
How To Use Right-wing In A Sentence

  • Sure, Loughner babbled about favorite right-wing pet causes and hallucinated that his "enemies" were Democrats, but if his enemies hadn't been Democrats, they would have been other kids at school, or mean bosses at work, or the IRS or any of the other targets that crazy people tend to obsess about. Henry Blodget: Are Wackos With Guns Just a Fact Of Life in America?
  • At the time Longstreet broke through his lines to attack his left wing, he was with the right-wing troops.
  • I remember talking to a former playing colleague of yours at Preston, right-winger Les Campbell.
  • He will be comfortable with his citation on the blogrolls of various right-wing groupuscules and assorted reactionary ranters.
  • The right-wing paramilitaries also gain much of their revenue from the drug trade.
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  • In fact, one of the reasons I joined this gym in particular is because a) it is only for women but it is not the right-wing pro-life fascist don’t-even-get-me-started Curves, and b) I can show up in cut-off sweats, lululemons that give awesome camel toe or a t-shirt with coffee stains on it and not feel like a total shlepper. I Like To Move It Move It
  • The party won the support of the right-wing opposition and more than 100 000 people, but failed in getting the support of its two coalition partners, who claimed that the idea contradicted the constitution and would have resulted in having two National Assemblies overlapping each other - the old one with a few weeks left of its term and the new one. SofiaEcho RSS feed
  • I agree," jumps in Elisabeth Hasselbeck the show's token right-wing blonde who, has been looking for an opportunity to get a word in edgewise and who, like Sherri, is still operating on the mistaken believe they are conducting an actual interview. Stephen Colbert walks out on 'The View'
  • How dare Rush Limbaugh, the principal foghorn of the Right-wing noise machine, denounce them as "freeloaders? Bernard Weisberger: Onward Wisconsin
  • Nor do I think that this impatience is necessarily "in step" with right-wing cultural values. Art and Culture
  • It is blatantly obvious that dogs are left-wing while cats are extremely right-wing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite an immediate reprimand from Chamorro, Godoy's statements during the strike reportedly encouraged the formation of right-wing armed groups.
  • He served 24 years and was eventually deposed by a right-wing military coup.
  • We don't have to be concerned about the right-wingers labelling us unpatriotic.
  • The fiery right-wing leader toned down his militant statements after the meeting.
  • It means the right-wing fanatic will die in prison. The Sun
  • The Oklahoma bombing of 1995, which killed more than 160 people, emerged out of a netherworld of shadowy right-wing militias that grew up during the Eighties and early Nineties.
  • The move is seen as part of the moral revolution promised by the right-wing government. Times, Sunday Times
  • A right-wing government is on its last legs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why did he invoke the swarthy boogeymen of the modern right-wing imagination right before launching into a verse about the good old days when his "grandpappy" would "take all the rope in Texas ... find a tall oak tree," and "hang them high in the street, for all the people to see? Max Blumenthal: Feelin' The Hate With Toby Keith Nation
  • This is the lesson of the 1930s, which Republican/libertarian/right-wing propaganda has striven mightily, and successfully, to erase from the American memory, allowing it to happen all over again. xearther Bush Team Seeks Dictatorial Financial Powers « Blog
  • Maybe every right-wing homophobe is merely doing it to “evoke outrage” and “point out hypocrisy”? Matthew Yglesias » Stay Classy, Conservative Blogosphere
  • Right-wing think-tanks have an even firmer grip.
  • The right-wing pundistas tell us at length why the burgeoning Facebook group opposed to prorogation is irrelevant. Frogs in a pot
  • I am abhorrently evil and I feed on misery and death This would have made EXCELLENT ammo against the inhuman, barbarian right-wing devils who eat babies. Matthew Yglesias » Goldfarb Endorses Terrorist Ethics
  • I love it when people argue about whether a total nutcase is right-wing or left-wing. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Disbarment of Fred Phelps
  • It comes as no surprise that he and his craven right-wing thugs would attempt to humiliate and heap further indignities upon the former hostages by mulcting them of $6000 + for Japan's ‘out of pocket expenses’.
