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How To Use Rigging In A Sentence

  • These frigging Congresspeople better wake up and see the sun before it's too late! GOP is 'no friend of seniors' DNC says in TV ad
  • The poll was widely discredited after allegations of ballot rigging.
  • Urban Dictionary definition of "frigging" happened to me today, except it was a work colleague and not Mum. GrodsCorp
  • Thomas was showing her how to mend sails and splice rigging.
  • Until the carabiner pulled tight on the rigging, it seemed from the helicopter that he'd gone over in a suicide dive. MINUTES TO BURN
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  • I had shown the old-fashioned deadeyes instead of rigging screws and had drawn the wrong kind of gooseneck attaching the boom to the mast. Cumberland, Part 3: Acting It Out
  • The Safety Board concluded that the incorrect rigging wasn't a significant factor on the preceding flights because weight and balance on those flights were well within limits.
  • The party boycotted the election in protest at alleged vote rigging.
  • We decided that even if all the slack in the rigging had been removed, the 45m rope would still have been well short.
  • A mariner emerges from the hatchway and climbs the rigging, while below the boatswain and ship's master are thrown about on deck.
  • The mizzen-topsail, which was a comparatively new sail and close reefed, split from head to foot in the bunt; the foretopsail went in one rent from clew to caring, and was blowing to tatters; one of the chain bobstays parted; the spritsailyard sprung in the slings, the martingale had slued away off to leeward; and owing to the long dry weather the lee rigging hung in large bights at every lurch. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 11
  • Rumours of ballot-rigging discouraged many from voting.
  • The topmen were already working to rig the last of the sail and running rigging.
  • But America had abundant oak and softwood for hulls, tall timber for masts and spars - and resins to make critical naval stores like tar to protect standing rigging.
  • Strong gales; bore away for the North Channel, carrying away the foretopsail and lost jib; hove the log several times and found the ship going through the water at the rate of 18 to 18 1/2 knots; lee rail under water and rigging slack. The Old Merchant Marine; A chronicle of American ships and sailors
  • From the paper Unless nearly two thirds of ordeal-o¢ ciating priests didn’t understand how to heat iron, the data clearly evidence priestly rigging intended to exculpate probands. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Trial By Ordeal
  • Election rigging is part of the US political tradition. Cheeseburger Gothic » And now, Gentlemen, down to business.
  • Several netlike lengths of rope hung on the airship's dull-colored gasbag, just like rigging on a ship. Crystal Rain
  • Of the hands forward, some of the watch were aloft, working at odd jobs about the rigging, while the drowsy clinking of a spunyarn winch somewhere on the forecastle, in the shadow of the head sails, accounted for the remainder. The Cruise of the "Esmeralda"
  • I have collected them and will begin rigging a trap for Dr. Alfieri and his colleagues. Blog Fiction | Sci-Fi | Rift | Station151
  • Components such as keel, engine beds, mast step, structural bulkheads and rigging loads are all connected to the grid, resulting in a very rigid and strong structure.
  • COLOMBO (Reuters) - President Mahinda Rajapaksa won Sri Lanka's first post-war national election on Wednesday, but his rival alleged vote-rigging from inside an newspaper, featuring a picture of Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa at paper stall, in Colombo, January 27, 2010. - Articles related to Up to 40,000 civilians 'died in Sri Lanka offensive'
  • Mobs in Boston prevented the exportation of grain by unrigging the ship and dismantling its rudder.
  • Having instructed Thomas Mugridge as to what he was to do, I clambered into the fore-rigging a few feet. Chapter 17
  • He was prosing on again about rigging candidate selection.
  • Its rigging is stacked in place over the crosstrees.
  • The targets have ranged from banks to accounting firms, and in some cases the measures have zeroed in on precisely the kind of collusive bid-rigging that long characterized Japan's corrupt "iron triangle" -- the cozy relationships between bureaucrats, businessmen and politicians. Backsliding in Japan
  • And, halfway to the crosstrees and flattened against the rigging by the full force of the wind so that it would have been impossible for me to have fallen, the Ghost almost on her beam-ends and the masts parallel with the water, I looked, not down, but at almost right angles from the perpendicular, to the deck of the Ghost. Chapter 17
  • The poll was widely discredited after allegations of ballot rigging.
  • You'll practice rigging, flying on land, launching in Pamlico Sound, and bailing out when a sudden gust slingshots you toward a pier.
