
How To Use Rhizome In A Sentence

  • Cattails also “travel” by sending out a horizontal stem called a rhizome not far from the parent plant. The Field Guide to Wildlife Habitats of the Eastern United States
  • Clonal progeny may be produced by stolons, runners, rhizomes, tubers, buds on bulbs, corms and roots, layering of stems, and agamospermous seed.
  • They are grown from really strange, segmented rhizomes that look like succulent birch cones. The Sun
  • Pickerelweed can be cut and the rhizomes can be dug up but physical control is difficult because it can re-establish from seeds and remaining rhizomes.
  • The upright stems branched from creeping branching horizontal rhizomes that bore delicate hair-like roots.
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  • What are commonly thought of as spices today are a collection of seeds, berries, flowers, fruits, kernels, roots, rhizomes, leaves, arils, barks and saps that are used in cooking and food preparation.
  • Ingredient: Atractylodes Rhizome , Patchouli, wormwood leaves, Camphor leaves, soy candle etc.
  • Within ten to thirty days between twenty to fifty new plants begin to develop from the dormant buds on the rhizome.
  • From an underground, thick, oblique rhizome, the short, green, succulent stipites arise, in a tufted form, and are crinite with brown, subulate, shining scales.
  • These evergreen giant herbs spring from rhizomes, flower, fruit and die and then regrow from a sucker.
  • It has short, creeping rhizomes from which new shoots arise each year, and is an attractive species with horticultural potential.
  • Each plant emerges from an underground rhizome in the spring before the tree canopy leafs out.
  • The fireweed is a good example of adaption because of its adaption to fire through its roots and rhizomes. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Common ginger rhizome (Zingiber cassumunar) Limestone (one thumb-sized piece) (If available, a root nodule of a plant known as "Krasarn" in Thailand can also be included). Chapter 8
  • The thickened root, a rhizome, can be beaten into a lathery pulp which can be used for soap and shampoo.
  • Some grasses have a rhizome system (e.g. amliso and the small bamboos, padang and tite nigalo). 4.1 Nursery establishment
  • An erect, herbaceous, dichotomously branched perennial, 60-180 cm high, with large, fleshy, cylindrical, obovoid subterranean rhizomes, large lanceolate leaves and white flowers arranged in twin clusters, which very rarely produce red seeds. Chapter 10
  • Bearded irises grow from rhizomes by generating an "increase," which produces the next bloom stalk.
  • These leaves arise from an underground stem - rhizome - from which also extend the roots.
  • Rhizomes are easy to pry up with a garden fork or shovel.
  • By the little bridge itself the turf is spangled with yellow quadrants of tormentil – a miniature heathland potentilla the woody, red, astringent rhizome of which was much prized by the apothecaries. Country diary: Barmouth
  • Perennial scapose herbs with simple stems from short, stocky, horizontal rhizomes bearing a whorl of 3 net-veined, green or mottled, ovate-obovate or elliptical bracts, petiolate or sessile, flower solitary.
  • Typical analyses of 'bittie' from 'Creole' rhizomes are: water 12.5 per cent; protein Chapter 10
  • They are rhizome-like in stalk appearance but actually develop from an underground corm, taking 10 to 15 months before flowering.
  • The plant develops as a series of shoots, bulbs and stem tubers connected by brown wiry rhizomes which are strengthened by lignification of the inner cortex. Chapter 14
  • This is a perennating rhizome from which flowering shoots arise annually.
  • Both leaves and flowers have been used in medicine, but the rhizome is the part most frequently used. Scientific American Supplement, No. 497, July 11, 1885
  • In heavy clay soils, plant the rhizomes so the upper bud is no more than 1 to 2 inches below the surface.
  • Since the rhizome is a system concept, I see no problem with the way that I have dealt with this difficulty by looking at the Internet as a system. Archive 2005-09-01
  • This mixture is based on black salt and asefetida, a resin obtained from the rhizome of the giant fennel plant that has a strong odor of onion and garlic.
