
How To Use Richards In A Sentence

  • Richardson, are proprietors of shows, and the berouged, bedraggled creatures who exhibit on the platform outside for their living. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 327, January, 1843
  • A person today who seems to have a great sense of self-esteem has his or her childhood days to thank for it. Stephen Richards 
  • In its scale and some of its details Smith's building has an affinity to Richardson's 1875-1876 Hayden Building in Boston.
  • If you truly love someone, you should be more interested in keeping them happy than in being right. Stephen Richards 
  • The books written by Richardson and his followers accordingly became known as moral or didactic novels.
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  • Instead, they got Richards to acknowledge that a motivated forger with advanced technology could fool even veteran photo analysts.
  • Months earlier a woman named Adele Richardson, aka Leda, had written in. Cruel Intent
  • Richards confronts us unapologetically with all the seamier aspects of his life, to the point where the reader -- I refer here to myself -- finds himself asking: Why am I reading this? Peter Clothier: Keef
  • Rowan Oliver's drums suggest a meeting of Al Foster and Jaki Liebezeit while John Richards' electric bass is a malevolent, fuzzed monster.
  • A good self-esteem level is mostly dependent on how we value ourselves without any bias. Stephen Richards 
  • The Richards took over the Taranaki lighthouse in 1976 when previous keeper Charlie Mallowes died from a heart attack.
  • They were ‘just small-time crooks who thought they were a lot bigger than they were’, according to Richardson.
  • Richardson has probably put the screws to this guy, that's why he defected from the voters choice in his state. Obama picks up superdelegate
  • The Richardson pattern books illustrated a scent/ink bottle, a salt, and two weights in millefiori.
  • Gordon Richards's star novice created a tremendous impression when beating Dreamers Delight at Doncaster and possesses scope for considerable improvement.
  • When you concentrate your energy purposely on the future possibility that you aspire to realize, your energy is passed on to it and makes it attracted to you with a force stronger than the one you directed towards it. Stephen Richards 
  • Gordon Richards's star novice created a tremendous impression when beating Dreamers Delight at Doncaster and possesses scope for considerable improvement.
  • James Carville thought it was appropriate to liken Bill Richardson to Judas who sold out Jesus for 30 pieces of silver when he endorsed Barack Obama and reiterated his incongruous biblical analogy on CNN by saying that Richardson was being "disloyal" - not to the country, but to the Clintons. Sam Sedaei: The Price of Loyalty
  • A good self-esteem level is mostly dependent on how we value ourselves without any bias. Stephen Richards 
  • Theodora Richards has posed nude, and Jade Jagger loves nothing more than an Ibizan frolic in what English schhoolgirls used to call "the noddy. Andy Pemberton: Keith Richards' Daughter Alexandra Embarrasses Dad by Posing Nude for French Playboy
  • Band mainstay Dominic O'Neill (vox, guitar, piano) and most recent recruit Katie Richardson (vox) tell us the story so far.
  • The Stoop certainly seems a jollier place than in the reign of Dean Richards and tries by the young hooker Joe Gray and Mike Brown in the first 16 minutes ensured Quins had the last laugh here. Rory Clegg steps out of Nick Evans's pocket as Harlequins beat Sale
  • Captain Joe Sakic missed his 12th straight game because of a groin injury, and Tyler Arnason (wrist), Brad Richardson (shoulder) and Kurt Sauer (neck) also are on the injured list, which has forced the team to poach from the AHL.
  • He was a big influence on Michael Richards - when Kramer enters a room, his rubbery legs and arms splaying almost out of control, he's partially channeling Tati.
  • Brother Jonathan," then just published by Blackwood in three large volumes, was read to him every night for weeks, and greatly to his satisfaction, as I then understood; though it seems by what Dr. Bowring -- I beg his pardon, Sir John Bowring -- says on the subject, that the "white-haired sage" was wide enough awake, on the whole, to form a pretty fair estimate of its unnaturalness and extravagance: being himself a great admirer of Richardson's ten-volume stories, like The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, No. 97, November, 1865
  • Only two players - centers Erick Dampier and Adonal Foyle - have been with the team longer than Richardson and power forward Troy Murphy.
