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How To Use Rhyme In A Sentence

  • He wears his cap backwards and spits rhymes with fierce energy and unbridled theatrics. The Harvard Crimson :: News
  • This stuff doesn't merely placate the listener with predictable, danceable nursery rhymes but lashes out and lacerates the eardrum relentlessly.
  • The evidence she’d gathered at the beach had already arrived, delivered by a young tech who’d sheepishly entered the den of the legendary Lincoln Rhyme without a word and scurried about to deposit the bags and stacks of pictures as the criminalist gruffly directed. The Stone Monkey
  • No bride unless your name rhymes with Schmim Schmardashian wants to spend more than she has to on her wedding. The Full Feed from
  • You beautiful enigma, you Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, you little house on the prairie of the existential oversoul.
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  • Consistently, Owen rhymes the last two words in the fifth and seventh lines of each stanza, which is very effective.
  • He did not always use rhyme. Times, Sunday Times
  • Young lust, you mean, rhymester," laughed the second fighter. Oathbreaker
  • He knew Himself to sing, and build the lofty rhyme.
  • hat and cat rhyme
  • Short strings of words, prefabricated motifs, are here the building blocks to be arranged with respect to rhythm and rhyme, linking verbal and nonverbal themes in a composite system.
  • You could make it rhyme or make it seasonal or current. The Sun
  • ‘uprest’ (“Revolt of Islam”, 3 21 5), which has been described as a nonce-word deliberately coined by Shelley ‘on no better warrant than the exigency of the rhyme.’ The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • I can still remember that a few decades on, just as I can recall all the Latin prepositions that take the ablative case, courtesy of a rhyme.
  • But Amber, that egg-shootin skants-asy supposed to rhyme with fantasy will be with me for the rest of my life. Regretsy – Skants Fever
  • A poem of 14 lines in iambic pentameter, which follows the rhyme scheme abab cdcd efefgg. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Lawyer-Poet
  • The word-play grazes against rhyme, the lilt of the language tilts readers into lineated juxtaposition. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • There is no rhyme or reason to it. The Sun
  • “Jin dan zhi bao” pronounced jeen dahn jr bao rhymes with now means Jin Dan is the highest treasure. Tao II
  • Mr. Jansch the name rhymes with blanch became obsessed with the guitar after a teacher in his elementary school in Edinburgh brought one in for a demonstration. NYT > Home Page
  • In the original the opening strophe, which is altogether more regular than the average and is, moreover, one of the few that have also complete caesural rhyme, is as follows: The Nibelungenlied Translated into Rhymed English Verse in the Metre of the Original
  • He asks to think again, for example, about the relationship between read and heard versions of a poem, noting that Shelley's "poem suggests that rhyme somehow operates inherently within articulation itself, even when, or especially when, the ear is unaware," but wondering where that leaves us in our analysis of more "regular" poems. Introduction
  • The music includes a gusli a hammered dulcimer with spoon-shaped sticks, and the performers sing weird, nonsense-ish rhymes. Stravinsky Crashes the Party
  • Of particular beauty here, of course, is the use of utterly inappropriate terms to maintain the rhyme, which saw ‘gloat’ used as a noun directly above this unlearned and unlovely deformed child of a verse.
  • However, a quick googling produced several results confirming his pronunciation ("pronounced as if to rhyme with 'bam'"; "Cholame (pronounced 'Shoal-lamb')"; "Cholame (pronounced Sholam)"; etc.), so I think you've simply been unaware of the local pronunciation. IN HIS MIDST.
  • The whole of the first act consists of one emphatic jeremiad by Cicero, about the desperate condition of Rome as it then was, its factiousness, its servility, -- a jeremiad which is continued at the end of the act, by the chorus, in rhymed stanzas. The Critics Versus Shakspere A Brief for the Defendant
  • Accompanied by Flipside, whose rhymes are always slick and savvy, the two performed a dynamite set.
