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How To Use Ridicule In A Sentence

  • Perhaps the years of abuse, ridicule and scorn make a fully grown redhead all the stronger for it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jim had hustled over quietly and begun to help out with the horseshoeing, expecting ridicule from the likes of Hugh Glass or old Zeke Williams, who had just arrived at the rendezvous, but, to his surprise, the fact that he was married to a woman of such pure fire produced the very opposite of the effect he had feared. The Berrybender Narratives
  • Not sure what a 'twofer' is, but if what you mean is that the '2050' scenario is ridiculous, then you're way into denial and every bit as susceptible to the blinkers of 'You Know You Are Right' as those you ridicule. John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • Walpole from then on ridiculed GW, calling him a fanfaron braggart, and saying that he soon “learned to blush for his rodomontade.” George Washington’s First War
  • The American troops come home in disgrace and the American military is taunted and ridiculed by the American media, global media, Islamic terrorists, and the moonbats here and aborad. Sound Politics: What It Means
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  • It is de rigueur to ridicule them - of course they are laughable loons!
  • They ridiculed leaked U.S. plans to install a proconsul in the Douglas MacArthur mold, strutting around with a cob pipe and dictating orders to a humiliated people.
  • She feared becoming an object of ridicule.
  • Also the South was becoming the subject of ridicule throughout the country, and I thought most southerners would not like to see themselves thought of as being hellions and blackguardly-type persons. Oral History Interview with Marion Wright, March 8, 1978. Interview B-0034. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • So judged the leader of the 'cognoscenti', and, in accordance with his views, Elgin and Aberdeen are held up to ridicule in 'English Byron's Poetical Works, Volume 1
  • Rather, it invites ridicule, contempt and cynicism towards the whole devolution project.
  • His willingness to shift his message allowed his rivals to ridicule him as an opportunistic flip-flopper. Times, Sunday Times
  • But there is a certain ridicule, among superficial people, thrown on the scholars or clerisy, which is of no import, unless the scholar heed it. Representative Man (1850)
  • The “stereotype” society ridiculed is true:: women CAN corrupt men by how they dress. Blogging on empty « BuzzMachine
  • If all of us punish the new usage with ridicule and opprobrium, maybe we can reverse this loss to language.
  • For some reason - whether through snobbery, ignorance, or the peculiarly British disease of self-deprecation - this valuable national treasure has been systematically trivialised and ridiculed over the years, to such an extent that today it remains almost unknown.
  • Very close and trusted friends share confidences candidly. They feel secure that they will not be ridiculed of derided,and their confidences will be honored. 
  • After a century of suspicion, ridicule, character assassination and scientific debunking, Freud has not only survived, but grown into a figure of mythic proportions.
  • It's dumb politics to ridicule the puniness of the town where Palin served as mayor. David Quigg: Forgetting Sarah Palin
  • Shakespeare has established that Mercutio is a rather dirty-minded young rogue, cynical about love and sex, and inclined to find ways to ridicule and embarrass everyone he deals with, including his best friends, when he thinks they're being foolish or self-destructive or pursuing pleasures that don't include Mercutio. Did Viola, Rosalind, and Portia wax?
  • The man was ridiculed, his claims dismissed, and his ethics attacked.
  • He has passed sentence of condemnation upon Lycidas, and has taken occasion, from that charming poem, to expose and ridicule (what is indeed ridiculous enough) the childish prattlement of pastoral compositions, as if Lycidas was the prototype and pattern of them all. The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to Prose, Vol. IV (of X)—Great Britain and Ireland II
  • I might even suggest that the comment to which you replied is an example of some dextrous and well-deserved ridicule. Think Progress » McCain Backs Down To Hannity: ‘I Never Quite Understood’ Global Warming
  • I believe that there is no way he can protect his family from the cruelty of the scorn and ridicule of those who will inevitably tell them in no incertain terms that they believe Mr. Schiavo is a murderer. Yet another new Terri Schiavo thread
  • The reverence accorded canonical figures, the faith that art was immortal, the fascination with an individual artist's character - he ridiculed them all.
  • Holy ridicule does not mock the serious things of life, only those who take themselves too seriously. Christianity Today
  • At the same time bible-based cults may ridicule churches that take up free-will offerings by passing collection plates and/or sell literature and tapes.
