How To Use Riblike In A Sentence
To better pin down the structure of the feather, they analyzed its barbules - tiny, riblike appendages that overlap and interlock like zippers to give a feather rigidity and strength.
The Full Feed from
Too bad the valley did not match the view-bare trees on either side of the road stretched riblike limbs toward them; a clammy, spectral mist rose from stagnant pools of water as they passed through the Beguilers 'swamp.
The Robin And The Kestrel
It was a different shade of white, however, and the riblike projections which emerged from the pile were not ice crystals.
The Deluge Drivers
A pair of riblike bones, each fastened to portions of fin with strings cut from his former cape, made passable paddles with which to propel the once-living raft.
Conan the Indomitable
The protective layer is located at a very particular place on the muscle cell membrane, where costameres, riblike structures, hold the bundled muscle cells together.
The Terran stared down upon a segmented under belly where legs were paired in riblike formation.
Storm Over Warlock
It's that riblike metal commission with the flushed eyes that looks same a politico from
Planet Malaysia