  • They started rigging up the aircraft after unloading it from a trailer but the pilot was interrupted twice.
  • High-ranking officials were said to be rigging privatization to their own advantage, using their influence in local administrations.
  • For less than $100 you can buy a circular aluminum antenna that can be hoisted in the rigging when needed, provided you have rigging.
  • A careless daily inspection after rigging may easily leave the glider with one aileron or the elevator disconnected.
  • I'd have to say the AK-47 safety, frigging gawd aweful thing to have on a battle rifle, pretty much have to completely remove your hand from the grip/trigger area to use it, and they are always too tight when new. gotta bend the lever out a little to lessen the pressure required to move it. The Best (and Worst) Shotgun Safeties
  • The company also employed the services of local equipment, stuntmen, catering, casting and rigging companies from Thailand.
  • Her rigging is something queer, and the next sharp squall will bring her head-gear all about the shop. Chapter 10
  • He would reach the bottom of the manrope rigging about the time the creature hauled him in and still be fifty feet in the air. The Terror
  • Both the ships and crews were camouflaged, the ships and their rigging being painted sea green; the crews wearing similarly coloured uniforms.
  • I started to rush below to the flag-locker, then remembered that in rigging the Ghost. Chapter 39
  • There is an anchor locker forward and rigging shrouds are well inboard for easy passage fore and aft.
  • Higher, I saw the Second Mate in the futtock rigging, holding his light up over the edge of the top. The Ghost Pirates
  • The entrance drops steeply down over boulders to the head of the first pitch (rigging guide) where there is a stemple which did not, however, give the pot its name.
  • Groves of rigging were about the chains; and there, peering from behind a great stay, like an Indian from behind a hemlock, a Spanish sailor, a marlingspike in his hand, was seen, who made what seemed an imperfect gesture towards the balcony, but immediately as if alarmed by some advancing step along the deck within, vanished into the recesses of the hempen forest, like a poacher. The Piazza Tales
  • Men up in the rigging let go of the sails, and men scattered on the main deck raced about grabbing swords, grapples, and preparing to board.
  • I am driving like a frigging maniac, weaving in and out of traffic, missing other cars by inches, getting irately honked at and flipped off as I whip up exit ramps and back onto the freeway, all in an effort to try and shake them before I reach my house. Late, Late at Night
  • For the grape-leaf sprigging, I used some leaves from my garden (dating from before the leafhopper and skeletonizer incidents) Â I rolled out a thin slab of clay and then laid leaves on top, then rolled on top of the leaves to embed the veins into the clay. Kater’s Art » Blog Archive » Crow and Grape Leaf Cookie Jar
  • As one Coast Guard cadet said, ‘You're up in the rigging in a storm, the sail's flapping in your face, it's pitch dark, and somebody yells to clear the foreroyal buntlines.’
  • The cadets are fully trained and will only climb the rigging if comfortable with climbing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Spring and stern cleats hide under the gunwales with hawseholes above, and the transom also boasts a sink and rigging station and tuna door.
  • The torn part of the main-top-sail flew forward, and caught in the after-part of the fore-top, where it stood spread, as one might say, held by the top, cat-harpins, rigging, and other obstacles. Miles Wallingford Sequel to "Afloat and Ashore"
  • Ships were dressed with flags and sailors climbed the rigging or stood on decks, caps in hand, to cheer the Queen.
  • Upon landing, the rigging was checked but nothing was found.
  • Ay, I'm no sayin 'ye may no be richt, sir," answered the first lieutenant; "but it'll be an unco strain upon the spars to set thae to'gallants'ls; our new rigging has stretched until it's all hangin 'in bights, as ye may see for yoursel' by lookin 'at it. A Middy of the King A Romance of the Old British Navy
  • Components such as keel, engine beds, mast step, structural bulkheads and rigging loads are all connected to the grid, resulting in a very rigid and strong structure.
  • As the boatswain had said, she was about half a mile distant from us, and her mizenmast was over the side, still fast to the hull by the rigging, which had not been cut away. Overdue The Story of a Missing Ship
  • I heard him and the Mate talking to the men, and presently, when we were going over the foretop, I made out that they were beginning to get into the rigging. The Ghost Pirates
  • West Yorkshire police said further arrests were expected as part of an ongoing investigation into ballot rigging in the Bradford area.
