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How To Use Ricochet In A Sentence

  • The.22 caliber slug had ricocheted off the top of his cranium, knocking him cold as effectively as a hammer.
  • I just didn't understand that the ricochet is the second part you can't hide what you intend, it glows in the dark once you start the path of revenge there's no way to stop the more I try to hurt you the more it hurts me strange, it seems like a character mutation though I have all the means of bringing you fuckers down Killing the Buddha
  • I couldn't hear anything except our screams, which ricocheted off the houses and sounded in my ears.
  • The distributed mass of ricocheting impulses which form the foundation of intelligence forbid deterministic results for a given starting point.
  • The guns of the Thunder Child sounded through the reek, going off one after the other, and one shot splashed the water high close by the steamer, ricocheted towards the other flying ships to the north, and smashed a smack to matchwood. The War of The Worlds
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  • The first shot from the "Conestoga" struck the water a few feet from the "Yankee," and, ricochetting, plunged into her hull. The Naval History of the United States Volume 2 (of 2)
  • In some of the open squares of Cuzco, ricocheting lines seem to lead from box to box, while in others the arrangement of lines is a little sharper, denser and more closed, like an outlined star.
  • A door thudded against the concrete walls and the sound ricocheted down to my ears.
  • This time the bullet ricochets off the stone fireplace behind Deuterium Boy and embeds itself in the piano, causing the figurine to topple off and shatter on the ground.
  • No, Galan patiently explained to the jury, it was universally used by police because it was safer to the public in terms of reduced ricochet and over-penetration.
  • The wizard of Wishaw was not to be denied, however, conjuring a remarkable - and intentional - shot in which he ricocheted one red off another and into the top corner.
  • A ringing twang interrupted the scene as a large piece of shrapnel ricocheted off a 500 - pounder in the bomb bay, causing me to momentarily slam the door shut.
  • My pet peeve for the day is waking up in the middle of the night, curled in a warm hollow under the blankets, relaxed and thinking dozily about blogs and mailing lists… and then the harsh bleep of my alarm ricocheting through the dark.
  • The developer also appears to have paid special attention to weapons effects, with pyrotechnical ricochets and brightly flaring muzzle flashes particularly deserving of praise.
  • The sound ricochets off the walls, and across the wooden floor.
  • Even songs we can't stand ricochet in our minds; those that we love become enmeshed with our innermost feelings and memories.
  • Paulo Szot was wonderful as the status-conscious, noseless Kovalyov, ricocheting from hysteria to self-pity (we see through his lyrical laments) to self-importance; his baritone was multihued and penetrating, except during the noisiest orchestra moments. The Sweet Smell of Success
  • Weapon effects are distinct for each armament, and there's an impressive array of different ricochet sounds, dependant on the surface type you fire at.
  • The familiar ring of ricocheting bullets punctuates the game's menus.
  • But unlike Mireles 'shot that recently ricocheted off the pitching machine and hit Peace's knee - leaving "dimples" - Peace's dinger missed Mireles. Undefined
  • Ricochet returns to his earlier “Please give me a punchinnaface” narration, smirkily saying that sometimes life is like a different kind of movie… The Loners #2 (of 6) | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • The deciding factor was whether a collapse of confidence would ricochet across the industry, triggering mass withdrawals of funds from life companies and widespread consumer panic.
  • in the body free radicals are high-energy particles that ricochet wildly and damage cells
  • Leadoff man Fernando Vina ricocheted a single off first base.
  • Another two points followed for the home side before Noel Kirby blasted in a great ball that ricocheted against the post and rebounded back into play.
  • Ben quickly ducked behind a sturdy looking refrigerator - just as the assassin jammed her finger down on the trigger and sent bullets ricocheting all over the kitchen in screeching showers of sparks.
  • When shooting for practice, make sure your backstop will prevent ricochets and protect bystanders.
  • I ricochet my eyes between her and Hubba Hubba Boy.
  • The neighbour who gave me the tickets was an impecunious artist and I was sitting in the cheap seats, just out of range, even from ricochets.