  • As it was evident that the dhow was a lawful trader, Rhymer apologised to the captain, and stepping into his boat pulled for the shore, while the dhow sailed on her course. Ned Garth Made Prisoner in Africa. A Tale of the Slave Trade
  • She got nothing, for instance, out of the juxtaposition of "roaming" and "Romeo" in the verse of Irving Berlin's "I'm Putting All My Eggs in One Basket," a neat half-rhyme on which Fred Astaire for whom Berlin wrote the song never failed to put the sliest of spins. It Ain't (Always) That Serious
  • The whole text, containing 114 chapters or surahs, with a total of 6,236 verses, thus has a lattice structure which connects every word with every other word by rhythm, rhyme and meaning.
  • Shangil Tobaya "mean" flip a brick, "and the popular rhyme translates as" flip a brick, you will find gold. Doctors Without Borders
  • The final tasks included matching of beginning sounds and ending sounds, awareness of rhyme, and phoneme deletion.
  • Milton himself, in the Argumentum that begins the poem, claims to have produced the greatest poem ever written, ‘things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme.’
  • To be so rhythmic while a rhymester - may heaven forfend!
  • Although it does not fit the metrical requirements of a sonnet, Herrick's song follows a metrical pattern and rhyme scheme.
  • With such a restricted musical language his ideal subjects should be train timetables or nursery rhymes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Later she used the uncommon word paradisical, and rhymed it with bicycle. Paradisical vestiges | Linguism | Language Blog
  • There's no rhyme or reason to the new opening hours.
  • The tune to ‘Row, Row, Row Your Boat’ is butchered several times as the duo repeatedly prove my personal point that you should always refrain from trying to rhyme a word with ‘pizza.’
  • Typically, rhymes, metres and morals must come strict and clear. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The artists built the city of Boston on stage, and I wrote a kind of heroic Shakespearean text in blank verse and rhyme (which two characters recited) about the city's history.
  • He finds out that Helmholtz too has been in trouble for writing some rhymes about being alone, a concept which goes against all principles of sleep-teaching.
  • Rhyme and meter are assistants to memory.
  • My friend Phil Proctor just sent along a poem that I much enjoyed, ‘Forgetfulness,’ by Billy Collins - and I rarely enjoy unrhymed poems.
  • I apologise to any purists in case the following suggestion is seen as something of a sacrilege, but can I ask you to help us in calling all Yorkshire poets, rhymesters, bards, balladeers and singers to help us save our pub?
  • (Not a little has been written about 'uprest' ( "Revolt of Islam", 3 21 5), which has been described as a nonce-word deliberately coined by Shelley 'on no better warrant than the exigency of the rhyme.' The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Complete
  • The presence of ‘rue’ in ‘untrue’ would have appealed to a poet of Southwell's microcosmic bent, and his choice suggests that he was a careful and aware rhymer.
  • Here, the assonance rhyme between the two principal terms sets the stage for a compelling comparison made on a genuinely imaginative and rather unexpected basis.
  • Words in poems or rhymes that sound the same but look different can be confusing for young children.
  • The first is the doggerel speech/beach rhyme - which says the poem will be foolish and has us lower our guard.
  • The remaining stanzas discard the scheme of triple rhymes in favour of rhymed couplets, while the last two lines use assonance instead of rhyme and are, moreover, catalectic: The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • “Shan you shan bao, e you e bao” pronounced shahn yoe shahn bao, uh yoe uh bao rhymes with now can be translated as good karma returns; bad karma also returns. Divine Transformation
  • They even sang a song about him which managed to rhyme his name with vest.
  • Poe was the juiciest rhymer of the nineteenth century—before Swinburne, that is—but Mallarmé in his wisdom translated Poe into exquisitely rhymeless French prose, and then Mallarmé published his reverent prose translations in a book, with line drawings by Manet. THE ANTHOLOGIST
  • The singers are miked only for the dialogue, but their excellent diction makes the supertitles unnecessary, bringing out mad rhymes like "You very imperfect ablutioner" for "The Lord High Executioner. Taking Gilbert
  • Remember the old nursery rhyme? Times, Sunday Times
  • There's a certain chocolate factory in Fremont (we won't name names, but it rhymes with "brio") that gets all the press-it wholly deserves it, but that doesn't mean smaller-scale chocolatiers like Lee Johnson at Fiori Chocolates shouldn't get their moment in the sun. Seattle Weekly | Complete Issue
  • Tangential factoids, unrhymed chiming, and wanton speculation: New York Times book reviewer Michiko Kakutani is somehat, er, somewhat known for her frequent use of the word limn, apparently it's an inside joke among writers and critics. THE PERILS OF A FANCY VOCABULARY.