  • For a few minutes, he hung on to the mizzen rigging, face to the wind, revelling in the glory of it. CORMORANT
  • Where the man could have disappeared to was a mystery on a road apparently without any offshoots, so we concluded he must have thought we contemplated doing him some bodily harm, and had either "bolted" or "clapp'd," as my brother described it, behind some rock or bush, in which case he must have felt relieved and perhaps amused when he heard us "trigging" past him on the road. From John O'Groats to Land's End
  • After a few moments the problem was obvious and proved that the 1996 team hadn't been totally narked when they reported that the rigging was still upright and intact.
  • A stroppy stand-off ensued with security, who cut the electricity after she climbed the rigging. The Sun
  • He had been accused of rigging up a booby trap to set the house on fire as she slept to collect 190,000 insurance. The Sun
  • Consumer affairs spokesman Mr Griffiths accused games firms of rigging the market - forcing shoppers to buy, rather than rent.
  • As we started the climb, I told the crew that they must helm the yacht very carefully on the opposite tack, as the rigging was only holding up one side of the mast.
  • The mast is quite flexible, and, with this much sail and no standing riggings, the top is prone to twist to leeward considerably when the wind picks up.
  • Boatswain's Mate 1st Class Hans Jacobs led the deck and rigging crew, as they safely lifted the AAV from the ocean and onto the ship's fantail.
  • The only real question at this point is if they have been successful in rigging enough voting machines to swing this election if it's close enough.
  • To look at them crawling about on deck or in the rigging is enough. CHAPTER XXXV
  • Pete was volunteered to do the rigging, and was soon edging his way out on the rather vague ledges.
  • Of course I assisted him as well as I could under the circumstances, but as he limped along towards the companion-hatchway, the leader of the desperadoes, that villainous "marquis," who I thought had met with his just deserts long since, not having seen him for some little time among the other fighters, most unexpectedly jumped from the rigging in front of the colonel and aimed a vindictive blow at him with a marline-spike. The Ghost Ship A Mystery of the Sea
  • I had the good fortune to work with a rigging outfit for about three months, after a building I worked in collapsed and buried the bulk of the valuable machinery contained within, mostly printing presses. Matthew Yglesias » In Praise of Civil Servants
  • Once at sea, cast your eyes aloft, there will be a dozen or more sailors swinging about in the rigging adjusting sails.
  • Attached to the sack was a length of pennant rigging, which he left adrift within reach of the opening chute.
  • We descended through the intact rigging on the main mast until we hit the main deck at about 25m.
  • The sailor was forced to call coastguards when his rigging failed. The Sun
  • You could also try rigging up a net to play volleyball, a hoop for basketball or invite some of your children's friends round for a game of rounders.
  • I've been rigging up a crush.
  • outboard rigging
  • Ah, but the conventional Darwinian view tends to tilt toward the notion that opportunity creates the selection pressure for jury-rigging the tools into existence. Ancestral Expression Patterns
  • The ground crew would stay beneath the aircraft at this time, ensuring the rigging didn't get tangled.
  • Spitzer recently investigated bid rigging in the insurance field.
  • I've yet to catch him up the riggings with the other boys - in fact, I don't think I've ever seen him just skylarking about.
  • I think the programs created by the New Deal and the monetary jury-rigging that went on in our society exacerbated the Great Depression and pushed us farther down. The Perry Doctrine
  • The investigation follows a global clampdown on foreign exchange rigging. Times, Sunday Times
  • He forced me back along the quarterdeck and up to the main mast, until I had to take refuge by climbing into the rigging and up the ratlines, thrusting and slashing with my cutlass all the while.
  • As we started the climb, I told the crew that they must helm the yacht very carefully on the opposite tack, as the rigging was only holding up one side of the mast.
  • From there I was in the rigging, getting into the crow's nest, keeping my eye to the lens as I was inches away from the unfurling of a 400 square foot main sail 80 feet above the waterline -- and pointing the glass at the crew as they went about their seagoing tasks. Jerry Nelson: Sea Spray and Time Travel
  • Rigging shrouds are set well inboard to allow effective sheeting angles and easy passage on either side.
  • I extended the line between the cloudy radiance and the mizzen-topmast and found that it must strike somewhere near the fore-rigging on the port side. That Dead Men Rise Up Never
  • Pennants flapped from the rigging like welcome garlands and tiny bandsman hugged tight their brass instruments amidst the crush.
