How To Use Rhinoceros In A Sentence

  • What sounded like a stampede of wild rhinoceroses roused her from her sleep.
  • Phylogenetic relationships of the five extant rhinoceros species (Rhinocerotidae, Perissodactyla) based on mitochondrial cytochrome b and 12S rRNA genes. Archive 2006-09-01
  • Many shorebirds and seabirds are found here, including rhinoceros auklet, Brandt's cormorants, and all manner of gulls, puffins, petrels, murres, and more.
  • You've got to have a hide as thick as a rhinoceros to carry on and pretend nothing has happened.
  • You've got to have a hide as thick as a rhinoceros to carry on and pretend nothing has happened.
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  • Dogs, rhinoceroses, tree sloths, horses, and whales are placentals.
  • Cymbopogon spp. (ganaune gans) is another short grass species that occurs in distinct associations on the floodplain and is eaten by greater one-horned rhinoceroses and elephants. Terai-Duar savanna and grasslands
  • He asked for a ‘highly intelligent workaholic with skin like a rhinoceros and the ability to work 24 hours a day while juggling 20 balls in the air.’
  • Padampur Panchayat, located immediately to the south of the Rapti River, is a heavily populated area as well as providing some of the last remaining habitat for tiger, rhinoceros, and gharial. Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal
  • Elephants, tigers and rhinoceroses are successfully bred at the Way Kambas National Park, which is also famous for its elephant training school.
  • The sickly cannonier, who had the constitution of a rhinoceros, and had never had a day's illness since he got over the measles at the age of four years, waited a little, and tried the second "dodge," usually resorted to in such cases. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 62, No. 384, October 1847
  • Artwork and human remains indicate that some 40,000 years ago, our ancestors shared this landscape with rhinoceroses, bison, mammoths, aurochs, wild horses, and giant elks.
  • On a visit to a zoo in Delhi, India, in 1980, Mill spotted a feral, orange domestic cat with deep brown rosettes that lived in the rhinoceros compound and earned its keep as a ratter.
  • Going up the scale from the gnat, it is found that with the dragon fly this ratio is 30 to 1, with the _tipula_, or daddy-longlegs, 14.5 to 1, the cockchafer only 5.15 to 1, the rhinoceros beetle 3.14 to 1. Our Bird Comrades
  • It was too small to comfortably accommodate a rhinoceros, or even a bear or tiger. COLDHEART CANYON
  • The tails of his black cloth coat were pinned up behind to keep them from rubbing; he had on a pair of moleskin trousers and leather gaiters, and in his hand he carried a little whip of rhinoceros hide.
  • No doubt the old rhinoceros is making trouble, but it is hard not to sympathise with him when he says of Ming Campbell: Kenneth Clarke "We must turn to the Liberals"
  • Fly-half problems For any country hoping to win the World Cup, it helps to have a laser-accurate goalkicker, a dominant lineout and a bunch of forwards who can generate enough force to knock over a rhinoceros. Lessons from the Six Nations
  • Notable among these are ivory, shells, rhinoceros horn, coral, amber and jet.
  • The ‘black’ rhinoceros has a narrow muzzle, with grasping lips, suited to browsing on leafy foliage.
  • ‘We've photographed rhinoceros hornbills and great argus pheasants before but when we found that we'd photographed a Sumatran ground cuckoo, we couldn't believe it,’ said field leader Yoan Dinata of Fauna and Flora International Indonesia.
  • Most of the species that remain - notably, all five living species of rhinoceros - are in danger of extinction; others, like the quagga, have already been driven to extinction.
  • This injection stuns the rhinoceros, so we can examine it.
  • Rhinoceros: Come on. If he wants to freeze to death, let him.
  • During the Pleistocene, herds of giant wombats the size of a rhinoceros roamed the plains of southern Australia.
  • In Australia, for example, marsupial herbivores the size of a rhinoceros, kangaroos nearly 10 feet tall, and carnivorous lion-like forms with shearing teeth and retractile claws all roamed the landscape.
