
How To Use Rho In A Sentence

  • Before Malfurion could ask who she meant, Tyrande brought the glaive up in a salute and murmured something in the hidden tongue of the Sisterhood. WORLD OF WARCRAFT STORMRAGE
  • In the centre of the pond was an island; and on the island was a little summerhouse like a miniature pagoda. TOY SHOP
  • It continues as an usual inland resort set in woodland of silver birches, rhododendrons and conifers.
  • Update: BB commenter DHC says, It's worth noting that his is an outtake from a TV show that Warhol developed and aired on Manhattan cable. Boing Boing
  • Cppd crystals are smaller rods, squares, or rhomboids and are difficult to identify with light microscopy.
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  • For winemakers in the Rhone, 2002 was a disastrous year, with violent storms and huge rainfall during the harvest.
  • We were kept on tenterhooks for hours while the judges chose the winner.
  • 1980 - The Republic of Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) comes into being, with Canaan Banana as the country's first President.
  • The Latin American brotherhood was a pretty awful in general, coming out of some deranged ideas of Simon Bolivar, and it was an extraordinarily awful thing during the Cold War. Matthew Yglesias » Carter on Gaza
  • Down below, a mass of brank-ursine formed as it were a pedestal, from the midst of which sprang scarlet geum, rhodanthe with stiff petals, and clarkia with great white carved crosses, that looked like the insignia of some barbarous order. La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
  • McCoy had fully embraced the idea of belated fatherhood his declarations to the contrary notwithstanding. The Better Man
  • These companies will also sell you mason bee cocoons, if you don't want to wait for the neighborhood bees to stumble across your beehouse on their own. Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
  • At the bottom of the monument, below the Ten Commandments, there are two small Stars of David and also two Greek letters, chi and rho, superimposed over each other to represent the name Christ. The Conservative Assault on the Constitution
  • A conical rhyton from the cemetery at Kameiros on Rhodes is even less easily understood.
  • New antioxidants include ferulic acid, idebenone, ubiquinone coenzyme Q10, alpha lipoic acid, and resveratrol and are already making their way into our friendly neighborhood counters. You Being Beautiful
  • All these glossy pamphlets are just window dressing - the fact is that the new mall will ruin the neighborhood.
  • Similarly, I might make a similar mistake with the Andy Warhol.
  • The opening Thursday of SugarHouse Casino, Pennsylvania's 10th casino, comes after years of community protests and delays.
  • not far from the former site of Five Points, the immigrant neighborhood showcased in the Martin Scorsese's film "Gangs of New York.
  • A neighbourhood patrol can thus assume the proportions of an armed convoy.
  • She got married when she was twenty and had two children but was increasingly unhappy about the political situation in Southern Rhodesia, particularly the racism of the white ruling class.
  • Several of these rhododendrons will flower this year for the first time.
  • We need a northern powerhouse too. Times, Sunday Times
  • A picket was organised last week after receivers Robson Rhodes refused to withdraw redundancy notices issued to 67 staff.
  • Many animals are not properly stunned as they are pushed through the slaughterhouse as quickly as possible.
  • Bond No.9, the perfumer known for naming their scents after various New York neighborhoods, is about to get high...lined. Now You Can Smell Like The High Line!
  • The latter, after his defeat by Bayezid, sought refuge at Rhodes under a safe-conduct from the Grand Master and the General Convent of the Order.
  • Cells like that have been used to prevent cirrhosis of the liver and to heal diabetic ulcers and for drug testing.
  • The lexical diarrhoea, the mememe contents, the Pennine Chain I-Know-Everything certainty. Fancy Forking Out £80 for Breakfast with Stephen Timms?
  • Meyerhof and Hill's pioneering thermodynamic studies had been the basis for the conclusion that the cycle of lactic acid formation and oxidation were the key events in glycolysis. Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
  • They hunt for camel meat by putting land mines around the region's brackish waterholes.
  • Of these, 250 are hospitalized as a result of acute complications, and approximately 100 die from cirrhosis, liver cancer, or fulminant hepatitis.
  • Glen is a lone wolf and seldom joins in the activities of the neightbourhood.
