How To Use Ripsaw In A Sentence
Jenny was still snoring, a sound like a ripsaw in wet timber.
Come Again No More
In his case he could cut it fast enough that the other two ripsaws could keep up.
Oral History Interview with Robert Riley, February 1, 1994. Interview K-0106. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
They supervised and run over high-powered machines, ripsaws and all like that, checked them over.
Oral History Interview with Hill Baker, June 1977. Interview H-0109-2. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
The town of Aurora was besieged by the media, most of whom had all the sensitivity of a ripsaw.
Red Knife
Their voices were like ripsaws but they were otherwise in good spirits.
The Year's Best Science Fiction 23rd Annual Collection
There was a big neon sign on the roof that appeared to spin like a ripsaw blade.
Red Knife