  • Roberts meant a lot to a vast audience of Pentecostals, those believers ridiculed - by atheists, agnostics and mainstream religions alike - as backwater snake charmers, poor, uneducated serfs lucky to scrape up enough money to pay the rent on the shack and procure "vittles" for Sunday dinner.
  • He looked in at the door and snickered, then in at the window, then peeked down from between the rafters and cachinnated till his sides must have ached; then struck an attitude upon the chimney, and fairly squealed with mirth and ridicule. In the Catskills Selections from the Writings of John Burroughs
  • Tout ce que la centralisation laisse entrevoir de défauts, de ridicules et absurdités, d'oppression, de paperasseries en France, est grossi en Afrique au centuple. Correspondence & Conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with Nassau William Senior from 1834 to 1859, Volume 2
  • The idea that passive equity management could outpace active management—then the mutual fund industry's universal strategy—was derogated and ridiculed. How the Index Fund Was Born
  • Chavalit was ridiculed pitilessly in the domestic media.
  • I realize I'm inviting much ridicule from my friends on the left, but I'm going to write this post anyway, and I'm going to leave the title intact - Why Twitter Matters & The Left Should Be Nervous. Why Twitter Matters & The Left Should Be Nervous
  • Of course guys from an oil company are going to ridicule that, as they already have.
  • As a native of the area around Mobile, Alabama, a place long ridiculed by many as the nation's stepchild, it amused me that what was disdained as a redneck corner of the universe populated by ignorant and racist whites and besieged blacks became the "sunbelt" in the 1970s and as soon as those "cheeseheads" arrived in "crackerland" with no more need for their snowtires and discovered giant flying cockroaches and mildew among other horrors and complained mightily about the tropics they had naively sought, they became disenchanted. Lake Level Sucks 11-19-05
  • He only began his writings at the age of 52 and his ranting style of delivery, often on street corners to a puzzled audience, marked him out for a lifetime of ridicule and poverty.
  • He will face a deluge of ridicule and criticism if, having allowed his advisers to hype an early election, he runs away from it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nor are Europeans thrilled about the American values they feel Mr. Bush has encouraged, in which anti-Europeanism is applauded as a virtue, people boycott French wine in protest at the French position on Iraq and Senator Kerry is ridiculed by the Republicans for being able to speak French. Balkinization
  • I drove home in tears - not because of my small size but because of the public ridicule. The Sun
  • No one can publicly admit to seeing the bright side without inviting ridicule and scorn. Times, Sunday Times
  • The satirists ridiculed the plans for a new opera house
  • He tried to ridicule his adversary by broadly expatiating upon his clothing and appearance which, it seems, did not meet with the standard set by London outfitters.
  • Here Cecilia again met Miss Larolles, who came to make various remarks, and infinite ridicule, upon sundry unfashionable or uncostly articles in the dresses of the surrounding company; as well as to complain, with no little resentment, that Mr Meadows was again standing before the fire! Cecilia
  • It was Mellor who salvaged something from the disastrous 1990 Broadcasting Bill, which presaged the widely-ridiculed independent television franchise round.
  • I'm a layman. What I'm going to say may expose myself to ridicule, yet I still want to say a few words.
  • He has been ineffectual in parliament and widely ridiculed for his persona as the ‘quiet man’ of politics.
  • Even with her vegetation obsession, she was unyielding and did not back down from ridicule or teasing.
  • This president is despised and ridiculed even in the face of flag-waving calls for national unity.
  • The state election of 1880, for example, was ridiculed in the national press.
  • Many HIV positive gay men don't want to go to clubs because visible side effects of antiretroviral drugs like lipodystrophy (muscle wasting), lipoatrophy (facial wasting) and the "buffalo hump" (irregular fat deposits in the body) cause them to be singled out and ridiculed. - Financial News
  • The Republican plan is already getting derision from the Right, making it even easier for Democrats to dismiss (if not outright ridicule). Chris Weigant: Friday Talking Points [140] -- Pledging Nonsense
  • The law would be rightly open to ridicule, for transactions such as these are unexceptionable.
  • How can you dislike a town where everybody jaywalks and the libramientos are known locally as the "other cemetary" and people drive in chaotic but workable distraction and many folks are short and fat and ridiculed by the overcompensating snobbish Highlanders as redneck morons and eating and drinking and dancing are local sports. Driving From San Crist�bal de Las Casas to Lake Chapala
  • But it seems rather churlish to criticise a president for lacking vision and then to ridicule him when he tries to be visionary.
