How To Use Rhine In A Sentence

  • The next day she said the landscape as they cruised along the River Rhine was very picturesque with little villages nestling in the hills.
  • Like the Rhine it also marked a boundary for the Romans; beyond it - unknowable nomads!
  • Officials were watching flood levels on the Rhine river in the city of Koblenz on Monday that were expected to peak at 25 feet, 4 inches 7 meters, 70 centimeters, and some low-lying parts of the city were under water. Man Feared Dead As Melting Snow Floods Germany
  • The visit will also include Mpumalanga, which is the partner province of the North Rhine-Westphalia province in Germany (the industrial heartland). ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Viticulture is most extensive in the Rhine and Mosel valleys in west Germany and is an important export industry.
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  • Layering jewelry can be mystifying, which is why this single piece composed of rhinestones, faux pearls, beads, and chains is so genius.
  • Delicatessen Sangerbund holdin 'us while they sung th' Watch on th 'Rhine, we stepped ashore on a gangplank neatly formed be th' guv'nor iv th 'state holdin' onto th 'feet iv th' mayor, him clutchin 'th' iditor iv th 'Staats Zeitung an' so on, th 'gangplank singin' th 'Watch on th' Rhine as we walked to th 'dock. Observations By Mr. Dooley
  • After 11 years of Margaret Thatcher, it proved necessary to cannibalise the entire armoured resources of the Rhine Army to deploy a weak division for the First Gulf War. The Tory defence policy will be simple: cut, brutally
  • The rhinestone which is placed in the middle of the front side is the flashy highlight. CD Freaks News
  • No catarrhine has a prehensile tail, which means one crutch less. The Human Brain
  • The fault discovered by the team begins near the Swiss Jura mountains south of Basel and extends nearly five miles northeasterly through the Rhine graben, a valley near the city's southern edge.
  • Why was Hitler allowed to remilitarize the Rhineland, annex Austria, and invade Czechoslovakia before the Allies confronted him over his incursion into Poland in September 1939?
  • Dr. Tully also says it is a deobstruent or alterative, an acrid narcotic, an emetic, an epispastic, and an errhine; found very useful in gout, rheumatism, diseases of lungs, and some complaints of the bowels. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • There is general agreement that the most outstanding of all Galician wine is the white Albarino from the Val de Salnes, introduced from the Rhine by Benedictine monks from Cluny during the twelfth century.
  • Patrik Cox has distinguished himself by the extensive use of rhinestones on stretch trousers, trimming pockets, hems and side seams with bands of glittering stones.
  • West of the Rhine, an increasing number of servile manses also had to do ploughing corvées, and the service of three days of work per week was often required from free manses, which had been exempted from it hitherto.
  • There is even a mound topped by a kind of forge of the Rhine gold--what Barney's calls his Canopic Chest. G. Roger Denson: From Detroit, Egypt: Matthew Barney Resurrects an American God
  • TV Guide Magazine: What does it cost to dry clean that rhinestone suit? American Idol's Paul: "I Was Always Kind of Uncomfortable On the Idol Stage"
  • Aerial surveys revealed that a small Rhine tributary had once carved an island here, and the silted channel was promptly dredged.
  • I have chosen a special "mean lady picture of the day" for this post, because I have a secret aversion (public, now) to strapless wedding gowns and/or anything even related to "tarty" (THIS INCLUDES RHINESTONES) on a wedding dress. Nice Day for a White Wedding (Dress) - A Dress A Day
  • MCC supporters please google: mccain rhinestone hero before you vote for mc?????? McCain seizes on Obama's 'tiny' comment
  • We can give them rhinestones or glitter on the nails, or make-up, which is blusher, eyes and lips.
  • Then had stalwart Gernot of Burgundy nigh done brave Iring unto death, but that he sprang away from the prince (nimble enow he was), and slew eftsoon four noble henchmen of the Burgundians from Worms across the Rhine. The Nibelungenlied
  • They are what are called catarrhine Apes -- that is, their nostrils have a narrow partition and look downwards; and, furthermore, their arms are always longer than their legs, the difference being sometimes greater and sometimes less; so that if the four were arranged in the order of the length of their arms in proportion to that of their legs, we should have this series -- Orang (1 4 Lectures and Essays
  • I can just see the hats twirling the rhinestone jeans around in a sweet, well-practiced two-step.
