How To Use Riot In A Sentence
To equate Tim McVeigh as a patriot is the mark of a sick and disturbed mind.
Think Progress » Fox News host Julie Banderas
From the past sorrows, we derive our self-respect to love our compatriots.
And David took from him a thousand chariots, and seven thousand horsemen, and twenty thousand footmen: David also houghed all the chariot horses, but reserved of them a hundred chariots.
1 Chronicles 18.
Missed departure Strike, riot or civil commotion in respect of which a warning has been given prior to the date this insurance is purchased.
Instead, segregation has continued despite the fact that some of Oldham's most monocultural schools have been closed and merged since the riots, while others have been moved to different areas to seek a mixed intake.
Oldham schools still polarised 10 years on from race riots

I really got into gambling in a big way, and ended up playing blackjack with some pretty scary people, but it was a riot.
The arrival of the charity van set off a minor riot as villagers scrambled for a share of the aid.
Six people were killed in the riot, including a policeman.
A reporter was dispatched to Naples to cover the riot.
Indiscriminate concelebration with Patriotic clergy can't be considered as permitted.
Archive 2009-07-01
Our goal is be independent, but we will never be at peace through mindless violence - the blood of those killed in riots and fires are forever on our hands.
‘I'll play you for it,’ Danny told him, allowing her anger and rioting emotions to get the better of her.
After the riot, 32 people were taken into police custody.
Police in riot gear dispersed the demonstration.
Manufacturers have let their imaginations run riot to create new computer games.
True patriotism doesn't exclude an understanding of the patriotism of others.
All their neighbours had fled from that place even before the arrival of the rioters.
They were primarily portraitists, but Thomas is now chiefly remembered for his dramatic Boadicea monument at Westminster Bridge, London, showing the fearsome warrior queen in her chariot.
But only one is a riot-grrrl guitar hero, turned NPR blogger, turned ascendant sketch comedian.
‘Portlandia’ star, guitarist Carrie Brownstein finds outlet for all her interests
Britain's worst jail riot will force a fundamental reappraisal of prison policy.
Anyone who has once taken up the WORD can never again evade it; a writer is not the detached judge of his compatriots and contemporaries, he is an accomplice to all the evil committed in his native land or by his countrymen.
Alexandr Solzhenitsyn - Nobel Lecture
Its people are overburdened by religious riot, ethnic strife, corruption and the absence of social infrastructure.
It's a bizarre concept that intertwines issues of patriotism and sporting chauvinism.
He needn't worry about that song causing a riot.
The Sun
They acted out of a conscience that patriots despised but at least could understand.
They spout rubbish and sit back while energy firms run riot.
The Sun
During the Bradford riots many small fires, including burning cars, were left to burn for long periods.
GODEFRIDUS-GOTRIC is credited with a third Saxon tribute, a heriot of
The Danish History, Books I-IX
Forget the Parthenon and the Acropolis; these days the Patriot Missile launchers unsubtly stationed across the city are the tourist sites du jour.
Deep down, this great patriot and cricketer has taken no pleasure from one humiliation after another.
Times, Sunday Times
The Medes, perhaps, had such chariots, though no traces of them are found in Assyrian remains.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Apart from politically inspired race riots in the early 1960s, rarely did Black people behave badly towards us.
This has continued in times of war, rebellion, economic panic and depression, loyalty scares, riots, draft-card burnings, and similar crises.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Attempts to Defeat the Kagan Nomination, and Political Hardball
After about 10 minutes the riot police arrived.
There was a sickening lurch; immediate survival seemed more crucial than a putative riot.
It is a speech that cannot fail to thrill the reader for its noble and patriotic eloquence.
In resubmitting the legislation for renewal of what many consider the most controversial provisions -- and some label downright unconstitutional provisions -- within the Patriot Act, the Republican Rules Committee decided to allow only 60 minutes of debate.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
Transforming the press account, Kelly's own narrative further compresses Kastriot's story of miraculous survival into three stanzas and a shorter envoi which are intended to evoke the traditional folk ballad.