  • Weighing in at a hefty 6.5 pounds and sporting an embossed reproduction of the head of Albrecht Durer's Rhinoceros on the soft-bound cover, this catalog delivers a fascinating look at the scientific technology of the sixteenth century and the celebrated artists who participated in it. Jane Chafin: Prints and the Pursuit of Knowledge
  • In front of his desk sits a scale model of the animal that barged its way onstage during his rampageous 2007 production of Ionesco's Rhinoceros; next to it is a memento from Jerusalem. Dominic Cooke: a life in theatre
  • There are many different types of horn; horns of Bovidae, rhinoceros, antelope and giraffe, as well as the substance of which the beaks of birds, and the claws and hooves of many animals, are made. Chapter 3
  • The bunyip lives in Australia and is believed by many to be a descendant of the diprotodon, a marsupial (an animal with a pouch, like the kangaroo) about the size of a rhinoceros, which became extinct thousands of years ago.
  • He, however, has broad shoulders and the skin of a rhinoceros, and an unabated passion for his subject irrespective of the carpers.
  • In Asia it should include the great Indian rhinoceros and its allied species, the burrhel, the Nilgiri tahr and the gayal. Our Vanishing Wild Life Its Extermination and Preservation
  • I thought about the massive department store that sat underneath like it like some kind of consumeristic rhinoceros, with only its horns poking up through the turf. Gan_bei: I'm trying to concentrate on writing, bu
  • Rhinoceros: Dome on . If he wants to freeze to death, let him.
  • James had visited the San Diego Zoo and thought rhinoceros is the coolest animal on the planet. Subhankar Banerjee: Youth Across North America Are Fighting For Their Future Climate
  • I hear that a rhinoceros flew along the Mississippi in a pink balloon, this morning.
  • Is it the rhinoceros with its aphrodisiac horn and herbivorous browsing?
  • When the vessel was first discovered last year, it contained the leg bone of a tapir, a medium-size mammal related to both the horse and the rhinoceros.
  • The rhinoceros is one of the world's oldest surviving species.
  • The jungle seems to be full of wild beasts, specially tigers, in this neighborhood, and the rhinoceros is not uncommon. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • These forests still support tigers, Asian elephants, gaur, tapirs, Sumatran rhinoceros, and the spectacular and endemic crested argus.
  • Dartford Museum in Market Street, houses some remains of animals found in the area including woolly mammoths and rhinoceroses.
  • The exotic animals such as hippopotami, elephants and rhinoceroses that were all part of the huge show going on each night would be easy to view from anywhere in the stadium. Xml's
  • Rabinowitz hoped to find remaining pockets of additional charismatic fauna - elephants, tigers, and rhinoceroses - and to set up a biological reserve to protect them, but he soon learned that these large mammals had disappeared.
  • Abi, being a freak of nature, still has sensation even after doses of epidural that would fell a rhinoceros.
  • Black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis (CR) is now extinct in the area and mountain reedbuck Redunca fulvorufula is probably extinct. Kilimanjaro National Park, Tanzania
  • Medieval explorers, coming across the rhinoceros, described it as a fierce animal like a big horse with a single horn on its nose.
  • In the lower forest and bamboo zone mammals include the giant forest hog Hylochoerus meinertzhageni, tree hyrax Dendrohyrax arboreus, white-tailed mongoose Ichneumia albicauda, elephant Loxodonta africana, black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis, suni Neotragus moschatus, black-fronted duiker Cephalophus nigrifrons and leopard Panthera pardus (which has also been seen in the alpine zone). Mount Kenya National Park and National Forest, Kenya
  • As chance provided, the white wool of mouflon which was shed naturally by the wild sheep in spring, the unbelievably soft earthy-brown downy wool of musk-ox, and the lighter red rhinoceros underwool were also gathered with great enthusiasm. The Mammoth Hunters
  • Now what about the issue of rhinoceros and the horns?
  • At one point Bill suggested that the reason rhinoceroses' horns have been ground up for years and used as an ancient form of Viagra was, well, the shape of the rhino's horn.