  • Probably because you haven’t entered the discussion – you just re-posted a smashed-together list of right-wing Israel justifications sans the really overt religious and racist ones, and posted it in haphazard fashion more akin to a retarded spambot than an actual person. Matthew Yglesias » Ehud Barak: Peace or Apartheid
  • It is true we have a tradition of tough government here, whether its right-wing, monarchical, military or whatever. COUP D'ETAT
  • Politically they're neither right-wing nor left - just a bunch of wishy-washy pseudo-liberals.
  • Politically they're neither right-wing nor left - just a bunch of wishy-washy pseudo-liberals.
  • Let's make the arguement simple, so any right-wing, knuckle-draging ameba brain moron can understand, if you are against justice, you are either a traitor or you hate America. Republican Senators resort to extortion on Holder nomination
  • I guess the best way to put this to the economically "challenged" is to put it in right-wing terms: "excessive profits" must be like "pornography" - everyone knows it when they see it. Fred Thompson makes debut appearance with McCain
  • In the latest bit of right-wing lunacy on health care reform, RedState. com writer "hogan" brazenly compares health care reform bills to Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 -- inanely adding that if health care reform passes, you can "say goodbye to freedom. Main RSS Feed
  • Forget for a moment that the CAE is a far right-wing organization, which means that in her kolumn, the only bit from a non-right wing person is one sentence from Olson. Archive 2006-01-01
  • Faced with this situation, it is increasingly the case that it is not only the most extreme right-wing demagogues who are playing the nationalist card.
  • Anyway right-wing is just a label that left-wingers put on people they hate. Times, Sunday Times
  • Via No More Mister Nice Blog (and latest addition to the blogroll), today's right-wing freak out is about President Obama's taste in condiments. What, No Onions?
  • The party is seeking to find a middle way between extreme right-wing and left-wing policies.
  • Were Netanyahu, forced by strong U.S. pressure, to go along with a "dovish" initiative, he would almost certainly face right-wing defections from his coalition and even within his own Likud faction. Natan Sachs: Life of an Israeli Government: Nasty, Brutish and Short
  • My initial impulse, surprisingly, was to agree with the right-wingers.
  • Indeed Safire should be remembered, not only as a man passionate about language, but as a civil and urbane conservative who, I would like to believe, was as appalled by the current outbreak of right-wing political ergotism as am I. Archive 2009-09-01
  • Our big paper, The Oregonian, was recently sold to some out-of-state right-wingers, and turned over to some honcho for certain rightie rags in Orange County. Think Progress » Progressive Victory In Oregon: Voters Approve Tax Hikes On Corporations And The Wealthy To Close Budget Gap
  • A punch-up breaks out on the floor of the Italian parliament between one right-wing member of the government and an even more right-wing member. The protesters seem more adult than politicians and plutocrats | Andrew Rawnsley
  • Ms. Brown cites Boeing's decision to settle with its union and avoid a drawn-out legal battle with the NLRB as "proof" that criticism of the NLRB's intervention by right-wing lawmakers was unethical and a waste of time. Boeing: Private Sector Loses Again
  • In addition to incitements and urgings from these right-wing political and mainstream media morons, there also came - and still are coming - the claims from the weirdest and dankest holes in the blogosphere, the deep rat warrens where readers of Newsmax, NewsBusters and other collections of neo-Nazi rants, can come together to rub vigorously each other's, um, reptilian fears and stroke each other's faux bravery as they plot their "counterrevolutionary" tactics and strategies. Mike Malloy: Poison
  • But what happens when the right-wing minority decides that they've had enough of this liberal claptrap about integration?
  • Andrew J. Bacevich on The Dark Side by Jane Mayer: With the appearance of this very fine book, Hillary Clinton can claim a belated vindication of sorts: A right-wing conspiracy does indeed exist, although she misapprehended its scope and nature. An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
  • He maintains a rigidly right-wing political stance.
  • Well, here's the pronouncement of the group called Sanhedrin, which is easily the most radical right-wing group in the religious national camp: My Right Word
  • Thanks for exposing this ambusher for the coward he is (does this sound familiar vis a vis other right-wingers?). Think Progress » Fox News ambusher Griff Jenkins hypocritically cowers from interview: ‘Call the media relations people.’
  • For conservatives to make immigration their Big Issue distracts from the far more urgent matter of prosecuting the war against Islamofascism and has introduced both an unwontedly nasty tone and a strain of anti-capitalist demagogy into right-wing rhetoric. Latin America
  • The accused is alleged to be a member of a right-wing gang.