  • Richards Bay Minerals in the KwaZulu/Natal are to be balloted on stk i over wages and working conditions, the union said in a statement on Tuesday. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The Fates are aligned in the form of the title outfit, led by a no-nonsense operative named Richardson, played by John Slattery in a crafty, deadpan take. Ann Hornaday reviews 'The Adjustment Bureau,' an ambitious, impressive thriller
  • Sherburn's estimation of the capacities of youth was generous in comparison; this more aggressive abridger turned the nineteen volumes of Richardson's three novels into a 232-page duodecimo.
  • Oh, and not as well known anymore but how about the original tarzan- Johnny Weissmuller kemp richardson Alex Rodriguez gets a movie role: Who is the best athlete-turned-actor? |
  • Richardson claims she was libeled and her reputation as a professional interviewer has been irrevocably damaged.
  • It is not enough if you just live life as it comes to you like a floating leaf in a pond. Make use of the powers bestowed in you and soar like an eagle. Stephen Richards 
  • Motorist Pete Richardson was following the Discovery when the accident happened.
  • For the next eighteen days life was supported by a kind of bouilli made from the bones and the skin of the game killed the previous year, and at last, on the 29th October, Dr. Richardson arrived with John Hepburn, only looking thin and worn, and scarcely able to speak above a whisper. Celebrated Travels and Travellers Part III. The Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century
  • Richardson derives it from Namsh, being freckled (damasked). The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • After feeling dead-butt tired for more than three weeks and after the sad death of actress Natasha Richardson following a minor bump to the head, I figured it was time to go to the doctor to make sure this tiredness is nothing serious. Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2009 » March
  • Mr Richardson said the company had secured distribution agreements that gave its brands a strong presence in Britain and America.
  • The play originally starred John Gielgud and Ralph Richardson, and was a huge success.
  • Torquay made a substitution at half-time and changed their formation as Neil Prince was withdrawn and Marcus Richardson was sent on to join Howard Forinton in attack.
  • Rayon Richards for The Wall Street Journal Ms. Vincent said she also redid the bluestone patio off the kitchen and dining room. A Ridgewood Colonial
  • In fact before this Richardson had returned to university study and obtained a B.Sc. in psychology as an external University College, London, student in 1929.
  • In his complaint, Richards said denial of his request for erotic materials is cruel and unusual punishment.
  • Albert Richardson, KCVO, one-time President of the Royal Academy, whose love for the Georgian period is legendary and was reflected in his work as an architect. - Business News
  • Rich -- a combination of Jimi Hendrix and Keith Richards -- jerks and shreds the guitar so hard you can almost see the electricity running through his body, while Dan knocks over drums, aerobically pounds on symbols, and behind his swooping bangs you can see his closed eyes and meditative expression. Mihal Freinquel: When Style Meets Music: Aja Volkman of Nico Vega
  • Never allow your mind to wander untamed like a wild animal that exists on the basis of survival of the fittest. Tame your mind with consistent focus on your goals and desires. Stephen Richards 
  • Yet, to use a term famously employed once by then-United Nations Ambassador Madeleine Albright, who was upset with the Cubans, Richardson does have cojones. James Warren: Bill Richardson, Suited for Hillary's Role, Named Secretary of Commerce
  • Mr Richardson applied for outline permission to build the chalets after winning approval for a hotel and golf complex at Humbleton.
  • Under them, the entire company -- most notably McLeavy as a tender-tough Stella and Tim Richards as unpolished but compassionate gentleman-caller Mitch -- vivify a revival that works to remind anyone who's forgotten that here's one of the handful of preeminent 20-century American plays. David Finkle: Blanchett as Blanche in Tennessee Williams's Streetcar Named Desire
  • Of all the impossible occurrences in Fantastic Four, none seems as implausible as scientist Reed Richards's scheme to make billions of dollars by studying the human genome through the exposure of plants - yes, plants - to cosmic rays.
