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How To Use Rightist In A Sentence

  • The two most prominent rightists were Kim Ku and Syngman Rhee.
  • The slow disappearance of 'middle of the road' CNN between the opposing power of rightist-Fox and leftist-MSNBC in the broadcast realm is testimony to the ascendance of adversarial journalism. Charles H. Green: Stewart's and Colbert's Joke is On the Media
  • Soldiers were fighters, and this was pedestrian entertainment, if not rightist, counter-revolutionary. SONS OF HEAVEN
  • Labeling an individual a "welfarist" or "rightist" connotes important messages about their views on animal exploitation. Marc Bekoff: Who Lives and Who Dies: We All Care About Animals, Right?
  • They do not know what the word dissidence means, they would not know the meaning of this word. [laughter] Then, they built up their campaign around this idea and of course, first it was the imperialist press and then, as can be imagined, the reactionary and rightist press against socialism, against communism, against the Cuban revolution. MAY DAY RALLY
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  • You're going to have Gore over and over again trying to associate Bush with the rightist right wing elements of his party.
  • Indeed, the antivivisectionist ancestors of today's animal rightists attempted to stop the research of Louis Pasteur that led to the discovery of the rabies vaccine.
  • In the case of glacial Super-Finland, the political relevance seems to be rather rightist, romantic and nationalist.
  • Whether they are rightists or leftists, political entrepreneurs find commitment to an established ideological institution extremely cumbersome.
  • Although his intent behind using these words was ironic, rightists threatened him with legal action.
  • Although Karl Popper really described himself as a liberalist, these factors made people naturally infer that he would hold rightist stance in politics.
  • Zizek maintains that today the new rightist populists are the only political force which attempts to address the people with anti-capitalist rhetoric to mobilize the working class.
  • The majority of Britain's traditionally Tory newspapers have fallen behind the younger and more rightist candidate.
  • The most disputed regional elections were cancelled by Hodge but the new elections again led to rightist triumph.
  • feuille0d0erable: Uh oh, who was that last repugnican fibster the rightists The Full Feed from
  • Rightists saw liberalism, conservatism, and socialism as degenerate, and presented their radical nationalism as the only way to purify their nations.
  • For all his rightist political involvement, he was fundamentally a great artist and musician of progressive aspects.
  • I intend to hold the Commissar for Justice to the CPGB's election promise when they come to lock me up for rightist deviationism.
  • But his rather unevangelical admonitions are going down badly even with Catholic help groups who regret his closeness to xenophobic rightists in Italy and other European countries.
  • Animal rightists hurled themselves between the harpoons and the whale in an effort to save its life.
  • You'd probably have to put me down as a revisionist Kautskyite Menshevik, or maybe a rightist deviationist with extreme petty bourgeois tendencies.
  • He embittered by his dismissal in 1906 and was not averse to consorting with the rightists if that would improve his chances.
  • Wallace was campaigning on peace with the Soviets, and that night he defended the Communists by saying Czechoslovakia was having a rightist coup and the Soviets had no choice but to intercede. The Good Fight
  • The political struggle between communists, neutralists, and rightists continued.
  • He identifies himself as a supporter of the rightist party, which now holds 12 seats in the local parliament.
  • Surely the people will not agree to a Rightist heading a ministry!
  • The decade immediately preceding Picasso's turn to ceramics saw the century-old debate about craft and society in France take on emphatic new political colorations, first of a leftist cast, and then of a rightist.
  • Regardless of whether one is a welfarist or a rightist I would like to believe that it is, and will continue to be, human compassion for other beings that will result in our giving them the protection they deserve, because of who they are, not because of what they can do for us or because some law tells us what we have to do. Marc Bekoff: Who Lives and Who Dies: We All Care About Animals, Right?
  • To varying degrees, rightist Republicans from Mr. Bennett to Rush Limbaugh have been as much of an embarassment to a once-proud constitutionist conservative party. Bennett: Sanford needs to stop 'embarrassing himself'
  • It was one of the few years in recent US history that saw a decline in rightist tyranny.
  • The Bolshevik Party always had rightist, compromising tendencies and ultra-left tendencies.
  • In Peru they are conducting their great reactionary campaigns with the support of the oligarchy and the press, which reflects the thoughts of the imperialists, that is, the rightist press. CASTRO'S BAY OF PIGS ANNIVERSARY SPEECH
  • His two finest henchmen were in prison, and he had started a killing feud with some extremely dangerous rightist groups.
  • Headlining the main papers today were the Monday arrests of the deputy of the rightist PFL (Liberal Front Party) and president of this sect, Joao Batista, and another six people in the possession of seven suitcases containing about 10 million reales, some 4 million dollars. Brazilians accused of racism and discrimination in SA church
  • The most disputed regional elections were cancelled by Hodge but the new elections again led to rightist triumph.
  • The rejection of the rightist Harper and the rightish Martin is a clear message from Canadians: we want a more socially progressive society, not less.
  • To look to Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Rudolph Giuliani or any of the other anti-constitutionist rightists would be trading one miserable mess for another. Axelrod: I'm not thinking about Palin's next move
  • It depends on how the Rightist gentlemen behave themselves.
  • When the rightist government came in, it decided to abolish this federal position altogether.
  • They had already been in direct violation of the amendment, which prohibited aid to the rightists.
  • We have to put up with the oddity of independent leftists and failed rightists masquerading as clean and competent political players.
  • As the authoritarian leftists and rightists continue to rule the Subordinated States of America, the constitutionist, libertarian traditional conservatives continue to watch their country torn apart by partisan powermongers. Clinton: Obama has proven his toughness, international savvy
  • Secondly, even the most extreme leftists tend to start from the position of equality between persons, whereas extreme rightists are typically chauvinists.
  • We would, just for starters, argue that this "ascendency" -- not of "conservatism" with or without quotes, but of Rightist extremism -- dates to Nixon's brilliant and cowardly Southern strategy, and thus has crested forty. Bats Left/Throws Right
  • With the rightist military takeover, all ideas of tax reform were abandoned.
  • It opens up the possibility that some grand coalition of socialists and rightists might wield political power there.
  • Their "politically leftist but economically rightist" stand has resulted in their ambivalence toward media reform.
  • In the nation's cultural wars, he said, a leftist political correctitude based on anti-intellectual premises had been replaced by a rightist one.
  • There will be no celebration tomorrow of the Great Leap Forward, the Anti-Rightist Movement or the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.

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