  • Obama, in short, ridiculed the very idea that we should see Chavez as a threatening figure, and threw in a bit of mockery of the reporters, to boot. Blueollie
  • He left Downing Street in 1963 almost an object of ridicule, condemned in Gibbonian terms as the symbol of national decay.
  • Of course the scoffers again pooh-poohed the idea that any nations could be found willing to conclude such treaties; but those who ridiculed have been again put to shame, for within the last twelve months, thirteen treaties have been concluded between various nations. Randal Cremer - Nobel Lecture
  • “Dimanche dernier, au milieu de toute la splendeur de leur clairvoyance, Andry Rajoelina et Gilbert Raharizatovo ont fait un copier-coller de la décision ridicule de réduire Viva TV au silence, et ont tenté de fermer Radio-Mada et Radio Fahazavana.” Global Voices in English » Madagascar : Transitional government is trampling on freedom of speech
  • Public indifference to politics has given way to ridicule, contempt and scorn. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is barely a frame of this film that doesn't invite ridicule and incredulity. Times, Sunday Times
  • He bitterly denounced the administration of that pure Democrat, James Madison, and ridiculed what he termed the follies of Thomas Jefferson. Americanism Contrasted with Foreignism, Romanism, and Bogus Democracy in the Light of Reason, History, and Scripture; In which Certain Demagogues in Tennessee, and Elsewhere, are Shown Up in Their True Colors
  • Biosphere 2 was ultimately ridiculed as a research debade, as exfravagant pseudoscience.
  • Ridiculed Obama "is confident to achieve victory in the war in Afghanistan, " the statement, saying good relations with the West even greater harm to the Palestinian Arab state.
  • Public indifference to politics has given way to ridicule, contempt and scorn. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is tempting to ridicule these creationists, dismissing them as hayseeds and not giving them a second thought.
  • Perhaps the years of abuse, ridicule and scorn make a fully grown redhead all the stronger for it. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was ridiculed and my work was called "meddler" "crazy," was pointed at as a fanatic. The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation
  • He ridiculed the very idea of monarchy and turned the political debate in a decisively republican direction.
  • his exposure to ridicule
  • She denigrated the piece as "uninformed speculation," and ridiculed what she characterized as the factual errors in the piece. The New York Times Puts Up Its Dukes
  • People are mocked and ridiculed, which is hard to take. The Sun
  • We should point out that Rosenberger is by no means insensitive to the responsibilities of those dishing out satire and ridicule.
  • Scientists with tenured faculty positions and NSF grants ridiculed these visions, noting that their fundamental improbability made them an absurd projection of what the future holds.
  • The young Pi has to survive ridicule at school and his father's secular rationalism. Times, Sunday Times
  • To be lampooned, or even ridiculed, is better than being ignored.
  • His performance quickly became the subject of ridicule in media post-mortems of the event.
  • From there we can all commence with the ridicule, congratulations, and over analyzation we all like to take part in. Music database randomness
  • Pourtant, et alors que je commençais à me faire une raison, en me persuadant qu'avec un jean je n'aurais peut-être pas l'air trop ridicule (quoi que?) je me suis sentie comme soulagée lorsqu'une phrase prononcée par une commentatrice de défilés de mode m'est revenue à l'esprit: "Cette année, être tendance n'est plus tendance". Mode
  • She is the subject of ridicule, innuendo, and ostracism by her peers.
  • Debate was kept to a minimum and opponents of the leaders' strategy were ridiculed or heckled by their stooges in the audience.
  • Once academic scientific studies were established they rejected and ridiculed anything spiritual or metaphysical if it could not be proven by a mathematical formula.
  • And fourth, the frightening violence of revolution is also ridiculed as a feminine loss of self-control.
  • How many millions were spent whittling that piece of wet balsam, I've no idea; it means nothing and invites ridicule.