  • This is the big stick treatment for violent criminals which is traditionally associated with an extreme Right-wing attitude.
  • There is a certain relish that some on the left side of the political divide take in attacking progressives in a way that ensures that the boundaries of political discourse will be policed consistent with an information environment slanted in favor of the right-wing. Jonathan Weiler: On False Equivalencies
  • Way more right-wing than Conservatives. Times, Sunday Times
  • And thus, with one line, Jeff Singer connects the dots between the Vietnam dolchstoss legend and Likud irredentism, creating the perfect multicultural self-parody of right-wing asshattery. Matthew Yglesias » Contemptible
  • Left-wing incumbents are expected to adopt high-inflation, low-unemployment positions and right-wing governments the reverse.
  • The two years of right-wing government served only to heighten rural conflict in both Catalonia and the south. A Social History of Modern Spain
  • As a hardline right-winger in the early 1990s I was personally anointed by Margaret Thatcher as her chosen successor.
  • The knee-jerk reaction as expected from a right-wing extremist like Inhofe to focus on a non-issue like gays in the military. Inhofe comes out against Kagan
  • Why they ban a gay-friendly ad during a game so outwardly homoerotic is nothing short of capitulation to right-wing interests. Think Progress » CBS Allows Focus On The Family Advocacy Ad During Super Bowl, But Bans Gay Dating Site Ad
  • Big bold letters glare from the front page bottom of the right-wing newspaper: Joe The Nerd Ferraro: What Does an Endorsement Really Mean?
  • At the same time, supporters of right-wing dictatorships ascended to the highest offices of the Church.
  • Backed up by the concept of a 'liberal elite,' right-wingers could crony around with their corporate patrons in luxuriously appointed think tanks and boardrooms -- all the while purporting to represent the average overworked Joe. IsThatLegal?
  • I would say she is conservative, and for CT even a right-winger. Gov. Jodi Rell (R, CT) not running for re-election. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • The general came home, relieved of duty, and became an icon of right-wing Republicans.
  • But the agenda of right-wing authoritarians did not change.
  • The United States Department of Homeland Security's Office of Intelligence and Analysis issued a report last week suggesting that current political and economic conditions are energizing right-wing extremist groups, that many of these groups follow extremely conservative ideologies and that some may seek to recruit and "radicalize" veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Vox Verax
  • If someone will suggest otherwise, please give an example of a corporation, a right-winger, a Republican, etc. who possesses any other characteristic, and we will provide proof that they have utterly contradicted the suggestion. Think Progress » CBS Approves Focus On The Family’s Super Bowl Ad, Despite Its Policy Against Advocacy Spots
  • The National Front is an extremely right-wing political party in Britain.
  • Smart kid ..... of course the boob never had my vote since she's inept and a right-winger. Johnston says Palin lost his vote
  • Meanwhile, the right-wing daily Le Figaro concentrates on the security measures implemented in France.
  • I'm sure there are "fringy" people at some of these events, but it wouldn't surprise me if journalists found the three weirdest people at a demonstration and used their remarks to paint a portrait of a frothing right-wing mob. Libertarian Blog Place
  • Maybe the term anchor would be better applied to the right-wingers who stay angry all the time and keep us stuck in the squalid port of stagnation and division, rather than allowing us to move out to the bright and sunny wide open sea of progress and care for others. Texas Liberal
  • But of course, one of the primary reasons that so many of these right-wing activists believe these conspiracies is because Fox News has pushed them. Think Progress » Fox News admits tea partiers cling to ‘mistruths, exaggerations and conspiracy theories.’
  • Not just right-wing reactionaries, either, but people of enlightened education and humane outlook.
  • Many right-wing posters make the accusation that left-wingers fabricate their arguments.
  • I once had dinner there with both Jared Diamond, the Boston-born evolutionary biogeographer and best-selling author, and Yvette Mimieux, the right-wing French-Angeleno blond bombshell actress from the 1960s. I Feel Earthquakes More Often Than They Happen
  • Just another rich right-winger in it to benefit himself. tony and lido and his banker buddies. Think Progress » Why Scott Brown Cannot Be Trusted To Work Proactively To Reform Health Care
  • He could become one of the best right-wingers in Europe.
