How To Use Right hemisphere In A Sentence
When we move it to the left, we are bringing the right hemisphere into play.
Times, Sunday Times
'60s converged to support the picture of a leading, more highly evolved and intellectual left hemisphere and a relatively retarded right hemisphere that by contrast, in the typical righthander brain, is not only mute and agraphic but also dyslexic, word-deaf and apraxic, and lacking generally in higher cognitive function.
Roger W. Sperry - Nobel Lecture
Putting things in anatomical term, it was almost as if I was using my right hemisphere more than my left.
Oliver Sacks: A Neurologist Examines 'The Mind's Eye'
He would then present it in a part of the visual field that meant the information ended up in the right hemisphere.
Times, Sunday Times
The commissurotomy patients were also able with the right hemisphere to choose correct written or spoken words to match presented objects or pictures and to go correctly from spoken to printed words and vice versa.
Roger W. Sperry - Nobel Lecture
Previous studies have shown that the right hemisphere is responsible for the eye movements in REM sleep, which are saccadic scans of targets in the dream scene.
At a larger scale, the left hemisphere is somewhat specialized for positive experiences while the right hemisphere is more focused on negative ones (this makes sense since the right hemisphere is specialized for gestalt, visual-spatial processing, so it's advantaged for tracking threats coming from the surrounding environment).
Rick Hanson, Ph.D.: Confronting the Negativity Bias
The dot location task, which involves predominantly the right hemisphere, was expected to remain unaffected.
Emotional responses are a function of the right hemisphere of the brain.
It has been suggested in answer (13, 14, 15) that the commissurotomy evidence may be misleading because of an atypical bilateral spread of language into the right hemisphere correlated with the long-term epilepsy and associated pathology.
Roger W. Sperry - Nobel Lecture
Emotional responses are a function of the right hemisphere of the brain.
Putting things in anatomical terms, it was almost as if I was using my right hemisphere more than my left.
Oliver Sacks: A Neurologist Examines 'The Mind's Eye'
Most recent evidence shows that some infants who undego brain surgery do indeed suffer language impairment; and, conversely, that some aphasic adults may relocate part of their language functions in the right hemisphere (p. 98)
A is for Age (of onset) « An A-Z of ELT
Lateralized testing for linguistic abilities showed the right hemisphere to be largely mute and agraphic, but nevertheless able to comprehend, at a moderately high level, words spoken aloud by the examiner.
Roger W. Sperry - Nobel Lecture
The attentional hypothesis was supported: BOLD response in occipital cortex, particularly in the right hemisphere lingual gyrus, varied significantly as a function of tool position, increasing contralaterally, and decreasing ipsilaterally to the tool.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Given that the dominant view is that the left hemisphere is the happening place for language and the right hemisphere is superior for music, we immediately hit the conundrum, what about singing with words?
In this example the left hand stimulation results in right hemisphere activity and presumably represents the post central sulcus sensory strip.
The other parts of the brain, including the right hemisphere, support emotional responses and what we refer to as the unconscious mind.
When He's Married to Mom
Again, such cases seem to tell us that word comprehension is confined to the left hemisphere and that the spared right hemisphere must be word-deaf, as well as word-blind.
Roger W. Sperry - Nobel Lecture
The right hemisphere of his brain could not articulate what it registered.
The electrocorticogram (ECoG) and electrohippocampogram (EHG) from Pilocarpine-induced epileptic rats were recorded and analyzed using Synchronization likelihood (SL) in order to determine the synchronization relation between different brain regions, then visual check and cross-correlation analysis were adopted to evaluate if the EDs were originated more frequently from the left hemisphere than the right hemisphere.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
The right hemisphere embodies those artistic and intuitive qualities of holistic and integral design that are are familiar in all great design, art and craft.
And it's clear that this whole notion that the left hemisphere is the language hemisphere and the right hemisphere is a visual hemisphere cannot be applied to a rat, okay?
The dot location task, which involves predominantly the right hemisphere, was expected to remain unaffected.
One notable difference between male and female neuroanatomy is the communication channel that connects the left and right hemispheres, called the corpus callosum, which is much larger in women than in men.
Mind Wide Open
Emotional responses are a function of the right hemisphere of the brain.
Activation maps are shown on the average gyral structure (white lines) of the left and right hemispheres. z-score threshold = 4.0.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
When we move it to the left, we are bringing the right hemisphere into play.
Times, Sunday Times
For example, in tests of dichotic listening, individuals prove better able to process words and consonants presented to the right ear (left hemisphere), while more successful at processing musical tones (and often other environmental noises as well) when these have been presented to the right hemisphere.
Mind Wide Open
He would then present it in a part of the visual field that meant the information ended up in the right hemisphere.
Times, Sunday Times
A Walnut lo oks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums.
Potiron - French Word-A-Day
The scholastic records of this college student with callosal agenesis were fair to good for courses that involved language and verbal facility, but contrastingly poor for subjects such as geometry and geography that involved spatial and related nonverbal faculties which we now commonly associate with the right hemisphere.
Roger W. Sperry - Nobel Lecture
Results show that images that had been presented to the right hemisphere were better recognised than those shown to the left.
Times, Sunday Times
In the cases he reports, commissurotomy patients are conscious of some object seen in the right side of the visual field by the left hemisphere (controlled so that the information is received by only that hemisphere) until an intention is formed to reach for it with the left hand, controlled by the right hemisphere.
The Unity of Consciousness
He believes perinatal trauma to be a likely contributing factor, because this in theory could produce damage to the right hemisphere.
Portions of the cerebral commissures, which link the left and right hemispheres, appear to be larger in women, and their brains may function in a less lopsided manner than men's.
In order to think more creatively, imaginatively and strategically, we need to cultivate a more intuitive, metaphorical attention that calls preeminently on the right hemisphere of the brain.
Be Excellent at Anything
Only after the intact right hemisphere is released from its integration with the disruptive and suppressive influence of the damaged hemisphere, as effected by commissurotomy, can its own residual function become effective.
Roger W. Sperry - Nobel Lecture
Brain scans using Doppler sonography, conducted in 1999 in Germany at the University of Munster and the University of Dortmund, found that when non-musicians listened to music, the blood flow to the right hemisphere increased.
Results show that images that had been presented to the right hemisphere were better recognised than those shown to the left.
Times, Sunday Times
The dominant hemisphere of olfaction is the right hemisphere.