How To Use Rigorously In A Sentence

  • Defining rigorously what constitutes a clinically significant depressive illness is problematic, regardless of the age range under consideration.
  • Then, the catch is inspected rigorously by organoleptic testing, which is a fancy science word for taste and smell. LSU, FSU experts answer questions about the oil spill
  • For Pharisees, holiness was achieved, in part, by rigorously keeping the law.
  • Even more important, the legal conclusions derived from the facts as presented by the plaintiff's lawyer will have to be rigorously scrutinized, even when the facts are uncontroverted.
  • We had been taught rigorously and had learnt easily by rote. Times, Sunday Times
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  • They were able to validate iridology by finding many correlations that in fact were not established as causal relationships by rigorously defined controlled studies.
  • Although relicensing of doctors is well established in the US, systems to evaluate competence rigorously are still some way off
  • The way in which sponsors were chosen, he says, was rigorously fair and involved much consultation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hence, there is a need to use some automated technique for rigorously incorporating new knowledge into the existing knowledge base.
  • He distinguished rigorously between sexuality and eroticism, where the first was all practice and the second all dream.
  • The architectural moldings divide the wall into rectangular fields and cusped trefoils, rigorously inscribed by straightedge and compass.
  • And for all of you who think Matthew C is a rigorously rational-minded fellow, on his blog he praises a man for making the following statement: "... the evidence for catastrophic global warming in the near future is far, far less compelling than the evidence for telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, psychokinesis, and even life after death. A Childish Question About Immigration, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • If you're not prepared to rigorously keep up that pristine appearance, then the ensuing scuff marks, chips and cracks are sadly all too obvious.
  • The AKC is rigorously against any kind of interbreeding, and has adopted a system of “pure” breeds that guarantees extensive amounts of destructive inbreeding will continue. Choice of First Dog Is Narrowed to 2 Breeds - The Caucus Blog -
  • Who cares about the unchangeable petty prejudices of the deeply stupid as long as they are prevented formally and rigorously from acting upon them?
  • Yet the texts are firmly part of the later medieval world: the first two come from the writings of visionary women mystics and the last from a rigorously ascetic monastic theologian.
  • They write that the law should be more rigorously enforced by the Government and by internet providers. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said the use of retired teachers placed the onus on head teachers rigorously to check the quality of their work.
  • Sickness levels at Burnley Council need to be tackled more rigorously, according to a new report.
  • Elizabeth Agnus Deis are frequently mentioned among other "popish trumperies" the importation of which into England was rigorously forbidden. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Whilst Nuffield wanted a rigorously scientific, fact-based collation of the contemporary situation, Longford saw the report as a means of provoking social reform.
  • He would be rigorously "boycotted," and might, in the event of any disturbance, be made into a target. Cetywayo and his White Neighbours Remarks on Recent Events in Zululand, Natal, and the Transvaal
  • They write that the law should be more rigorously enforced by the Government and by internet providers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The AKC is rigorously against any kind of interbreeding, and has adopted a system of “pure” breeds that guarantees extensive amounts of destructive inbreeding will continue. Choice of First Dog Is Narrowed to 2 Breeds - The Caucus Blog -
  • Nice to see that the IPCC retains its high standards by rigorously examinating the current debate on palaeoclimatology… SPM4 Preview: The Hockey Stick Lives « Climate Audit
  • So it was probably fortunate for these cosmopolitans that, just at this moment, after centuries of collecting and connoisseurship, a rigorously beaux-arts practice was finally established by Manet.
  • Is it possible that any thing can be more just, than to inquire rigorously into the rights, sedulously to examine the foundations, to try by every known test, the stability of doctrines, that involve in their operations, consequences of such colossal magnitude; that embrace, in their dictatory mandates, matters of such high behest; that implicate the eternal felicity of such countless millions in the vortex of their action? The System of Nature, Volume 2
  • Mr. Blinder's hindsight observations of the euro-zone problems mirror the foresight of many European economists who rigorously defined the criteria for an optimum currency-zone, during the formative years of the EMU and EMS. Then, as now, the political leaders attempted to upend economic law by mandating all members to meet the optimum currency-zone criteria through "Maastricht" rules, rather than creating a currency zone from the set of countries meeting the criteria. Europe's Problem Is Not Germany's High Productivity
  • They write that the law should be more rigorously enforced by the Government and by internet providers. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is a rigorously skeptical and a profoundly visionary poet, a writer whose demystifying intelligence is matched by a passionate embrace of poetry's rejuvenating power.