  • Kittens can levitate, ricochet, teleport and discorporate and take up most of a double bed. When PZ Turns Fifty . . . - The Panda's Thumb
  • She scrambled up the ladder and shots cracked from guns and ricocheted off metal and pocked brick wall.
  • I bounced up over the hood and ricocheted off the windshield, skidding to a stunned halt across the blacktop pavement.
  • The new mix is wonderfully enveloping with bullets ricocheting and voices echoing around in the cavernous locations when appropriate.
  • By this stage, the scriptwriters are into their fourteenth magic mushroom, as the plot ricochets between schizophrenia and plain stoopid.
  • The bullet ricocheted off a nearby wall.
  • Bullets ricocheted off the boulders around him.
  • Condulmiero was already fiercely engaged, and soon his carack was a mere unrigged helmless waterlog, only saved from instant destruction by her immense size and terrific guns, which, well aimed, low on the water, to gain the _ricochet_, did fearful mischief among the attacking galleys. The Story of the Barbary Corsairs
  • When I refuse to hand over my confidential patient files, he pulls out a pistol and fires multiple shots at my desk, one bullet ricocheting off my nameplate and embedding itself in my beeper.
  • David Silva twice linked with Balotelli in the 74th minute and when the latter's shot ricocheted into the path of Yaya Touré the Ivorian crashed home the winner. Manchester City must evolve after FA Cup success over Stoke City
  • Gavin, chancing a shot at him, rolls violently out across the street, drawing attention from every gun within a mile, narrowly escaping a few ricochets.
  • His brainwave was to replace the current fixed self-sealing rubber splash curtains, which trap a bullet once it has passed through the target and prevent it ricocheting back up the range, with movable curtains.
  • Due to its design concept, the FAP round is intrinsically safe from ricochets as the core breaks up on ground impact.
  • Another sharp report split the night, and the second bullet from a sniper rifle ricocheted off the pavement to my immediate right.
  • The cult of abstract expressionism ricocheted around the world.
  • The ball ricocheted off the goalkeeper and into the net.
  • One point of concern is that there are no ricochet effects, which is a little unusual when you consider the less than absorbent nature of the Plaza's interior.
  • The cries of ‘Fore!’ ricocheted around the course like wayward drives bouncing between the trees that line this course at its outermost periphery.
  • Nash skated with the puck through the slot and lost control of it, Modin jamming it off the near post with the puck ricocheting off Khabibulin's backside into the net. - Hockey - Chicago vs. Columbus
  • They would satisfactorily bust a clay pipe or knock over a duck without the risk of ricochet.
  • The senator says he'll now "ricochet" among South Carolina, Iowa and New Hampshire, starting with a Southern swing next week. McCain's New Hampshire Glimmer
  • I believe they use ceramic bullets which are designed to fragment on hitting a hard object, preventing ricochets and depressurisation.
  • The theme for Michael Caine's gangster film Get Carter, written at the age of 23, lays ricocheting trains, chilling harpsichord and funky tablas over a swaggering bass line.
  • The city would pay for the electricity, and ricochet would provide the pole-tops.
  • Four innocent bystanders were injured by ricocheting bullets when a bagman for a Pattaya loan shark opened fire on his mobile phone.
  • The ball ricocheted off the goalkeeper and into the net.
  • The vixen stopped short just six feet from him and gave a single warning cough, which deflected the cubs aside like bullets ricocheting from his legs.
  • The van hit the side of the bridge and ricocheted across the road.
  • The bullet ricocheted from the wall.
  • Since bullets can ricochet off the water's surface and pose a risk to nearby civilians, water patrol officers almost never fire warning shots.
  • The bullet ricocheted, lightly wounding the man in the leg.
  • A third officer, PC James Banks, 26, escaped injury when a bullet ricocheted off his radio belt and the buckle on his baton.
  • The band ricocheted from one genre to another, often stopping to blend elements into a kicky pastiche of jump blues, beat poetry and lacerating alt-rock/rap.