  • A group photo showed his tank company on the eastern bank of the Rhine River.
  • The costume was a confection of palest pink mesh with sparkly sprays of rhinestones.
  • Her blond ringlets were piled high up on her head, and winking atop her hairdo was a rhinestone tiara. A Dollar Short
  • The cutlers of Solingen destroyed foundries that made cheap, cast-iron implements, the Rhine bargemen attacked the steamships that were stealing their trade, and Rhineland peasants surged into the forests to cut wood.
  • THOR: I wash it fortnightly in the sacred waters of the Rhinemaidens, then comb it straight by the light of a silvery moon. Robert Brenner: A Thor Subject
  • Even in the latter case he occasionally breaks away for a more or less extended period, and either goes fishing in Canada, shooting in Scotland, or automobiling in France, with perhaps a rush over a Swiss pass or two, and a dash around the Italian lakes, and back down the Rhine for a little tour in Great Britain. The Automobilist Abroad
  • And some of them call the Rhine the 'Whine,'" I said, giving an admirable imitation of poor Hicks's drawling manner. The Christmas Books of Mr. M.A. Titmarsh
  • There were tucks and folds and frills and bows and lace and rhinestones and embroidery and ribbons all over it.
  • Vercingetorix knew not that Caesar, with his usual foresight, had summoned and joined to his legions a great number of horsemen from the German tribes roving over the banks of the Rhine, with which he had taken care to keep up friendly relations. A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 1
  • There it is called choucroute, and there it reaches its apotheosis, chiefly in Alsace, the province just across the Rhine from Germany. THE NEWS BLOG
  • The original fore-brain is often called the thalamencephalon, the hemisphere, the prosencephalon, the olfactory lobes, the rhinencephalon. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • May 19th, 2008 10: 27 am ET mcc supporters, please google: mccain rhinestone hero Clinton has big lead in Kentucky, Obama on top in Oregon
  • Confluentia," whose threads of liquidity are eruditely, yet romantically, intertangled to represent the confluence of the Rhine and the Moselle; and "The Headless Horseman," a masterpiece of burlesque weirdness, representing the wild pursuit of Ichabod Crane and the final hurling of the awful head, -- a pumpkin, some say. Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
  • The soldiery of the Rhinegrave have mutinied, plucked down the banners of their master, and set up an independent ensign, which they call the pennon of St. Nicholas, under which they declare that they will maintain peace with God, and war with all the world. Anne of Geierstein
  • She appeared just as I remembered her, dressed in a poufy pink princess dress with a little rhinestone tiara plopped on her messy blond head. Forever Lost
  • She studied with the newly controversial Glenn Black at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, N.Y. She describes Black as "a masterful yogi and a bodyworker who specializes in a type of Orthopedic Physical Therapy called Bodytuning" she continues, a bit tongue-in-cheek "my relationship with my teacher is a very old fashioned mentor-mentee, very wax-on wax-off. E. Nina Rothe: The Culture of Wellbeing: Jill Miller and the Great Yoga Controversy
  • The Fatherland Party was lavishly financed by Rhineland industrialists, but it was no mere front for the ruling classes.
  • The rear echelons of the army mutinied and seized the crossings over the Rhine.
  • The colourful event was redolent of Nashville with everyone dressed for the occasion in denims, cowboy hats and rhinestone ornamented boots.
  • At the Cistercian female house of Weinhausen in Saxony a very elaborate decoration program survives. 12 The church of the male Dominican convent in Constance, located closer to the female Dominican houses of the Upper Rhine, contained friezes and medallions. 13 Most choir spaces seem to have been decorated, but unfortunately few survive in their thirteenth - and fourteenth-century state. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Otherwise he is all red and black - red shirt, black strides, black jacket with rhinestone trim, and an astonishing pair of lace-ups in red crocodile skin.