  • Cattleyas make copious roots, which are a joy when they explode from the base of the newly formed pseudobulb The thick, creeping, woody rhizome connecting the pseudobulbs often resins in the development of new growths the rriimm of the pot, and, when the new roots follow, this can be a problem ice the grower. Article Source
  • What are commonly thought of as spices today are a collection of seeds, berries, flowers, fruits, kernels, roots, rhizomes, leaves, arils, barks and saps that are used in cooking and food preparation.
  • I already told you that leguminious plants have rhizomes, but gramineous plants can have (? sotobacteria). Castro Delivers Speech on ANAP Anniversary
  • The role of starch reserves in tolerance to anaerobiosis has also been demonstrated in experiments on rhizomes of some wetland species.
  • Method: Microscopic observation was made to characterize the rhizomes of Curcuma.
  • The doctor writes reed rhizome in the prescription.
  • The former probably show more vegetative reproduction, by rhizomes, corms and bulbs.
  • The plant is tough to stamp out because it develops a system of roots and rhizomes, horizontal underground stems that descend as far as six feet into the sand.
  • In the forms in which it is most highly developed (Polytrichaceae) this tissue, which is comparable with the xylem of higher plants, is surrounded by a zone of tissue physiologically comparable to phloem, and in the rhizome may be limited by an endodermis. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • This is actually a rhizome of the fern Cibotium barometz, an arborescent fern that was eventually introduced into Britain in 1824 from China. Vegetable Lamb of Tartary
  • Understanding concepts in his philosophy (eg., faciality, virtuality, haecceity, types of becoming, and rhizome) is important as they provide to entry points into some of the issues under examination.
  • We defined above-ground biomass (standing crop) of mosses as the loose individual stems of mosses above the network of roots, rhizomes and rhizoids of the organic turf.
  • Epimediums are herbaceous perennials, some clump neatly, while others slowly spread through their rhizomes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most members of this lineage also have the combination of pseudomonopodially-branching main axes or rhizomes, with dichotomous branch tips.
  • Each frond grows from a specialized stem called a rhizome which grows sideways at the surface or underground. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Clonal progeny may be produced by stolons, runners, rhizomes, tubers, buds on bulbs, corms and roots, layering of stems, and agamospermous seed.
  • Above the ground she stores it in drupe and pome and berry, nut and nutlet and achene, and below the ground in rootstock and rhizome, corm and tuber, pumping them full with strokes quick and strong in these grand climacteric days of the summer. Some Summer Days in Iowa
  • Perennial weeds set fewer seeds, but sustain and propagate themselves other ways, with creeping stolons, rhizomes, bulbs or other plant parts.
  • Irises grow from thick, underground stems, called rhizomes, that store food produced by the leaves.
  • New plants arise vegetatively from dormant buds on the short upright rhizome of the main root.
  • This is a perennating rhizome from which flowering shoots arise annually.
  • Field experiments were conducted to study the effects of different nitrogen (N) application rates on yield and qualities in ginger(Zingiber officinale) rhizome and absorption of nutrient.
  • These may be the best teeth for hard or rocky soil and for heavy infestations of quackgrass and other weeds with underground rhizomes.
  • Basal leaves and flowers initiate from a tuberous rhizome and three green cauline leaves arranged in a whorl form an involucre around the developing flower.
  • By the little bridge itself the turf is spangled with yellow quadrants of tormentil – a miniature heathland potentilla the woody, red, astringent rhizome of which was much prized by the apothecaries. Country diary: Barmouth
  • The easiest bulb is achimenes—which is actually a rhizome and so can safely be laid on its side.
  • A plant ( Zingiber officinale ) of tropical southeast Asia having yellowish - green flowers and a pungent, aromatic rhizome.
  • The first two principles of the rhizome are the "principles of connection and heterogenity. Archive 2005-09-01
  • It is a typical aquatic plant with a very short rhizome; stems are very thin, rooting or floating in water.
  • Now is the best time to set out rhizomes of bearded irises.
  • Despite their differing underground structures, corms, tuberous roots, and rhizomes are all referred to as bulbs.
  • Bulbs are geophytes including flower-producing bulbs, corms, tubers and rhizomes with underground storage systems.
