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How To Use Rhode island red In A Sentence

  • Lily's Rhode Island Red and my Mille Fleur were easy to read — mellow. The Chicken Chronicles
  • The 23-year-old has 2,000 animals - ranging from Rhode Island reds and leghorns to pheasants, guinea pigs and budgies - at the family farm at Oxspring near Penistone, South Yorkshire.
  • As I walked past a pudgy child who looked to be three and a half, shoeless in a tie-dyed shirt and playing with a squirt gun, I heard a horse neigh and watched a couple of proud looking Rhode Island Red hens scamper across the yard with their combs quivering. CHASING the WHITE DOG
  • It won't say whether it is a Leghorn or a Rhode Island Red but it will guarantee whether an egg is organic or free range.
  • April 6th, 2009 12: 50pm phil - those wot 'ad hens in the yard during the war knew that Light Sussex produced white - shelled eggs and Rhode Island Reds and Buff Orpingtons produced rust-coloured shells. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
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  • The offenders are a pair of the blue Plymouth Rocks and a Rhode Island Red. MY EMPIRE OF DIRT
  • Mind like water, I am clearing the bean rows when a Rhode Island Red, finally a juvenile in full plumage, catches my attention. MY EMPIRE OF DIRT
  • The free-range chickens, a cross between the Cornish White and the Rhode Island Red, have conservatories and sand pits, and an animal behaviourist is consulted to make sure that the birds are happy and healthy.
  • For $80, the farmer sold his guests eight metal nesting boxes, old barn wood with which to build a coop, four Rhode Island Reds, and a sack of feed.
  • I was famous there mainly for my Rhode Island Red chickens that miracously produced an egg a day during their first egg production cycle. Photo Essay: Peace Corps Volunteers Share 50 Years of Memories
  • At the end of the first egg producing cycle the chickens were slaughtered for meat because the Rhode Island Red was a dual purpose breed. ... Photo Essay: Peace Corps Volunteers Share 50 Years of Memories

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