  • Although she did not join any particular party grouping, she generally supported the most right-wing elements within the conservatives.
  • After failing to launch a right-wing military coup in 1970, he committed hara-kiri, ritually disembowelling himself before being decapitated by an assistant.
  • No other country possesses so many laws against right-wing extremism as Germany.
  • I wonder if Erl disappeared because he was getting a little too much attention from right-wing bloggers? Holy crap. The stupid.
  • He has virtually declared war on the right-wingers in his party.
  • The accused is alleged to be a member of a right-wing gang.
  • John McCain was defined as a hostage of right-wing extremists by the time votes were cast in 2008; many centrist voters claimed that they would have voted for Mr. McCain "if only he had been the moderate John McCain of the 2000 primary campaign. Stay Constant, Mr. Romney, and Beware Demagogues
  • His right-wing opinions come out quite strongly in his later writings.
  • They are the unequalled masters of right-wing think tanks, foundations, and corporate funding.
  • Left- and right-wing libertarians alike are skeptical of any laws that impede commercial free speech.
  • Right-wing Conservatives will be thrilled at the move. The Sun
  • His alliance extends from economic neo-liberals to Christian Democrats and extreme right-wing nationalists.
  • Labour is one credible right-wing populist away from losing what it still regards as its core vote. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a result he was vilified by the right-wing press, which even published a copy of his birth certificate.
  • By mid-1988 there were clear indications of the extreme fragility of the Right-wing coalition.
  • The Crusade received very substantial financial backing for the organization of the march from the right-wing military and political parties.
  • What do you want to bet that some right-wingers are already convincing themselves Bedell must be a liberal simply because he was from California and looks like a metrosexual (which in the right-wing lexicon is more or less equivalent to “gay”). Think Progress » Pentagon Shooter Was Right-Wing, Anti-Government Terrorist
  • Had I stumbled on a right-wing plot to subvert the semantics of English collective nouns?
  • This guy is clearly, by our standards, something of a right-winger himself.
  • It is one thing for right-wing Republicans to deny Darwin, or sexual orientation, or even climate change, where the consequences can be fuzzed up via junk science and the impact of science-denial is diffused or delayed. Robert Kuttner: The End Game: Saving Obama From Himself
  • He believes there is a right-wing conspiracy organized by the CIA and the military-industrial complex to maneuver the country into another war.
  • Only recently they appointed one of the country's most right-wing, most irredentist, politicians as their new political leader.
  • Witness the current status of Palin, the right-wing's best procurer of unhappy wing nuts. Authorities report rise in threats against members of Congress
  • He declared war on the government and urged right-wingers to eliminate their opponents.
  • But my people are knocking over right-wing extremists quite regularly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The process, called "lustration," has also been used by Czech right-wingers to embarrass and ruin progressive political leaders. Litvinenko's Death: Where the Far Right Meets International Crime
  • The old right-wing nostrums which befuddled public opinion in the 1980s and 1990s no longer have the same impact.
  • I realize that simply saying “liberarian” is probably clearer both in your mind and to most of your readers, however: 1. Outside of the U.S. the term libertarian has generally not refered only to those with a right-wing conception of property rights, and left-libertarians are gaining greater prominence in the U.S. as well. Libertarian Follies
  • Lately, Chuck Grassley has been labeled the lead GOP obstructor on the Senate Finance Committee and is flip-flopping on positions every time the right-wing party leadership tells him to jump. Opposition to the Public Option by Republican Chuck Grassley May End His Political Career
  • Because of extraordinary generosity from right-wing foundations, it is estimated that conservative think tanks outspend their liberal and progressive counterparts by a five-to-one margin.
  • The nation as a whole was thoroughly polarized into left-and right-wing groups.
  • He believes there is a right-wing conspiracy organized by the CIA and the military-industrial complex to maneuver the country into another war.
  • It also serves to mobilise despairing layers of society for a right-wing programme and garner support for the government with populist demagogy.
  • Long-ago Democratic president Woodrow Wilson, meanwhile, known to most of us as a modestly progressive idealist, is in the right-wing canon America's first fascist ruler. Midterm election results: the fight Obama now faces
  • Their union had right-wing tendencies and had clashed with larger left-wing unions.
