How To Use Ripened In A Sentence

  • As seeds ripened during the course of the experiment, the inflorescences were harvested by clipping the main stalk of each flowering culm just below the lowermost panicle branch.
  • We also ordered a cheese platter with three kinds of cheeses (two unripened and one aged).
  • As the vines have yielded their fruit by midsummer and ripened their wood early so as to be ready for starting into growth again in December or January, the grapery is kept cool and ventilated in the fall and early winter, but this need not interfere with the mushroom crop. Mushrooms: how to grow them a practical treatise on mushroom culture for profit and pleasure
  • Cottage Cheese, also a fresh unripened cheese, generally has additional milk or cream mixed with the curd.
  • What with ripened berries, snails, slugs and insects, there was a veritable feast on offer.
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  • One particular plant of the zellernut type grown in one of my city lots during the last season was very well filled with pistillate blossoms and not one catkin on it, and still it ripened a fairly good crop of perfect nuts, where the nearest plants filled with staminate blossoms was at least 30 feet from it. Northern Nut Growers Association, Report Of The Proceedings At The Tenth Annual Meeting. Battle Creek, Michigan, December 9 and 10, 1919
  • The summer sunshine ripened the melons.
  • A third indigenous dairy product is biruni, also called leben-gedim, which is a fermented unchurned milk ripened for up to 10 years! 1 Upgrading Traditional Biotechnological Processes
  • The curd for cheeses to be subsequently ripened is formed with starter and a milk-clotting ingredient.
  • Jacaranda trees sprouting white, unripened buds shaded the water. The Madonnas of Echo Park
  • After Hild had set off, plainly loath to leave Tera—though she seemed oblivious to his attraction—the remaining five had eaten as much unripened fruit as they could tolerate, then taken places around the fire to pass out. Kresley Cole Immortals After Dark: The Clan MacRieve
  • Our brain sends out chemical messages to our ovaries, which in turn produce estrogen and progesterone on a fluctuating basis—estrogen governs the first half of the cycle, and then, after an egg has ripened and pushed its way out of the ovary in the process known as ovulation, progesterone governs the second half. Healing the Female Heart
  • White Molds In addition to the blue penicillia, there are the white ones, all strains of P. camemberti, which make the small, milder surface-ripened soft cow’s milk cheeses of northern France, Camembert and Brie and Neufchàâtel. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • If an unexpected frost occurs, undamaged fruits can be salvaged and ripened.
  • Living in the Pacific Northwest, we usually have a few tomatoes left unripened at the end of the summer.
  • The defects which Maty insinuates, “Ces traits saillans, ces figures hardies, ce sacrifice de la regle au sentiment, et de la cadence a la force,” are the faults of the youth, rather than of the stranger: and after the long and laborious exercise of my own language, I am conscious that my French style has been ripened and improved. Memoirs of My Life and Writings
  • Poppy seeds have no drug properties - the narcotic element is only present in the sap of the unripened fruit capsule before the seeds develop.
  • ‘This dish is made with a semi-soft cow's milk cheese that is over-ripened in Zweigelt red wine for two weeks,’ he continued as he served a neat wedge with peppercorn and sweet fig sauce.
  • What a shame about the ludicrous fake tans which gave them the appearance of well-ripened oranges.
  • She finishes with a request that a wallpaper be matched with “an apple red, somewhere between a healthy winesap and an unripened Jonathan.” Gringos in Paradise
  • Seeds, when ripened in the fruit, are disseminated, that is to say, scattered on the surface of the ground, to sprout in spots as yet unoccupied and fill the expanses that realize favourable conditions. The Life of the Spider
  • This variety of unripened cheese is made from cows milk and comes in two versions, plain and smoked.
  • The result was a tomato that ripened well and resisted spoilage longer.
  • August ideally, when any bulbs that naturalise have ripened their seed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tastiest, vine-ripened produce should be vibrant, with its skin entirely saturated with color. Darya Pino, Ph.D: What to Look for When Picking Fruits and Vegetables
  • The slides portrayed late September and October when the trees were in their full autumnal colours, and all the luscious pumpkins and gourds had ripened.
  • These produce a less pungent smell than do the diverse organisms which infect many surface-ripened cheeses.