  • Machinery of power makes inherent vice confess mistakes once etherized upon the gurneys, when jettisoned by their attorneys and ridiculed by them, and spurned despite the money they have earned, as money-driven as the clients, with whom they'd had their vice alliance. Gershon Hepner: inherent Vice
  • The Redskins coach was the subject of scorn and ridicule before his team lost to the Lions, but the setback in Motown only racheted up the heat. NFL Replay: Declining skills at the root of T.O.'s slow start
  • Words have a magical power. They can bring either the greatest happiness or deepestdespair; can transferknowledge from teacher to students words enable the orator to sway his audience and dictate its decisions .Words are capable of arousingthe strongest emotions and prompting all man's actions , Do not ridicule the use of words in psychotherapy. 
  • Lord Shaftesbury’s test (which is a part of the rake’s creed, and what I may call the whetstone of infidelity,) endeavoured to turn the sacred subject into ridicule. Clarissa Harlowe
  • When I was a boy, a man with a pushchair was an object of ridicule; nowadays, one doesn't even notice. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • For the patient's sake as well as his own, he must endeavour to strike the medium between negligence and ridicule on the one hand, and too much solicitude about every trifling symptom on the other.
  • She would guide me through the difficult parts and ridicule my silly mistakes.
  • The thoughts of becoming a subject of raillery for coxcombs, and losing my money to boot, stung me to the quick; but I made a virtue of my indignation, and swore that no man should with impunity either asperse the character of Melinda, or turn my behaviour into ridicule. The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • The list of people I'm hot-wired to bust is a fairly long one, including but not limited to anyone who does one of the following things to women: Condescends, objectifies, ridicules, trivializes, and so forth. Karen Stabiner: The Philip Roth Reader: When He Was Good He Was Very, Very Good -- and Something of a Feminist
  • In this "mummery" the most successful spectacle was that presented by a group arranged in obvious ridicule of The Rise of the Dutch Republic — Complete (1555-84)
  • The law of libel in England is based on whether the plaintiff has suffered hatred, ridicule or contempt.
  • Her idea for a television series based on the same idea was roundly ridiculed by TV executives.
  • As a stand-up comic, MacAulay has a rare gift - he can put his audience at ease and mercilessly ridicule them at the same time.
  • Back in 1974, when Dr. Frank W. Jobe dreamed up the operation to fix John's elbow, the idea of repairing the arm of a high school player would have been ridiculed.
  • After having been admired and valued as if its leaves were all emeralds and its buds apples of gold, it was spurned and ridiculed and everywhere cut down as a cumberer of the ground. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 35, September, 1860
  • We know what happens in Europe when someone tries ridicule the muslim religion. nixtieq niccara xi affarijiet, fuq il gazzetti qed jidru ritratti ta nies b genitali kbar u artikli tahthom, biex ma ngerfxux!!! ma konniex libsin ta gesu!!! ta cave man u min ma kienx emm ma jiktibx pls ghax qed tgerfxu!! dak kin xi hadd iehor li kin libes ta gesu! jekk xi hadd ha xi skandlu jew offendejna l xi hadd nikuzaw ruhna, pero ahna wara l 23.30 tlajna u dak m huwiex hin ta tfal!! nerga nejd ma kollnix libsin ta gesu!!! fuq il gazetti mhux jidru cari, pero jekk xi hadd irid jiltaqa mana noruwom ritratti u taraw ta xix konna libsin!!
  • Words have a magical power. They can bring either the greatest happiness or deepestdespair; can transferknowledge from teacher to students words enable the orator to sway his audience and dictate its decisions .Words are capable of arousingthe strongest emotions and prompting all man's actions , Do not ridicule the use of words in psychotherapy. 
  • The women's medical school opened in 1874, to the accompaniment of much ridicule of "lady doctors".
  • Greenberg was criticized, even ridiculed, but the next day the official scorers changed their ruling from error to triple, exonerating him.
  • As nothing is so successful a subject for ridicule as the fashionable follies of the time, it occurred to him that the more serious scenes of his narrative might be relieved by the humour of a cavaliero of the age of Queen Elizabeth. The Monastery
  • Irish football is traditionally ridiculed but it was the side representing Scotland which was lightweight and jerry-built.
  • But in their defence, the butts of their jokes are generally treated more with affection than ridicule.
  • The resort to ridicule and name-calling betrays an angry wish that this problem would simply go away.
  • the satire touches with finespun ridicule every kind of human pretense
  • We tried not to seem critical or judgmental while giving advice that would protect him from ridicule.
