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  1. a pentose sugar important as a component of ribonucleic acid

How To Use ribose In A Sentence

  • The energy in your body is stored in packets called ATP as well as phosphocreatine, which are made up of a number of chemicals including a sugar called ribose, adenine which used to be called vitamin B4, and derivatives of B vitamins. You Being Beautiful
  • The energy in your body is stored in packets called ATP as well as phosphocreatine, which are made up of a number of chemicals including a sugar called ribose, adenine which used to be called vitamin B4, and derivatives of B vitamins. You Being Beautiful
  • The opening sentence of his paper, written with his colleague Jim Watson and published in Nature that year, put it more modestly: "We wish to suggest a structure for the salt of deoxyribose nucleic acid. The Twentieth-Century Darwin
  • Components of the primary genetic material in our cells, called deoxyribose nucleic acid The World's Healthiest Foods
  • This is a significant issue in the origins-of-life world because ribose is the R of RNA, and it has to be stable enough at some point to bond with the other elements. First Contact
  • Although U-14C cytidine did not label the deoxyribose of E. coli DNA, I found the deoxycytidine of DNA of rat organs to be almost uniformly labeled. Irwin Rose - Autobiography
  • In undiluted samples, ribose, fructose, rhamnose, glucose, and one unidentified sugar were detected at low concentrations (data not shown).
  • Each nucleotide is composed of deoxyribose (a type of sugar), a phosphate group, and one of four nitrogen-containing bases.
  • It was obvious for me to ask if there might be direct utilization of the whole of cytidine, ribose and all, in the biosynthesis of deoxycytidine. Irwin Rose - Autobiography
  • Nucleotides consist of a sugar molecule, like ribose or deoxyribose, joined to a base at one end and a phosphate group at the other. Archive 2009-06-01
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