  • Jobs tossed out a few intuitive guesses but showed no interest in grappling with the problem rigorously. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anthony Appiah understands cosmopolitanism as a rigorously educated personal attitude or disposition toward the world — Coleridge more thoroughly secularizes that cosmopolitan perspective. Romantic Fear
  • Next thing you know Ross Douthat will criticize Harvard for churning out soft-headed but well-connected “elites” instead of rigorously trained scientists. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Self-Pity of Elena Kagan
  • Although Muslim Malaysians believe that Islamic rites should be rigorously observed at all times, the doctor and part-time model, chosen from 10,000 applicants, has been given a certain latitude during the flight. We're Bored With Space Travel; They're Fascinated By it - NASA Watch
  • It means rigorously and smartly mining databases.
  • She is rigorously self-critical for a start. Times, Sunday Times
  • All this has to happen with a rigorously enforced and stringent consent procedure, of course. Times, Sunday Times
  • Additionally, the statistical significance of these methods has not been rigorously validated using independent, biologically identical samples.
  • All comedy, entertainment, TV, books and radio will be subjected to this new regime if it comes into existence, no doubt rigorously enforced by an army of boot-faced, unsmiling commissars desperately trying to find some infringement of their rules. Enough with the fucking hate speech laws....
  • Because of their need for strong financial management skills, and because of the requirement to report rigorously and accurately to the Legislature, it is unadvisable for provincial cabinets to make political appointments as HODs.
  • Recumbency was, in fact, rigorously enforced in some tuberculosis sanatoriums in which patients were fed, made to use bed pans, and bathed, all while lying flat.
  • We actually have to be giving aid, forgiving debt and rigorously addressing corruption, not just saying oh well you just get yourselves into order and we aren't morally obliged to help until you do.
  • Jobs tossed out a few intuitive guesses but showed no interest in grappling with the problem rigorously. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this environment, sketching is unnecessary, and fashion-besotted kids in Kankakee get a closer view of the sculptural seaming on Narciso Rodriguez’s rigorously tailored, cropped khaki wool-twill jacket than do Suzy Menkes and Claire Danes in the front row. Fashion in Dark Times
  • National security agencies should be held to account more rigorously. Times, Sunday Times
  • A poem is a free-associative subspecies of the riddle; it rigorously avoids the paraphrasable. How to Save 'Tintern Abbey' from New-Critical Pedagogy (in Three Minutes Fifty-Six Seconds)
  • The second movement - Allegro, rigorously designed after Vivaldi's manner, betrays Tartini's propensity for virtuoso ornamentation.
  • Some of the results were not rigorously proved but were justified using phrases such as ‘it seems to me’ and ‘I am convinced’.
  • Rigorously avoiding sentimentality, Jacobson opts instead for something far more uplifting, which is honesty.
  • For the left graph, the sequences only rigorously conserved the starter nucleotide compositions.
  • Fundamentalists preach that if one follows their rigorously prescribed route, one will be saved.
  • If they want to have a genuinely scientific theory, let them propose a model that can be rigorously tested.
  • a certain number of persons who are called assiduous, exact, fulfilling their strict duty most rigorously, or, what comes to the same thing, for ever in their shops, and carrying on their trade from morning until night, and doing nothing else in the world. Diderot and the Encyclopædists Volume II.
  • In addition, what we now know of quantum mechanics renders deism inadequate theology because the universe doesn't unfold in a rigorously deterministic manner.
  • Behaviour in technical areas will also be more rigorously enforced. The Sun
  • We can now begin to explore these question more rigorously, in a phylogenetic context, with the benefit of new information from embryology, development, and developmental genetics.
  • These mock-ups are then rigorously tested for conformance to the performance criteria established by the architects.
