

  1. greyish Old World turtledove with a black band around the neck; often caged
  2. Eurasian pigeon with white patches on wings and neck

How To Use ringdove In A Sentence

  • There are other birds that live on fruit and herbage, such as the wild pigeon or ringdove, the common pigeon, the rock-dove, and the turtle-dove. The History of Animals
  • Then, after ending his verses, he fainted again; and, presently reviving he went on to the second cage, wherein he found a ringdove. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • So they entered and found all manner fruits in view and birds of every kind and hue, such as ringdove, nightingale and curlew; and the turtle and the cushat sang their love lays on the sprays. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Yea, I will laud thee while the ringdove moans, viii. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • A more descriptive name is that of ringdove, easily explained by the white collar, but the bird is also known as cushat, queest, or even culver. Birds in the Calendar
  • A fowler went into the woods to shoot a Ringdove with his bow and arrow, when an adder that he had trodden upon in the grass, urned and stung him.
  • The European ringdove; the cushat.Anyone know anything about a hot air ballon event that takes place in Queece VT, during fathers day weekend.
  • The ringdove thanks the Lord for her (his?) suffering in the holy martyrdom of love. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Her words rang out crystalclear, more musical than the cooing of the ringdove, but they cut the silence icily. Ulysses
  • ‘Very well, thankee, uncle,’ returned Mr. Sempronius, who had just appeared, looking something like a ringdove, with a small circle round each eye: the result of his constant corking. Sketches by Boz
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