  • In the original, Job wound up with boils and I kept dreading what they'd rhyme it with… spoils?
  • For example, if a child reports that it is raining, the teacher can ask if anyone can think of a word that rhymes with ‘rain.’
  • Given the functional illiteracy on either side of it, I'm guessing it was a half-understood attempt to find a rhyme for a line that makes no sense anyway.
  • Superimposed upon this conversation, a quartet from the chorus begins to sing children's rhymes dedicated to Benjamin's son Stefan, born in April 1918.
  • With a few exceptions, the lyrics are somewhat trite and cornily rhymed (on "Empty Pictures," about the negative effects of media and advertising: "They can show you pictures of the world that looks so nice / But you can walk out of your door and see with your own eyes"). Playback:stl Syndication
  • The rest of the rhymes are embedded in the middle of lines whose meter becomes erratic.
  • Child-d why me. hey that rhymes yayness for me. why is everyone bitchy today. -
  • 'Why, thou school-boy rhymester, that is the only merit thou hast, and that not thine own! The Life and Death of Richard Yea-and-Nay
  • Some people say it is completely reactionary because it is in rhyme and meter and that it's got this antiquated stanzaic form etcetera.
  • Should rhymed verse be translated in English rhyme?
  • The disorderly procession went three times _deiseal_ (according to the course of the sun) round each house in the village, striking the walls and shouting on coming to a door a rhyme demanding admission. Christmas in Ritual and Tradition, Christian and Pagan
  • His earlier work tends to be written in traditional rhymed quatrains but, as he matured, he dropped the rhymes and worked in a freer but still basically alexandrine movement.
  • French rhymester in his alley, and Silas in the valley of the shadow of death; perfect liberty, and a peremptory order to return in a week; — all illustrating one another. Uncle Silas
  • The song is constructed by re- recording the rhymeless dialogue of Thatcher and Burke with singing, albeit unmelodic voices; the result is akin to an operetta. Archive 2007-04-22
  • Of course," he said -- he used the two words very often, and pronounced the second, rather mincingly, to rhyme with _sauce_: "Of course," said Mr. May, "it's a disgusting place -- _disgusting_! The Lost Girl
  • With his voice kept in condition by singing loads of nursery rhymes, those concerts will be a doddle. The Sun
  • Towards the yellow-hammer, or yellow-yite -- bird of beautiful plumage though it be -- because it is the subject of an unaccountable superstitious notion, which credits it with drinking a drop of the devil's blood every May morning, the children of Scotland cherish no inconsiderable contempt, which finds expression in the rhyme: -- Children's Rhymes, Children's Games, Children's Songs, Children's Stories A Book for Bairns and Big Folk
  • Back then, it was largely based around the interest we had in wordplay and rhyming about things that MCs don't normally rhyme about.
  • (Potteries usage)Incidentally, in the lead-in to the Elmes quote, the word minging is used; for those who, like myself, were wondering how it's pronounced, it rhymes with singing and is Scots in origin, meaning (according to the OED) That smells bad, stinking; (more generally) unpleasant, foul. WORD 4 WORD.
  • 'I never was so berhymed since I was an Irish rat, which I can scarcely remember.' The Pillars of the House, V1
  • I put my heart and soul into those verses and rhymes. The Sun
  • We included single words, short and long phrases, rhymes, names of numbers, and other descriptors and action word phrases.
  • The aggressive bleeps and bloops and the potent rhymes create cool juxtaposition, with past glories and modern technology not simply clashing but lending each other some legitimacy as well.
  • Understand form and rhyme and metre. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is it because I'm just bored of nursery rhymes and these have easily remembered lyrics?
  • Our poems don't rhyme, because rhymes keep our chains of bondage on free thought, chains invented by men.
  • He used most of the classic verse forms, but his distinctive contribution was his deployment of assonance, internal rhymes, and half-rhymes.