  • Bavaria with the Rhine Palatinate and the former Duchies of Jülich and Berg. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • The most famous element of Swiss defense were the sabotage plans: At the moment of German invasion, the Simplon and St. Gotthard tunnels would be blown up, as well as all bridges over the Rhine, power stations, and air fields. Shameless Self-promotion Sunday #45
  • Electricity could be generated from the gases released from blast furnaces and coking ovens, as it was in the Rhine valley by the Rheinisch-Westfälische Elektrizitäts-A.G., founded in 1900.
  • Or opt for a rhinestone detail such as a starburst on the lower half of the lens.
  • The Roman Empire came under severe pressure from the barbarians across the Rhine.
  • The Rhine River, at the northeast corner of France forms the Franco - German boundary.
  • There seems to be a seasonal mass migration from the Rhineland and the Ruhr, extending well into October.
  • The Rhine from the Dutch to the Swiss Frontier, with 15 Map Paris and Northern France
  • Enjoy the rhinestone glitter of the Grand Ole Opry, Music Row and the Country Music Hall of Fame. MAN AND WIFE
  • Jewelry is a key tool, usually stacked and multistranded rhinestones are an everyday talisman. The Shopping Diet
  • It might also be said that with the structure he's erected, Lauren is something of an arriviste, but if that were uttered, it would require adding that many of the mansions introduced on those soigné avenues were constructed as well by new money confidently joining the old -- like the Rhinelander mansion that's been Lauren's home-base haberdashery for men and women these last few decades. David Finkle: Saturday Shoppers View Ralph Lauren's New Madison Avenue Mansion
  • Made in the Upper Rhine region around 1210, it consists of a wooden bust that housed numerous relics and a hammered silver-gilt head that covered it like a divine skin, replete with a jeweled brow band. Art review: Splendor abounds in museum's display of grisly holy relics in Baltimore
  • The gentler lower slopes, derived from the Rhine delta bed, have deeper topsoils, over subsoils of clay, marl, limestone, and sandstone.
  • The glitter of the rhinestones was answered by the glitter of the diamond in her engagement ring.
  • The Rhine empties into the North Sea.
  • The conditions upon which was engrafted this compact were of great antiquity, had indeed been brought across the Rhine by the German conquerors; but the Northmen were the impelling cause of the swift development of feudalism in France. A Short History of France
  • On Saturday night, Robbie and his partner Ola were tasked with performing the cha-cha-cha, a dance of Cuban origin that apparently involves a bewildered looking man in a black rhinestone-studded hoodie standing ram-rod straight and occasionally flapping his arms about, while his partner gyrates suggestively around him in a manner not dissimilar to a naked Britt Ekland on the other side of Edward Woodward's hotel‑room wall in The Wicker Man. Bad boy Robbie Savage finds life tough outside his comfort zone | Barry Glendenning
  • In the Rhine gorge, however, skippers had to concentrate every ounce of their attention on the water. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • By his reckoning, Mr Brown has led us through the Normandy bocage, but the Ardennes and the Rhine lie ahead. Brown's Churchillian delusion
  • Rhineland dishes are a speciality of the restaurant.
  • This name being a bit of a tongue twister for the petite bourgeoisie who were immediately attracted to it, the truncated version, hock, became the name for every wine from the Rhine.
  • On some wine lists in the English-speaking world all German wines, other than those regarded as Mosel (or often ‘Moselle’), appear somewhat imprecisely under the heading ‘Rhine’.
  • The Rhine (and its distributaries Waal and Lek) was virtually a wine highway, linking Cologne with Dordrecht and Rotterdam.
  • The Allies would keep their military forces on the Rhine to enforce payment and have the right to reoccupy German territory in the event of default.
  • Fendi has played artfully with rhinestones, studding the tops for a line of mink co-ordinates.
  • 'I didn't know Dr Rhinehart was an existentialist humanist ,' the woman said. THE DICE MAN
  • Alexander at one time had toyed with the idea of renouncing his rights to the succession and going with his wife to live an idyllic life on the banks of the Rhine.