  • Grateful souls focus on the happiness and abundance present in their lives and this in turn attracts more abundance and joy towards them. Stephen Richards 
  • The ‘Richardson number’, a fundamental quantity involving gradients of temperature and wind velocity is named after him.
  • Quirky women have long had success on TV, from klutzy housewife Lucy Ricardo, who helped make "I Love Lucy" the most popular program on air during its run, to Mary Richards, the single gal TV producer on "The Mary Tyler Moore" show. A Hit Show Hits the Pause Button
  • Now, Richards, sitting next to Roberts, presents Roberts to the committee.
  • But there are problems with the notion of crisis management - as Richardson's extended comment explains.
  • The landlord, John Richards, had re-let the plantation to a Mr. Townshend the previous February, without giving the required notice of twelve months, as stipulated by the lease with her husband. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Former fireman Alan Richardson rode 3,000 miles on the footplate of the Flying Scotsman during its triumphant American tour in 1969 when it hauled a train from Boston to Houston.
  • Just ask Christopher Dodd, Joe Biden, Mike Gravel, Dennis Kucinich, John Edwards and Bill Richardson, who many times in the earlier debated looked a collection of Maytag repairmen instead of presidential candidates while the focus was on Hillary and Obama. Radio Blogger's TownHall Blog
  • Gas has been produced along the entire Gay - Spencer - Richardson trend which intersected by north - south trending fold structures.
  • QPR 0-1 Sunderland Bendnter 19' The Arsenal loanee heads in a Richardson corner. Premier League clockwatch – as it happened | Paul Doyle
  • In 1884, Richards received a patent on a new type of bicycle.
  • She has brought the alphorn out of its pastoral roots, teaming up with David Richards, a music producer who previously worked with the rock band Queen, to produce a CD with blues, funk and rock tunes. When She Blows the Alphorn,
  • If the great internet connects us all ... then why are so many of us becoming increasingly isolated? Stephen Richards 
  • On July 19, 2003 a non-viable, addled osprey egg was collected from a nest at the northern end of Upper Richardson Lake in Richardsontown Township in western Maine.
  • Mr. Richards supports the argument of counsel for Madame Bihi on this question.
  • I talked to most of the engine tuners and I particularly liked the sound of Bill Richards.
  • However, at the same inquiry, trainer Gordon Richards escaped punishment.
  • Alois: The big-eyed big-gobbed Rita Tushingham first came to our attention in A Taste of Honey (another Richardson sixties triumph), and then The Knack, with the infinitely watchable Ray Brooks, and a bit part at the beginning and end of Doctor Zhivago. Hero of the Light Brigade
  • Saturday's non-stop sunshine brought out a record attendance at the platform to the delight of the jam organisers and also the Pewsey youth development co-ordinator Ivor Richards.
  • A good self-esteem level is mostly dependent on how we value ourselves without any bias. Stephen Richards 
  • The only difference is the nearly synonymous last word -- Richardson didn't say "unchurched" -- he said "unaffiliated. Chris Rodda: Petraeus Endorses "Spiritual Handbook," Betrays 21% of Our Troops
  • A petition from the Synod of South Carolina and Georgia, requesting that the Presbytery of Alabama should be put under their care, instead of being attached to the Synod of Tennessee, was overtured, and being read, was com - mitted to Drs. Richards and Cathcart, and Messrs. Reuben Smith, Keep and Hodge. Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
  • Richards were received at the time with a certain amount of surprise, but they have been superabundantly confirmed by tests applied by succeeding investigators. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1914 - Presentation
  • It was described by the Arctic explorer Richardson in the mid-19th century as ‘a small white root about the thickness of a goose quill, which had an agreeable nutty flavor’.