  • In Asia it should include the great Indian rhinoceros and its allied species, the burrhel, the Nilgiri tahr and the gayal. Our Vanishing Wild Life Its Extermination and Preservation
  • There was a Bic pen and a snap wallet, some Tums, and a rhinoceros-head eraser.
  • Another unusual mammal found at Chilga is the arsinoithere, which looks like a larger version of a modern rhinoceros, but actually evolved independently of rhinos, said Rasmussen.
  • Lea, a lively and curious lion cub, gallivants all over the savanna until she is frightened by a rhinoceros.
  • Where people can watch close - up of five well - known African animals: elephant, lion, leopard, rhinoceros and bison.
  • According to Li, this month, their excavation team found from the soil strata dating back 15,000 years, or the late Paleolithic Era, at the Xuchang ruins more than 20 pieces of hematite, one of iron oxides commonly used as a dyestuff, alongside three dozen thin instruments made of animal tooth enamel, plus seven needles made of the upper cheek tooth enamel of a rhinoceros sub-species now extinct. Red - CCC (Color of Choice for Cavemen)
  • Although in recent years the tradition of giving children rhinoceros beeries and stag beeries as gifts has lost ground to purchasing tiny electronic creature toys, children still flock to Japan's insectariums, or arthropod zoos.
  • Nuzzling his toy elephant, an orphaned Indian rhinoceros made his public debut at California's San Diego Wild Animal Park yesterday.
  • Chitwan supports the world's second largest population of Indian rhinoceros and is also an important refuge for tiger and gharial. Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal
  • Other work includes preliminary status surveys of the rhinoceros, Bengal florican and barasingha. Kaziranga National Park, India
  • True to her style, even in those movements she was more a wild gazelle than a stampeding rhinoceros.
  • Small wonder Eleanor later remarked: ‘Any woman who goes into public life has to have a hide like a rhinoceros.’
  • By Friday I was reasonably happy about my top-end skiing but still felt like an uncoordinated rhinoceros doing snowploughs.
  • It was too small to comfortably accommodate a rhinoceros, or even a bear or tiger. COLDHEART CANYON
  • A large light-blue horn stood out of the middle of his forehead, and it was shaped like a rhinoceros' horn.
  • Cocoa-nut trees fringe the river bank for some distance, and there are some large, spreading trees loaded with the largest and showiest crimson blossoms I ever saw, throwing even the gaudy Poinciana regia into the shade; but nothing can look very attractive here, with the swamp in front and the jungle behind, where the rhinoceros is said to roam undisturbed. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • The most plentiful of these California ground-sloths, the mylodon, was about the size of a rhinoceros; an unwieldy, slow-moving creature, feeding on plants, and in appearance utterly unlike anything now living. VIII. Primeval Man; and the Horse, the Lion, and the Elephant
  • The waters were haunted by huge pachyderms, such as the dinotherium and hippopotamus; while the rhinoceros and mastodon roamed through the woodlands. Geographical Evolution
  • The skeleton of a very large Diprotodon, an extinct fossil marsupial somewhat resembling a wombat the size of a rhinoceros, had been discovered south of Karratha in the Pilbara region.
  • It was too small to comfortably accommodate a rhinoceros, or even a bear or tiger. COLDHEART CANYON
  • In fact, at the Gray Fossil Site, bones from a saber-toothed cat, camel, elephant and rhinoceros indicate these animals lived in the Volunteer State more than 4 million years ago.
  • Notable among these are ivory, shells, rhinoceros horn, coral, amber and jet.
  • By Friday I was reasonably happy about my top-end skiing but still felt like an uncoordinated rhinoceros doing snowploughs.
  • A new rhinoceros from the lower Miocene of the Bugti Hills, Baluchistan, Pakistkan: the earliest elasmotheriine. Are Sumatran rhinos really ‘living fossils’?
  • Remedies to right the imbalance include snake gallbladder, powdered deer antlers, and rhinoceros horn, as well as hundreds of different combinations of herbs.
  • Timothy brought me the rhinoceros-hide whip that decorated the otherwise bare walls of his shed.