  • But it insists that these programmes be carefully targeted, strictly enforced, and rigorously evaluated.
  • At the outset potential screening tests need to be rigorously evaluated.
  • He said that he did not understand why they had not examined them more rigorously, for instance under an electron microscope. Times, Sunday Times
  • The architectural moldings divide the wall into rectangular fields and cusped trefoils, rigorously inscribed by straightedge and compass.
  • This applies even more rigorously if the subject of a musical comedy is a musical-comedy or similar performer; that invites invidious comparisons.
  • Of all the arts, music is the most often and most rigorously examined.
  • If technical guidelines are rigorously followed, the feared complications associated with surgical procedures, such as anal stricture and sphincteric injuries, are largely reduced.
  • He questioned Winifred rigorously until she could assure him that the money had been sent.
  • The SAP physicians were far more rigorously quantitative in their craniometry.
  • he had been trained rigorously by the monks
  • These exceptions have been dealt with in one of two ways – first in some cases it can be argued that there is insufficient amount of sequence to rigorously support the true branch relationships i.e. sequence noise or homoplasy is hiding the true pattern or alternatively, these are informational genes that also have been involved in HGT events. The Last Universal Common Ancestor - The Panda's Thumb
  • I am much more persuaded that the idea of fragility, and increased speed and power of transmission of economic crises, is plausible, though it may be hard to express rigorously. Budget Deficits: K. Grease Plays Chicken Little
  • They write that the law should be more rigorously enforced by the Government and by internet providers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Defining rigorously what constitutes a clinically significant depressive illness is problematic, regardless of the age range under consideration.
  • It focuses on hatha yoga with some pranayama, and emphasizes doing the postures as rigorously and fully as possible, given the limits of each student's ability.
  • This poses serious problems for the claim of engineers that their designs are optimal solutions, since Arrow's theorem implies that in a multi-criteria problem the notion of ˜optimal™ cannot be rigorously defined. Philosophy of Technology
  • His more recent emergence as a hard-knuckled genre specialist, in tandem with the rigorously buff Mr. Mortensen, may have dispensed with the ectoplasmic jollies so dear to his base. Histories and Mysteries
  • Also known as Mousse Metra, Veramoss, or more rigorously, methyl 2,4-dihydroxy-3,6-dimethylbenzoate, the scent of Evernyl was described in Stephan Jellinek's classic technical text Perfumery: Practice and Principles with a single, oddly untechnical word: "dusty". Olfactive Oakmoss Exhibition at Cabinet in Brooklyn
  • Students are now categorised by class as rigorously as nobles at the court of Louis XIV.
  • Jones is a master of the reductive impulse, a maker of rigorously crafted geometric abstractions that function as emblems of energy, generators of metaphor.
  • Although this assumption has not been rigorously tested in wild bird populations, data from domestic fowl suggest that, indeed, immunocompetence measurements might not be antigen specific.
  • These, and an absolute sense of duty, he rigorously applied to himself, often at the cost of anxious heart-searching. Times, Sunday Times
  • Congratulations to all involved making such sensitive and rigorously counterchecked data determination before all the facts are in. More Observations of GRB 090423, the Most Distant Known Object in the Universe | Universe Today
  • They regularly go to church on Sundays and Holy Days, of which there are countless numbers, cross themselves repeatedly when they pass a church or Icon, take the holy communion at stated seasons, rigorously abstain from animal food, not only on Wednesdays and Fridays but also during Lent and the other long fasts, make occasional pilgrimages to the holy shrines and in a word fulfill carefully the ceremonial observance which they suppose necessary for their salvation. The History of the American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki Campaigning in North Russia 1918-1919
  • Hence, there is a need to use some automated technique for rigorously incorporating new knowledge into the existing knowledge base.
  • The brass panel constructions are only 60 mm thick and, as the pavilion is seen from the upper storeys of the house, its roof is also a rigorously pared down structure, with an upstand reduced to 50 mm from the more usual 150 mm.
  • It should be a rigorously independent watchdog whose first duty is to the public interest.