  • Samuel Richardson's Pamela is predicated on the need for a servant to resist the master's will in some things.
  • The new routing will bring back many of Adobe's fairway bunkers, all of which had been left to grow-in with grass, according to Richardson.
  • The Idaho gubernatorial candidate formerly known as Marvin Richardson is so strongly opposed to abortion that he has changed his name to Pro-Life.
  • If Richards's film is a tribute to the tenacity of the treasure hunters, its very existence is proof of his dogged obstinacy.
  • Dressed in flowing white, wearing a crown-of-thorns headdress and posing with arms outstretched, crucifixion-style, Lilo was snapped by style photographer Terry Richardson for the new issue of Purple Magazine. Lindsay Lohan Nude Threesome Photoshoot Purple Magazine
  • Grateful souls focus on the happiness and abundance present in their lives and this in turn attracts more abundance and joy towards them. Stephen Richards 
  • Mr. Bill Richardson is one of the finest public servants in our country, with many well-demonstrated talents and he, by all means, deserves a place in the cabinet. Obama to Announce Richardson’s Appointment - The Caucus Blog -
  • During her remarkable, epic voyage, Richards, who started sailing as as child in Helensburgh, had to overcome hurricanes, icebergs and soul-destroying solitude.
  • Never allow your mind to wander untamed like a wild animal that exists on the basis of survival of the fittest. Tame your mind with consistent focus on your goals and desires. Stephen Richards 
  • Richardson started the attack down the left, played a one-two with Stockdale before checking inside and passing to Houlston.
  • Richards will have to rest the shoulder for at least four months following the operation to tighten up ligaments.
  • Inside the plane was three popular American rock musicians: Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and Jiles Perry Richardson, as well as the pilot, Roger Peterson.
  • Ever since the year 1887, when Richards, who was then not quite twenty years of age, assisted Josiah P. Cooke in the redetermination of the ratio between hydrogen and oxygen in water, his labours have gone on uninterruptedly right up to the date of the awarding to him of the Nobel Prize, covering consequently a period of more than a quarter of a century. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1914 - Presentation
  • A brand mostly known by fans of extreme sports, preferably of the motorized variety, BRM stands for Bernard Richards Manufacture, an acronym fortuitously and conveniently identical to that of British Racing Motors, the 1962 world champion Formula One team. NYT > Home Page
  • Ohuruogu had what she called an "appalling" race over a lap of the Crystal Palace track on Saturday to finish last as Richards-Ross marked herself among favourites for the World Championships with an impressive victory. Evening Standard - Home
  • One shut his eyes in ecstasy and rolled onto his back as Richardson scratched his chin. 'White Lion' Film Highlights Trophy Hunting In South Africa (PHOTOS)
  • He began the finals last week in his customary way of drawing Richards, the best volleyer in the world, to the net so that he could win points by passing him.
  • The mailer highlighted Richardson's liberal positions, his support and donations to Democrats and questioned his electability.
  • Richardson, attorneys-at-law; Judge Kelley, wife and daughter History of Woman Suffrage, Volume III (of III)
  • We could toast the memory of men such as Sobers and Marshall, Richards and Lara, Worrell and Weekes. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Richardson plays a "handmaid" - essentially a breeder in a world where most women are sterile - hired out to a privileged couple (Faye Dunaway and Robert Duvall) to conceive their child. Bright Lights After Dark
  • Keith Richardson says it was a brilliant performance and they were helped by the tremendous support from the Gloucester fans.
  • Miss Gwynne waited until she heard Mr Prothero come down from his wife's room, calling busily for Owen, who was in the wheat-field, and telling him to go and fetch Dr Richards. Gladys, the Reaper
  • Both positive and negative thinking are contagious. Stephen Richards 
  • His ex-wife, Denise Richards, expressed the views of most of us when she twitted that "no adult film star will be babysitting our kids. Dan Solin: Investing Charlie Sheen Style
  • He carted pace bowler Shane Bond for a huge six over his head before being dropped at mid-off by Mark Richardson.