  • From Basle to Haguenau, the River Rhine acted as the frontier between Germany and France - and also as a very formidable defensive barrier.
  • In the main agreement, Germany recognized its frontier with France and Belgium as specified in the Treaty of Versailles, along with the demilitarized status of the Rhineland.
  • For now, although I couldn't guess it, as I lay pampering myself with a little preserved jellied chicken and Rhine wine - of which Willy's store-chest yielded a fine abundance - that terrible day was approaching, that awful thunderclap of a day when the world turned upside down in a welter of powder-smoke and cannon-shot and steel, which no one who lived through it will ever forget. The Sky Writer
  • The most famous element of Swiss defense were the sabotage plans: At the moment of German invasion, the Simplon and St. Gotthard tunnels would be blown up, as well as all bridges over the Rhine, power stations, and air fields. Shameless Self-promotion Sunday #45
  • As you will remember, the First Canadian Army early in February and March had cleared the Boche from the left side of the Rhine, and the American Army had secured a bridgehead at Remagen across the Rhine. The Last Canadian Battle and the Surrender of the Germany Army
  • [Footnote 1: Brunehault (in modern English histories called Brunhild) was the wife of Sigebert, King of Austrasia (that district of France which lies between the Meuse and the Rhine) and son of Clotaire I. Letters of Horace Walpole 01
  • France is no longer the uncertain, self-doubting nation that stood unmoving while the Germans remilitarized the Rhineland thirteen years ago. Archive 2009-10-01
  • The 5th Army was based in Koblenz, in the Rhineland, and was commanded by Major General Kronprinz Wilhelm von Preussen, the oldest son of Kaiser Wilhelm II and the Crown Prince of the German Empire. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • ‘I met a designer today who was actually talking about embedding rhinestones into swimwear flippers,’ says a senior brand manager.
  • That diamond in his signet ring might only be a rhinestone. SNOWLINE
  • Meuse and the territory and cities on the Moselle, on both sides of the Rhine, and in Jura, that is to say Friesland, the country of the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • A millenary confection in grey felt, glittering with rhinestones, trimmed in black grosgrain. Archive 2009-01-01
  • When Mantua fell, and Austria saw herself driven from Italy, she had called her ablest general, the Archduke Charles, from the Rhine, and given him an army of over one hundred thousand men to lead against Bonaparte. The Life Of Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Catarrhines (gorilla, chimpanzee, and orang) are in every respect slighter than the corresponding differences between the highest and the lowest Catarrhines (white-nosed monkey, macaco, baboon, etc.). The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
  • Steven Tyler, who can outdo Jennifer Lopez in the glam department, took one look when McDonald first wore the rhinestone suit on the show and said, "Hey, man, what were you doing in my closet? American Idol Backstage Report: Paul McDonald Goes Out in Style
  • As GQ knows we love to wander about these brand new centers of creativity in Ed Hardy shirts, rhinestone belts, yellow blazers, and what you call "meth" inspired fashion. Greg Selkoe: Hey GQ I Guess Stereotypes Die Hard, Wicked Hard
  • The few tendrils I left loose I curled and tucked them off my face in white rhinestone clips, letting them frame my face.
  • They are a "rough lot," and need very much the attention of the poet and the novelist, who might (if they shut their eyes) make this season as romantic as vintage-time on the Rhine, or "moonshining" on the Southern mountains. Their Pilgrimage
  • A clap of thunder, a flash of lightning over the Rhine. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Roman Empire came under severe pressure from the barbarians across the Rhine.
  • Fernand Braudel was serving as a lieutenant on the Rhine frontier and became a prisoner of war.
  • We see him, at one point, sitting in a ramshackle hotel room in New Harmony, Ind., as his men stuff an American skunk for shipment back to his castle on the Rhine. From the Rhine to the Wild West
  • For a pound and thirty pence I had acquired a territory greater in surface area than the Palatinate of the Rhine.