  • Russian Hill is a nice neighborhood for a pross, " Conklin said. 7th Heaven
  • Her name means happiness, but she is a widow with five children who makes ends meet by washing clothes for the neighbourhood and preparing injera, the unleavened bread prepared today as it was 1000 years ago.
  • Actually, the color of white gold is light grey but it is coated with a layer of rhodium.
  • A touching painting was the one depicting motherhood made in canvas by K. Kumaran.
  • She said: 'I felt very safe in my little bubble of motherhood and domesticity. The Sun
  • But the rest of the rhododendrons and evergreen azaleas kept their rich green color.
  • Many of the major characters are historical figures, notably Llewellyn and David, their mother Lady Senena and their two other brothers Owen Goch “Owen the Red” and Rhodri, and King Henry III of England. Sunrise in the West, by Edith Pargeter. Book review
  • In particular I became aware of an increasing callousness or defect of sensibility in the stomach, and this I imagined might imply a scirrhous state of that organ either formed or forming. The Opium Habit
  • A grid of rhomboid forms, like windows in a high-rise, tilts and careens to the upper right of the 12-foot expanse of Lost Highway, as though rushing away.
  • The foreign mujahideen still in Jolan imposed strict Islamic codes of behavior on the neighborhood.
  • I don't understand why a ballet company can't perform fresh new material instead of just bringing out the same old warhorses year after year.
  • Having savored victory, the ruffians moved on to attack the homes of well-known abolitionists in the neighborhood.
  • To the front and rear of the house are lawns and shrubberies, but the grounds also contain two acres of young trees, a wildlife pond, mature woodland and banks of rhododendrons.
  • This alters the way in which one of the proteins in the retina—rhodopsin, a pigment responsible for night vision as well as blue-green color vision—behaves. Birdology
  • In an interview last week, Ms. Pak, sporting a button featuring the mustachioed interim mayor's face, spoke passionately about her Chinatown neighborhood and her efforts to persuade Mr. Lee to "serve his city. Chinatown Political Veteran Champions Her Candidate
  • A world reputation for jobs, and a ‘welcome to the neighbourhood’ attitude has historically created a city of immigrants and ethnic enclaves.
  • Their devotion, if extreme, is driven by one goal to reclaim their neighbourhood.
  • Also: Gwynedd should be our powerhouse, instead we're just tired and old and undynamic. Final results
  • With larger 'coach-built' motorhomes - usually two- to six-berth - the living area is built around an existing chassis and cab. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your first book was actually a theological exploration of the meaning of motherhood.
  • They hope it will put an end to laryngectomy ops, where an airhole is cut in the neck. The Sun
  • Many say a sense of sisterhood motivates them to protect other mothers from the fear and pain they have faced.
  • Students fought in the classrooms and washrooms, roamed the hallways and wandered the neighborhood.
  • Another organized a Chore Service that paid neighborhood kids to do chores for the elderly.
  • His symptoms led to the conclusion that his troubles were likely caused by grayanotoxin poisoning, also known as rhododendron poisoning and "mad honey intoxication. The Seattle Times
  • Anti-diarrhoeal agents, such as loperamide, are sometimes helpful to reduce bowel frequency but should be avoided in children.
  • I understand the point of a fraternity is to foster brotherhood. YES!
  • Interconnected streets allow rush-hour overflow to trickle through neighborhoods, moving more traffic with less pavement.
  • He provided Rhodes with a steady income, hiring him as his personal instructor.
  • Islamabad: security forces killed 35 militants, on Tuesday in a military assault at tehsil lakarho and tehsil pindalai - mohmand agency, north-western tribal region of Pakistan, adjacent to Afghanistan. 35 militants killed in north-western Pakistan
  • All in all, the new summerhouse cost under £ 200 to construct.
  • The homeless families now reside in an abandoned neighborhood advisory council building located behind the former police station.