  • The re-enactment prompted a national hysteria of jokes and ridicule calling Mr. Khomeini the "cardboard Imam. Letter Writers Break Iranian Taboo
  • And yet to say such things in public is to invite shock and ridicule. Times, Sunday Times
  • Never has there been such mistrust of politicians; such contempt, cynicism, ridicule.
  • [T] he tenacity with which he is standing his ground on this issue, in the teeth of widespread catcalls, ridicule and pressure from so much of the country and the media, is heroic.
  • Ah!" replied Bronze, shrugging up his shoulders, "dere be always in dese places people who love to give demselves ridicules: — for exemple; il ya la belle Madame Macfarlane, vid one epaule a half foot higher dan de odre, and who tink all men vill like her better dan her pretty belle fille. The Enchantress; or, Where Shall I Find Her? A Tale
  • I cherished the symbols of dominion so soon to be objects of ridicule or subjects of parody - the plonk of the cricket ball, the stamp of the sentry's boot, the hymns and the silly rituals that spoke of old certitudes.
  • Many, however, are the selfsame people who reviled and ridiculed the Celtic chief executive throughout his five years.
  • If someone had predicted the president's staff would out a CIA agent as revenge against a critic, defy a law against domestic propaganda by bankrolling supposedly independent journalists and commentators, and ridicule a 37-year Marie Corps veteran for questioning U.S. military policy -- and that the populace would be more interested in whether Angelina is about to make Brad a daddy -- I would have called the prediction an absurd fantasy. 12/27/2005
  • About half, including me by the time I had slept on it, thought it was just the right level of blistering ridicule.
  • Words have a magical power. They can bring either the greatest happiness or deepestdespair; can transferknowledge from teacher to students words enable the orator to sway his audience and dictate its decisions .Words are capable of arousingthe strongest emotions and prompting all man's actions , Do not ridicule the use of words in psychotherapy. 
  • The avalanche of incredulity, ridicule and scepticism that greeted anyone who came out as a "tweeter" in those early days is hard to imagine now, five years on. Twitter's five-year evolution from ridicule to dissidents' tool
  • In 2002 she suffered a reaction to a collagen injection in her lips and her appearance was ridiculed in the press. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sims was ridiculed as a crackbrained egoist and falsifier of evidence. Executive Economics
  • The White House ridiculed the agency's decision - with one senior official attacking S&P's "amateurism" - while Obama re-election strategist David Axelrod took a swipe at Republicans for the "Tea Party downgrade. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Our campaign was conducted without resorting to smear, ridicule or the exploitation of the current political situation.
  • In 2002 she suffered a reaction to a collagen injection in her lips and her appearance was ridiculed in the press. Times, Sunday Times
  • Airlines have ridiculed Department for Transport projections for passenger growth at regional airports. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was ridiculed so much for having some no-name brand of shoe. The Sun
  • But there is a certain ridicule, among superficial people, thrown on the scholars or clerisy, which is of no import, unless the scholars heed it. Representative Men
  • It is known, too, that people often say strange things from confused or indistinct recollections of what has befallen them in a prior state of existence, or from prenotion or intuition of things as yet unknown to others; and although in the sciences we accept nothing as conclusive that is not confirmed by experiment, the vastness or strangeness of the thought, far from attracting ridicule, generally leads to inquiry, experiments, and results. Another World Fragments from the Star City of Montalluyah
  • However, the German piece will ever remain as a generous attempt to vindicate the honour of a name deformed by impudent ridicule; and its dazzling effect, strengthened by the rich ornateness of the language, deservedly gained for it on the stage the most eminent success. Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature
  • Before we permit democratic institutions to subject an offender to ridicule, scorn, and humiliation, we have to ask whether this kind of punishment comports with evolving standards of decency and the dignity of humankind.
  • Such a statement could lay her open to ridicule.
  • It was, however, subjected to some criticism and ridicule, and gave rise to the expression “bowdlerise,” always used in an opprobrious sense. A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature
  • There's no need for one because, historically, loud public ridicule has kept the grosser stupidities of men in check. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this day and age it is hard to believe that people can be held up to hatred, ridicule and contempt by a light-hearted gossip paragraph.
  • Very close and trusted friends share confidences candidly. They feel secure that they will not be ridiculed of derided,and their confidences will be honored. 
  • And the same mix of disinformation, ridicule and smut would eventually be employed against the Japanese.
  • Although students are not scolded for speaking Spanish or ridiculed abusively for using their bilingual resources, they tend to internalize the idea that speaking their native language is wrong.