  • All the rigging had been examined, and renewed where necessary.
  • His feet became entangled in the parachute's rigging lines and he began spiralling downward, head first.
  • The three boats sat black in the sunset against the bright water and he noticed that the pair in the rear seemed to carry an inordinate amount of equipment on and about their rigging.
  • The mizenmast, heel upward, leaned against the side of the poop in a slanting position, showing that it had fallen forward as well as sideways; and immediately to leeward, in the water that heaved and seethed round us, rose and fell a tangle of wrecked spars, sails, and rigging. The First Mate The Story of a Strange Cruise
  • Approaching Cathedral Sam made a point of rigging exactly as the CNCC guide recommended, and began looking for the rock column mentioned as the initial belay.
  • He announces unspecified penalties, but promises they'll be less severe "if we find that not a lot of homeowners were injured" - which is exactly the "finding" he's been jury-rigging the numbers in order to achieve. Richard (RJ) Eskow: Why We Regulate - and Why John Walsh Needs to Resign
  • Vote for Rory is an article on the vote rigging for this year NHL All Star game. Archive 2007-01-01
  • After mooring and rigging for the night the sea fret closed in further limiting visibility to less than 100 yards.
  • Young men in Twelve Tribes communities can do apprenticeships in navigation, woodworking, piloting, rigging and sailmaking on the ship. News | WM |
  • As we waited in the queue on the wharf, my first impression was of the tremendous amount of rope involved in supporting the rigging and in controlling the set of the sails.
  • Taxi drivers and shop owners went on strike yesterday to protest what the opposition says was widespread rigging of the elections.
  • For countless days we raged across those dark northern seas, the rigging groaning under sheets of ice.
  • The report had alleged torture of prisoners, rigging of trials, and excessive use of the death penalty.
  • The election run-off last month was won by the Russian-backed prime minister, but after mass protests and evidence of ballot-rigging the result was cancelled by the supreme court.
  • Opposition candidates claim they are often prevented from campaigning, harassed and kept off ballots and that election rigging and ballot-box stuffing are common. Times, Sunday Times
  • “grinding of glasses dioptrical and catoptrical,” in “navarchy and making models for building and rigging of ships,” in “anatomy, making skeletons, and excarnating bowels;” but you miss all that Milton would have taught you of Latin and Greek, Poetry and Philosophy, Italian and Hebrew, moral magnanimity and spiritual elevation, the History of Nations, and the ways of God to men. The Life of John Milton
  • She was accused of corruption, of vote rigging on a massive scale.
  • The water was a tableau of fishing nets and banca boats with bamboo outrigging. Imperial Grunts
  • As we've seen here, trigging a layout pass can be an expensive operation, especially if done inside an animation.
  • He leaned over as he spoke, and, laying hold of the rigging, descended to the deck, while the mate took his breath in short, exhilarating gasps. Many Cargoes
  • Opposition parties have protested over alleged vote rigging in the election.
  • Boston University archeologist Kathryn Bard and her colleagues are uncovering the oldest remnants of seagoing ships and other relics linked to exotic trade with a mysterious Red Sea realm called Punt ... the team led by Bard and an Italian archeologist, Rodolfo Fattovich, started uncovering maritime storerooms in 2004, putting hard timber and rugged rigging to the notion of pharaonic deepwater prowess. Latest Articles
  • For the grape-leaf sprigging, I used some leaves from my garden (dating from before the leafhopper and skeletonizer incidents) Â I rolled out a thin slab of clay and then laid leaves on top, then rolled on top of the leaves to embed the veins into the clay. Kater’s Art » Blog Archive » Crow and Grape Leaf Cookie Jar
  • The light from my lantern seemed no more than a sickly yellow glow against the gloom, and higher, some forty or fifty feet, and a few ratlines below the futtock rigging on the starboard side, there was another glow of yellowness in the night. The Ghost Pirates
  • He addressed the sailor that was aloft clutching the rigging for dear life.
  • A conservative election candidate who was deselected after a row over vote-rigging has been reinstated after a climbdown by party chiefs.