  • Ginger (Zingiber officinale/zerumbet) (dried rhizome). Chapter 7
  • Basal leaves and flowers initiate from a tuberous rhizome and three green cauline leaves arranged in a whorl form an involucre around the developing flower.
  • The fifth and sixth principles of the rhizome are those of "cartography" and "decalcomania". Archive 2005-09-01
  • Notwithstanding the bad weather, the settlers renewed their stores of different things, stone-pine almonds, rhizomes, syrup from the maple-tree, for the vegetable part; rabbits from the warren, agouties, and kangaroos for the animal part. The Mysterious Island
  • Analyses of 'bittie' from 'Banana' rhizomes give: water 11.9 per cent; protein 2.3 per cent; fat 0.3 per cent; starch 50.4 per cent; fibre 14.8 per cent; ash 2.6 per cent. Chapter 10
  • The fireweed is a tall erect perennial that grows from rhizome-like roots. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The roots and rhizomes are widely used in the treatment of menopausal symptoms and menstrual dysfunction.
  • It also contained a large polythene bag of shavings through which were visible vast, looming rhizomes, dark brown, with filaments.
  • Despite their differing underground structures, corms, tuberous roots, and rhizomes are all referred to as bulbs.
  • Some species, however, have both rhizomes and caudices.
  • The 1 st age class rhizome emerges at mid of growing season.
  • Rhizomes of achimenes (hot water plants) can also be potted up and placed on a warm, well-lit windowsill. Times, Sunday Times
  • He suggests that the link between plants and man lies hidden in primeval ecosystems inhabited by cycads, rhizomes and coral.
  • Orange hawkweed has a shallow root system and underground creeping stems called rhizomes.
  • The structure of the root, stem, rhizome and leaf of Aristolochia mollissima Hance are observed and described in the present paper.
  • A sample of the essential oil extracted from the rhizomes was found to have the following characteristics: SG (30°C) 0.9724 and ND (30°C) 1.5002, and to contain d-alpha-pinene 1.5 per cent; d-camphene 3.5 per cent; cineol 9.6 per cent; a-camphor 4.2 per cent; d-borneol 1.5 per cent; sesquiterpenes 10 per cent; sesquiterpene alcohols 48 per cent. Chapter 28
  • Many plants also have methods of asexual reproduction (vegetative reproduction), which produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent: root-sprouting (limberbush, palo verde, aspen), stolons and rhizomes (agaves, strawberries, many grasses), and aerial plantlets (some agaves, mother-of-millions, kalanchoe). Pollination ecology of desert plants
  • Studies on the developmental anatomy of rhizome in Dioscorea zingiberensis C. H. Wright have been done with the paraffin method.
  • It spreads by underground fleshy stems called rhizomes; rhizomes are found on many plants, from irises to agapanthus, from ferns to Bermuda grass.
  • Ingredient: Rhizome , Star - anise, Atractylodes Rhizome , wormwood leaves, soy candle etc.
  • Three types of symptom of rhizome rot of ginger were described, which were green wilt caused by Pseudomomas solonacearum, yellow rot by Pythium spp.
  • The flowers are probably wind-pollinated, and the plants can reproduce vegetatively by lateral offshoots, and by rhizomes.
  • MS indicates seedling main stem, T, seedling ramifications; S, orthotropic shoots on stolon (St); R, shoots on rhizomes (Rh).
  • Along with true bulbs, several types of flowers, sold as bulbs, grow from the underground stem growth of rhizomes, tubers, and corms.
  • Branching intensity and rhizome length of L . virgaurea and L. sagitta increased with the increasing of resource level.
  • It grows from a creeping tuberous rhizome, a root-like horizontal stem growing just below the surface of the soil.
  • Mucilages found in rhizomes, roots and seed endosperms may act primarily as energy reserves whereas foliar mucilages appear not to serve as storage carbohydrates.
  • [The] figuration of the rhizome, then, allows me to think outside systems, outside order, outside stability.