  • Given the success in calming down Baghdad's neighborhoods, it would seem unlikely that the Petraeus doctrine will be rolled back ... on the other hand, Casey reportedly has been among those pressing for a quicker withdrawal from Iraq and McChrystal's mission may be to send as many troops home as he can. Who Replaces Petraeus? - Swampland -
  • The method was parameterized with the aim of retrieving the native structure of bacteriorhodopsin among near- and far-from-native templates.
  • Rhopalura Giardi (Julin): Figure 3 male, Figure 4 female, Figure 5 planula. The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
  • In "Sunset Park," Auster is more interested in the neighborhood's vast semi-industrial stretches peppered with nondescript houses, all the better to endow the proceedings with an enforced sense of dreariness. Paul Auster Paints a Dreary Picture In 'Sunset Park'
  • Younger members gradually split off, building a separate house in the neighborhood.
  • On balance, her ample stomach seems to suggest more impending motherhood than lax calorie control. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hen with her brood is an accepted model of motherhood in this respect. Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution
  • it is a friendly neighborhood
  • In contrast to the 11.5% of the patients with hepatitis C, only 4.5% of the patients with cryptogenic cirrhosis showed the HFE mutation.
  • As suggested in patients with cirrhosis, it is likely to be of multifactorial origin.
  • ICE hasn't listed any native Filipino on its "gangbanger" watchlist or detention cells in the past few years, although insignificant remnants of Pinoy street gangs like Akrho and Bahala Na Gang sporadically surface in known Filipino communities here and in Carson, Glendale, Eagle Rock, San Fernando Valley, Rowland Heights, West Covina and Hawthorne. Undefined
  • He believed he was ‘untouchable’ but his victims finally became sick of the yob and helped a specialist council unit to boot him out of their neighbourhood.
  • Manchester City football club's old warhorse, still fighting fit at 36, was sent off for fouling after half an hour.
  • They are polar compounds and exhibit a high fluorescence quantum yield and lase efficiently both in liquid and in solid solutions, with some of them outperforming the laser performance of the reference dye Rhodamine 6G.
  • Gone are the days when the neighborhood was a mixture of different facades and you could tell one friend's house from another.
  • The toddler waddles freely into a neighbourhood yard.
  • After a few months in dreary England, Alfred Tayler went to the Empire Exhibition and was seduced by the thought of farming in Southern Rhodesia. On Doris Lessing « Tales from the Reading Room
  • This giant mountain of tan muscle, like a two-hundred-pound porterhouse steak, said, "Here. THE BLACK BOOK: DIARY OF A TEENAGE STUD VOL. I, GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS
  • The rhododendron's dark leaves cup the offering of early flowers.
  • the bell was a signal for the rallying of the whole neighborhood
  • Holmes however was just seen in an exhibition fight, so it might be that the old warhorse will still step in the ring despite what the public would hope.
  • The story being whispered about the neighbourhood.
  • Finally, although I didn't hear that Weiner was facing any charges, I'm also taken by this day-after-the-confession "we're going to follow you around the neighborhood" shot in the NYT in which the press not only frames Weiner as someone officials would call "a person of interest," but, like a guy out on bail, we see the visual media starting to own not just the title of paparazzi, but also the "lurker" role. Michael Shaw: Reading the Pictures: Media's Weiner Pictures: Who's Getting Dirty Now?
  • At the moment a large proportion of motherhood seems to be spent worrying about the fact that Tommy still can't manage to get up into a sitting position on his own.
  • They delivered emergency aid to the camps, not to stricken neighbourhoods, thereby ensuring the exponential growth of those camps. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tabasheer , safflower and calamine can clear away lung heat, expel toxic heat, sedate mind, and calm fright. Savory rhododendron leaf can clear away heat, diminish swelling, and tonify kidney.
  • Chemists discovered that in the presence of light, rhodium compounds react with DNA, and they ultimately kill malignant cells by interfering with their ability to reproduce.
  • Just inside the gates, an overalled gardener with a gentle face is poking insincerely at the dripping rhododendrons with a pair of secateurs.