  • A Zoo level features "spliced" animals, such as a rhinoceros. *Shacknews* Games
  • * There have been found in the gravel Tertiary mammals including elephas primigenius, elephas Namadicus, stegodon Clifti, and unnamed varieties of bear, deer, bison, ox, horse, rhinoceros, and whale. A History of the Japanese People From the Earliest Times to the End of the Meiji Era
  • Closely related to the Tufted Puffin, the Rhinoceros Auklet is a large alcid with a wedge-shaped head.
  • The presence of the rhinoceros, of the buffalo and gnu (‘Catoblepas gnu’), of the giraffe, the zebra, and pallah (‘Antilope melampus’), is always a certain indication of water being within a distance of seven or eight miles; but one may see hundreds of elands (‘Boselaphus oreas’), gemsbuck, the tolo or koodoo (‘Strepsiceros capensis’), also springbucks (‘Gazella euchore’) and ostriches, without being warranted thereby in inferring the presence of water within thirty or forty miles. Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa
  • The Ceratopsian dinosaurs (Triceratops, etc) were the rhinoceroses of the dinosaur world, their formidable horns at least appear to be ample protection against even the largest and fiercest carnivores.
  • This ecoregion harbors India's largest elephant population, the world's largest population of the greater one-horned rhinoceros, tigers (Panthera tigris), and wild water buffalo (Bubalus arnee). Brahmaputra Valley semi-evergreen forests
  • About 4,000 of the company's vacuum machines are in use across the country from cleaning lint at coin laundries, scooping up debris from diamond-saw cutting jobs and sucking up rhinoceros waste. SplicedFeed
  • The digraph in GREEK derived words with rough breathing: rhapsody, rhetoric, rhinoceros.
  • Not so, however, the zebra, pallah, buffalo, and rhinoceros; their spoor gives assurance that water is not far off, as they never stray any distance from its neighbourhood. A Popular Account of Dr. Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries
  • Mammals included many giant yet small-brained rhinoceros-like types - the Asiamerican uintatheres, and brontotheres and the African arsinoitheres.
  • Folksy handwritten signs introduce visitors to each resident, including April, a tapir, also known as a mountain cow or, as our guide described her, "a cross between a rhinoceros and a horse."
  • Some of the bulk is fat, but most of it is hard muscle, the way a rhinoceros is hard muscle. FAITHLESS: TALES OF TRANSGRESSION
  • The skeletons of a woolly rhinoceros and of a cave bear along with rare bird and fish fossils are also to go under the hammer during the April 16 auction in Paris.
  • Rhinoceros horn was a unique traded commodity in Champa.
  • In fact it was a narwhal tusk, or possibly rhinoceros horn.
  • Mr. Charles R. Knight, well known from his restoration of extinct animal life and models at the Museum of Natural History. has rendered the two heads of the African elephant and rhinoceros that form the main to the north entrance.
  • During the Pleistocene, herds of giant wombats the size of a rhinoceros roamed the plains of southern Australia.
  • Without their commanding horn the rhinoceros present a forlorn image.
  • In Africa that list should include the eland, white rhinoceros, blessbok, bontebok, kudu, giraffes and southern elephants, sable antelope, rhinoceros south of the Zambesi, leucoryx antelope and whale-headed stork. Our Vanishing Wild Life Its Extermination and Preservation
  • The cranium was met with at a depth of a metre and a half [five feet nearly], hidden under an osseous breccia, composed of the remains of small animals, and containing one rhinoceros tusk, with several teeth of horses and of ruminants. Essays
  • During warmer periods the land turned into meadows and steppes, ideal grazing grounds for woolly mammoths, rhinoceroses, bison, horses, elk, and yaks.
  • The players gather around a table or sit in a circle, each one being given the name of an animal; the sport of the game will consist largely in choosing unusual or difficult names, such as yak, gnu, camelopard, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, Brazilian ant-eater, kangaroo, etc. Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium
  • Without their commanding horn the rhinoceros present a forlorn image.
  • O'Connell-Rodwell and her colleagues have also begun to study the nuances of elephant signals to distinguish them from the footsteps of rhinoceroses or lions.