They were killed in an exchange of gunfire between riot police and demonstrators.
A full-scale riot was prevented by the timely intervention of the police.
An artist must learn to let his imagination run riot.
And Obama was taken back when there was an outcry over his lamebrain ideal and he criticized the vets for not being patriotic. 2012 can't come soon enough!
Obama shifts focus to Iraq, Afghanistan wars
The whole place was a riot of different voices and accents - I guessed the huge variety was due to so many different floors intermingling, all with their own fashions and traditions.
Much as I wish I could take credit for the word "matriotism," another woman wrote to me and gave me the concept.
Cindy Sheehan: Matriotism
An impression of the original statue group on top may be gained from the chariot groups on the triumphal arch in the relief on the south.
Fresh Apples, who has been posting updates since the riots began, reports that the government posted guards at the CBS radio masts on Buziga Hill in Kampala:
Global Voices in English » Uganda: Blogs, Twitter Keep World Informed as Kampala Riots Continue
What was more we were at war and were fervently patriotic supporters of King and Country.
Potty mouth aside, Nash can craft a solid tune when she hits her marks, whether they be straight up pop, a girl group throwback or a riot grrrl anthem.
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As wet, fluffy snow fell throughout the day, many protestors began tossing snowballs at riot police.
The old man is a patriotic overseas Chinese.
The days of flyposter louts running riot on our high streets are over. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Cleopatra _Cleopatra_ compatriot _compatriot_ gratis _gratis_ or _grahtis_ harem _harem_ or _hahrem_ heinous _hanous_ hiatus _hiatus_ implacable _implakable_ nape _nap_ née _na_ négligé _naglezha'_ patron _patron_ protégé _protazha'_ résumé _razuma'_ tenacious _tenashus_ tomato _tomato_ or _tomahto_ valet _va'la_ or _val'et_ vase _vas, vahz_, or _vaz_ veracious _verashus_ vivacious _vivashus_
Practical Grammar and Composition
In the poem, Hector's body, attached to Achilles' chariot and dragged around Troy, cannot be mutilated because Aphrodite has anointed it with ambrosia.
The problem with the Free Republic is being a hyper-patriot and using "barf" as your reaction to everything.
Chris Kelly: Free Republic Brings You the News (BARF ALERT!)
The police fired teargas in the central shopping district to disperse the rioters, creating panic among shoppers.
Jenkins put into action the antiriot plan formulated as a preventative measure for the summer.
Burial for a King
A group in Stockholm believed they had made it in 1957, and proposed the patriotic name nobelium, after the Swede Alfred Nobel.
My country, right or wrong," is a thing that no patriot would think of saying except in a desperate case. It is like saying, "My mother, drunk or sober.". G.K. Chesterton
The march was broken up by police in riot gear.
While, as Steve pointed out, patriotism can easily slip into jingoism, that is simply a way for some people to channel their personal idiocies.
Planet Atheism
Medici_, published in 1642, and _Hydriotaphia; or, Urn Burial_, 1658, a discourse upon rites of burial and incremation, suggested by some Roman funeral urns, dug up in Norfolk.
Brief History of English and American Literature
Her husband had no choice but to agree with that most patriotic of statements.
Thousands of riot police will be lining the streets amid fears that either anarchists or terrorists will attempt to disrupt proceedings.
Anti-clerical knights of the shire who wished to disendow the Church, riotous tenants of an unpopular abbey, parishioners who refused to pay their tithes, would often be called
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
John smirked knowingly as his compatriots gasped in unison.
No matter what flag-waving, hot blooded xenophobic ‘patriots’ will tell you, one person alone will never be able to change history.
The administration of the Turkish Cypriot community had absolute jurisdiction over part of the island.
It's a typically riotous mix of oompah music-hall cavortings, slurred-pitch Middle Eastern rhapsodising, luxuriously sensuous clarinet love-songs, and stormy collective blasts reminiscent of the 1960s John Coltrane quartet.