  • Perseverance '-- for that was her name -- was spoken somewhere in the vicinity of the ends of the earth, cruising along as leisurely as ever, her sails all bepatched and be quilted with rope-yarns, her spars fished with old pipe staves, and her rigging knotted and spliced in every possible direction. Typee
  • Judging by the time it had taken the Navajos to bore a tunnel under their log and undermine the first trigging-stone, we estimated that two more hours must pass before the four obstructions we had placed in their way could be removed, unless they took some more speedy method. Captured by the Navajos
  • It usually IS used with a bolt for rigging (example, so the head of a bolt going through a torque tube on a door mechanism doesn’t rub the structure as the tube rotates), or with rivets when proper orientation is needed for purposes of sealing something against leakage (such as rivets going through a fuel tank). SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1087
  • Then the team led by Bard and an Italian archeologist, Rodolfo Fattovich, started uncovering maritime storerooms in 2004, putting hard timber and rugged rigging to the notion of pharaonic deepwater prowess. Most Popular
  • Even before the parts came out in book form, boys were forming into patrols, rigging up uniforms and importuning adults to be their Scoutmasters.
  • All rigging gear, such as slings, shackles, spreaders, and hooks, must be rated for the load that is being lifted.
  • At the moment, as the sun westered behind ribbons of high, reddening cloud, Seaman Mabs was up in the rigging singing the sails up. In Gordath Wood: Writer Patrice Sarath » Housekeeping, or buh-bye Minesweeper
  • He introduced innovations in standing and running rigging, sail setting, hydrofoil under-water gear, remotely controlled pumps, self-draining devices, controllable, flexible rigs, trapezes and out-board hung rudders.
  • The beautiful Billy Budd is a foretopman, ready to climb up the rigging. Melville in Love
  • It is the song of the "shaduf," and the "shaduf" is a primitive rigging, which has remained unchanged since times beyond all reckoning. Egypt (La Mort de Philae)
  • The foundation for this opinion is the fact that some days ago a mass of wreckage, such as maintop-sails, rigging, masts, etc., was found in the place where the Hollanders have been. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 18 of 55 1617-1620 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • This attack is the latest in a series of systematic attacks against Nigerians of the Niger Delta which has been on going for the past 20 years from Babaginda, Abacha, Obasanjo and now this pathetic individual who calls himself President when in fact he was never even elected - unless you call rigging an election a legal process. Archive 2009-06-01
  • There is an anchor locker forward and rigging shrouds are well inboard for easy passage fore and aft.
  • He reached the futtock rigging, and stopped to expectorate. The Ghost Pirates
  • Brave new storylines are plotted, tackling issues like illiteracy, drink driving and vote rigging.
  • Donbass Arena Glossary cluster звуковой кластер из колонок stage furniture обшивка сцены props реквизиты lighting trusses металлоконструкции для света scaff рабочие на лесах stage hand разнорабочий operating area производственная площадь stage scenography сценические декорации chain hoist motors цепные лебёдки rigging stage roof высотные работы по поднятию сцены gibbet стрела крана catering питание vomitory запасный выход plywood фанера logistic перевозки Archive 2009-08-30
  • We also got the “chandelier” (6 weatherproof lamps) that hangs from the peak of the gazebo (with a little careful jury-rigging). Monday, Feb. 23 – The Bleat.
  • This enabled the commander to press on with the work of rigging the ship, the crossjack, or "crochet" yard being sent up by the aid of the mizzen burton hooked on in front of the top; after which the jack was slung and the trusses fixed on, the spar brought home to the mast, the lifts and braces having been fitted before swaying, as is the case with all the lower yards in men-of-war. Crown and Anchor Under the Pen'ant
  • Except for one wild southwester that broke the pin in the mizzen topsail yard and sent it into the rigging, all signs seemed in their favor. A Furnace Afloat
  • You are to be made expert in "graving, etching, carving, embossing, and moulding in sundry matters," in "grinding of glasses dioptrical and catoptrical," in "navarchy and making models for building and rigging of ships," in "anatomy, making skeletons, and excarnating bowels;" but you miss all that Milton would have taught you of Latin and The Life of John Milton Volume 3 1643-1649
  • There aren't many people today who get to climb the rigging of such a famous ship. Times, Sunday Times
  • The party boycotted the election in protest at alleged vote rigging.
  • When the men climb the rigging, it will be you I see.
  • The investigation follows a global clampdown on foreign exchange rigging. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finally the canopy rigging hardware was adjusted so that the canopy was correctly placed.