  • South Africa, distinguished by the Bechuanas by the names of the borele or black rhinoceros, the keitloa or two-horned rhinoceros, the muchocho or common white rhinoceros, and the kobaoba or long-horned white rhinoceros. Forest & Frontiers
  • A man with many tail-feathers from the rhinoceros hornbill (_buceros rhinoceros_) stuck into his rattan cap seated himself on a crude platform which had been built on upright poles over the water. Through Central Borneo; an Account of Two Years' Travel in the Land of Head-Hunters Between the Years 1913 and 1917
  • The soldiers allegedly used the stolen money to buy items as diverse as cameras and rhinoceros horns, the officials said.
  • He appealed to his son's sensitiveness, and assured him that he would be "flayed" unless he wrapped himself in the hide of a rhinoceros. The Life of John Ruskin
  • The skin of a rhinoceros, the composure of a Hindu sacred cow and the patience of a saint - just three qualities you'd need to do Robert Ogier's job.
  • Many shorebirds and seabirds are found here, including rhinoceros auklet, Brandt's cormorants, and all manner of gulls, puffins, petrels, murres, and more.
  • Of these, no less than five spectacular species, namely Javan rhinoceros Rhinoceros sondaicus (CR), water buffalo Bubalus bubalis (EN), swamp deer Cervus duvauceli (VU), gaur Bos frontalis (VU) and probably hog deer Axis porcinus (LR) have become locally extirpated since the beginning of this century. Sundarbans, Bangladesh
  • The researchers discovered shards of bone from mammoths, musk ox, brown bear, wolverine, rhinoceros, hares, bison, horses, reindeer, and cave lion.
  • Many endangered species of plants, reptiles, mammals and birds live in these jungles, including the rhinoceros hornbill - a bird vital to the survival of the titan arums because it is very proficient at spreading the flower's seeds.
  • But I remember she said there was a hippopotamus and a rhinoceros.
  • Then comes the bird Rukh and carrieth off both the rhinoceros and that which is on its horn to feed its young withal. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Four large herbivores, the Asian elephant, greater one-horned rhinoceros, gaur (seasonal occupant), and nilgai or blue bull (in drier grasslands) also co-exist. Terai-Duar savanna and grasslands
  • Once upon a time, ground sloths or camels or even ancestral rhinoceroses may have inhabited your part of the country.
  • The artifacts include hundreds of stone tools and flakes, as well as spear foreshafts made of rhinoceros horn and mammoth tusk.
  • She says they were only made for scenery - like the rhinoceros and the mastodon.
  • North America was home to three-toed horses, several types of rhinoceroses, and horse-like chalicothere herbivores, with bear-dogs and saber-toothed cats among the carnivores, and the pig-like entelodonts as successful omnivores.
  • Species include the Javan rhinoceros Rhinoceros sondaicus (E) and water buffalo Bubalus bubalis (V), last recorded in 1870 and 1885, respectively, swamp deer Cervus duvauceli (E), which existed in good numbers until early this century, and Indian muntjac Muntiacus muntjak, last reported on Halliday Island in the late 1970s. Sundarbans National Park, India
  • There is only one species of rhinoceros in Abyssinia; this is the two-horned black rhinoceros, known in South Africa as the keitloa. In the Heart of Africa
  • Wildlife include tigers, elephants, deer, Sumatran rhinoceros, binturong or bear cats, chirping drongos, hornbills, argus pheasants, and white handed gibbons, the only ape species in the region.
  • It was too small to comfortably accommodate a rhinoceros, or even a bear or tiger. COLDHEART CANYON
  • For many years, zookeepers had trouble breeding the white rhinoceros.
  • The soldiers allegedly used the stolen money to buy items as diverse as cameras and rhinoceros horns, the officials said.
  • Equidae is then grouped with two other families, the rhinoceroses and the tapirs, to make up an "order," Perissodactyla, the odd-toed ungulates. Lazarus, Elvis, zombies and Jimmy Hoffa
  • When Japheth Boyce was a tyke in South Dakota, he liked to scrabble around in the barren, rocky ground of the Badlands, hunting for fossils of saber-toothed tigers, rhinoceroses and three-toed horses the size of golden retrievers.
