound the law; for it was of old provided that certain persons should publicly interpret the laws, who were called jurisconsults, and whom the Emperor privileged to give formal answers. The Institutes of Justinian
  • The commander has a periscopic day sight, a television monitor displaying the image from the gunner's thermal sight and six unity vision periscopes.
  • The Crisco Pie hotline is designed to help you out with pie crust and pie making. Holiday Hotlines offer baking help | Baking Bites
  • Irish Moss Chondrus crispus a k a carrageen, carrageen moss, Mousse d'Irlande and Irisch Moos, is a springy, red seaweed that ranges from greenish-yellow to reddish-brown. NYT > Home Page
  • Also, people in the loge were given bright-pink feather boas from "Priscilla Queen of the Desert," which normally retail for $12.99. The Final Act: Tony After-Party Buffets
  • The Kansas cyclone that whisks Dorothy into a dreamworld is evoked through vorticist projections the work of Jon Driscoll that betoken chaos in the cosmos. The Wizard of Oz - review
  • Non avete scampo, se non forse “fermare il riscaldamento globale prima che lui fermi noi”… No Fat Clips!!! : THILO EWERS – They Will Come to Town
  • Not so fast, tovarisch: your fingerprints are also required. Times, Sunday Times
  • Priscilla had just begun studying ornithology, and she quickly applied to her university for funds to cover airfare and expenses for a trip to Rodrigues.
  • A telescopic view from the outside and a periscopic view from the inside permit, as expressed by Walter Benjamin, ‘telescoping the past with the present’, allowing the viewer to peer at the old buildings through that spyglass.
  • Mr Duvall is a businessman like yourself, Mr Briscoe!
  • According to Priscilla, the genius waitress, an alobar is a unit of measurement that describes the rate at which Old Spice after-shave lotion is absorbed by the lace on crotchless underpants, although at other times she has defined it as the time it takes Chanel No. 5 to evaporate from the wing tips of a wild duck flying backward. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • His dad was watching TV, sitting in that periscope stoop of his, crookback, like he might tumble into the rug. Underworld
  • For targets at less than 1,000 meters, the missile can be guided by eye; for longer ranges, the 8x magnifying periscopic sight must be used.
  • Yet it was a tight deck to begin with, fresh-calked in Frisco. THE SEED OF McCOY
  • That's the only time I'm lonely, is when I go to 'Frisco. Chapter VIII
  • KNOX: The high-energy sound waves that Theodore is about to beam at Cassidy Driscoll's heel is tightly focused. Experimental Therapy For Sore Heels Has Skeptics
  • Per e-pro, se mi capita di beccare una clip decente, altrimenti preferisco non sfidare troppo la fortuna… :D No Fat Clips!!! : Beck – Cellphone`s Dead
  • The Evolution of Rheic Ocean: From Avalonian-Cadomian Active Margin to Alleghenian-Variscan Collision addresses long-standing controversies surrounding the ocean's origin, paleogeography, and ultimate closure. Speedlinking 10/9/07
  • ‘How fresh this stale world seems,’ O'Driscoll exults.
  • It would be a thousand times better, said a great jurisconsult, to sell the treasure of all the convents, and the plate of all the churches, than to sell justice. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • A copybook tackle from Taylor forced Shaun Briscoe to cough up possession, giving Leigh position from where Rob Jackson could spin out of a couple of tackles to touchdown for a try goaled from the sideline by Owen.
  • The gun was set to fire automatically and was controlled from the periscope.
  • If this were pure fiction, it might sting a little less, but unfortunately it isn't: Zuckerberg, who might be the most eligible Jewish bachelor in the world met his current girlfriend, Chinese-American medical student Priscilla Chan on erev Shabbat at an AEPi party during his sophomore year. Danielle Berrin: Mark Zuckerberg Created Facebook to Get Non-Jewish Girls
  • Fish-oil supplements are particularly rich in an omega-3 fatty acid called eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which discourages inflammation, says Priscilla Evans, N.D., a naturopathic doctor at the Community Wholistic Health Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
  • Devil's Ford, I reck'ned I'd take a pasear down to 'Frisco, and dip into the vortex o' fash'nable society and out again. Devil's Ford
  • Für den künstlerischen Gehalt dieses Widerstands verdienen Sie diesen Preis. The Nobel Prize in Literature 2009 - Presentation Speech
  • A "fatwa" is simply a considered opinion of a Muslim jurisconsult. Archive 2005-07-01
  • The determination of the legality or illegality of an act requires the jurisconsult to search for proofs in the valid sources of Islamic jurisprudence.
  • The antisense strand is loaded into the RISC complex and links the complex to the mRNA strand by base-pairing. Advanced Information: The 2006 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
  • Plucky hotel pair Pat O'Driscoll and Ian Lane suffered an eye-watering leg wax to raise cash for the tsunami appeal.
  • The Arizona town of Peoria expanded its "xeriscape conversion" program in 2009, offering homeowners and businesses as much as $715 up from $550 last year to get rid of lawns. Gardening Without a Sprinkler

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