  • Now, it seems, the odds were always against them after two men were found guilty of rigging a hoopla stall. The Sun
  • But when we're moving equipment into an overseas theatre on rented transport planes, moving it around slung under rented choppers, hitching rides on Dutch or American helos, keeping our air-support home because of avionics concerns and insupportability, jerry-rigging Sea Kings as troop-transports, bone-yarding our tactical transports because of airframe fatigue - and that's just off the top of my head - then our focus should be on results first, process second. Archive 2006-02-01
  • The fire resulted in heavy damage to both the interior of the vessel and the exterior cabin area, plus damage to the mast, boom and rigging.
  • His, had knavishly anisotropic taint in the new lutra trombicula prospicience, and had to dynamics to rigging awfully they saw any katabolism at all amazingly the caulescent propinquity apoidea everywhere. Rational Review
  • A mariner emerges from the hatchway and climbs the rigging, while below the boatswain and ship's master are thrown about on deck.
  • We have the machinery to do swaging on stainless steel wire for headstays, backstarys, standing rigging, etc.
  • He knew within his own heart that he would have liked to turn in there, and the consciousness of his iniquity gave him an acute sense of the fallen nature of man -- at least, till he got out of sight of the spireless rigging of the kirk, and out of hearing of the jow of its bell. Bog-Myrtle and Peat Tales Chiefly of Galloway Gathered from the Years 1889 to 1895
  • More vote-rigging using dodgy postal ballots and personation at the polling booths? Labour votes in marginals collapsing
  • With heavy equipment airdrops, the user is responsible for rigging the loads, a labor-intensive process requiring specialized materials.
  • The painterly quality of this popular art was often limited, but the artists were expected to understand the complexities of sails and rigging, and to depict it accurately.
  • Dream mine, and proved of utmost usefulness in rigging the great ore - cables across the river and two hundred feet above its surface. The Banks of the Sacramento
  • When Theodore Roosevelt's bid to seize the GOP nomination from President Taft failed on a first-ballot vote at the 1912 convention, the old Rough Rider accused party officials of rigging the process.
  • These, like the channels for the lower rigging, are mere projections or out-riggers; the true point of support for the topmast rigging is the lower shrouds, the connection being made by what are called futtock shrouds and catharpins. The Lieutenant and Commander
  • As their lanterns and torches disappeared in the blowing snow and the wind howled in the rigging, the roar mixing with the constant grind and groan of the ice working against Erebus's hull, Stanley leaned close and shouted into my mufflered ear: It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. The Terror
  • By this point he had won the trust and respect of the subjects of his documentary to such an extent that they also acted as crew members for him, rigging up makeshift lights and constructing dollies that would run on the existing tracks.
  • Williams 'plans comprised no less than the entire stripping of the ship down to a gantline; the thorough overhauling of her hull, inside and out, including cleaning and scrubbing; and a number of petty alterations in her rigging, which he thought would have the effect of disguising the vessel. The Missing Merchantman
  • The sailor was forced to call coastguards when his rigging failed. The Sun
  • We maneuvered carefully across the gap in the rigging to cut the remainder of the sail free.
  • Obviously you need the right mix of skills such as helming, trimming, bowmen, sailmaking, rigging and engineering, yet it is just as important to select people who will work well as a team. USA Latest News
  • He'd half-expected the manrope rigging swinging below him to become stuck in the stub of the spars down there, or to snag in the port-side spar or shrouds as he swung past the centreline — then all the creature had to do was reel him in like a big fish in a net — but the momentum of his weight and twisting swung him out fifteen feet or more past and to the port side of the mainmast. The Terror
  • If you are thinking about buying a sailboat, ask the surveyor if the rigging will be inspected aloft or from the deck.
  • I did not much like going up the rigging, because I was afraid of turning giddy, and if I fell overboard I could not swim; but one of the midshipmen offered to accompany me, stating that I need not be afraid, if I fell overboard, of sinking to the bottom, as, if I was giddy, my head at all events _would swim_; so I determined to venture. Peter Simple
  • The stricken ship is presented simply but effectively using a rope ladder for the rigging, which hung from the ceiling above a trapdoor, which served as the ship's hatchway.
  • The report had alleged torture of prisoners, rigging of trials, and excessive use of the death penalty.
  • The investigation centres on a possible instance of price-rigging, with two key executives on 'leave of absence'. Times, Sunday Times
  • The racer was originally built with two parallel interplane wing struts and these were replaced with single rigid I struts but even these did not solve the rigging problems.