  • Why put platyrrhine monkeys in South America only, and catarrhine monkeys in Africa and Asia only? THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • My knowledge of the "Rhine" enabled me to escape from all save one, but he was as familiar with our vessel as I, and finally, penning me in a corner, he produced a frog as big as a lap-dog, and declared that it was his almost suicidal intention to practically give me the thing for half-a-dollar. The Idler Magazine, Volume III, April 1893 An Illustrated Monthly
  • In the Rhine gorge, however, skippers had to concentrate every ounce of their attention on the water. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • Guests also take a short river cruise on the Rhine, and visit famous castles and cathedrals.
  • And if a courtling came from Rome, he should receive the strict command to withdraw, or to leap into the Rhine, or whatever river be nearest, and to administer a cold bath to the Interdict, seal and letters and all. Articles 1-9. Twenty-Seven Articles Respecting the Reformation of the Christian Estate
  • As summer approached, the Nazis promised "a festival of peace," proclaimed a "week of laughter" — and remilitarized the Rhineland. The Show Will Go On
  • Rhine Palatinate, St. Paul's at Besancon, Lure and Cusance in the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • The white satin dress is made from almost 300 feet of material, and embroidered with 1,500 crystal rhinestones and pearls.
  • When Germany reoccupied the Rhineland in March 1936, the French government initially made belligerent noises, but once it became clear that Britain would not provide support, the French quietly acquiesced.
  • But it can have a serene, rustic feel, due in large part to the way it straddles the Rhine without overdeveloping the actual riverfront. A Resilient and Renovated Bonn
  • France will never feel secure until she is on the Rhine from the mouth of Flanders to the border in Switzerland, and as long as that continues there is no way for disarmament, and there is no hope for peace in Europe. The World Crisis and the Outlook
  • The Roman Empire came under severe pressure from the barbarians across the Rhine.
  • The crossbones are oversized, and the whole thing's studded with rhinestones - except the skull's eyes, each of which is a black plastic gem of some sort.
  • With the exception of a few anomalous primate genomes, such as the hylobatids, most of the catarrhine primates appear to possess very large, conserved ancient linkage groups.
  • 48 16 N. LiN.Z, a town of Germany, tn the deflorate of Cologne, feated on the Rhine, 1 5 miles nw of Coblentt, and iS The general gazetteer, or, Compendious geographical dictionary [microform] : containing a description of the empires, kingdoms, states, provinces, cities, towns, forts, seas, harbours, rivers, lakes, mountains, capes, &c. in the known world : with the
  • Where is the source of the Rhine?
  • He sent his brother Druogo, the arch-chaplain, Count Albert, and many others before him to guard the west bank of the Rhine; then he himself followed and celebrated Easter at Aix-la-Chapelle. De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » The Battle of Fontenay in 841, according to the Annals of Fulda
  • Siegfried's Rhine Journey, which leads into Act 1, is more than an orchestral showpiece: it is an important transition between worlds.
  • The vessel will be designed to operate using existing berthing and loading facilities on the Rhine and Danube.
  • As by stimulating one branch of lymphatics into inverted motion, another branch is liable to absorb its fluid more hastily; suppose strong errhines, as common tobacco snuff to children, or one grain of turpeth mineral, (Hydrargyrus vitriolatus), mixed with ten or fifteen grains of sugar, was gradually blown up the nostrils? Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • I wore my hair up in a loose and messy topknot with these flashy, oversized rhinestone hoops. Real wifeys
  • The new designs incorporate the pocket embroidery and the same dark colors of the original, but are updated with stretch and modern treatments such as gold lurex threads and rhinestones.
  • I was too small to wrestle on equal terms with the brutish currents of the surging Rhine minutes after the collapse of the bridge at Remagen.
  • In the case of the Rhine shares in the German navigation companies and property such as wharves and warehouses held by Germany in Rotterdam at the outbreak of the war must be handed over. World's War Events $v Volume 3 Beginning with the departure of the first American destroyers for service abroad in April, 1917, and closing with the treaties of peace in 1919.
  • Poincaré demanded, as conditions for a moratorium, a series of “productive guarantees, ” among them appropriation of 60 percent of the capital of the German dyestuff factories on the left bank of the Rhine, and exploitation and contingent expropriation of the state mines in the Ruhr. 1921, Nov. 12-1922, Feb. 6
  • A number of female passengers adorned their lapels with heart-shaped brooches filled with red, white and blue rhinestones.