Gilad Atzmon Orient House Ensemble: The Tide Has Changed
In short, our forty-fourth chief executive sought to end America's two-and-a-third centuries as a truly exceptional nation-more patriotic, more dynamic, more enterprising and freer than any other-to turn the republic into a kind of enervated satellite of Western Europe. News
By the end, riot police had to subdue parts of the crowd.
Christianity Today
Matthew Jerrold was in the servery when Lister's shout set off the riot.
Harriot resolved the forces acting on the projectile into horizontal and vertical components.
Hi -- I would like to commend the courage and patriotism of several of your citizens, the three dozen employees of Americall who, when asked to telemarket and read a script of blatant and out-of-bounds lies to recipients, refused, and left their jobs, without pay, as a matter of principle.
Dozens Of Call Center Workers Walk Off Job In Protest Rather Than Read McCain Script Attacking Obama
Jesse Johnson said his father, known to friends and family as R.J., had lived through a riot at the penitentiary in 1993 and knew the danger of his job but never dwelled on it.
S.D. inmates accused of killing guard for uniform
On the same day, Li also held talks with his Cypriote counterpart George Iacovou.
Shortages eventually led to food riots.
They could scarcely be flung from the Tarpeian Rock—that would invite a riot.
The terret would originally have been attached to a chariot yoke, probably serving to guide the reins for a double harness.
They had long been sailing west upon their expeditious and stead ship, the sun had now sat upon her throne, and her red and gold stallions that drew her chariot pranced among the hoary clouds.
Wargames Factory have posted a photo of a painted version of the "Boudicca" figure that is included in their upcoming Celt Chariot boxed set.
Tabletop Gaming News
Poseidon clothes himself in raiment of gold, grasps his gold whip, and takes his stand upon his chariot.
Greece has been rocked by riots and industrial action in protest over spending cuts by the government.
The Sun
The police used a water cannon on the rioters and soon brought them to heel.
Among them is a special riot force whose numbers may be one-third of the total.
This retreat was followed by the calling in of mounted police and black-suited riot squads to attack demonstrators with batons and pepper spray.
The setup is familiar, but Arvin calculates everything - the mystery, the office politics, the anti-death-penalty demonstrations, the race riots, the fiendishly escalating threats - so neatly that the whole package is an offer you can't refuse.
Blood of Angels by Reed Arvin: Book summary
In his gardens and chariot-racing center, called the hippodrome, almost a thousand people were brutally murdered.
Raw Story
After the Watts rebellion, Johnsoh asked Hoover to expand his intelligence operations to include riot prediction.
Griots entertain at ceremonies such as baptisms and marriages.
(although that kind of digressed in the latest issue because I wrote about New York's Ra Ra Riot).
Who the bloody hell are they?
Missed departure Strike, riot or civil commotion in respect of which a warning has been given prior to the date this insurance is purchased.
There would be limits on their rights to buy property, and strict quotas of Cypriot refugees allowed to return to the north.
Any time people know what's going on in their companies, they do feel what you call a patriotic responsibility to invest there," said Paul Palazzo, a managing director for Altfest Personal Wealth Management in New York.
The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
Football hooligans ran riot through the town.
Victory riots have claimed the lives of two college students in Massachusetts alone this year.
By 6pm, riot police had begun to clear the city centre, forcing the crowds out towards Westgate.
Louisa Gouliamaki/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images Greek riot police clashed with hundreds of people protesting austerity measures who tried to break a cordon outside Parliament.
Anger in Athens
America's emotional attachment to flags attests the country's penchant for patriotic spectacle.
Will his rebellion be accompanied by patriotic exhortations - the kind which we associate with the freedom struggle that followed?
Old Labour leader George, torn apart by the contradictions that have led to this riot, suddenly thinks he sees who is to blame, and drops his trimming and concession-making approach.
Why not include hand-to-hand battles with Roman characters, or even chariot races for control of a particular piece of land?
True patriots ride choppers.
Times, Sunday Times
A crowd of up to 200 protesters were held back by troops who used screens and riot shields to form a pathway for the terrified youngsters and their parents.