  • One of the last things she was able to do, in fact, was to sing nursery rhymes with her granddaughter. Times, Sunday Times
  • His mathematical friends could have told him, that though it was talked of as a polygon, it was not supposed to be a square; but _polygon_ would not have rhymed to _stare_; and poets, when they launch into the ocean of words, must have an eye to the helm; at all events a poet, who is not supposed to be a student of the exact sciences, may be forgiven for a mathematical blunder. Tales and Novels — Volume 04
  • And now," said he, as I was writing them down, "you may see what it is to come for poetry to a dictionary-maker; you may observe that the rhymes run in alphabetical order exactly. Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson
  • Well-meaning pedants may wonder why so gifted a verbal prestidigitator as Mr. Ives has resorted so often to imperfect rhymes, each one of which diminishes the hectic glitter of the play's verbal surface by a tiny but measurable increment. Flying Couplets and Canapés
  • The Montreal native was weaned on hip hop, living and breathing beats and rhymes through his teen years, a devotion that paid off when, as a 17-year-old, he was invited to join Canadian rap pioneers the Dream Warriors.
  • The only "States Rights" the south was fighting for – was the "right" to own slaves. stephen rhymer Divided over Confederate history
  • It was first proposed by Lord Sandwich, to raise a laugh against the facetious Lord North, who happened to sit next to a Mr. Mellagen, a name deemed incapable of a rhyme. The English Spy An Original Work Characteristic, Satirical, And Humorous. Comprising Scenes And Sketches In Every Rank Of Society, Being Portraits Drawn From The Life
  • Understand form and rhyme and metre. Times, Sunday Times
  • The captain of a submarine is shown observing through the periscope a broken-backed merchantman, torpedoed fair amidships and sinking by the bow, with the complacent rhyme.
  • Again, it cannot be gainsaid that the greater number of those who hold high places in our poetical literature are absolute nincompoops - fellows alike innocent of reason and of rhyme.
  • Joli: I agree with erb--I think it's a question worth asking karentaylor: Isn't it more that 'fly' rhymes with 'gai'? Boing Boing
  • Anyhoo, the sequence finds a new pattern in the regularity of two "couplets" of sonnets (1122), the opening sonnet marking the shift with assonant rhymes (I did reckon those rhymes gave a sense of instability and tension, pushing against the constraints, which ... fitted here; it kinda makes sense now why I felt that way). Still Lives
  • Here “puer, ” boy, and “Displicent, ” displease or annoy, seem to determine, not merely the first rhyme, but the rhyme arrangement (a, a), and it needs but a glance at the close of the first stanza of the original to show that another word rhyming with “boy” would be hard to obtain. On Translating the Odes of Horace
  • First of all, the otherwise-unassailable movie (Orson Welles, Leonard Nimoy, Judd Nelson and Robert Stack — what could possibly go wrong?) introduced a thoroughly assailable character in Wheelie, a pre-pubescent robot man-child who talks in rhymes and turns into a bubbly alien car. The 5 most disappointing Transformer toys
  • These include native law texts as well as heroic prose narratives and intricately crafted rhymed verse in hundreds of different meters.
  • [94] The Filipinos have many mocking children's rhymes making fun of personal deformities, such as pock-marks, cross-eyes, very black skin, etc. Filipino Popular Tales
  • Many primary grade pupils enjoy rhyme in a couplet when writing poetry.
  • Over the bedstead (more often than not, by the way, it is composed of four planks of varying lengths and thickness, placed across two trestles) I used first to place my oilskin, then my _p'u-k'ai_, and that little creeper which rhymes with hug did not disturb me much. Across China on Foot
  • The story CDs, which are on sale over the internet for £9.99, are made up of narrative, rhymes and songs.
  • Traditional Basque folk poets improvise and sing rhymes on any subject.
  • Persian ghazals employ a wide variety of quantitative metres and a monorhyme. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Did the second syllable rhyme with that in mirage? Times, Sunday Times
  • Therefore all the tricks of rhetoric were used: rhymes, puns, vulgarisms and homilies.
  • If it's cold outside (it will be), then the hat on your head is called a "tuque" (rhymes with The Morning News
  • The revamped series of Dr Seuss books have been colour-coded with the green backed books aimed at younger children with bright simple illustrations and as with all Dr Seuss tales the narrative is in rhyme.
