How To Use Right-winger In A Sentence

  • And the key for the McCain staffer is that right-wingers want to be seen as playing the insult game as a way to establish or reinforce their conservative bonafides. Matthew Yglesias » Stereotypes
  • The celebrated right-winger had been off-colour throughout the tournament in spite of pep talks by the management.
  • The right-wingers from rove to britt hume to billy boy kristol all sing her praises and play her up as the "only dem" nominee with the creds to be pres, even though they are non-existant. Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Hillary Pollster: "Kindergarten Attack" On Obama Was Just A Gag!
  • DENIALIST: A person who engages in denialism synonyms: Republican, right-winger Think Progress » After hottest decade in history, senators attempt to outlaw science of global warming.
  • Right-winger Goudie and full back Bertram scored the goals for Great Britain.
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  • One of the sport's most celebrated figures was a small right-winger with grotesquely shaped legs and an extraordinary style of play.
  • Right-winger Alan Linton was the first casualty when he was stretchered off with a double break to a leg after 16 minutes.
  • Furthermore, Sweeney had to contend with the fact that no ricin had been found, that the recipe was available on the Internet (it had originated with right-wingers in California), and that when Porton Down followed the recipe to make a batch of poison the resulting mixture did not concentrate sufficient ricin to be lethal. William Langewiesche on Mouloud Sihali
  • The wingnuts shriek "ACORN" the way half-mad street-corner radicals used to rail against "Rockefeller," or the way anti-Semites invoke "Goldberg" or "Hymie" -- but that's understandable, because it keeps the subject simple and the Antichrist obvious, which is the way angry right-wingers like their politics. No More Mister Nice Blog
  • And if your only defense against the trust of your culpability is to label your critics from the left as being trolls and right-wingers, you have no future. Think Progress » Summit of the Americas: Then and Now
  • Only the hard right-wingers on council voted against restoring the money.
  • She is a prominent Tory right-winger.
  • He's been described as one of the finest right-wingers to ever play for the country.
  • The Dallas Stars sent their 33-year-old left-winger to the Phoenix Coyotes for a 37-year-old right-winger in an auspicious transaction for the Stars.
  • Only in the fevered mind of a right-winger tortured by sexual thoughts he finds threatening can the desire of a population to be able to get married be plopped in the same category as the decadence of biblical lore. Think Progress » Portugal’s parliament approves same-sex marriage.
  • He has virtually declared war on the right-wingers in his party.
  • Typical right-winger, bending history to achieve a current political narrative. Think Progress » Miss Beverly Hills tries to one-up Carrie Prejean, says it’s divine law that gays be put to death.
  • To top it all, the England manager decides that you're a natural right-winger.
  • Boy those right-winger NRA lovers know how to stick together! Huckabee officially backs Rubio over Crist
  • So, as Fianna Fáil abandoned the ragbag of right-wingers with whom they sat in the European Parliament in order to join a major group, the British Conservatives are doing the opposite. Things that caught my eye
  • He was forced out to play wide as an auxiliary right-winger.
  • If the right-wingers disdain Lincoln for being too aggressively antislavery, the left-wingers scorn him for not being antislavery enough.
  • Some right-wingers back then tried to lock the exit doors on bad marriages by making divorce much harder to get.
  • I guess there must be a market for them amongst old right-wingers or something…
  • Well, because, moderate Republicans would be challenged by conservatives, or right-wingers, supported by out-of-state money from conversative political action committees, NRA, Moral Majority, etc. More Moderate vs. Conservative GOP battles ahead
  • Tell the truth, I'm more frightened by a certain local weekly that prints a column from an extreme right-winger from Missoula, a column that fools a great number of readers into thinking that, because the columnist is a professor at a state university, he has any honesty, any merit as a rational, truth-telling journalist. New kid on the block
  • With nearly two seasons under his belt, it is perhaps time we gave up on him and pursued a genuine right-winger.
  • Representing the right-wingers, the shadow defence secretary is expected to announce his intention to stand this weekend.
  • He had been a rather strident right-winger in the previous government, unexpectedly losing his seat to Labour in 1997.
  • The right-winger scored from a Greening corner.
  • From a right-winger, Mr. Powell is a class act and always has been. Powell calls Palin a 'fascinating figure'
  • Something about "homoerotic" and "ant-covered Jesus," combined with a mention of the Christmas season, seems to have struck the right nerve among right-wingers. Terry Krepel: Manufactured Outrage Over Smithsonian Art Exhibit
  • He declared war on the government and urged right-wingers to eliminate their opponents.