  • Since then, what challenges he has faced have been quickly defined as counter-revolutionary, and public dissent rigorously controlled. The Guardian World News
  • Jobs tossed out a few intuitive guesses but showed no interest in grappling with the problem rigorously. Times, Sunday Times
  • My belief in the necessity of giving hounds cooked meat and rigorously abjuring it in a raw state, excited ridicule here, but when the good result of such "faddy" feeding was proved by the healthy condition of the animals, the unbelievers acknowledged themselves converted. The Horsewoman A Practical Guide to Side-Saddle Riding, 2nd. Ed.
  • Because of the risk of fire, there was no heating of any kind and this was a rigorously male society; heavy fines were imposed for even minor misdemeanours such as talking loudly (rather like Scottish public schools used to be).
  • We believe our evaluation to be rigorously designed, with a defined focus and clear objectives.
  • Such critics might have been able to explicate the novel more rigorously and with a more informed perspective on its historical, national-literary, and biographical contexts. Book Reviewing
  • He himself lived a rigorously ascetic life and observed the monastic precepts faithfully.
  • The prominent association of religion and whoredom in the period could have been more rigorously examined in relation to Henrietta Maria.
  • Their curvatures can only be obtained rigorously from the solution of Einstein's equation.
  • He said that he did not understand why they had not examined them more rigorously, for instance under an electron microscope. Times, Sunday Times
  • Results are based on statistically valid random samples of members and are rigorously audited.
  • Jobs tossed out a few intuitive guesses but showed no interest in grappling with the problem rigorously. Times, Sunday Times
  • Britain conscripted women between the ages of 19 and 30, offering them a choice between the armed services and essential war work, and, although this was not rigorously enforced, expected most women under the age of 60 to contribute in some way to the war effort. Naomi Craig RA: Minorities and Women
  • In some ways Lewis's theory is the diametric opposite of the equally clear-cut theory first proposed by Jaakko Hintikka (that Cubism is rigorously and defensibly realism) - a theory Lewis in effect ascribes to Clark.
  • Because of the risk of fire, there was no heating of any kind and this was a rigorously male society; heavy fines were imposed for even minor misdemeanours such as talking loudly (rather like Scottish public schools used to be).
  • There was a keen awareness of the possibility of infiltrators and informers; people who turned up in Sudan and later Afghanistan were rigorously vetted.
  • Simply because driving tests are tough, laws are implemented rigorously and punishment is severe and exemplary and it doesn't matter who you are.
  • Yet there is also much to relish in a work that is both theoretically informed and rigorously grounded in primary research. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Defining rigorously what constitutes a clinically significant depressive illness is problematic, regardless of the age range under consideration.
  • This commitment to rigorously atonal music, planned and performed as a separate entity from the choreography, is at the core of Cunningham's radicalism.
  • This would be an improvement on Antiphon's argument and Bryson is getting close to the method of exhaustion as rigorously applied by Archimedes.
  • Secondly, that the use of exhortation and dehortation lieth only where a man is to speak to a multitude, because when the speech is addressed to one, he may interrupt him and examine his reasons more rigorously than can be done in a multitude; which are too many to enter into dispute and dialogue with him that speaketh indifferently to them all at once. Leviathan
  • Conceived and executed by Jean-Guillaume Moitte, it is strongly architectonic, its contours angular and rigorously vertical, with limited forward thrust.
  • Over the months, William's army was rigorously disciplined and trained before being ready to sail for England, but they had to wait until September before having a favourable wind.
  • Over the months, William's army was rigorously disciplined and trained before being ready to sail for England, but they had to wait until September before having a favourable wind.
  • All of these men are "black coffee" Calvinists, adhering rigorously to Sola Scriptura, Covenant Theology, TULIP, Van Tilian apologetics i.e. presuppositionalism, and postmillennialism. Archive 2009-06-01
  • They also rigorously plan their concerts to ensure the minimum room for errors to creep in.
  • Early British occupation was disruptive: aristocracies lost power and influence to the new rulers, the conditions under which land was held could be changed, and taxation was more rigorously enforced.
  • He produced the first rigorously exact theory of homogeneous figures shaped like ellipsoids of revolution whose parts attract according to the inverse-square law.

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