  • This plant propagates as speedily in deep water as in a marshy habitat, the thin rhizomes taking root quickly.
  • Dig and gather a few rhizomes; remove the leaf stalks and the fibrous roots.
  • The medicinal part of zedoary is its rhizome, a fleshy stem that grows underground.
  • In this study, the developmental anatomy of rhizome and the structure of vegetative organs in Polygonum cuspidatum were done with the paraffin method.
  • Conventional tillage is effective for reducing populations of many biennial and perennial weeds that may arise from rhizomes or rootstocks.
  • Digging deeper, he would have found long-dormant seeds of marsh sedges and the sleeping rhizomes of tules and cattails.
  • The rhizomes are reported to contain approximately 2 per cent aspargine. Chapter 22
  • Rhizome short with membranous, orange or brown scales having a few bluntish teeth on each edge. The Fern Lover's Companion A Guide for the Northeastern States and Canada
  • Enrich the ground with plenty of organic matter and bury the "pips" (rhizome-like structures) 2in-3in deep and 4in apart. Top stories from Times Online
  • Historically, the dried rhizome and root of this plant were employed medicinally by the Egyptian, Chinese, Greek, Indian, and Roman civilizations as an expectorant and carminative.
  • Their food consists of tubers and rhizomes, which they dig out with their bills.
  • Some of these plants grow from corms and rhizomes.
  • This step is difficult to mechanise because of the irregular size and shape of the rhizomes. Chapter 26
  • - Wild ginger rhizome (Zingiber zerumbet) Clove, roots and bark of Eugenia caryophyllus Fresh pomegranate leaves (Punica granatum) Opium (poppy) gum from fruit (Papaver somniferum) Chapter 8
  • The rhizome is covered by an epidermis, composed of muriform cells of a bright yellow color, after having been treated with liquor potassæ to clear up the tissues. Scientific American Supplement, No. 497, July 11, 1885
  • There is a report that indicates that amylase plays an important role in the anoxia-tolerant rhizome of Acorus calamus.
  • Chicory rhizomes or roots are readily detected, upon fracture, by their radially arranged laticiferous vessels in the bark region.
  • Above the ground she stores it in drupe and pome and berry, nut and nutlet and achene, and below the ground in rootstock and rhizome, corm and tuber, pumping them full with strokes quick and strong in these grand climacteric days of the summer. Some Summer Days in Iowa
  • It spreads by underground fleshy stems called rhizomes; rhizomes are found on many plants, from irises to agapanthus, from ferns to Bermuda grass.
  • The primary bulb species used for gardens and landscapes include: true bulbs, corms, tubers, tuberous roots, rhizomes, and enlarged hypocotyls.
  • If the soil is dry, give it a good soaking otherwise the rhizomes can be difficult to lift, especially when congested.
  • Along with true bulbs, several types of flowers, sold as bulbs, grow from the underground stem growth of rhizomes, tubers, and corms.
  • It also contained a large polythene bag of shavings through which were visible vast, looming rhizomes, dark brown, with filaments.
  • Clonal progeny may be produced by stolons, runners, rhizomes, tubers, buds on bulbs, corms and roots, layering of stems, and agamospermous seed.
  • This is especially true for individuals growing in dense shade, where they seldom reach the reproductive phase before the above-ground parts die at the end of the flowering season, while the rhizome perennates.
  • Ingredient: Wordlike Atractylodes Rhizome , Patchouli, wormwood leaves, Camphor leaves etc.
  • All the spare bits that came off the large rhizome when we were levering it out of the ground were then also reburied, and should hopefully come up nicely too.
  • In addition, shrub roots and rhizomes grow into above-ground gaps, making below-ground gaps smaller than above-ground gaps.
  • Ingredient: word like Atractylodes Rhizome , Patchouli, wormwood leaves, Camphor leaves, volatile liquid etc.
  • An officinal tincture is made from the rhizome of Valerian with spirit of wine, of which from one to two teaspoonfuls may be given for a dose, with a little water. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • This can be done without any appreciable harm to the plant, though of course it is better to wait until the rhizomes have matured in July before lifting and planting.

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