  • Phoenix comes onto the stage in a bright turquoise cosmic-cowboy outfit with crystal rhinestones and embroidered roses.
  • There were tucks and folds and frills and bows and lace and rhinestones and embroidery and ribbons all over it.
  • We have brought the barbarian across the Rhine in order to help defend our frontiers.
  • Now General Crerar's outlined plan was for the 2nd Canadian Corps, which was under the command of General Simonds, to cross the Rhine at Emmerick, and cover the left flank of 30 Corps and then capture Zutphen, Hengelo and Deventer. The Last Canadian Battle and the Surrender of the Germany Army
  • At that time the Black Forest was the only physical barrier between France and Southern Germany; the Rhine was then practically a The Life of Napoleon I (Volume 2 of 2)
  • I was wearing a simple grey American Apparel t - shirt , scalloped shorts and rhinestone necklace.
  • Fendi has played artfully with rhinestones, studding the tops for a line of mink co-ordinates.
  • A clap of thunder, a flash of lightning over the Rhine. Times, Sunday Times
  • In due course, it was hoped, the assistance from the Rhine Army would pour over the St. Gotthard, thus making use of a fifth pass. THE CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON
  • Chapter Eleven Besides the great expanse across the Rhine known as Germania, there were also the lands bordering the Danube, that sister river of the Rhine, which ran thirteen hundred miles until it reached the Euxine Sea. The Eternal Mercenary
  • The top two-thirds of the composition is studded with rhinestones, suggesting stars sparkling in the metallic blue sky.
  • It says ‘Jesus’ in gold cursive lettering studded with rhinestones.
  • The rhinencephalon appears as a longitudinal elevation, with a corresponding internal furrow, on the under surface of the hemisphere close to the lamina terminalis; it is separated from the lateral surface of the hemisphere by a furrow, the external rhinal fissure, and is continuous behind with that part of the hemisphere, which will ultimately form the anterior end of the temporal lobe. IX. Neurology. 2. Development of the Nervous System
  • They continued up the Rhine as far as Dordrecht, and nine miles farther to Meginhard, when they turned back, having taken their booty. De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » Disorder and Warfare according to the Annals of Xanten (844 -861)
  • “Related to a former muckamuck and another former muckamuck, families with places in Rhinebeck and Newport, apartments in the Dakota—” The Women’s Room
  • It was made of charmeuse satin with a V-neck, and the right side of the top curved around in a pleated fold to stop just under Lauren's left breast, seemingly held tight by two dime-sized rhinestone buttons.
  • With the Riesling, this makes for one of the driest wines in France, in no way resembling the flowery, grapey Riesling of the German Rhine.
  • Beads, sequins, rhinestones, glitter, embroidery and and specialty detailing will also be a major trend, so if you love a little glamour it's definitely going to be your year.
  • The intelligence officer reported that only light flak could be expected over the battlefront along the Rhine River.
  • The dry leaves are powdered and used as an errhine, for the cure of headache. The Mide'wiwin or "Grand Medicine Society" of the Ojibwa Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1885-1886, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1891, pages 143-300
  • I mean, if I look out the car window I see the tollbooth, which is how I know we’re coming up to the Rhinecliff Bridge. DANI NOIR
  • On a table against the short wall was her apparatus -- if that's what you call decks of cards, a roulette wheel, a set of Rhine ESP cards, several dice and, so help me, a crystal ball. Card Trick
  • Wrap a whippet-thin rhinestone sash or a leather belt with a mondo flashy buckle around your waist.
  • Many tweeds shown on the catwalk had raw fringes and the fabric could be inset with jewel rhinestones.
  • Many tweeds shown on the catwalk had raw fringes and the fabric could be inset with jewel rhinestones.
  • The Black Eyed Peas donned oversized mirrored eyewear, leather-like bodysuits and rhinestone- encrusted microphones befitting Michael Jackson impersonators. Minnesota homespun costumes for Super Bowl
  • She had an idea of returning to the clothing business with rhinestones on clothes but that idea did not go anywhere.