  • Boys who don't conform are ridiculed, called wimps and wusses.
  • Keyes has been roundly ridiculed for his outspoken and inflexible conservatism.
  • When a woman seeks a job in a male-dominated field, she risks ridicule and all sorts of other unpleasant side effects of her choice of career. Why Don’t More Women Ride? « PubliCola
  • Apparently, it therefore equates to humorous ridicule in the general sense, or good-honoured raillery.
  • He apparently took keen pleasure in holding up to ridicule and in satirising, what he was pleased to call his ponderous pedantries, his solemn affectation of profundity and wisdom, his narrow-mindedness, and his intolerable and transparent egotism. A Political History of the State of New York, Volumes 1-3
  • The Queenslander, who was recently appointed as Opposition finance spokesman, ridiculed some sculptures as nothing more than a curiosity for "durrie munchers", and described one as an aerial and another as Mr Squiggle's last stand. | Top Stories
  • Others are bullied, either because they are isolated from their peers or because a sick or disabled parent is an easy object of ridicule.
  • Debate the guy, denounce him, subject him to ridicule and mockery at every opportunity.
  • His theory was ridiculed and he had to cancel lectures on the subject. Times, Sunday Times
  • Far from rendering them subject to ridicule, such a stress is one of the best ways to hold an audience and gain sympathy.
  • I have endeavoured to show that Shakespeare cooperated with this derision of forced love-sighs, writing certain of his sonnets in ridicule of their windy suspiration.
  • Falstaff (Christopher Benjamin), that grasping old lecher, is beaten, ridiculed and generally humiliated as usual. London Theater Journal: A Double-Header at the Globe - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • You lay yourself open to ridicule wearing clothes like that.
  • It fascinates me how we've automatically made sex so titillating and taboo at the same time that anyone who dares to write about it or incorporate it into their job description, whether as an intrepid observer or as a sex worker (a category that can include strippers, dominatrices, phone sex operators, nude models, and the like), is automatically up for ridicule. Rachel Kramer Bussel: Fearless About Sexual Freedom
  • They invited further ridicule by inviting offers for the club by e-mail. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I first got back, it was non-stop ridicule.
  • To face a life of ridicule after having your story published in the paper, and on the internet, linked to by as many cruel and nasty people as possible.
  • When we find, indeed, a system such as Jesuitism blasted by the ridicule of Pascal, we conclude that it was not true, -- but why? not merely because ridicule assailed it, for ridicule has assailed ten thousand systems which never even shook in the storm, but because, in the view of all candid and liberal thinkers, the ridicule _prevailed_. Poetical Works of Akenside
  • Those who ridiculed that comment as the bitter parting shot of an ageing former employee are revising their opinion now. Times, Sunday Times
  • Peter the Venerable pointed to the ancient tradition of baptizing infants when he ridiculed the Petrobrusian claim that only adult baptism was legitimate. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • She ridicules his pretensions and by extension the literary territory of the primitive exotic, pronouncing it all ‘pure artistic bosh and conceit’.
  • They need friends, not ridicule in the press. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before he had died in the bad air of the Bamboo, the Governor had picked the name Momus, after the ancient Earth god of ridicule. Elephant Song
  • I avoid talking before the youth of the age as I would dancing before them; for if one's tongue don't move in the steps of the day, and thinks to please by its old graces, it is only an object of ridicule, like Mrs. Hobart in her cotilion. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 3
  • He had never previously been outrightly ridiculed as a crook. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hawke persisted in it, despite a high level of incredulity, bordering on ridicule, in the media.
  • Galileo had written a pious preface in which he ridiculed the Copernican theory as wild and fantastic and contrary to Holy Scripture.
  • We believe it to be owing to the influence of the causes we have noticed, that this manner, so often ridiculed by the French, under the name of "hauteur" and Travels in France during the years 1814-15 Comprising a residence at Paris, during the stay of the allied armies, and at Aix, at the period of the landing of Bonaparte, in two volumes.
  • Each understood how putting their name on a ballot robbed them of sleep, took them from their families and made them pin cushions for ridicule. A Lesson In Campaign Mismanagement
  • But there is a certain romantic senseless kind of love, such as poets sometimes celebrate, and men and women feign, which is a legitimate target for ridicule. The Magnificent Montez From Courtesan to Convert
  • And don't forget how the Eiffel Tower was greeted with ridicule before becoming the great attraction it so surely is.