  • Richards came back and signalled clearly, but Tribe was busy with his gun again.
  • Yes, you really ought to hate Richards for all that good fortune, but the trouble is, you can't.
  • In that sense, it can be important that Keith Richards copyrights are prolongated… Cory Doctorow: Europe’s Copyright Wars – Do We Have to Repeat the American Mistake? (Web 2.0 Expo, Berlin) — Climb to the Stars
  • With the work of Richardson and the ensuing wave of sentimentalism that swept through Europe, the emotionalism attributed to women was placed in a new interpretative framework.
  • The most valuable gift you can receive is an honest friend. Stephen Richards 
  • Just 42 seconds after Brylin deflected in a slap shot from Elias to give the Devils a 3-2 lead, Richards tied it with a shot that went between Lukowich's legs and past Brodeur. - Hockey - New Jersey vs. Philadelphia
  • The governorship went to a Democrat, Mrs Anne Richards.
  • Richards claimed he acted in self-defence after Pagett opened fire on him during a siege.
  • The two articles in Part 1 survey Richardson's work and provide a bibliography of his publications.
  • After Sri Lanka's punishment was announced, ICC General Manager David Richardson said that the game's governing body also doesn't want to see pitches that are too easy to bat on, but added that the balance at Galle was too weighted in favor of the bowler. 'Bad' Pitches Make for Cracking Cricket
  • Fining Allwn a paltry £2,000 instead of gaoling him, Judge Bertrand Richards observed: ‘The victim was guilty of a great deal of contributory negligence.’
  • While thus engaged, Mr. Richardson's brain was busy with the problem of labor saving, and one day a phantom device for smoothing and rubbing down the first rough coats on the burlaps took form in his mind, and for some weeks he spent his spare time in experimenting. Scientific American Supplement, No. 1157, March 5, 1898
  • Grateful souls focus on the happiness and abundance present in their lives and this in turn attracts more abundance and joy towards them. Stephen Richards 
  • If Beijing doesn't want to politicize the Games, why were an unprecedented 100 leaders invited to attend?" said Sophie Richardson, Asia advocacy director at Human Rights Watch.
  • Richardson derives it from the same root with the other _jog_, which means to shake, ( "A.S. _sceac-an_, to _shake_, or _shock_, or The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 34, August, 1860
  • Richardson listed seven megadeath conflicts in tier two, i. e, magnitude six. The Cutting Edge of Chaos
  • At 11-9 up, Richardson missed a great chance and Clarke won a colours duel to cut the gap to 11-10.
  • Morfudd Richards, author of Lola's Ice Creams & Sundaes, reckons the secret is glucose syrup which, "prevents the crystallisation of sucrose" – in her recipe, she uses a rough ratio of 1 part syrup to 5 parts sugar. How to make perfect lemon sorbet
  • Rayon Richards for The Wall Street Journal The zebrawood kitchen has two Sub-Zero refrigerators, two dishwashers and a built-in margarita machine, shown here. Beachfront, with Camels
  • John Edwards raised just $ 9 m , while Bill Richardson pulled in roughly $ 7 m.
  • That eyewash quickly eased Richardson's discomfort, and, after 15 minutes of flushing, he was ready for transport to medical.
  • 'deasiul', 'quetch', 'seiling', zethe 'and' nye ', to take a sample from just one game played by Nigel Richards. Home | Mail Online
  • The need to define the boundaries of obedience is at the heart of Richardson's novel.
  • Jason Hernandez, Apodaca and Norman Richardson combined for 31 of Hofstra's 33 first-half points as the Pride couldn't work the ball inside and remained content with gunning from the outside. - Bruins race past Pride
  • Richardson said that detectives were keeping an open mind about the possible motive for the triple murder.