  • Not just the actual sodomites like myself, but the Sapphic Sisterhood, the Hamite Alliance, the League of Heathens and Infidels, Atheists Anonymous, a whole panoply of progressive thinkers, aligned and unaligned, to whom your rant reads as the ethically repugnant ravings of a sociopath, given that it has so little concern for aforesaid "empathy". An Open Letter to John C. Wright
  • Lily's Rhode Island Red and my Mille Fleur were easy to read — mellow. The Chicken Chronicles
  • A slip at the level of rhomboideus minor, named rhomboideus minimus, extends from the scapula to thoracic or lower cervical vertebral spines.
  • Adding new homes to an existing neighbourhood is the best rebuttal to any scheme to clear out houses and build a high-rise.
  • It was comfortably furnished with a miscellany which he had accumulated from departing Rhodesians. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • It also differs from A. rhodius by its less sectorial entolophid on M 1-3.
  • Knee-length lederhosen with no stitching cost $500, machine-stitched $785 and hand-stitched $1,320.
  • Severe vomiting, diarrhoea, rectal tenesmus: unable to keep standing, she urinates under herself; the pupils are dilated, the eyes haggard; complete mind-blindness, near-total failure of reflexes, deep unconsciousness, breathing dyspneic, heart-beat faint and very fast, pulse barely perceptible; dead in thirty-six hours. Charles Richet - Nobel Lecture
  • Plan a neighborhood kickball or touch football game.
  • I picked up an interesting sedimentary rock that was the exact shape of a rhombus.
  • I also wonder about Depp and depth, or rather Depp and range, two elements consistently missing in his performances, bridled as they are by a post-Warholian lack of affect or commitment. Johnny Depp is back as a very different Hunter S Thompson
  • Aims: To appraise the ascitic bacterial categories and its drug resistance in cirrhotic patients complicated with SBP, so as to provide the guideline for use of antibiotics.
  • For example, family members may use their knowledge of community diversity by taking their children to museum exhibits or neighborhood fairs.
  • « Terrorists in the neighborhood, blabby terrorists, fortunately | Flunking Terrorism 101
  • Repeated infections can lead to increased malnutrition which in turn increases susceptibility to further infection; this may be referred to as the diarrhoea-malnutrition cycle. Chapter 3
  • Andy Warhol's pictures of soup cans are a famous example of pop art.
  • Fatherhood transformed him into a more responsible person.
  • The accident galvanized the attention and determination of the neighborhood. Christianity Today
  • In fact, Robert E. Cray argues in his book on poor relief in New York that many rural towns erected workhouses and poorhouses before the American Revolution.
  • Neighborhood vandals and our own children bashed our windows in with rocks.
  • History teaches us that unity is strength, and cautions us to submerge and overcome our differences in the quest for common goals, to strive, with all our combined strength, for the path to true African brotherhood and unity... Alemayehu G. Mariam: Referendum for Sudan, Requiem for Africa
  • Pigs are innocent victims of a cruel, unrelenting slaughterhouse industry.
  • In addition to the enstatite, forsterite, and PAHs, they are trying to model their spectra using a library containing dolomite (a carbonate), smectite (a clay), spinel/hibonite, pyrrhotite, iron oxide, and elemental carbon grains.
  • Diarrhoea was defined as three or more loose, liquid, or watery stools or at least one loose stool containing blood in a 24 hour period.
  • While being played, it is held in a vertical position, the side with the one fingerhole being toward the body of the player. The Manóbos of Mindanáo Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume XXIII, First Memoir
  • In Cuba, huge waves crashed into Havana, swamping neighborhoods up to four blocks inland with floodwaters reaching up to nearly a meter in some places.
  • She had an ideal of fatherhood, had gentle, silent, useless Lydia -- formed upon the genial, sunshiny type of parent popular in books, and she cast a romantic veil over disappointed, selfish, crossgrained Malcolm Martie, the Unconquered
  • An important feature of the site is the lack of invasive non-native exotics like rhododendron and laurel.
  • I was about to start drawing rhomboids and then stabbing the sharp part of the compass through the paper.
  • Tops that look like kurtas hang on the racks in departmental stores in the hip Soho neighborhood of Manhattan.