  • Gucci heels, silk Chanel plaid mules with interlocking "CC"s in rhinestones, and good god, the Hermès scarf collection--it was a label whore's paradise. La Coquette:
  • So we could be content with the many-sided discourses from the French press that reach us over the Rhine - if it weren't for one problem.
  • A cute idea is to spell out your friends name in glitter, and randomly spread rhinestones around it.
  • Among the ancestor of the last, he searches for the common progenitors, from which again two branches started -- on the one hand the ignoble branches of the catarrhine species of apes, always remaining lower in {44} development, to which also belong the anthropomorphous apes, like the orang outang and gibbon in Asia, the gorilla and chimpanzee in Africa; on the other hand, that branch which represents the ascent of animals to man. The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • Over the Rhine I found my footing; I gripped the slipping rope; I was rejuvenated; my feet were washed.
  • The Meuse of France falls into the Rhine.
  • The leaves, dried and powdered, have powerful errhine properties. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • Fraunce hight Francia and Gallia also, and had first that name Francia of men of Germany, who were called Franci: and hath the Rhine and Mediaeval Lore from Bartholomew Anglicus
  • It might also be said that with the structure he's erected, Lauren is something of an arriviste, but if that were uttered, it would require adding that many of the mansions introduced on those soigné avenues were constructed as well by new money confidently joining the old -- like the Rhinelander mansion that's been Lauren's home-base haberdashery for men and women these last few decades. David Finkle: Saturday Shoppers View Ralph Lauren's New Madison Avenue Mansion
  • Shut up, Mulligan!" was Bert Rhine's command, in receipt of which he received a venomous stare from the cripple. CHAPTER XLII
  • It is known as a Rhenish helm – a style imported from the Rhineland in the time of Edward the Confessor, and this is the only surviving British example. Early medieval architecture in Britain: examples from the era
  • Theoretical modeling of fruit spectra into the trichromatic color space of catarrhine primates yielded similar results.
  • Most of what is at Dragonfly and Amber is costume jewellery; semi-precious stones, rhinestones, crystals, glass, even plastic, but the handmade, individual aspect still sets most pieces at $100 or more. Peachland: A Sweet Place to Be « Colleen Anderson
  • She had taken a rhinestone studded barrette to clip one side of her hair away from her face.
  • More than that, O'Reilly is apparently acting like a frenzied, territorial catarrhine: Archive 2007-01-01
  • Many tweeds shown on the catwalk had raw fringes and the fabric could be inset with jewel rhinestones.
  • One day I showed her a black satin swingy short dress embroidered with rhinestones in a design of arches around the skirt and very low decollete. Women I Have Dressed (and Undressed!)
  • In 1936, German troops entered the de-militarised Rhineland in an attempt to rebuild national self-esteem.
  • On her feet were white silk slippers with rhinestone buckles, and over her arm she carried a white shawl.
  • The Germans had not mounted any defense at all on the east bank of the Seine, but that left the Meuse, Moselle, Roser , Saar, Waal, and Rhine Rivers and their tributaries to go.
  • Protestantism in the Rhineland, and by school and pulpit laboured to re-Catholicize the Empire, Rome spurred Mary Stuart to the Darnley marriage, urged Philip to march Alva on the Netherlands, broke up the religious truce which Catharine had won for France, and celebrated with solemn pomp the massacre of the Huguenots. History of the English People Volume 4 (of 8)
  • Germany was divided by the Rhine from the Gallic, and on the south, by the Danube, from the Illyrian, provinces of the empire. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • She has short brown hair, red leather pants, a black Harley-Davidson shirt cut into a halter, a strand of white rhinestones as a belt and a little heart of white rhinestones around her belly button.
  • It's a short walk inland through an avenue of pines to the Caldey village, backed by the turreted, white-washed and ochre-tiled monastery that the monks themselves built, rather in the image of a Rhineland schloss.