  • The results showed a considerable increase in the yield of seed and straw, the ripening was more rapid and the barley ripened nearly two weeks earlier with electroculture. Scientific American Supplement, No. 841, February 13, 1892
  • The beer is brewed with ‘only the finest sun-ripened hops, grains and barley.’
  • The cheese was ripened.
  • The long ripened grass rippled in waves for miles along the undulating countryside.
  • The Gnostic and Manichaean struggles had ripened the idea that, although at times diseases are punishments by the Almighty, the main agency in them is Satanic.
  • In France and Germany, sales of probiotic yogurt and flavored quark (unripened spreadable cheese) experienced growth amid otherwise flat markets.
  • By the second year, this xenophobic propensity has ripened into expressions of full-blown fear and hostility.
  • The art of calligraphy has now ripened, stridden beyond China, and stepped onto the world arena.
  • I observe not the Order of the Planets, and not without just grounds; for I observe the order of their Birth, by which I am directed; for because _Venus_ hath much Sulphur, she is sooner digested and ripened together with _Mars_, before other Metals; but because unconstant Of Natural and Supernatural Things Also of the first Tincture, Root, and Spirit of Metals and Minerals, how the same are Conceived, Generated, Brought forth, Changed, and Augmented.
  • I sincerely doubt he will die of "natural causes" at the unripened age of five. Freaky Monkey Bites the Dust
  • August, and with the glowing month returned Aaron Burr, his designs ripened, his enthusiasm culminant. A Dream of Empire Or, The House of Blennerhassett
  • The taste of fruit ripened using Ethyril gas in a ripening chamber is said to be much better than the fruit ripened with carbide.
  • Think of perfectly ripened pineapple chunks, minus the labor of carving away the tough rind.
  • The introduction of espaliered trees, whose fruit ripened more evenly and was not so blown about as in open orchards, helped to promote the growing of fine pears in the Paris region.
  • The prehistoric root flourished in many Indo-European languages, mainly carrying ideas to do with “cooking” and “ripening,” as seen in numerous words that English has borrowed: cook, cuisine, kitchen, kiln, terra cotta, and even precocious, as in “pre-ripened,” or “mature ahead of time.” The English Is Coming!
  • Sunripened tomatoes, cool cukes, sensuous spearmint, and hip hempseed as an alternative to the gluten containing bulgur wheat that is traditionally used. Brigitte Mars: Vegan Gluten-Free Tabouli Salad
  • If you wanted bananas, he would bring up a bunch of about thirty small green ones from the village for threepence, and put in the kitchen they slowly ripened, a few at a time.
  • The beer is brewed with ‘only the finest sun-ripened hops, grains and barley.’
  • And this skin was stretched over curves which likewise seemed ripened by a southern sun, recalling a sultana with their indolent and vegetative luxuriance. Loulou
  • Ward against listeriosis by avoiding blue-veined, mould-ripened cheeses, pâtés, ready-made salads and soft-whip ice creams until the birth.
  • Although crème fraîche and mascarpone are both classified as soft, unripened cheeses, they are made by a process similar to yoghurt.
  • The only maker of Latin cheeses in Alberta is in the running for its fresh unripened product in a new category: Fresh Cheese with Grilling Properties.
  • The defects which Maty insinuates, "Ces traits saillans, ces figures hardies, ce sacrifice de la regle au sentiment, et de la cadence a la force," are the faults of the youth, rather than of the stranger: and after the long and laborious exercise of my own language, I am conscious that my French style has been ripened and improved. Memoirs of My Life and Writings
  • Pappa al PomodoroI've seen this described as a wintery tomato soup in some English language cookbooks, but they're mistaken: Pappa al pomodoro shouldn't be soupy -- thick, rather -- and is something you make when sun-ripened tomatoes and basil are at their richest. » Recent Blogs
  • It takes exactly nine (9) months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit There are over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Mould-ripened cheeses (such as Brie and Stilton), soft boiled eggs, unpasteurised dairy food, pâté, ready-washed salads, cold prepared meats and cook-chill meals may all contain harmful bacteria.
  • Black olives, being fully ripened, are naturally sweeter and are usually sold preserved in brine or olive oil.
  • The cheeses were most often sour-milk cheeses: pultost is a ripened, unpressed curd cheese with a strong taste; gammelost is a semi-hard cheese with a grainy texture, dark brown in colour.