  • After such men as Morhof and Thomasius had prepared the way, (148) Frederick William I., himself a clever cameralist, and author of the masterly financial system of Prussia, took the important step of founding, at Halle and Frankfurt on the Oder, special chairs of economy and cameralistic science; which, considering the time, were very ably filled by Gasser and Dithmar. System der volkswirthschaft. English
  • Ultimately biliary cirrhosis results and the median survival has been estimated to be 12 years.
  • Like Warhol, he began as a commercial artist and his art has its roots in advertising.
  • This larger emptiness went hand in hand with the insensitivities endured by the poor and working class residents who were removed from neighborhood after neighborhood.
  • 'This house will do whatever is incumbent upon it in good conscience,' said the abbot with chilly emphasis, and watched with an unrevealing face as Drogo Bosiet, with only the curtest of nods by way of leavetaking, turned on his booted heel and strode out of the chapterhouse. The Hermit of Eyton Forest
  • Screening for the parasite should be part of the investigative procedures in children with chronic diarrhoea.
  • Cordierite, [Mg.sub.2] [Al.sub.4] [Si.sub.5] [O.sub.18], crystallizes in the orthorhombic crystal system.
  • September 13th, 2009 MICHAEL CAINE is calling on the U. K.'s leaders to reinstate national service in an effort to clean up the streets After shooting his new movie, Harry Brown, in London's most troubled neighbourhoods, Caine fears crime and drug use is out of control in his native Britain - and the government needs to do something drastic to stop youngsters from killing one another. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The Question Time audience claps for anything that's motherhood and apple-pie as long as it's delivered punchily. Why Jenny Tonge Should be Abolished
  • Then before the week is out they'd ship you off to the poorhouse, or find an excuse to send you back to England. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • Formerly called the Trust Territory, Micronesia possesses only two-thirds the land area of Rhode Island, yet lies scattered over an expanse of ocean comparable to the contiguous United States.
  • It should have made us all proud to be of such brotherhood of humankind.
  • Rhosyn stood up as well, and walked up the stairs that wound up to her large room on the second floor.
  • After lunch we would trail around the neighbourhood which involved a lot of exploring of stream beds and ponds and railways.
  • The relation of the lord to the vassals had originally been settled by express engagement, and a person wishing to engraft himself on the brotherhood by _commendation_ or _infeudation_ came to a distinct understanding as to the conditions on which he was to be admitted. Ancient Law Its Connection to the History of Early Society
  • They were delighted someone they knew had won the award, and no doubt their excitement gave Rhonda a thrill too.
  • The inn is a collection of four shingled buildings, each uniquely configured with three or four rooms connected to one another by paths through native gardens of salal and rhododendron.
  • [5] Meanwhile Eurylochus and his companions, finding that this force had entered and that it was impossible to storm the city, withdrew, not to the Peloponnesus, but to the country once called Aeolis and now Calydon and Pleuron, and to the places in that neighborhood and Proschium in Aetolia; [6] because the Ambraciots had come and urged them to combine with them in attacking Amphilochian Argos and the rest of Amphilochia and Acarnania; affirming that the conquest of these countries would bring all the continent into alliance with Sparta. THE LANDMARK THUCYDIDES
  • Some slips passing from the first and second ribs to the vertebral border of the scapula and supplied by the dorsal scapular nerve may be looked upon as belonging to the rhomboid sheet and therefore as variations of those muscles.
  • `Open, sesame," Rhodes said stolidly, and Virtual One began to disgorge streaming ribbons of data into the air.
  • I worried also about the nature of our neighborhood, which is a redneck Shangri-La of big dawgs, trucks with bad mufflers, heavily armed Gomers, and gangs of marauding feral boys with BB guns.
  • Hence that wide-spread Pythagorean philosophy, with its spheral harmonics and esoteric mysteries, uniting in one brotherhood for many years men of thought and action, -- dare we say, our inferiors? The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 20, June, 1859
  • Throw in what Dorsey took as a snub by Rhodes, and the big fella was ready to brawl from the opening tip.
  • To repair any damage Rhoda has done to her already precarious identity as a good little girl, Rhoda initiates a game that she and her mother have obviously played before.