  • Something appeared to be ricocheting inside the pipe, but what could it be?
  • The bullets ricocheted off the bonnet and windscreen.
  • Bouncing her lines off the walls of the theatre whilst we amazedly watch them ricochet, this actress, whose gestures appear to be based on the erotic friezes of Indian temples, is something else.
  • It "scooted," glanced, ricochetted, or whatever you want to call it, all around that room and you never saw such a scampering to get out. The Emma Gees
  • But Mr Foster suddenly crashed through the door, ricocheting the flyscreen against wall, and wrenching the boy from her arms.
  • The bullet ricocheted off a lower rib and ripped a lung.
  • There were almost as many missiles scattered about in front of her from ricochets as there were imbedded in the wall far beyond.
  • It had actually been so long since I'd had a real shower, that I accidentally ricocheted the bar of soap around the small shower.
  • A ricocheting bullet chanced to take the front from the cigarette machine.
  • Many of the most demanding techniques of the present-day violinist are associated primarily with him, including ‘ricochet’ bowing, left-hand pizzicato, and double-stop harmonics.
  • The playstation gunshot sounds were ricochetting off the walls and embedding themselves directly into the noise control centre of my brain.
  • Course Manager Col. Bavornrat Maitreeprasat said bullets will frequently ricochet off something nearby or on the shooting range and fall on the course.
  • Cal stopped to swallow back the familiar burst of palpitations that ricocheted a steady duh-pa-dum against the straining walls of his over-stretched chest.
  • The Dolphin is a powerful gun, somewhat reminds me of a sniper rifle and makes cool ricochets.
  • I was still hearing Acer's name ricochet around the inside of my head. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • It was scripted by Johnny Speight when this red-brick apartment block just off the Bayswater Road was a real fun factory and Ray Galton and Alan Simpson also ricocheted one-liners round a rented room.
  • The ball ricocheted off the goalkeeper and into the net.
  • The practice of low-level skip bombing, particularly employed in attacks on shipping during WW II, relied upon ricochet for its effect.
  • The sound ricocheted around the hall, bouncing from the marble walls, piercing his throbbing head.
  • The stone ricocheted off the wall and hit a passer - by.
  • I heard a shell whang dead center into his helmet and ricochet inside. The Convict and Other Stories
  • Also retro and old enough to have been there are Ray Condo and his Ricochets, bringing their hillbilly hootenanny to the Jello Bar on July 10.
  • The ball ricocheted off the goalkeeper and into the net.
  • The second volley tore through the British ranks, ricocheting off guns and bone, spattering the beach with gobbets of flesh and brain as the redcoat charge was stopped dead in its tracks.
  • The striped ball he was aiming for ricocheted off the side of the wall and nailed the black 8 ball.
  • The bulk of the audio is operating in the original center channel mix, with only music and the aforementioned ricochets really traveling much.
  • Piano notes like hammer blows ricocheted off the stone flags. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • The bullet ricocheted off a nearby wall.
  • Q: Earlier this year you said you'd prefer the secondary be referred to as ricochet rather than toast. Inside the Panthers
  • He collected a long clearance and fired past Phil Wilson, but the ball hit the inside of one post, ricocheted along the line and rebounded off the other post into Wilson's arms.
  • And tragically for the series, it ricocheted back too far in the other direction and delivered an insanely difficult multi-stage nightmare.
  • The frangible ammo disintegrates on target, meaning there is no back splash or ricochets to harm the shooter or other bystanders.
  • An angry red mark on his stomach displayed the area where the dart had pierced his armor and a purple bruise showcased where the plasma bolt had ricocheted.
  • Ahn hooked a shot across goal in the 36th minute, had a free kick ricochet off the Italian defensive wall in the 44th and spiraled a left-foot shot over the crossbar from a free kick in the 58th minute. - Hosts shock perennial powers
  • Then bullets started ricocheting off the outside of our building.
  • Having admitted the possibility of claims for psychiatric injury by such ricochet victims, the courts faced the problem of determining how wide the scope of liability should be drawn.