  • The method in this case depends a lot on the participants, and with people like gripened, implex, dewan and so on, apart from Aarav Sir (it goes without saying that he has a major major role), ensured that the discussion was healthy and exhaustive. Undefined
  • The stamens have ripened and been pushed off by the lengthened pistil, which is brushed by the back of the bee, and thus is pollinated. The First Book of Farming
  • Pomegranates are found in abundance in the studiolo; at the base of the pilasters (unripened) and in the brocade covering for the bench seat adjacent to the studiolo-within-a-studiolo. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • I tell Ray that by the time I'm finished picking one row I'll be able to start over, since more fruit will have ripened by then.
  • Fast-growing new categories include ripened and unripened cheeses, washed-rind cheese, and smoked cheeses, among others.
  • The green-veined Gorgonzola is quite different from the mould-ripened taleggio.
  • All around us the wild grasses are growing, heavy with seeds not yet ripened.
  • The flowers were still as beautiful and bright as the first day I had been there, and the fruit was still ripened to perfection, dangling from the trees.
  • If you have purchased unripened fruits, put them into a plastic bag that is perforated.
  • In fresh, unripened cheese, the curd, separated from the whey, can be used immediately.
  • Fruit ripened on every tree and birdsong filled the air.
  • A second dish of fresh, home-made tagliatelle pasta was tossed with vine-ripened cherry tomatoes and homemade ricotta.
  • If you cut into an unripened melon, you end up not using the hard part.
  • Seed must be gathered from freshly ripened seed pods.
  • However, when fully ‘sealed over’ and ripened in the hive, the honey acquired its characteristic taste and flavour.
  • If cheeses should ever be graded on the island nation, aged feta would score higher than its unripened cousin halloumi.
  • Soften and sweeten unripened fruit with granulated sugar, to taste.
  • Consider also the deciduous viburnums - these make good summer background shrubs, and the fall display can be lavish with sweeping shades of red to purple and ripened fruits.
  • Even when they have fully ripened, refrigeration causes a mealy texture, and it’s best to keep them unrefrigerated unless otherwise they are going to overripen and rot. HOME COMFORTS
  • Atta presents an onslaught of meticulously handcut shadow casting spray varnish stenciled plastic pieces, elaborate "exploded view" drawings, and a Gooberry Patch in the back room, where visitors can pick an unripened talking pull string Gooberry Plush and take one home to abuse. Boing Boing
  • My attitudes have ripened over the decades and I've put away the bell-bottom pants, but I recently decided to take a fresh look around this town where parking tickets can cost a week's salary and vehicles haphazardly compete with pedestrians in weaving competitions similar to the blind road races once held through the streets of Calcutta. Red Room: Pam Tent: Home Is Where You Hang Your Hat: Why San Francisco Is It for Me
  • You drink the juice of an unripened coconut, direct from the fruit through a hole bored in the husk.
  • He loves to careen all over the store and fill his cart with things we don't need, like unripened avocados and horrible new kinds of crackers.
  • Sunripened tomatoes, cool cukes, sensuous spearmint, and hip hempseed as an alternative to the gluten containing bulgur wheat that is traditionally used. Brigitte Mars: Vegan Gluten-Free Tabouli Salad
  • The fruit is picked and artificially ripened before shipping.
  • Tabouli Salad is a great way to use colorful antioxidant rich fresh produce: Sunripened tomatoes, cool cukes, sensuous spearmint and hip hempseed. Brigitte Mars: Vegan Gluten-Free Tabouli Salad
  • And ripened on a dry slop of peanuts, cornflakes and newspaper shavings, moiled between the washer and dryer and shelves of dust-caked soda bottles, the pig that grew tall enough to sniff and lick the doorknob. Archive 2008-08-01
  • A quick Google search for comparisons between the two fruit will yield a large number of people saying that limes are just unripened lemons. The Difference Between Lemons and Limes - Anil Dash
  • They have a rich unpasturised flavour, are mould ripened and often ‘flow’ as they mature.
  • They eat lots of unripened fruit and it ferments in their stomach - then they sit down drunk in the middle of the road and get hit by cars. The Nervous Breakdown
  • After tertiary capitula ripened, cauline leaves senesced and remained marcescent on the stems.
  • When it ripened it had to be pulled, cured, seeded, swingled, spun and woven, all by hand, before it was ready to be made into wearing apparel.