  • Tropical Storm Gustav torrential rains trigging serious flooding and landslides that have killed 11 people in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. CNN Transcript Aug 27, 2008
  • Found on board were Portuguese pottery, oak barrels, textiles including the hem of a medieval robe, a stone cannonball and parts of original rigging and sails.
  • Found not far from Portobelo, where the Vizcaina reportedly was scuttled, the ship had been stripped of its rigging. Columbus Mystery Ship
  • Additionally all the rigging, anchor ropes, cargo nets, fishing nets, flags and shrouds were produced from the canes.
  • Learning the ropes is a naval metaphor; it's about rigging and sails and mooring.
  • The Government has brushed aside opponents' fears postal ballots will lead to vote-rigging.
  • In its rigging, sails, banners, planks, and deeply curved outline, the ship most resembles a seagoing Chinese junk, with the addition of paddle wheel and funnel.
  • The sound came again, a kind of creaking that reminded Bek of the ship's rigging working against spars and cleats. Ilse Witch
  • She was accused of corruption, of vote rigging on a massive scale.
  • Then the canister, which produced ghastly murder, chain-shot to bring down masts and spars, langrel to fire at masts and rigging, and the dismantling shot to tear off sails, were all made ready. No Defense, Complete
  • He said he hoped to return in June when the longboat will have been fitted out with sails and rigging.
  • The investigation follows a global clampdown on foreign exchange rigging. Times, Sunday Times
  • And you have no frigging idea what you are talking about. 16 28
  • Inside the hour the ship was over on her beam ends, the lubberly cowards climbing up her side and hanging on in the rigging. THE "FRANCIS SPAIGHT"
  • A faint breeze wafted a salty tang off the sea, jingled the rigging on the rows of yachts.
  • Yet prosecutors accuse the jailed tycoon of rigging an auction to gain control of Apatit a decade ago and then failing to pay the bid of US $283 million.
  • The most common at-sea rigging failures we observe tend to be shrouds or headstays failing due to metal fatigue.
  • The most serious forms of cartel identified by the authority were price-fixing, bid rigging and market sharing by competitors.
  • On the 8th, in the evening, one of those birds which sailors call noddies, settled on our rigging, and was caught. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 15 Forming A Complete History Of The Origin And Progress Of Navigation, Discovery, And Commerce, By Sea And Land, From The Earliest Ages To The Present Time
  • The sleet stung our faces and made the rigging icy and slippery, the yards were swaying back and forth with the roll of the ship.
  • He forces the acrophobic Gil to climb the rigging and sends Frank home when he kills a dolphin. Stormy Weather
  • Another struck the ship's beakhead, whistling a shred of wood high into the air, then a tearing, ripping, rustling sound made Sharpe look up to see that the Pucelle's main topgallant mast, the slenderest and highest portion of the mainmast, was falling to bring down a tangle of rigging and the main topgallant sail with it. Sharpe's Trafalgar
  • The action takes place on the quarterdeck of the HMS Pinafore, which has been stylishly designed, complete with a three-tiered cabin, rigging, steam funnel, sails and an ocean view backdrop.
  • You, my bucko, were knocked off the topsail rigging and into the half deck.
  • By Eight Bells, we could make out the derelict clearly from the deck; and, shortly after breakfast when we had closed her within half-a-mile, we could see that somehow or other she had got terribly knocked about, her bulwarks having been carried away, as well as most of her spars and rigging, only the stump of her mainmast being left still standing, with the yard, which had parted at the slings, hanging down all a-cockbill. Crown and Anchor Under the Pen'ant
  • OBVIOUSLY (why I should have to explain this is not clear), I don't hunt with a frigging shovel. Elderly Women Charged With Beating Fawn To Death
  • An upfront reiteration by the South African presidency that it will not countenance ballot rigging and improper retention of power, would be both appropriate and timeous," he said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Their most outrageous step toward re-regulation is rigging the stockmarket, which officials once disdained as a mucky casino.
  • We went to work immediately, and put all the canvas upon the brig which we could get upon her, rigging out oars for studding-sail yards; and contined wetting down the sails by buckets of water whipped up to the mast-head ... A CLASSIC OF THE SEA
  • The guerrillas overcame the physical defenses by rigging up an improvised multiple rocket launcher.
  • They alleged he had colluded with rivals in rigging bids for oil leases. Times, Sunday Times
  • I modified the rigging a little, looking for stability rather than speed. DOUBTFUL MOTIVES

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