The pictures soon came to symbolize the dispossessed of America during the Depression; to the politically minded, they exposed the truth behind the patriotic boilerplate.
The notion that the 2005 riots were primarily or even tri - or quad-marily anti-Semitic is purely invented.
Matthew Yglesias » France Hearts Jews
Phoebus > (Who each day drives his chariot across the sky) 9 In western waves his weary wagon did recure. recure > restore, refresh
The Faerie Queene — Volume 01
A riot of emotions raged through her.
The future scenario gives him carte blanche to run riot with all these mad ideas.
Now however[Sentencedict], a miniature version of the race riot that Gallagher had predicted exploded on campus.
A Xinjiang television broadcast carried pictures of weapons, riot damage and injured and dead security personnel.
The trade union movement was swept along by the same tidal wave of patriotism which affected the country as a whole.
The commission dubbed him an “inciter” but found no concrete evidence that he instigated riots; no Carmichael conspiracy existed, they concluded.
Burial for a King
For the athlete, if he's lucky, it's a medal, world recognition, splashy endorsement deals, the adoration of millions of compatriots, whatever.
Peace, ye Patriots, nevertheless; and let that tocsin cease: the Debate is not finished, nor the Report accepted; but Brissot, Isnard and the Mountain will sift it, and resift it, perhaps for some three weeks longer.
The French Revolution
It's all set to riotous grime music.
Times, Sunday Times
When Ms. Aston and her compatriots appeared in traditional Martha Graham attire, Bracie and Ashleigh went wild; they fist-pumped eagerly at their mother's cartwheel.
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By the 19th century the play had been transformed into a spectacle of patriotic pageantry celebrating imperial Britain and the glory of its military.
Marriot turned the radio to VHF 1215, the emergency frequency.
The idleness and overcrowding led to rioting in four state prisons in 1985 that left an inmate dead.
We sang America as our recessional, yet another indication that the date is now solemnized as an annual patriotic memorial.
And if the socialist shirkers riot, shoot them!
Monumental Art Deco and this riot of materials and colours led nowhere, however.
A MAN has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after two policemen were mown down chasing looters in the riots.
The Sun
During the debate on the Patriot Act, I rose on the House floor to remind my colleagues that secret courts, no-knock searches, and nationwide warrants were all things our founding fathers had fought to gain their freedom from.
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We don't have to be concerned about the right-wingers labelling us unpatriotic.
A prouder boast would be that it was ‘the most patriotic’.
You can be patriotic without being jingoistic.
A host of sparrows create such a rioting as renders sleep or repose perfectly out of the question.
The recent riots across Britain, whose origins many believe lie in an absence of either parental guidance or filial respect, seem to underline a profound difference between East and West.
You watch too much fox news (the lapdog of the ultra right conservatives, who interestingly and hypocritically is on the same network that show some of the worst of the worst television has to offer.) @Mike – patriot act, was the 2002 GOP-led congress.
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - A new day….
The town will be gaily decorated with window boxes, flower beds and floral arrangements - so expect Bagenalstown to be a riot of flowers on Sunday.
Standing outside a health care town hall Tuesday in Springfield, VA, demonstrators seemed to subscribe to the belief that the tree of liberty must be refreshed not with the blood of patriots and tyran ...
Joseph Freeman: With Talk of Hitler and Socialism Seniors in Virginia Air Grievances on Health Care
Some looked like they were in riot gear.
The Sun
Cooper is thus able to stand on neutral ground, though making it plain that his patriotic sympathies are with the Americans.
A riot began when drug traffickers tried to free their jailed confederates.
Percy Jackson and the Stolen Chariot - Percy helps Clarisse, when her half brothers, the demigods Phobos (fear) and Deimos (terror) take Ares chariot, which he had entrusted to Clarisse.
Dusk Before the Dawn » 2009 » March
The rioters burnt buses, barricaded the streets and torched their own houses.
Times, Sunday Times
Harriot resolved the forces acting on the projectile into horizontal and vertical components.
Flags and other patriotic symbols are everywhere - on the flagpoles, on the buildings, on the cars, and on the people themselves.