  • Il improvisatrice," was she styled by her admiring associates, whom she amused by the hour with her extemporary effusions of rhyme. Hubert's Wife A Story for You
  • The first comer is a wretch, Femme — woman — rhymes with infame, — infamous. Les Miserables
  • For in addition to these more typical forms one finds catalogued in EV an amazing variety of stanzaic forms, line lengths, meters, and rhyme schemes.
  • What makes them artists is when they can create pictures and you can visualize what they're saying and they can play around with the rhymes and be clever with words.
  • Beavis rhymes with Darrelle Revis while Antonio Cromartie is fit to be Butthead. The Seattle Times
  • 'threnos' is in five three-lined stanzas, also in trochaics, each stanza having a single rhyme. A Life of William Shakespeare with portraits and facsimiles
  • The first two stanzas from his ode The Ancient Town of Leith are a wonderful example of his indifference to nearly everything - other than rhyme - that distinguishes poetry.
  • For example, “Crambo” is of extraordinary use to good rhyming, and rhyming is what I have ever accounted the very essential of a good poet: And in that notion I am not singular; for the aforesaid Sir Philip Sidney has declared, “That the chief life of modern versifying, consisteth in the like sounding of words, which we call rhyme, ” which is an authority, either without exception, or above any reply. A Letter of Advice to a Young Poet
  • As the Arabs ignore blank verse, when we come upon a rhymeless couplet we know that it is an extract from a longer composition in monorhyme. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Ru and Jo, that's another Australianism - rhymes with chook! Back to work
  • But soon enough, Lucy begins to hear and see things – such as decapitated heads laying next to her in bed and nursery rhymes about her actions years ago. Strait-Jacket (1964)
  • The twin bedroom is particularly charming and is now a children's room with nursery rhyme wallpaper and decorative features.
  • There is no rhyme or reason to it. The Sun
  • But whether she told of the grumbler who could find nothing to complain of in heaven except that "his halo didn't fit," or said in her quick way, when the plainness of a lady's dress was commended, "Why, I didn't suppose that anybody could go _to heaven_ now-a-days without an overskirt," or wrote her sparkling impromptu rhymes for our children's games, her mirth was all in harmony with her earnest life. The Life and Letters of Elizabeth Prentiss
  • The word blogger rhymes with "jogger" - subliminally recalling images of head bands, knee highs and short shorts. Logic+Emotion
  • Gawain is written in a newer form for the time, known as the ‘bob and wheel,’ in which each strophe of verse ends with a five line rhymed tag, which is also alliterative in its structure.
  • Page was familiar with verse - especially the cadence and rhythm of the nursery rhyme - and with the idea of creating one's own books.
  • I allude especially to the monorhyme, Rim continuat or tirade monorime, whose monotonous simplicity was preferred by the Troubadours for threnodies. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • As I understand it, a certain Senator with a famous last name that rhymes with “Zennady” used that very rasoning to get out of any and all penalties after crashing his vehicle in a concreate barrier in Washington while falling-down drunk, so the police certainly seem to think it applies to criminal conduct the officer at the scene was prtty angry about it, IIRC. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Arrest Clause:
  • There is little rhyme or reason about the links between these melancholic vignettes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Through alliteration, anaphora, parallelism and slant-rhyme, Sleigh builds momentum into the eleven, rhythmic couplets and suggests a train's smooth travel.
  • There is always an element of subjectivity in a judgement about alliteration as indeed also about other effects, such as assonance and rhyme. On alliterating, or not
  • Assist me, some extemporal god of rhyme, for I am sure I shall turn sonnet. Love’s Labour ’s Lost
  • Since the "f" sign was an Etruscan innovation, it could have been identical in name to Latin ef, or another possibility is *fau a rhyme with the digamma *vau, cf. waw. An online Etruscan Dictionary has arrived
  • Having fun with words can involve creative rhymes (“I do not roister with an oyster”) and nonce coinages (“my family was a scribacious lot”). The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • For future reference everyone, my name rhymes with "ribbit" like a frog would say. A Little Self Promotion
  • Put into rhyme, it would fit into many of the rueful, hortatory songs of the '60s, when truthtelling was praised both as a moral medicine and for its beauty.
  • The possibilities for a true rhyme here are endless: an agoraphobic might want to substitute "lair," a friendly Frenchman "mon frere," a stolid German "mein herr," etc. Michael Sigman: Sondheim's Lyrics: Rhymes, Reasons and Religion
  • Most rap still follows the initial formula of rhymed couplets that casually mix full rhyme with assonance.