  • Mrs Richardson was a devoted churchwoman and a member of the church choir until a few weeks before her death.
  • Now seems a good time to consider the other half of Richardson's lifework, on the mathematics of armed conflict.
  • Reflect your thoughts and watch others mirror them back to you. Stephen Richards 
  • Richards, known as much for his high-living lifestyle as for his hard-driving guitar style, is famed for his love of Fender Telecasters--including the early '50s "Micawber" shown here, which he uses as a five-string tuned to an open-G. Guitars Of The Stars © Getty...
  • The announcement yesterday was the culmination of a period of prolonged difficulties for Mr Richards.
  • The one point at issue is Quebec's lack of a medivac system, meaning that Richardson had to be driven rather than flown to a specialized treatment centre. Archive 2009-03-01
  • (Tilesius, 1812); 00: 21 Grunt sculpin - Rhamphocottus richardsoni Günther, 1874; 00: 25 Salt and pepper nudibranch - Aegires albopunctatus MacFarland, 1905; 00: 30 Northern clingfish - Articles related to Tourism revenues up 28% in first half - report
  • You willed yourself to where you are today, so will yourself out of it. Stephen Richards 
  • In this instance, Richards's doctorship was of the double utility of delivering us from the threatened pint-glasses, and of causing us to be considered as privileged guests -- no small advantage in a backwoods 'tavern, occupied as the headquarters of an electioneering party. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 56, Number 347, September, 1844
  • So far as Richardson and Mrs. McFarland were concerned, I have every reason to believe it was a genuine one, in so far as the preventing obstacles framed by the "conservators" would permit. And The Truth Shall Make You Free: A Speech On The Principles Of Social Freedom
  • Ian Richards and Charles Ogden were not indulging in some donnish jeu d'esprit when they wrote their book The Meaning of Meaning, published in 1923 and never out of print since. In praise of … hazy imprecision | Editorial
  • Richardson pits this code explicitly against Matilda's nefarious campaign to sign Gerald on as her personal mercenary.
  • He took plenty of hard knocks and got up to give plenty of hard knocks, took a good pack mark, buffeted Richardson out of position in marking duels, punched the ball clear and is a stylish left foot kick.
  • As our family grew we'd hired more servants so that now we had a parlourmaid, two housemaids, two kitchenmaids, a scullerymaid, Mrs. Benson, Mr. Richards and the cook.
  • The Recorder of Leeds, Judge Norman Jones QC adjourned sentence until next Friday but told Richardson a life sentence was inevitable.
  • Kieran Richardson's blip will disappear off Lord Ferg's radar when he hotfoots it to Everton in the summer.
  • Understand that for better or worse, you create your own life. Stephen Richards 
  • Richardson's achievement is to get us to recognize this fact and its implications, as well as the part played by their writings in the late-century debates between the hereditarians and the environmentalists.
  • Rayon Richards for The Wall Street Journal The Niven House has stucco exterior scored to resemble ashlar block and a marble, checkerboard-patterned porch, which is original to the home. Tuscany on the Hudson
  • Captain Richardson commanded the crew to report to the main deck.
  • Thank you for standing," Richardson quipped with his unique, full-faced smile. Bryan Bissell: Bill Richardson - Clean Air, Cool Living
  • In an interview held within hours of the incident Richardson told officers how there was a loud commotion and banging on his door.
  • Dancing On Ice star Kieron Richardson has hit back at Jason Gardiner following reports that the outspoken judge had branded him a "pillock". All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News
  • Equally outstanding is Miranda Richardson, who plays both Spider's mother and the floozy his dad brings home from the pub.
  • Christopher Serra "If you're going to tell it, there's no point in coloring it or shifting it," Mr. Richards said earlier this week at his manager's SoHo office. With No Ax to Grind
  • Greg McMillan, Alex Richards and Simon Ecclestone scored half centuries, with McMillan missing out on a ton by just eight runs.