  • Stone dove, ricocheting off the concrete sidewalk, rolling, the knapsack taking the shock. CORMORANT
  • He could hear the pings from ricocheting bullets as well as the dull thuds from direct impacts.
  • This leaves the in-game soundscape uncluttered for the player to appreciate aural effects like explosions, ricochets, and muzzle reports.
  • Like Clark Coolidge, whose verve depends on malapropism, neologism, and ricochet, Roberts bounces back and forth within a multivalent vocabulary.
  • The bullet ricocheted off the bridge.
  • Consequently, the gun that would before have carried fifteen miles, may send twenty, and the ball, if not explosible, might ricochet three. The Son of Clemenceau
  • The use of the spinning was to dodge the ricochets of Richard's blasts.
  • His body had already begun to break down and he was virtually a being of energy as he ricocheted into the works of the clock.
  • For those involved in internal security operations, a ricochet striking an innocent bystander can have major political consequences.
  • A day later, on ‘The McLaughlin Group,’ rhetorical ricochet was well underway.
  • A ringing twang interrupted the scene as a large piece of shrapnel ricocheted off a 500-pounder in the bomb bay, causing me to momentarily slam the door shut.
  • It was a fun evening that ricocheted between giggle, belly laugh and roar.
  • The van hit the side of the bridge and ricocheted across the road.
  • From what Fai could see it looked as if James was trying to ricochet the ball against the wall and into a corner pocket.
  • A fireman was shot as he tried to douse a blazing jobcentre and a police dog handler survived a bullet ricocheting inside his vehicle.
  • They search out hotel rooms least exposed to hostile fire or ricochets.
  • He fired another bullet at David; it ricocheted off the armor harmlessly.
  • Craig Rogers stood over the 20m free to the left of goal, mishit his attempted ‘point shot’ but his low delivery ricocheted off a Johnstown stick at the near post and into the net.
  • There were times during the opening period when the Ibrox pitch was ricochet central, the ball bouncing off legs, chests and backs as the encounter degenerated into a messy, unstructured affair.
  • Both sounds ricochet continuously off the shadowed and soot-covered brick walls.
  • That was all she had time to say, for in the next moment, a loud sound ricocheted throughout the entire hall and she watched in horror as the roof fell towards her.
  • The Italy midfielder scored his first with a lucky ricochet with four minutes to go after playing a one-two with Mirko Vucinic before making the game safe in injury time, firing a 25-metre volley through the legs of the Milan goalkeeper, Christian Abbiati. Juventus 2-0 Milan | Serie A match report
  • Ramsey was already dangerously distended, as an effect of the earlier part of her discourse, and the word "fastidious" almost exploded him; but upon the climax, "Dora Yocum," he blew up with a shattering report and, leaving fragments of incoherence ricocheting behind him, fled shuddering from the house. Ramsey Milholland
  • Everybody's favorite fictional alderman, Ed Bus hammed up by WBEZ's Justin Kaufmann appeared at "The Paper Machete," a live variety show at Ricochet's in Lincoln Square. Some Laughs (And Surprises) At Latest Mayoral Forum
  • Fights broke out Saturday and Sunday among about 100 Iraqis and drew several shotgun blasts, damaging several cars and a shop and leaving four people with minor ricochet wounds.
  • Krista misses the bullet pass and the pro-sized foot ball ricochets off the far fence and into the gutter.
  • Changes in light from the time of day and local weather tint the boxes as they dematerialize in ricocheting reflections.
  • Yet, no matter how quiet your voice was, it still echoed around the temple, the sounds ricocheting off the spherical chamber's walls.
  • Blam, blam ,' Johnny said and threw another knife, which ricocheted off the wall and clattered onto the dresser. BLACKWATER SOUND
  • The angle of fire produces only a rare ricochet which is caught by the aforementioned dirt hill. A Valentine for Gun Nuts
  • Shouts from her cuadrilla ricochet around the lady matador. The Lady Matador’s Hotel
  • It's going to be really cool to be back in Auckland, go to the beach, catch up with my mates and go shopping at Ricochet.