  • Why, for instance, Riordan has his characters speak in rhyme is never satisfactorily revealed. Solas Nua's first musical, the loopy 'Improbable Frequency'
  • History rarely repeats itself but it often rhymes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Methinks the hypercritic might say there should not be two words of the same spelling and sound and meaning, to make the rhyme, as in the lines ending with meet. ' Penshurst Castle In the Days of Sir Philip Sidney
  • Other judges have tried their hand at precedential rhyme. Houston Chronicle
  • Every language had its stock of lullabies, nursery rhymes, nonsense verses, fairytales and simple stories.
  • Alright, you try and rhyme something with ‘java’!
  • While sound achieves an end-rhyme at line 40, "the clear universe of things around," the formal chord is already belated in the train of the triple chord of sound in the commotion of 30-34 about the phenomenon itself. Sounding Romantic: The Sound of Sound
  • It's a strange, Verve-like moment of violin tremolo and stylized country made all the stranger by Toomey's lyrics, unrhymed, articulate and serious.
  • No, the march, the work song, the love lyric, the ballad, the sea chantey, the nursery rhyme, the limerick—those are the preeminent forms, and all those have four beats to them. THE ANTHOLOGIST
  • A blog should not rhyme with jog, that is too slow. Good-bye Harriet : Jeffrey McDaniel : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • The word of the day wasn't the invocation by Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., of something that rhymes with "itty" and "bitty. Local News
  • The page is a young man of color who raps in crushingly artless rhymes.
  • In the _Merchant of Venice_, at all events, there is hardly a single character from Portia to old Gobbo, a single incident from the exaction of Shylock's bond to the computation of hairs in Launcelot's beard and Dobbin's tail, which has not been more plentifully beprosed than ever Rosalind was berhymed. A Study of Shakespeare
  • It has been especially observed, that the first hemistich is a broken or short line, and does not correspond with the next in length or rhyme. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
  • The whole text, containing 114 chapters or surahs, with a total of 6,236 verses, thus has a lattice structure which connects every word with every other word by rhythm, rhyme and meaning.
  • But in 1828 Elias, a country doctor and folklorist, began collecting tales from the peasant class - they had a meter but no rhyme.
  • All Gunn's early verse rhymed - he was the most Appollonian of the 50s poets.
  • Hide under the duvet singing nursery rhymes to yourself? Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘While he is a great rhymester,’ he writes, ‘his songs eschew the accentual-syllabic metres of standard poetry.’
  • From beneath the mask, a deep voice boomed out, in a singsong voice, the following rhyme.
  • The tetrameters are made to halt, by placing the strongest syntactical and rhetorical pauses within the short lines, while the strong rhymes chime out the line endings.
  • Alone, Prospero speaks an epilogue, in rhyme, saying that now that he has no magic powers he needs the audience's indulgent applause to free him.
  • According to Maltese, animated cartoons began originally as picturized nursery rhymes for the movie houses. Mike Maltese Speaks in 1960
  • Haiku, meaning a Japanese verse of three short, unrhymed lines, is an entirely appropriate title for Songdog's second album.
  • The odd, unexpected rhyme can come like an oasis in a desert of disconnected thought and jarring line breaks.
  • We use acronyms, not rhymes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Was there any rhyme or reason to the lists? Smithsonian Mag
  • Rucellai's famous formal innovation is likewise significant here, for his is one of the earliest and most influential examples of versi sciolti, or unrhymed hendecasyllabic verse.
  • Was the idea phrased this way for any other purpose than to make a rhyme? Selections from Poe
  • VK: Cryptic rhyme will not be found in rhyming textbooks. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » INTERVIEW: Verla Kay, Part 1
  • The film is frantic and jumps from one idea to another without rhyme or reason. The Sun
  • Not just any old rock star, but one who used to cross dress, and rhymes the word mosquito with libido in his most famous song. Cobain's Journals: The Writer Behind The Rock Star
  • This essay hardly makes any sense , it's neither rhyme nor reason.