  • My lengthy post from Friday regarding the collapsed "credibility" of the right-wing blogosphere included this paragraph relevant phrase bolded: Archive 2007-01-01
  • The result of last week's election will be seen as a victory for the right-wing government.
  • For right-wing politicians, this commodification is associated with an invasive, alien, foreign culture.
  • This is one of the best pastiches of rabid right-wing moronism I've ever read. Hillary Hits Obama: "Pennsylvanians Don't Need A President Who Looks Down On Them"
  • You're missing the point ... why would a Progressive group bother wasting money to right-wing trogs that watch Fox??? Big Third-Party Dem Group Airs First Ad Attacking McCain
  • While the traditionality of tropes and themes can and often does result in a traditionality of political message, however, conservatism is, I think, too inextricably associated with right-wing politics. The Aesthetics of Fat
  • In Europe, extreme right-wingers vote for small anti-immigrant or "post-fascist" parties, which are nearly always excluded from government. The Death Of Tory England
  • Politically they're neither right-wing nor left - just a bunch of wishy-washy pseudo-liberals.
  • Steyn, a Canadian right-winger who writes for the National Review blog, is not exactly a reliable source for climatological data. Wonk Room » Like A Pig To The Trough, Washington Post’s George Will Returns To Climate Denial
  • The less-than-panicky call it jittery response by world markets on Monday to debt-talk failures has strengthened the right-wing argument that a default is no catastrophe. Craig Crawford: Y2K Syndrome Infects Debt Debate
  • Then I moved to a place where, for a time, all of my state and local representatives were women: Extreme right-wing, anti-choice, theocratical women. Serious question…..about race, gender and voting
  • Although a right-wing neo-conservative, he's quite progressive on social policy and this gives him a certain desirability.
  • I don't think we want Weathervane McCain aka McBush being President and appointing more anti-choice, right-wing, corporate-sponsored judges. Roberts: Is That Music We Hear?
  • The newspaper's editors distort, manipulate and lie in the pursuit of their right-wing goals.
  • He begins by reading right-wing antigovernment websites. Times, Sunday Times
  • South Africa's ruling National Party has beaten off a right-wing challenge.
  • Secondly, the continuing decline in living standards has led to a level of desperation and social degradation that provides a fruitful basis for the emergence of right-wing demagogues.
  • Why has a right-wing party largely composed of older people succeeded where so many young liberals have failed? Times, Sunday Times
  • For many years we had a clear policy, left - and right-wing governments: Jerusalem is united; we can build everywhere in all parts of Jerusalem, said Danny Danon, a parliamentarian from the ruling Likud party. Israel Approves New Construction in Disputed East Jerusalem
  • In a 1987 interview, he deplored what he called the ascendancy of "right-wing kooks (and) the ugly spirit (of Reagan's not so subtle message that) you should go get yours and run. IF Stone: An Iconic Radical Journalist
  • If Stewart's liberalish newsman is the voice of sanity and Colbert's right-wing talk-show host is the voice of fear, and hundreds of thousands turn out to celebrate sanity, that's a powerful statement. Adele Stan: 4 Reasons Why Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity Is Great for Progressives
  • I'm thrilled that Argentina has shown such compassion and common sense in overcoming the right-wing, largely hysterical and non-sensical Catholic onslaught against gay marriage, while at the same time stunned that the United States, who continually vaunts its supremacy on human rights and condemns other nations for abuses, allows people's equal protections to be simply voted away based on nothing but prejudice. K.J. Dwyer: Buenos Aires, I Do
  • A chaordic threat: Right-wing terrorism in the United States (USAWC strategy research project) by John B Driscoll Red-meat Radical Right to Al Gore: Whoa, big fella. Whoa!
  • Yet these alarmist views were partly the product of right-wing fantasies. Paul VI - The First Modern Pope
  • Those right-wing people who most honour their monarch see no reason for any apology.
  • But while there have been major media exposés concerning European funding for left-wing, pro-peace organizations, we know very little about the sources of right-wing media funding.
  • These sentiments were echoed by various right-wing publications and columnists.
  • According to various sources, he, unlike his sidekick, is a right-winger.
  • The national Democratic Party leadership tacitly supported the right-wing purge.
  • This is the big stick treatment for violent criminals which is traditionally associated with an extreme Right-wing attitude.