  • As King said, "We must see the need for nonviolent gadflies to create the kind of tension in society that will help men rise from the dark depths of prejudice and racism to the majestic heights of understanding and brotherhood. John W. Whitehead: The 2010 Elections: Full of Sound and Fury, and Signifying Nothing
  • Beyond, out the window, a big rhody, a line of arbor vitae trees all moving in a stiff breeze. Pointless and Possibly Cosmic Stuff About Me
  • QUESTION: There are a lot of reports of people who are kind of holed up in some of the neighborhoods that were hit the hardest. CNN Transcript Sep 20, 2005
  • Muscles acting on the scapula in this section include serratus anterior, rhomboideus minor, rhomboideus major, trapezius, and deltoid.
  • Few details are known of the original Colossus of Rhodes, which was built by a local sculptor between 304 and 292BC and whose face was reputedly modelled on that of Alexander the Great.
  • I repeated the image and posterised it in an attempt to make it look like a Warhol repeat.
  • That's them defending the commons of the beauty of the neighbourhood, combined with the commons of the airspace we share through which dandelion seeds fly.
  • The sweet Marjoram has also been successfully employed externally for healing scirrhous tumours of the breast. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • a certain point, and fuffered to cool, long rhomboidal cryftals are afforded of a deep blue colour, called vitriolated copper, or blue vitriol; it appears therefore that vitriolic acid forms, with iron, green cryftals; vrith zinc, white cryftals i and with copper, blue cryf - tals. The Economy of Nature Explained and Illustrated: On the Principles of Modern Philosophy. By G ...
  • This singular rhodomontade is enclosed in a letter to a friend of Rob Rob Roy
  • The old warhorse is not ready to be put out to pasture just yet. Times, Sunday Times
  • The most famous of the Pop artists, the cult figure Andy Warhol, recreated quasi-photographic paintings of people or everyday objects.
  • Giardia lamblia produces a wide spectrum of infection in man ranging from asymptomatic carriage through acute to persistent diarrhoea with intestinal malabsorption.
  • This is from Kappa Delta Rho at the University of Delaware.
  • Forgive me sounding preachy but the character in our neighbourhoods, heritage and iconic landscape will be utterly lost.
  • A film version of the Carson McCullers play. Frankie Addams, a very boyish articulate 12-year-old girl, is going through an unhappy stage of her life, having been spurned by the neighborhood girls.
  • This insulin hexamer corresponds with the unit cell in the rhombohedral crystals first investigated and is the asymmetric unit in the monoclinic form which appears in the presence of phenol. Nobel Lecture The X-Ray Analysis Of Complicated Molecules
  • Rhodophyta contains the pigment phycobilin, giving it a red color while the group Chrysophaceae contain the pigment fucoxanthin which gives them a golden color. Phytoplankton
  • Mr. Klein plays Fender Rhodes, but it's hardly what you'd expect on your usual four-handed keyboard duo, even on the two duets, "Airport Fugue" and "Implacable. Friends, Sisters, Countrymen
  • However, Frank's furtive visits to strange bars frequented by men in ascots and Cathy's friendship with Raymond, a noble black gardener, set the neighbourhood gossips tittering.
  • The store plays a peculiar blend of 70s and 80s rock, massaging the memories of the latter-era boomers who populate my neighborhood.
  • A localised gumma may develop in the neighbourhood of the angle of the mandible, or the whole of the body of that bone may be the seat of a diffuse gummatous infiltration Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Solovetski monks and join the Kojeozerski community in the same neighbourhood, of which he became hegumen in 1643. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Flashbangs produced an incredibly bright light—approximately two million candela, which even with eyes closed would cause a bleaching of the rhodopsin, the visual purple in the eye, creating the spots and temporary blindness most people have experienced and referred to as the flashbulb effect. State of the Union
  • He hadn't been able to work since, and the family subsisted on Social Security disability and Rhonda's paltry earnings as a free-lance editor. Whiplash
  • On the Downbelows' debut, Toronto punk vets (ex-members of Trigger Happy, Tirekickers, et al.) gang together for an ode to their favourite rapidly gentrifying neighbourhood.
