How To Use Rinsing In A Sentence
The dozen pictures she had shot during a recent bath time -- including a few of Nora rinsing with a handheld shower sprayer -- were, for Cynthia, simply part of the vast photographic record she was keeping of her family's life.
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After the six of them had devoured the pancakes and eggs, they cleaned up the kitchen, rinsing the dishes and loading the dishwasher.
Then a bayman washed down the enameled surface of the table, rinsing the blood away, and another attendant skilfully dressed and bandaged the second wound as he had done the first.
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Just as she was rinsing for the second time, she heard a sound in the hallway.
Some organs can not be koshered merely by salting and rinsing; they require special treatment.

Gluten can be removed from wheat flour by rinsing bread dough [dou] and kneading/niding/it until all of the starch is removed. - Articles related to TV food advertisements promote imbalanced diets
When rinsing out oil from your hair, add shampoo and work it into a lather before rinsing with water - otherwise you'll have to clean up a gooey mess.
But whichever cleanser you choose, it's important to leave the soap on your skin for about two minutes before rinsing in order for it to do its job.
It has almost entirely healed by now – thanks in part to my using an eye bath and rinsing my eyeball with tinctures of astragalus and eyebright – and although I gave my mother the fright I knew I ...
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Gently wipe away all traces of the cleansing lotion with a flannel wrung out in hand-hot water, rinsing at least twice more in hot water.
Often it's as simple as damp mopping with a solution of ammonia and water and rinsing to remove oils, makeup, or other substances.
Suddenly, wet shampoo treatments for use at home were far more practical, at least for those who, at the turn of a tap, had access to plenty of warm water for lathering and rinsing.
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A large sink is outfitted with a hand-held sprayer for rinsing clothes or muddy boots.
In the other half l set another dishpan under the pump for rinsing.
And a LOT of rinsing, which is about as annoying as rinsing out a garbage can.
*phone hate*
I brush my teeth, rinsing my mouth out with mouthwash.
I dunked myself under the water one more time, rinsing the rest of the stuff off.
Remove the hose from the bucket, rinsing the end well with iodophor solution.
After running the de-frizzing cream through her hair, rinsing it out, and blow-drying her long, beautiful locks, Hallie ran over to her phone and quickly dialed the number that was so familiar to her.
Rinse off with a fourth cloth and hot water, remembering to keep the rinsing cloths in separate buckets.
Theresa: Does the salmon need to be dried after rinsing it?
A small pool next to the dive gear area is good for rinsing the salt off your skin.
It's based on our new cleaner, Speed Clean, that's so effective and evaporates so quickly that you can use it without water rinsing and without having to wait for it to dry before lubing your chain.
She turned back to the sink, and began rinsing out a Thermos flask.
Washing was a long involved process which started with making the soap using lye, lard and ashes, then scrubbing, boiling, rinsing and bluing the clothes in huge outdoor vats of water.
These were prepared by collecting live gastropods from the study area, boiling and removing the flesh, rinsing in seawater, and air-drying.
Georgia walked to the stove and picked up the old blue spatterware tea kettle, rinsing it out in the sink before filling it with cold water.
Moon Dance
And it gets scarier - rinsing your bottle out makes things worse.
The Sun
To make the final selection, we are washing wool and cotton textiles in a normal conservation process, rinsing them and then subjecting the samples to light and heat to replicate the effects of ageing.
I like Martha's advice about rinsing the starch off before adding the pasta it to the dish: it helps to keep it separate, rather than clumped together in one gluey mass.
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After rinsing, skip the lotion but put on a pat of baby powder or cornstarch.
There is a trend among Negro coeds and career girls to wear their hair "natural" instead of attempting to unkink it by "conking" — rinsing it with lye and binding it with handkerchiefs.
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In some cases the nature of the pesticide formulation requires rinsing with a solvent other than water.
The flatulent effects can be reduced, some people claim, by soaking dried beans for at least 5 hours, then draining, rinsing, boiling for at least 10 minutes in fresh water, and draining and rinsing again before the final cooking.
The doctor may recommend rinsing or gargling with salt water.
She was rinsing her wet hands on a white skirt, and her tunic was caked in flour.
Rose tilted her head back and let the blisteringly hot water soak her hair, rinsing away the mountains of frothy bubbles that coated her luxurious chocolate-coloured tresses.
Rinsing sector and water flow system adopt rustproof and rot - proof material. Which can bear roughly usage.
He showered quickly, rinsing away the dirt of the journey.
And it gets scarier - rinsing your bottle out makes things worse.
The Sun
Barnes noted that pesticides used annually in the spraying against mosquito and tsetse in the Caprivi Strip (DDT and dieldrin) were polluting the Kavango River, mainly due to the practice of rinsing equipment and disposing of leftover chemicals.
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I'm trying to remember where I heard this idea of using cottage cheese like this as a cheese substitite, because that's where I got the idea of rinsing it.
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He showered quickly, rinsing away the dirt of the journey.
Many manufacturers of this type of washer vaunt their superior rinsing, which is said to get out more detergent and dirt residues and thus prevent dinginess from developing.
In addition, vascular sclerenchyma associated with leaf traces retained fluorescein even after prolonged rinsing.
A fresh or recirculated rinsing stage can be provided to flush detergent residues from parts.
Holland undertook a hastier toilet as he passed through the kitchen garden, rinsing his hands at the well.
The Blackstone Key
For deodorising vessels which have contained the essences of turpentine, creasote, assafetida, or other such drugs, it [380] will answer to introduce some bruised Mustard-seed, and then a little water, shaking the vessel well for a minute or more, and afterwards rinsing it out with plenty of water.