  • Disease-Hunting Scientist: Dr. Laurie Richardson and black-band disease in coral Disease-Hunting Scientist: Dr. Laurie Richardson and black-band disease in coral
  • The antihero is a fictional Conservative Chief Whip, Francis Urquhart the entire concept came from the initials, 'F.U.' played by Ian Richardson. Sony Sets The Lords Day As Clancy-esque Thriller With Franchise Potential | /Film
  • The point is that Mrs Richards has just informed me of a past liaison between your aging partner, Dr Hughes and the aforesaid Hannah Jones. GOODBYE CURATE
  • Richards has made a brave attempt to answer his critics.
  • Richardson held out the ball, with outstanding generosity, like someone trying to placate a recalcitrant child with a gobstopper.
  • Never allow your mind to wander untamed like a wild animal that exists on the basis of survival of the fittest. Tame your mind with consistent focus on your goals and desires. Stephen Richards 
  • Richardsonian Romanesque, named after architect H.H. Richardson, who interpreted Romanesque architecture into a distinctly different style, and created one which abandoned the vertical silhouettes and smooth stone facings of earlier times. The American Country House | Edwardian Promenade
  • Richards had the embarrassed look of a person who is caught.
  • Acting Det Insp Steve Richards urged people taking money to the bank on a regular basis to vary the routes and times.
  • When you concentrate your energy purposely on the future possibility that you aspire to realize, your energy is passed on to it and makes it attracted to you with a force stronger than the one you directed towards it. Stephen Richards 
  • Simply everyone was there, my dears, from Roy Jenkins to Rab Butler, to Robert Morley to Richard Gordon, to Gordon Richards to the onliest distaff stand-up of the time, wonderful Joyce Grenfell, who told how a distant ancestor, Harrovian WH Grenfell, had been in Oxford's No3 seat in that 1877 dead-heat. Boat Race still takes British sport's venerable cream cracker | Frank Keating
  • Nichola Richards was forced to shut the premises on Friday and Saturday, due to the store being knee-deep in water.
  • In 1986 Richardson resigned as chairman,(sentence dictionary) leaving the company floundering.
  • "The player that centred the ball for Allen to score the equaliser was Richardson," he said.
  • Richards got a hug from his boss in the touchline euphoria that followed his 75th-minute header.
  • Only two players - centers Erick Dampier and Adonal Foyle - have been with the team longer than Richardson and power forward Troy Murphy.
  • A broken friendship that is mended through forgiveness can be even stronger than it once was. Stephen Richards 
  • ‘They don't need anything other than a bit of tender loving care, respect and someone to fill their need to be valued,’ Richards said.
  • There was a week left in the season, and football is arresting the city's attention in the way Richardson always wished it would.
  • The club also consistently tweets in-game coverage, enlisting the help of then injured player Micah Richards, who took over the @MCFC account to live-tweet from a game.
  • Richardson severed his right foot in a motorbike accident.
  • One Official IRA man was, however, nearby in a burned-out building opposite Richardson's factory.
  • It's unclear quite why the rebranding has taken place, and it has confounded garden historian and critic Tim Richardson, who originally coined the phrase "conceptual garden" and championed Britain's burgeoning conceptual-design scene. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Both positive and negative thinking are contagious. Stephen Richards 
  • Hello, Ms. Richardson ? lee here - I am calling to conform that if you have received page three.
  • Lynda Richardson, who specializes in environmental photography, is a long-time contributor to this magazine.
  • Through photos of cricketers such as Viv Richards, Paul Adams and Basil D'Oliveira, this exhibition celebrates players who broke through racial boundaries using their skills on the cricket field. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • The mosque in Richardson, Texas does not lend its cultural hall to any activity that is ascribable to a particular denomination, including a few groups who celebrate the birth of Prophet Muhammad. Mike Ghouse: Muslim Canadians Should Ease Out Of Prayers In Public School
  • Richardson's epistolary novels hinge entirely on the emotional lives of his characters.