  • I looked for things that debased freedom, promoted license, ridiculed responsibility, and denigrated man and God - but that was all of TV.
  • Carelessness is engendered by the thought that such work can be handled in a rough and rapid way, and, further, by the ridicule of all these things, which we have learned to be careful about, as old-fogyish, out-of-fashion, and archaic. Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. LXXII, June, 1911 Water Purification Plant, Washington, D. C. Results of Operation.
  • Those who ridiculed that comment as the bitter parting shot of an ageing former employee are revising their opinion now. Times, Sunday Times
  • But its ridicule of tradition, myth, family, heritage and the old sentimentalities isn't just funny: it's hilariously surreal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well, there's a whole continuum of agnosticism but there generally isn't the contempt or dismissiveness or ridicule (think Bill Maher's film Religulous) of religion. Michael Krasny: Just Say 'I Don't Know'
  • I admired her all the more for allowing them to ridicule her and never striking back.
  • In the end, after all you've tried to do to tear this "masterclass" vocalist down, his fans will have the last say and you'll be ridiculed for all your snarkiness and belittling. soundscene (the one who is a David A. fan) Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12: 23 PM EST Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • Giles was ridiculed all over again as a cry-baby and a big softie.
  • People are mocked and ridiculed, which is hard to take. The Sun
  • Ridicule is a decidedly more entertaining version of the genre with the grace to flash us some intelligence and self-consciousness.
  • That the "conchies" suffered ridicule and injustice cannot be denied.
  • He used to be more ridiculed than respected, now his Che Guevara T-shirts are hot fashion items.
  • Collectors of modern art flaunted the canons of conventional taste, incurring ridicule and criticism and, although some of them were known to one another, many collected in isolation.
  • People will find glee and happiness to ridicule me but they should look at their own life, don't worry about me. Times, Sunday Times
  • That hasn't prevented him becoming the object of ridicule among his peers or the victim of inane questioning about his lifestyle.
  • This public justice consists of ridicule for human foibles and indignation for human vices. The Times Literary Supplement
  • There have been terrible moments that invited ridicule and soul-searching. Times, Sunday Times
  • A little more than a year ago, when Bill Clinton was on the skids in the New York primary-the ridicule relentless in the tabloids and on the streets-he took a chance and exposed himself to the fastest, flippest radio talk-show jock in town, Don Imus. Slow Motion
  • However, in this ‘democratic process,’ he has the right to speak his mind without being interrupted, ridiculed and heckled during his speech.
  • Most mistakes do no more than make us look ridiculous, yet ridicule from our peers can rank among our greatest fears.
  • I drove home in tears - not because of my small size but because of the public ridicule. The Sun
  • If you wanted to parody this sort of music, you would come up with the exact same thing you were attempting to ridicule.
  • Sheriff William Holligan said Reilly was an object of ridicule and his treatment by officers was unprofessional.
  • He ridiculed a beautiful cestus, or clasp of brilliants and emeralds.
  • His ungainly, inelegant posture can leave him exposed against nimbler opponents, and he easily attracts ridicule.
  • It's very frustrating being ridiculed or ignored when using my broken French in a social setting.
  • The Queenslander, who was recently appointed as Opposition finance spokesman, ridiculed some sculptures as nothing more than a curiosity for "durrie munchers", and described one as an aerial and another as Mr Squiggle&squo; s last stand. | Top Stories
  • Contemporary society, like contemporary dictators, can no longer be undermined by ridicule, Zizekexplains that "GrouchoMarx authoritarianism" is imminent, writers understand that the function of Dada and all intervention/provication movements is exhausted in an age where a self-satisfied social norm has dialectically synthesized with surrealism and the rest ... Mr.Dostoevsky
  • With the benefit of hindsight, it is a view now easily ridiculed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus he makes a jest of the everlasting gospel, that great truth which the chief priests hated and persecuted, and which Christ was now witnessing to and suffering for; and like men of no religion, who take a pleasure in bantering all religions, he ridicules both sides; and therefore Christ made him no reply. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Those who ridiculed that comment as the bitter parting shot of an ageing former employee are revising their opinion now. Times, Sunday Times
  • That way lies ridicule and political defeat. Times, Sunday Times

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