  • The right-wing government of 1996-2207 benefitted from a more ‘left-wing’ central bank that paid less attention to the inflation hawks in the media. Matthew Yglesias » Monetary Policy Lessons From Down Under
  • He's on the extreme right-wing of the party.
  • The struggle in Chocó is but one stage on which the guerrillas and right-wing paramilitaries are fighting their war.
  • Such thinking is fashionable among right-wing politicians at the moment.
  • It's impossible to go past this stinging riposte from Jack Conway in his debate last night, in response to some swivel-eyed right-wing point about the US constitution from Rand Paul: Midterm elections live blog - Monday 18 October
  • But what happens when the right-wing minority decides that they've had enough of this liberal claptrap about integration?
  • That, however, did not stop Mr. Will; after all, Rule #1 of right-wing punditry is to never admit that you're wrong because to do so undermines your credibility. Will or Will Not
  • What makes Warman's thesis unsettling is its similarity to those of American right-wing tax protesters who have theorized the illegality of income tax since the 1950s.
  • Let me get this straight, yet another hypocritical "christian conservative" right-winger is more interested in money than in good governance or actually following through on her campaign promises? Johnston: Palin wanted to take the money, 'forget everything else'
  • Let me get this straight, yet another hypocritical "christian conservative" right-winger is more interested in money than in good governance or actually following through on her campaign promises? Johnston: Palin wanted to take the money, 'forget everything else'
  • Fritsche's point is that Heidegger's idiom and use of language were part of a shared tradition of right-wing thought that emerged in the 1920s in Germany.
  • Alan - God we missed you you darling right-wing culchie you! Dafydd Trystan Davies MP
  • Thatcherism was widely viewed at the time as a mad right-wing aberration which the people would not stand for long.
  • This week reaffirms that America's public discourse remains shrouded under a right-wing paradigm, for which many of us remain codependent enablers. Byron Williams: Right-wing still controls the paradigm of public discourse
  • He accused politicians of whipping up anti-foreign sentiments in order to win right-wing votes.
  • Bush and the pro-war Republicans and the right-wing talking heads are only interest in draining the resources of our nation and the life†™ s blood of our citizens and our troops abroad. Think Progress » Bush’s Iraq PR Campaign Falling Flat
  • Notoriously misogynic and thoroughly misanthropic (due to gender and species xenophobia, respectfully), Palin-Drone prostitutes its own knocked-up 17-year-old spawn as anodyne for witless, anti-choice right-wingnuts. Wednesday Mostly Palin Bashing
  • Right-wing There are many good wings in the home countries but few that are outstanding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her views on capital punishment, immigration, and the trade unions resemble those of the right-wing tabloid press.
  • Am I to fear that some right-wing trog might have completely evaded reference to this non-story amidst the likely sources of disinformation he/she accesses, but just HAPPENED to come upon it, reading reference to it in the comments section of a progressive blog? New Obama Ad Sketches His American Story
  • He accused politicians of whipping up anti-foreign sentiments in order to win right-wing votes.
  • Such thinking is fashionable among right-wing politicians at the moment.
  • One might as well argue that all right-wingers are" gook "- spouting Canadian paranoids who genuinely fear a radical Islamic takeover of the West in the coming years and think it prudent to bomb Iran as soon as possible. Zach Marks: Liberals Want Military Rule of U.S. and Conservatives Hate Democracy
  • The right-wing propaganda outfit Accuracy in Media hosted his press conferences and published statements denouncing the alleged FBI "persecution."
  • Opponents dismiss the idea as spin designed to hide a traditional right-wing agenda of spending cuts, "detoxify" the center-right Conservatives 'image and help keep them in power. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • One sleepless night Bill was channel-surfing and stumbled upon me in dialogue with one right-winger or another.
  • He firmly denied any suggestion that he had struck a deal in return for giving his fellow Right-winger the prospect of a clear run.
  • A squat man with a crisp mustache, he was an ultra-right-wing journalist and a former Presidential candidate who was thought to have participated in multiple plots against the state.
  • Sometimes proof of the "oppositeness" even comes from right-wing sources not following the current right-wing playbook. Blogging from the Alley
  • Indeed, he now regularly appears at right-wing seminars and lectures to deliver his homilies on the President's failings as a man and as a leader.