Riots and Disorder To the general public, the most noticeable symptom of the penal crisis is of course the prison riot.
It would seem that, although the Knight had the accomplishment of that result as much at heart as the priest himself, his national pride and patriotism relucted at the idea that English colonies should become possessions of the hereditary enemies of his nation.
The Knight of the Golden Melice A Historical Romance
Defog It antifog gave officers a fog-free view in the heat, humidity and high-exertion of the Mock Prison Riot training," says John Swett, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for
PRWeb - Daily News Feed
The democrats on the other hand have joined the president on many pieces of legislation, including the horrific Patriot Act, the fundless No Child Left Behind Act, and even the baseless Iraq War.
Joe Lieberman, Putting Self before Country, State, and Party
The government gained the support of ‘Essex man’, the patriotic, Sun-reading, skilled or semi-skilled worker in new towns such as Basildon.
Horace Greeley, editor of the "New York Tribune," the leading Republican journal of the North, contented himself with referring to Brown and his followers as "mistaken men," but added that he would "not by one reproachful word disturb the bloody shrouds wherein John Brown and his compatriots are sleeping.
The end of an era,
The local media reported rioting across the country.
He was asked how such a patriot could stop his mind straying to thoughts of managing the national side.
Times, Sunday Times
The yatras have in the past sparked clashes in Ahmedabad as Hindu devotees - armed with swords, tridents and spears - hurled anti-Muslim insults from atop chariots and trucks.
A mechanic's son, he is descended on his mother's side from a line of griots.
They also continue to pander to the successionist crazies who have elevated state patriotism to a religion.
`Under God' in Texas pledge is constitutional, federal judge rules | RELIGION Blog |
Apparently Merton College had refused to take northern students and Oxford had been plunged into chaos and riot.
All of these flaws came to a head during the week of rioting and looting, when rolling news media overdosed on graphic but often misleading imagery, politicians over-reacted and the rightwing print media went apeshit.
Has Newsnight lost its way?
Cortez's case struck a responsive and sympathetic chord in the hearts of his compatriots.
The riots did not originate from abroad, but were the product of internal discontent," heexplained, saying that unlike the huge police presence in the region, "restriction of communicatory freedoms would not prevent new riots.
The Full Feed from
There was a pause, while Kara struggled to deal with her rioting emotions.
The Son of Anak, otherwise Rufus the Blue-Eyed, and also plebeianly known as Tots, rioted with him from brier-rose path to farthest orchard, scalped him in the haymow with barbaric yells, and once, with pharisaic zeal, was near to crucifying him under the attic roof beams.
Local Color
Carlos and his five brothers and sisters grew up in a tiny village in northern Mexico, Autlan de Navarro, where the streets were unpaved and chickens ran riot.
In the overnight rioting, about 100 attackers set fire to Redfern railway station, torched a car and smashed windows.
We have heard reports of the possibility of the US using in incapacitants, riot control agents.
A Xinjiang television broadcast carried pictures of weapons, riot damage and injured and dead security personnel.
The attacks fueled a feeling of patriotism across the country.
Council tax bills may have to rise by £17-a-year to pay for the damage caused and the cost of policing the riots that devastated the city in July.
To me, a true patriot is one whose allegiance is to freedom, not to flags.
He was incandescent with rage as he read the riot act to us in his office.
FRANKIE: The Autobiography of Frankie Dettori
Viviana has been shocked by her country's bankruptcy, devaluation, rocketing inflation and unemployment, all combined with a bout of rioting, looting and street violence.
One always has to be aware that as one writes as an American, looking in on America, and living here and writing about "the system" it is not considered an act of anti-patriotism or treason or antisocialism or Communism or whatever other bizarre notion they might be able to convince you of.
The group of rioters dispersed only when armed police finally arrived.
Times, Sunday Times
The time came for the chariots to be used and the reinsmen lined their war wagons up, the chains connecting each to the other in pairs.
The Eternal Mercenary
And Twickenham chiefs will read the riot act to players to avoid any repeat of their shameful off-field antics.