  • The night safari represents a coup for the Thai government, which has managed to secure over 300 animals from Kenya, including lions, rhinoceroses, and elephants to populate the project.
  • Children would especially be interested in Durer's humorous woodcut of an imaginary rhinoceros that displays an intricate decorative surface that covers the entire creature.
  • rhinoceroses were once plentiful here
  • You get a chap like Norris, who, when he loses his hair, has got just about as much tact as a rhinoceros, going and ballyragging the man, and no wonder he won't say anything. A Prefect's Uncle
  • Kerinci-Seblat National Park is an important site for one of the last remaining populations of the Sumatran rhinoceros and Sumatran rabbit, as well as siamang and agile gibbon. Sumatran montane rain forests
  • Elephants, ostriches, leopards and lions were imported in the first century B.C., followed by hippopotamus, rhinoceros, camels and giraffes.
  • Oils from the larvae of raphia palm beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros) recorded the highest level of non-saturation of 65. 61percent while the winged termite had the least level non-saturation of 50.02 percent. Nigerian Scientists Discover Pharmaceutical Potential Of Insects
  • The alteration and fragmentation of existing habitats ensures that any future radiation of mammals, for instance, will not include large forms such as rhinoceroses, apes and big cats.
  • The rhinoceros beetle is one of the largest members of the order Coleoptera.
  • A slow and ponderous man, of the drayman order of human architecture, dressed in a corrugated suit and bibbed apron, apparently a composite of door-mat and rhinoceros-hide. No Thoroughfare
  • Company pointing out loss of time and inconvenience through incivility, and asking them for small pecuniary compensation, they have assumed the rhinoceros hide, and nilled my request with dry eyes. Baboo Jabberjee, B.A.
  • Rhinoceroses produce infrasonic vocalizations, though their vocal repertoire is still largely undocumented.
  • This particular one-horned Rhinoceros is the biggest of all rhinos inhabiting in the world and found only in Assam and foot of Himalayan, Nepal terai. Rhinos Are Being killed For The Horn !!
  • The bones of mammoth, woolly rhinoceros, lion, bison, and great Irish elk were found.
  • The population of the black rhinoceros of East Africa dropped precipitously from 65,000 in 1972 to 1,900 in 1993.
  • The sturdy little psychopathist looked healthy enough to heal a sick rhinoceros. Mystic London: or, Phases of occult life in the metropolis
  • The Reserve has a similar program with rhinoceros where a microchip is implanted in the animal's horn both for identification purposes and to deter poaching.
  • Arriving in step with East African flora were the creatures of the East African savannas: gazelle, giant deer, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, wart hog.
  • For Ziska, stout and furious, blind of one eye and at last of both, a kind of human rhinoceros driven mad, had risen out of the ashes of murdered Huss, and other bad papistic doings, in the interim; and was tearing up the world at a huge rate. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 07
  • The tails of his black cloth coat were pinned up behind to keep them from rubbing; he had on a pair of moleskin trousers and leather gaiters, and in his hand he carried a little whip of rhinoceros hide.
  • The game wardens tranquillized the rhinoceros with a drugged dart.
  • 'Judson,' says Fergus, 'you know you are as beautiless as a rhinoceros. Roads of Destiny
  • Jun. 9th, 2010 02: 36 am (UTC) 'The rhinoceros is all that's left of the unicorn. "This whole world is wild at heart...and weird on top."
  • I always thought that was rhinoceros horn.
  • What sounded like a stampede of wild rhinoceroses roused her from her sleep.
  • In Sao Paulo's city council election in 1959, the top vote getter among hundreds of candidates was Cacareco - a rhinoceros from the zoo. Brazil in Grip of Historic Vote
  • Inbreeding has also plagued wild elephant, rhinoceros, buffalo, and antelope populations.
  • The posterior horn in this species is only a sort of knob; whereas in the "keitloa," or two-horned black rhinoceros, both horns are developed to a nearly equal length. The Bush Boys History and Adventures of a Cape Farmer and his Family

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