  • * Another right-wing myth vanishes inton the ozone: Conservative bloggers and far-right GOP Senators see Inhofe, James gnash teeth as an independent review concludes the fake "climategate" scandal was much ado about nothing and scientists didn't manipulate any data to fake global warming. The Morning Plum
  • (RE-ELECT NOBODY - VOTE THEM ALL OUT!) not only will there be a real right-wing backlash (as opposed to a conservative backlash because "backlashing" isn't something that conservatives do) there will be an imaginary one, too. Latest Articles
  • Among right-wing circles this perception simply intensified their existential feeling of Angst, of having lost their bearings.
  • It makes sense that a right-wing tabloid rag like the Sun owned by Rupert Murdoch (also incidentally the owner of Faux News) is trying to swing a victory for Cameron on Obama's coat-tails, but after several years of trying to convince the British public that the Conservatives have "changed," they still don't trust Cameron, whereas Obama's the most trusted statesman in America (and perhaps the world) today. Obama's Conservative British soulmate
  • The right-wing Afrikaner Resistance Movement/Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB), has announced its re-activation to combat what it describes as a rapidly-deteriorating situation in South Africa. - Articles related to Zuma Seeks to Calm South Africa After Killing
  • But so often great premises are lost in subpar writing and becoming too attached to one’s agenda (as you said, it was written to comment on right-wing crap that was going on after 9/11″). Xombies: Apocalypse Blues (Avoid This Like the Plague) « A Working Title
  • It was also seen by some as an implicit rebuke to right-wing Republicans who had alienated unaligned voters by their apparent intolerance and belligerence.
  • Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and her campaign against the census is annoying even to some of her fellow right-wingers. Too Crazy Even For Them
  • For his lieutenants, his homecoming signals the revival of the right-wing movement in South Africa.
  • Lefties think the paper is right-wing and righties think the paper is left-leaning.
  • For conservatives to make immigration their Big Issue distracts from the far more urgent matter of prosecuting the war against Islamofascism and has introduced both an unwontedly nasty tone and a strain of anti-capitalist demagogy into right-wing rhetoric. Latin America
  • To oppose neo-realism, in other words, was by no means inevitably a ‘right-wing’ or retrograde act.
  • Such an attitude is a thin cover for right-wing politics.
  • Right-wing politicians have called for a tight curb on immigration.
  • Even in a state like Iowa, where roughly half of Republican caucus-goers identify themselves as born-again Christians, Mr Romney is leading in some polls because the right-wing vote is so fractured.
  • It's no surprise that Ronda Storms, who has made the news with her anti-gay tirades and other crazy-ass antics, is behind this patently unconstitutional stunt; she's probably jealous that Michele Bachmann is getting all of the national attention as the current right-wing nutball and she wants to get in on the action. Jesus Christ On a Plate
  • There was an appeal that had been filed in the Supreme Court by the attorneys of a skinhead whod written the word towelhead in white paint on the driveway of his employer, a Pakistani convenience store owner whod fired him for being drunk on the job; some research about why the words under God had been added to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954 during the McCarthy era; and a stack of mail equally balanced between desperate souls who wanted me to fight on their behalf and right-wing conservatives who berated the ACLU for making it criminal to be a white churchgoing Christian. Change of Heart
  • He has that beautiful kind of stretchy mind that can understand--and help you understand-- different people's world views--from the Dutch Muslim kid to the right-wing politician. Getting Unstuck
  • Calvinism is at the heart of the current teabagger movement, which has been peddling all the right-wing evangelical social dogma as if it were Holy Writ. Think Progress » Tea Party Movement As Popular As Socialism
  • And it is presumably true by definition that ‘kooks’ will be excluded by a higher intellectual standards but why does a higher intellectual standard exclude right-wing kooks only?
  • Fifty years ago, anyone who didn't conform to the prevailing right-wing agenda was labelled ‘commie, pinko, subversive.’
  • The Liberals also benefited from the Alliance and the Tories splitting the right-wing vote in several Ontario ridings, though both parties have so far rejected the idea of merging.
  • The congress served as a platform for celebrating the policies of the new French government and its right-wing leaders.
  • Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights, an organization that has long tracked and exposed right-wing movements, "Demographic winter is a relatively new phrase that describes the old alarmist 'birth dearth' concept -- the idea that we're facing declining birthrates which is supposed to portend all sorts of cataclysmic events. Main RSS Feed

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