The Sun
As a patrician of Dordrecht and a patriot, he paid homage to Holland as a trim and handsome place where even the windmills rotated their sails with a Sunday sobriety; much as his contemporary Teniers depicted Flanders.
But the ceremonies are likely to be resisted by some young Britons, who are naturally wary of what they regard as flag-waving patriotism.
The arrival of the charity van set off a minor riot as villagers scrambled for a share of the aid.
After being honourably acquitted, he relumed his feat upon the bench, and made the following fpeech; which, confidered in a general way, is admirable both with refpecft to matter and form, though the propriety of applying it to the particular occafion may be queftioned, as the petitioners were neither rioters nor inlurgents, nor men who had othTwile violated the public peace.
The history of America, : from its discovery by Columbus to the conclusion of the late war. : With an appendix, containing an account of the rise and progress of the present unhappy contest between Great Britain and her colonies.
And Twickenham chiefs will read the riot act to players to avoid any repeat of their shameful off-field antics.
The Sun
The discipline of the school was hard, not with the healthy and natural hardships of life in the open air, but with an artificial Spartanism, for it was the time when the Germans, who had suddenly awoke to feelings of patriotism and a love of war to which they had long been strangers, under the influence of a few writers, were throwing all their energies into the cultivation of physical endurance.
Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire
Ex-patriots must make extra trips to the police station permit section if the documents often expire at different times.
One afternoon everybody (except the sheriffs) were put on alert, because the "south-side" car was planning on making some pruno, and inside the walls of the camp that meant drunken gang members, which led to riots, usually.
Strange Reaction
During the riots, one middle-aged Afro-Caribbean woman told a television crew: "This would never happen in Jamaica.
Jamelia: Respect for single mothers!
In times of war, the distinction between patriotism and nationalism vanishes.
If not, then Garriot's got no business claiming that he's added this kind of dimensionality to a MMOG.
Tabula Rasa
They are true patriots at a time when patriotism is under attack.
In return, we can do a better job of sorting out the human from the heroic, history from mythology, patriotic pabulum from more satiating analysis, even - dare we try?
If we had in our power the pen which traced the delicate marvels of Queen Mab, not bigger than an agate that glitters on the finger of an alderman, of her liny chariot, of her diaphanous team, only then should we succeed in giving an idea of a purely ideal talent into which matter enters hardly at all.
Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
Decades later, these riots generally came to be seen as understandable upsurges against suffering.
There was never any serious intention to bring to justice those responsible for the May riots.
Hundreds of police in riot gear struggled to control the violence.
I attended the public schools where I was properly "hazed" and got what was "coming" to all country boys; finally I graduated under the tutelage of Dr. Joseph Finch (a patriot indeed, who made a lasting impress for earnestness on thousands of boys), and then went to business as an entry clerk with a large importing metal house, where I remained until the war broke out.
Between the Lines Secret Service Stories Told Fifty Years After
The jury watched video footage of the riots.
His message was to strike, disrupt, riot, and create chaos until the Shah was forced to abdicate.
It is an irony lost on nobody that men draped in the English flag proclaiming unmatchable patriotism are the ones who disgrace this country.
Clashes between riot police and demonstrators had broken out during a student demonstration outside the Education Ministry on Oct. 24.
Also note if you do not know, many civil servants are patriotic and would prefer to be corrected wherever they do wrong.
During the riots hundreds of people seized the opportunity to steal property.
When news of the riots broke, there was obviously significant coverage given to the story by UK broadcast media.
The streets are still full of debris from two nights of rioting.
Patriotism can turn into jingoism and intolerance very quickly.
The chariot, drawn by four horses, was wreathed in laurel, and the triumphator was attired like the Capitoline Jupiter in robes of purple and gold.
According to these authors numberless instances prove that in women double ovariotomy does not necessarily interfere with the course of pregnancy or the development of the milk glands.
Hormones and Heredity
Joy's an unabashed, flag-waving patriot who joined the Air Force to serve his country.