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A couple of wooden benches at the side of the house in the shade held 3 big galvanized iron tubs for washing, rinsing and bluing the clothes, and a tin dish for the starch.
After rinsing out her glass with water, she replied.
He showered quickly, rinsing away the dirt of the journey.
A drink made by infusion of the bark in hot water is thought to have a tonic effect on the liver when it is afflicted by cold, and rinsing the mouth with this liquid is thought to heal gumboils, strengthen the gums, and ease toothache.
The new washers which perform the complete clothes-cleaning cycle of washing, rinsing, and damp-drying at the push of a button take the ‘blue’ out of Monday.
Then the little darlings began an involved process of rinsing their fronts, rinsing their backs, getting soap out of the dispenser and rubbing it over their bathing suit-clad bodies.
Then he soaked the cloth in the water before rinsing it out.
Within minutes, he shampooed his hair, and rubbed body soap over his body, before rinsing himself off.
Once the pack is empty, another tap is turned on to send water to the rinsing nozzle inside the container.
Including behavior such as rinsing mouth and brushing teeth in the kitchen sink.
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Along one wall men sat on marble blocks in front of taps for people to perform their ablutions - washing feet, arms up to the elbow, rinsing nose and eyes - in preparation for prayer.
I then dunked my head under water, rinsing all of it out, as well as the dirt that remained near my scalp.
By holding the container over the opening of the spray tank or holding tank while rinsing, the rinse water can be captured as it drains from the container spout.
Samantha sat in her cabin, rinsing the rough soap out of her flaxen hair.
He heard her soft laugh and then her hands worked on his scalp, soaping and rinsing his hair.
The red rope felt a little stiff, so I'm rinsing it with a big dose of softener.
He leaned down to gather clean water in the rag for rinsing, running the cloth over the same areas.
They experimented with cherry, wintergreen, grape, peppermint, and cinnamon: Kramm would taste each by taking a bit on his fingertip and touching it to his tongue, then rinsing his mouth with water.
Soak a medium-sized clean rag in the bucket of hot water and pine cleaner, wring it out, and wash the bathroom floor until it is completely clean, rinsing and wringing out the rag as necessary.
Parent in Control
And then it's the traditional stop-go traffic jam, as the person at the head of the slip spends a few minutes rinsing down their boat before moving on.
I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, and after eating an ashcake and rinsing my tired limbs, I followed Mary out the door.
Good Fortune
Rinsing with water alone does not produce effective cleaning.
Laughing to myself, I turned on the faucet and began rinsing out the mug.
He turned the tap on before rinsing his hands and then splashing warm water onto his face.
In this study the treatment was applied to the blood stain without any rinsing or rubbing until the pillowcase was put in the washing machine two hours later.
All of our drilled rock fountainheads should be able to tolerate scrubbing with hot, soapy water and rinsing with a mild chlorine bleach solution.
Gently wipe away all traces of the cleanser with a face washer wrung out in tepid water, rinsing at least twice more in warm water.
After listening to the delusional ramblings of the regulars and rinsing a few glasses, he drove home.
Mechanical oral care involves removal of plaque by tooth brushing and/or rinsing of the oral cavity.
She poured some of the water from the basin into her hands and began rinsing the grime off of her face.
Also, when doing activities such as rinsing vegetables or shaving, half fill the sink or basin instead of letting the water run.
Perhaps some such atavistic feelings persist in Britain today about the position of someone who does personal services, such as rinsing people's smalls.
Rinsing sector and water flow system adopt rustproof and rot - proof material. Which can bear roughly usage.
She ran the faucet one last time and ran her hands under the stream of water, rinsing them clean of the variety of juices from the messy food.
In the case of new concrete, any mould oil contamination should be removed by washing with a detergent solution and rinsing with clean water.
Gently wipe away all traces of the cleanser with a face washer wrung out in tepid water, rinsing at least twice more in warm water.
A subsequent troop of smaller waves, called seiches, would then finish the job, rinsing away casinos and the waterfront escapes of Internet millionaires.
They are rinsing the salt from fishing nets and kimonos, drying sodden books, and scrubbing the bone tools with toothbrushes then treating them with alcohol to prevent mold and mildew from growing.
Curator Tries to Save Stricken City's History
Specially developed cleansing cream base which can dissolve easily in water and at the same time removes stain and debris during rinsing. Convenience in omitting shampoo before coloring.
I drink a wide range of flavoured black teas, green teas and rooibos, as well as other herbal infusions (fennel, rosehip, lemon & ginger, peppermint etc.) and I would think it wouldn't work to use the same "sock" for e.g. cinnamon black tea then lemon green tea (even after rinsing and drying)?
Making Light: Open thread 135
Gently wipe away all traces of the cleanser with a face washer wrung out in tepid water, rinsing at least twice more in warm water.
The contents of E, E, together with the rinsings from the tubes, are poured into a capacious flask. 100 c.c. of the manganous sulphate and
Scientific American Supplement, No. 561, October 2, 1886
I favour the briny ones, as they are less salty, but they will all need rinsing well before use.
Some manufacturers have added emollients to their skin cleansers to enhance washing and rinsing activity and to condition skin.
But after a brief interval, they egressed with the basins and rinsing cups.
Hung Lou Meng
Once the pack is empty, another tap is turned on to send water to the rinsing nozzle inside the container.
They are rinsing the salt from fishing nets and kimonos, drying sodden books, and scrubbing the bone tools with toothbrushes then treating them with alcohol to prevent mold and mildew from growing.
Curator Tries to Save Stricken City's History
Wipe the cleaner and dirt away with a damp sponge, rinsing frequently.