  • I held it up above my head and saw the reflection of the moon on the shining metal, the gleam from the moon rays ricocheted off the silver and lit up my room.
  • The neighbour who gave me the tickets was an impecunious artist and I was sitting in the cheap seats, just out of range, even from ricochets.
  • The bullet ricochets off the back of the trapdoor and Gail jerks in terror.
  • Cold water is what keeps the Gulf Stream moving up the Atlantic coast and northeastward after it ricochets off the shoals under Cape Hatteras.
  • It struck a bookcase, shattering the glass in the door, ricochetted off and demolished a large jardinière which spilled its potted palm onto the floor before its pieces themselves landed there on top of it.
  • A tracking system may not even work in the cavern as there would be considerable problems with what is known as multipath error -- basically the sound ricocheting all over the place, making it difficult to get accurate readings. Interactive Dig Yucatán - ROVs to the Rescue
  • Deep, rich and sonorous, it was the kind of basso profundo that ricocheted around the tile walls with stunning clarity, like the Whispering Gallery atop St. Paul's Cathedral. Family von catt
  • The midfielder's shot was straight into the ground but took a ricochet and wrong-footed Davison.
  • Gunfights become remarkably tense, exciting affairs as you take cover in a crossfire of whistling ricochets.
  • This led to a messy sequence and several ricochets later the ball was in Easkey's net for a second time.
  • MEMs use tiny reflective surfaces to redirect light beams to a desired port by either ricocheting the light off neighboring reflective surfaces or steering the light beam directly to a port.
  • A volley of bullets ripped through the air and ricocheted into the hall.
  • It breaks up instantly and completely on impact, with no ricochet or lead accumulation.
  • Tibetans were sacrificed by Nehru in 1954 in return for Beijing's hand of friendship, a move that ricocheted in 1962.
  • You've got the tracers flying all over you, and ricochets whistling all around you wherever you go.
  • Above him, a massive scale model of the solar system rotated, its sun casting a bright ray that ricocheted around the entire room.
  • The frangible ammo disintegrates on target, meaning there is no back splash or ricochets to harm the shooter or other bystanders.
  • Every one of the soldiers inside the Red Death was hit by hundreds of ricocheting bullets.
  • The missile hit him full on the knee, poleaxing him to the ground, and ricocheted into the river.
  • The ship's only reported mishap came when a coxswain was hit in the neck (but not badly wounded) by a bullet ricocheting off a modern pentathlete's target.
  • The design of these things are to fire out of these things down at the ground, to ricochet them off the ground and to hit people in the legs to cause them to disperse.
  • That new-found lead was extended to eight points as a ricochet from a grubber fell in York's favour and the ball was spun out to Alex Godfrey, who ignored spare men to cross.
  • Designed to be highly effective while reducing the danger from over-penetration or ricochet, the projectile is designed to totally fragment into fine particles upon impact.
  • When Vitaly Kutuzov slipped the ball past Craig Gordon after just six minutes, his finish the clinical conclusion to an unfortunate sequence of defensive ricochets, the support that was perhaps Scotland's biggest asset was silenced.
  • They could hear their cries ricocheting off the trees and appearing to come out of the soil itself, filling their ears with the beautiful song that made the company's spine tingle.
  • Herman screamed over the ricochets and explosions around the base.
  • The resulting tracks ricocheted their sound in woozy, rubbery, Carl Stalling-esque patterns.
  • The use of pea gravel on the range floor collected lead dust and created uncontrollable ricochets, while rounds penetrated the overhead baffles.
  • Bullets ricochet off rock surfaces, and broken glass crunches underneath your boots.
  • The heat was ricocheting round the Sport Hall and the home crowd was blasting out encouragement to Marino Columbu the Sardinian star wrestler.
  • Bullets can ricochet off water, rocks, trees, metal, and other hard surfaces.