  • Rayon Richards for The Wall Street Journal Mr. Sisca, an avid hunter, built his very own 6,000-square-foot natural history museum to hold the animals he's killed—he prefers the term 'harvested'—over the past 35 years. Animal House in New Canaan
  • Keeping up with Keef became a deadly game in the early 1970s, when heroin - usually mixed with cocaine and injected as a "speedball" - became Richards and his partner, Anita The Guardian World News
  • Obama, Edwards, Richardson and others showed good faith in abiding by the rules of the DNC and petitioned to have their names removed in both MI and FL – they were successful only in MI because FL maintained the names of the candidates on the ballot against their wishes. Full Michigan delegation with half-vote to be seated by Dems
  • No matter whether you believe in luck or chance, the final decision is from yourself. Stephen Richards 
  • Lieutenant Richards will tell you that each of the weapons was carefully handled to preserve any possible latent fingerprints.
  • The first substitution did not come until Richardson suffered a slightly strained right calf early in the fourth quarter.
  • The run-rate dropped sharply, but Richardson continued to work loose balls for runs, especially on his favourite leg side.
  • The discontent and frustration that you feel is entirely your own creation. Stephen Richards 
  • Dean Richards was recalled to the England squad for the match with Wales.
  • Saying the hate-killings are 'byproducts' of the American invasion implies causation, which is a stretch even Reed Richards would find hard to make. Gays killed in Iraq...
  • Kakutani on A Life of Picasso: The Triumphant Years by John Richardson: "As John Richardson reminds us in the third installment of his magisterial and definitive biography, Picasso not only worshiped the gods Dionysius, Priapus and Mithra (the god of light and wisdom), but also regarded himself as their confrère — an artist so prodigally talented, so daring and so virtuosic that he could reinvent the universe. An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
  • That group, under the auspices of the Wisconsin Fair Trade Campaign, then approached Don Richards, a sympathetic alderman on the Milwaukee City Council, about sponsoring a resolution supporting the boycott.
  • CARMEN VAN KERCKHOVE, CO-FOUNDER & PRESIDENT, NEW DEMOGRAPHIC: Well, I really see this as being very much similar to the curfuffle around Don Imus and Michael Richards in that we really focus a lot on the use of racial slurs by public figures. CNN Transcript Jul 18, 2008
  • Mr Richardson applied for outline permission to build the chalets after winning approval for a hotel and golf complex at Humbleton.
  • A private viewing in the vein of Tom Ford's Spring 2011 collection, wherein photographers and the media were strictly prohibited save for famed lensman, Terry Richardson, seemed much more aligned with Mr. West's goals. Marjon Rebecca Carlos: Pret-a-Parler: Kanye's Debut Conversation With Style
  • I have my own theory: ignorance is bliss. The less you know, the more confident you can be in tackling things. Stephen Richards 
  • As Stella, the 1950's bored wife, inattentive mother and unhinged adulteress at the center of this story, Ms. Richardson initially affects the vacant mien of cinema's classically oppressed women.
  • The former Republic of Ireland manager will be Darlington Arena by former Everton midfielder Kevin Richardson.
  • It is not enough if you just live life as it comes to you like a floating leaf in a pond. Make use of the powers bestowed in you and soar like an eagle. Stephen Richards 
  • Although I had pretty well forgotten my New York disappointment, two months 'contemplation of the happiness enjoyed by Richards in the society of his young and charming wife, had done little towards reconciling me to my bachelorship; and it was with small pleasure that I looked forward to a return to my solitary plantation, where I could reckon on no better welcome than the cold, and perhaps scowling, glance of slaves and hirelings. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 56, Number 348
  • I do not turn to Clarissa in times of duress, but then I am an unregenerate reader, too enthralled by Lovelace's legerdemain to linger over Richardson's edifying sentiments.

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