  • She attributes a major depopulating role to venereal diseases, especially gonorrhoea, which makes women infertile.
  • On the other, we are anxious about the impact of a mobile phone transmitter mast in our neighbourhood.
  • By now, the police were chasing protesters into various neighbourhoods, and throwing cluster bombs of rubber pellets at locals.
  • Not the $8 an hour knocker, sticker, bleeder, tail ripper, flanker, gutter, sawer, and plate boner slaughterhouse jobs that even Americans prisoners on work release won't do. What Do Immigration and Religion Have to Do with the Price of Meat? Everything!
  • Ottawa has shown it has considered the question about the neighbourhood surrounding Iraq no more than it has given any thought to the question inside Iraq.
  • Candidates and officials of the neighbourhood community jointly organize the meetings.
  • The neighbourhood, however, is interesting enough on account of the curious aqueducts for supplying the town with water, and the Mercede forest which, in D'Urville's opinion, might more justly be called a coppice, for it contains nothing but shrubs and ferns. Celebrated Travels and Travellers Part III. The Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century
  • In other words, what we need is a genuine commitment to the principles of universal brotherhood and sisterhood.
  • According to this interpretation, the phrase “the nature of the divine and the good” refers simply to a characteristic that is attributed to Pyrrho, and labeled by poetic hyperbole as ˜divine™, in another fragment of Timon, namely his extraordinary tranquillity; the couplet as a whole, then, is saying that tranquillity is the source of an even-tempered life. Picnic
  • Some time about the year 1827, two sturdy lads, tall and well proportioned but clad in homespun and barefooted, came to "Dryden Corners" from the South Hill neighborhood, driving an ox team and bringing to market a wagon load of pine shingles which they had shaved by hand. Living in Dryden: June 2004 Archives
  • In fact, neither Cathy nor Frank express anything that might resemble an emotion until their bedroom door is locked and the neighbourhood of gossiping gnats is safely locked out of the hidden desperation of their unhappy marriage.
  • I turned the empire from a weakened state to a formidable industrial powerhouse.
  • When Rhodry came trotting in, they all slewed round and looked at him. A TIME OF WAR
  • The dictionary prompted real estate consultant Joel Ascetto to design a three-hour course to help Rhode Island real estate agents.
  • The best way to carry out this enormous project is to focus on personal, family and neighborhood levels; several GOLA units may assign to themselves the task of examining whether remote villages and hamlets have been taken in charge by locally established GOLA units; if not, GOLA units established by Oromos in big cities must take care of the remote villages´ populations and of their experience of the Abyssinian tyranny. American Chronicle
  • I won't let the Black Brotherhood sneak off with the Ark. Who's with me?
  • These reef-building rhodophytes are called coralline algae, because they secrete a hard shell of carbonate around themselves, in much the same way that corals do.
  • Among the last six commandants of the Army War College, for example, there have been a Rhodes Scholar, a published historian, a published military educator and two Ph.D.s who have also published.
  • The side effects from phototherapy may include a rash and diarrhoea.
  • You might have a sleek shirt, but a nice set of cufflinks can make you look like a real powerhouse - never underestimate their appeal.
  • In the financial press the gangbuster talk is of a powerhouse economy and a buoyant and robust outlook.
  • The subject developed, firstly, the typical gleet of gonorrhoea, then went on to produce a chancre and then the manifestations of secondary syphilis.
  • However, the one demonstration he excelled at was portraying a knight's destrier (the Latin term for a warhorse).
  • Like all loveable teams, Oldham did not take themselves too seriously, as Holden and Rhodes showed when they hammed it up for an Alas Smith and Jones homage. How Oldham Athletic's pinch-me season won over a nation | Rob Smyth
  • THINK - SWIPE - hee-hee, hee-haw ... this would be a big first step in my journey around the neighborhood. Velleite - French Word-A-Day
  • Yet rhodos have grown in the wilds of the world for thousands of years without chemical fertilizer, bloom booster, weevil killer, soil acidifier or any other manner of nasty toxin.
  • Even native, isolated pigment proteins like bacteriorhodopsin have been investigated for their applicability as optical switches.

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