  • While working around a wing dam on the Missouri, a fish suddenly went ballistic alongside, bounced into his lap, slammed into the opposite side, ricocheted off the gunwale and went back in the water.
  • Consequently, a charge carrier is much more likely to strike the sidewall of the structure before it has a chance to ricochet from a defect.
  • The band ricocheted from one genre to another, often stopping to blend elements into a kicky pastiche of jump blues, beat poetry and lacerating alt-rock/rap.
  • While some of the action in the low end has been enhanced, the surround effects consist mostly of the same ricochet noise inserted willy-nilly into the action scenes.
  • Yes, it's a lot of short-wave radio signals, data transmissions, signals ricocheting around in the stratosphere, as well as the sounds of an analog synthesizer.
  • A third officer, PC James Banks, was also shot at, but escaped injury when a bullet ricocheted off his radio harness.
  • The incendiaries rained down with a terrific clatter as they ricocheted off roof-tops and buildings, spitting fire as they came to rest.
  • This, of course, was almost as hazardous to the pilot as to the enemy aircraft, with bullets sometimes ricocheting back at the gunner.
  • What's more likely to shake your equilibrium is that the room is covered in hard, reflective surfaces that ricochet sound.
  • I remember a few years back the infamous Yahoo taxi cabs that let you surf the internet (via a ricochet modem).
  • LimeWire, one of the recipients, has already gone offline to a great extent and if the labels succeed in intimidating any of the other companies, the effects would, of course, ricochet well beyond the US, even though the court decision applies only to America. RIAA attacks p2p companies
  • In the cross fire, a bullet ricocheted off of Torrance's skull, breaking the bone and sending him into shock.
  • These last for about 30 seconds or so, and will ricochet enemy fire right back at their senders.
  • A volley of bullets ricocheted off the armoured walker.
  • He said there was also evidence of cover-ups when civilians were killed, including what he called a suspiciously high number of casualties that U.S. forces attributed to ricochet wounds. News & Observer: Home Page
  • The missed shots bounced off the walls and ricocheted off the ceiling.
  • One cannot help jumping when death, in the form of a piece of flying lead, hits the rail beside him, or the mast over his head, or whines away in a ricochet from the steel shrouds. CHAPTER XLVII
  • It is here that wordplay itself could be seen to do the work of philosophy — where, for instance, to put it directly in terms of Agamben's triangularion of voice, death, and negativity, the ricochets of language can themselves remind us (via oronym and metalinguistic irony) that "never say die" is possible only for those who "never said I. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • He was hit by a ricochet from a stray bullet.
  • The .22 Magnum shotgun is quiet enough to avoid annoying the neighbors, and there's no danger of ricochets or damage downrange.
  • Bullets ricochet off the armored supply vehicle.
  • The journey here is as much in the rhythmic ricochet of assonance, produced by colliding syntax, as it is in the actual varying terrain the words themselves represent.
  • The van hit the side of the bridge and ricocheted across the road.
  • The probability of ricochet decreases as the impact angle increases.
  • Tracer rounds ricochet into the sky as rounds land short of the tank platoon.
  • Deep, rich and sonorous, it was the kind of basso profundo that ricocheted around the tile walls with stunning clarity, like the Whispering Gallery atop St. Paul's Cathedral." has to be the most eloquent writing on the topic I have ever read. Push butt
  • Modern fashion writers interpret this hemline ricochet with sociological spins.
  • A door thudded against the concrete walls and the sound ricocheted down to my ears.
  • The reduced over-penetration and reduced ricochet characteristics of these rounds are nothing short of revolutionary.
  • It cracked against my skull, ricocheting me into some decrepit shelving holding water damaged pornography, destroying it in a jumble of splinters and dust.
  • For a dozen heartbeats Ferrol stared at the display, listening to the word ricochet around his brain. Warhorse
  • James and Vassilli realized that their position was entirely too exposed when bullets started ricocheting from underneath the truck.
  • Lucas instinctively covered his head as the attack endured, the bullets ricocheting against every surface they struck.

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