  • Hide under the duvet singing nursery rhymes to yourself? Times, Sunday Times
  • When you hear a line about a duck, you can see the humorous rhyme coming with a grim inevitability. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet most are uniform not only in their puerility of perspective but in their stale language and ideas (not to mention the distance they keep from any hint of meter or rhyme).
  • So, too, do children love the rhyming, chanting, and alliteration of nursery rhymes.
  • If a collection of phrases, no matter how beautiful and profound, do not rhyme or scan, then what apart from their layout on the page distinguishes them from prose?
  • The rhyme and rhythm of Alborough's duck tales, with their bold, easy-to-follow images, make them ideal for reading aloud.
  • While the words ‘vegetarian’ and ‘haggis’ have never been made to rhyme the idea possesses me with a burning curiosity.
  • The following weekend I burned the midnight oil translating one of the eclogues into rhymed couplets for the following week.
  • She catalogues these, in addition to consonance and assonance, as pararhyme (nine-noon), unstressed (given-heaven), augmented VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 3
  • I was hoping that he would have made a brilliant breakthrough in inventing clever rhymes and stories.
  • But Seely has to work with the less subtle meters of the nursery rhymes and other poems he parodies, such as dactylic and anapestic. 2007 June 17 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • The very oversight perceptible to any eye and painful to any ear not sealed up by stepdame nature from all perception of pleasure or of pain derivable from good verse or bad -- the reckless reiteration of the same rhyme with but one poor couplet intervening -- suggests rather the oversight of an unfledged poet than the obtuseness of a full-grown poeticule or poetaster. A Study of Shakespeare
  • Children in primary school playgrounds clearly demonstrate an instinctive pleasure in rhythm, pattern and rhyme.
  • And so it also duly seems that like "sporangia", the sole word that rhymes with "orange" when in its colloquial form of "sporinge", Buffett is as unique as they come. Investors Flock To Hear Buffett At Annual Meeting
  • His most powerful satirical weapon is his style, the deliberately cumbersome octosyllabic metre and comic rhymes.
  • Many proverbs use alliteration: "Many a mickle (little) makes a muckle (lot)," rhyme: "Man proposes, God disposes," parallelism: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained," ellipsis: "First come, first served," etc. The Nature Of Proverbs
  • I get words and nonsense phrases more often than anything else, pacing alongside me, kicking up the dust, rhythmic and pulsing, forming in groups, setting up rhymes, trying to turn into poems.
  • The emphasis of the rhyme, coming as it does after the rushing anapest, is to settle the word ‘knew’ much deeper in the voice than the word ‘yew.’ The Poet Thomas Hardy « Unknowing
  • In the movie, words, poetry, and rhymes are more than a diversion, but a vehicle for redemption and enlightenment.
  • Anyway I phoned the hospital to see if he was up for visitors and they said yes and I asked if he was eating for I had made some scones (now why is this pronounced funny? with the e the o should say its own name making it rhyme with stone but noooooo as I am reminded many a time it is scon.) BC Bloggers
  • As I write this, all the beings and happenings of that other world rise up before me in vast phantasmagoria, and I know that to you they would be rhymeless and reasonless. CHAPTER I
  • It's an exemplary piece of practical criticism: Ricks teases out Larkin's dense and careful diction, plots the play of syntax against metre, unweaves the rhymes.
  • Viewing the poem as such, we see this rhyme scheme: ABCBDED how creepy is the last tercet. Archive 2008-10-01
  • And when it comes to success in coaching or playing sports translating to on-air success, he says, "there's no rhyme or reason to it. Even with Ovechkin-Crosby star power, NHL struggles to attract fans
  • The effect of the triplet is the same: the ear has been accustomed to expect a new rhyme in every couplet; but is on a sudden surprised with three rhymes together, to which the reader could not accommodate his voice, did he not obtain notice of the change from the braces of the margins. Lives of the Poets, Volume 1
  • Furthermore, Jacobs uses the term "Arabist" opposed to "Arab" without explanation (his term conveniently rhymes with "terrorist") ... CAMERA Snapshots
  • Government money was given out to some people and not to others, apparently without rhyme or reason.
  • On this bonus track from the "Wounded Rhymes" collectors' set, Li serves up more of the foul-tempered Girl Pop From Hell that has made her pop's most blogged-about Swede. Singles file: T-Pain f. Flo Rida, TV on the Radio, SP-33

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