  • He was a fit-looking man of 80, with squinty brown eyes, a high voice, a sun-ripened Canadian smile.
  • Only a couple of hours before the guests are expecting to eat, he and his co-chef are calmly slicing peeled, vine-ripened tomatoes for the tomato and Parmesan gratinée tartlets.
  • This care, due to the most principal and worthy person, was always committed to the bishop; and when the churches were many, the propositions and deliberations were made by the bishop first in the college of the priests and deacons, which they called the presbytery, and there were ripened, to receive afterward the last resolution in the general congregation of the church. A Discourse concerning Evangelical Love, Church Peace, and Unity
  • I like tomatoes which are vine ripened, deep red, and pulpy.
  • If an unexpected frost occurs, undamaged fruits can be salvaged and ripened.
  • The wheat has ripened.
  • Caused by a leaf-blighting fungus, the disease leaves coffee plants spindly and barren, their precious fruits unripened.
  • Start with dark-green lettuce (such as romaine or red leaf), and choose vine-ripened tomatoes for the most flavor.
  • Eggs are released by disintegration or rupture of ripened proglottids.
  • Ripened fruit shone in the morning light, faintly glistening with dew drops.
  • He came to Alberta two years ago and learned to perfect the versatile unripened cheese for the Canadian market.
  • Fresh tomatoes can be stored in the fridge, but are significantly better ripened and served at room temperature.
  • Vine-ripened fruit is shown to contain twice as much of something than that of green-picked fruit - super-oxidants known as nonfluorescent chlorophyll catabolites (boy is that a mouthful!). Ncc Plate | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • The mangoes that my parents had picked from outside their window had ripened inside the rice drum.
  • They've already harvested fragrant garlic chives, vine-ripened cherry tomatoes and a prized green called lettuce stalk (celtuce) they'll turn into meals at the Salvation Army low-income senior housing they call home. Fore, right!
  • After flower pollination, tiny fruits develop within the syconium, which turns into the ripened fig.
  • Tabouli Salad is a great way to use colorful antioxidant rich fresh produce: Sunripened tomatoes, cool cukes, sensuous spearmint and hip hempseed. Brigitte Mars: Vegan Gluten-Free Tabouli Salad
  • He has stripped my rails of the shaddock-frails and the green unripened pine; Departmental Ditties & Barrack Room Ballads
  • Two yearly crops of early corn were eaten as they ripened, and a harvest of late corn was dried and stored for winter use as hominy.
  • Ward against listeriosis by avoiding blue-veined, mould-ripened cheeses, pâtés, ready-made salads and soft-whip ice creams until the birth.
  • In any event, the practices and usages of war which gradually ripened into recognized customs with which belligerents were bound to comply, recognized the crimes specified herein as crimes subject to punishment.
  • While conventional strawberries at the supermarket are shipped from California and picked prematurely to make the journey, these ones are ripened on the vine and often come with the hangtag stem, great for dipping! Fresh Strawberry Basil Milkshake
  • The boil on my arm has ripened.
  • Unripe fruit have a downy skin, while ripened fruit have the smooth texture of its relatives.
  • The ripened pistillate ament is called a strobile and bears tiny winged nuts, packed in the protecting curve of each brown and woody scale. Find Me A Cure
  • As seeds ripened during the course of the experiment, the inflorescences were harvested by clipping the main stalk of each flowering culm just below the lowermost panicle branch.
  • White tea is harvested only a few days of the year from the unripened buds of the tea plant.
  • So we set up a platform in a tree next to a fig tree that was bulging with unripened fruit.
  • Although crème fraiche and mascarpone are both classified as soft, unripened cheeses, they are made by a process similar to yoghurt.
  • But in the long run, this choice will bear fruit - a fruit that is ripened under Mother Nature's own tutelage.
  • Making ripened cheese is a three-step process: coagulation and precipitation of the curd, concentration of the curd, and ripening.
  • Inflorescences are cone-like with lignified scales, dark brown when ripened, and bearing more than 100 fruits per cone. Chapter 4
  • Many of the early maturing varieties are best when ripened under relatively cool conditions.
  • Apple-blossoms died quietly in the deep orchard grass, and tiny apples waxed and rounded and ripened and gained stripes of gold and carmine; and the blue eggs broke into young robins, that grew from gaping, yellow-mouthed youth to fledged and outflying maturity. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 22, August, 1859

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