  • The brown powder attached to the foot-stalks possesses considerable power as an errhine. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • He had made many improvements in the Prussian army, notably the introduction of the iron ramrod about 1700, and he now took the field at the head of a Prussian corps on the Rhine, serving at the sieges of Kaiserswerth and Venlo. The Old Dessauer
  • The next month, March 1936, he boldly remilitarized the Rhineland, on the border with France, in violation of treaty agreements. The Prize
  • The Sikh, Muhammadan and Hindu Jats, the Kashmírís and the Rájputs all belong to the tall, fair, leptorrhine The Panjab, North-West Frontier Province, and Kashmir
  • The theatre has a similar bulk and presence in the opposite direction, as its south side presents long views across the Rhine harbour.
  • They remained nearly a month in the ancient episcopal city, strolling out in the gloaming through the lonely, grass-grown streets with their crumbling palaces of the time of the Council; floating with the current down the river Rhine along its forest-clad banks; stopping to look at the tiny houses with red roofs and spacious arbors beneath which sang the bourgeoisie, stein in hand, with the Germanic joy of a subchanter, grave and reposeful. The Dead Command From the Spanish Los Muertos Mandan
  • On his complaint indeed the States recalled their commissaries, but the year was lost; nor had greater results been brought about in Italy or on the Rhine. History of the English People, Volume VII (of 8) The Revolution, 1683-1760; Modern England, 1760-1767
  • Anya noticed that the dog heads were wearing collars: a pink one with a dangling rhinestone tag that said Princess; a camouflage collar stenciled with the name Grumpy; a black leather collar that had the word Bashful lettered on it in silver charms. Sparks
  • Dr. Tully also says it is a deobstruent or alterative, an acrid narcotic, an emetic, an epispastic, and an errhine; found very useful in gout, rheumatism, diseases of lungs, and some complaints of the bowels. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • The shoulder wrap neckline point in the photo looks like individualized rhinestoned sequined or pearlized leafings that can be layered on organza attached as to the bodice and the front curve.. so elegant. Ava and Lana BFF - A Dress A Day
  • Later that year Nudie asked another prospective customer, Lefty Frizzel, whether he had the guts to wear a suit with rhinestones on it.
  • Some years earlier, Julian the Apostate had recruited Franks as foederati to help defend the Rhine. Superversive: Gondor, Byzantium, and Feudalism
  • In July 1798 French customs posts were established along the Rhine.
  • Herbert Spencer's "line of individuation," must begin with the lancelet and its disputed head, and end in the Catarrhine or Old World monkey. Life: Its True Genesis
  • The Rhine River, at the northeast corner of France forms the Franco - German boundary.
  • The bottom of the dress was lined with pink material, and her shoes were pink with purple rhinestones.
  • There was a lone tear residing on her cheek, slightly smudging her mascara, that caught the light and glittered almost brighter than the rhinestones on the tiara that rested on Jessica's perfect hair.
  • The powder is an active errhine, and the leaves have some celebrity in domestic practice, as being antispasmodic, antiscorbutic, and astringent. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • ] Dr Rhinehart's alienation and anomie apparently reached such a degree that he lost a single identity and became a multiple personality. THE DICE MAN
  • To attach rhinestones or studs without prongs to fabric, use jewelry adhesive formulated for adhering plastic and metal to fabric.
  • Meanwhile, York's Elvis impersonator Eddie Vee will swap his rhinestone jumpsuit for a dapper two-piece when he takes to the stage as Buddy Holly.
  • Lovely is the Rhine! on its shelvy banks grows the racy grape; and strange old keeps of robber-knights of yore are reflected in its waters, from picturesque crags and airy headlands! George Borrow The Man and His Books
  • Where does this stream merge into the Rhine?
  • Derek had to get the rhinestones for the suit flown in from Czechoslovakia.
  • Speyer, the capital of the Rhine Palatinate (Bavaria), 31 May, 1876. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • However, it may represent a peroneus digiti V superior or longus, such as seen in catarrhine monkeys.
  • Just as Cologne traded Rhine and Mosel wines to the Baltic and the Low Countries in exchange for herrings and stockfish, Frankfurt did the same with Alsace wines.

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