  • We don't have to be concerned about the right-wingers labelling us unpatriotic.
  • My initial impulse, surprisingly, was to agree with the right-wingers.
  • Our big paper, The Oregonian, was recently sold to some out-of-state right-wingers, and turned over to some honcho for certain rightie rags in Orange County. Think Progress » Progressive Victory In Oregon: Voters Approve Tax Hikes On Corporations And The Wealthy To Close Budget Gap
  • Thanks for exposing this ambusher for the coward he is (does this sound familiar vis a vis other right-wingers?). Think Progress » Fox News ambusher Griff Jenkins hypocritically cowers from interview: ‘Call the media relations people.’
  • As a hardline right-winger in the early 1990s I was personally anointed by Margaret Thatcher as her chosen successor.
  • Backed up by the concept of a 'liberal elite,' right-wingers could crony around with their corporate patrons in luxuriously appointed think tanks and boardrooms -- all the while purporting to represent the average overworked Joe. IsThatLegal?
  • I would say she is conservative, and for CT even a right-winger. Gov. Jodi Rell (R, CT) not running for re-election. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • If someone will suggest otherwise, please give an example of a corporation, a right-winger, a Republican, etc. who possesses any other characteristic, and we will provide proof that they have utterly contradicted the suggestion. Think Progress » CBS Approves Focus On The Family’s Super Bowl Ad, Despite Its Policy Against Advocacy Spots
  • Smart kid ..... of course the boob never had my vote since she's inept and a right-winger. Johnston says Palin lost his vote
  • Maybe the term anchor would be better applied to the right-wingers who stay angry all the time and keep us stuck in the squalid port of stagnation and division, rather than allowing us to move out to the bright and sunny wide open sea of progress and care for others. Texas Liberal
  • Just another rich right-winger in it to benefit himself. tony and lido and his banker buddies. Think Progress » Why Scott Brown Cannot Be Trusted To Work Proactively To Reform Health Care
  • He could become one of the best right-wingers in Europe.
  • He has virtually declared war on the right-wingers in his party.
  • What do you want to bet that some right-wingers are already convincing themselves Bedell must be a liberal simply because he was from California and looks like a metrosexual (which in the right-wing lexicon is more or less equivalent to “gay”). Think Progress » Pentagon Shooter Was Right-Wing, Anti-Government Terrorist
  • This guy is clearly, by our standards, something of a right-winger himself.
  • I remember talking to a former playing colleague of yours at Preston, right-winger Les Campbell.
  • The process, called "lustration," has also been used by Czech right-wingers to embarrass and ruin progressive political leaders. Litvinenko's Death: Where the Far Right Meets International Crime
  • In Europe, extreme right-wingers vote for small anti-immigrant or "post-fascist" parties, which are nearly always excluded from government. The Death Of Tory England
  • Steyn, a Canadian right-winger who writes for the National Review blog, is not exactly a reliable source for climatological data. Wonk Room » Like A Pig To The Trough, Washington Post’s George Will Returns To Climate Denial
  • According to various sources, he, unlike his sidekick, is a right-winger.
  • Let me get this straight, yet another hypocritical "christian conservative" right-winger is more interested in money than in good governance or actually following through on her campaign promises? Johnston: Palin wanted to take the money, 'forget everything else'
  • Let me get this straight, yet another hypocritical "christian conservative" right-winger is more interested in money than in good governance or actually following through on her campaign promises? Johnston: Palin wanted to take the money, 'forget everything else'
  • One might as well argue that all right-wingers are" gook "- spouting Canadian paranoids who genuinely fear a radical Islamic takeover of the West in the coming years and think it prudent to bomb Iran as soon as possible. Zach Marks: Liberals Want Military Rule of U.S. and Conservatives Hate Democracy
  • One sleepless night Bill was channel-surfing and stumbled upon me in dialogue with one right-winger or another.
  • He firmly denied any suggestion that he had struck a deal in return for giving his fellow Right-winger the prospect of a clear run.
  • Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and her campaign against the census is annoying even to some of her fellow right-wingers. Too Crazy Even For Them
  • This tricky Argentine right-winger has been a revelation since joining the club in the summer.
  • Another paranoid right-winger repeating Limbaugh's talking points. Obama congratulates Franken
  • Red State blogger Erick Erickson thinks Rush Limbaugh, whom he perceives is under attack from fellow right-wingers, is comparable to Jesus Christ. Oh, Christ
  • * Good luck with this one: Grover Norquist says the GOP needs to "marginalize" Islamophobia among right-wingers and "make it clear that there's no place for that in the party of Reagan. Happy Hour Roundup

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