How To Use Rheumy In A Sentence
He has also confessed to murdering seven women and has emerged as one of the country's most hated criminals, his puffy features and rheumy eyes illustrating many magazine articles.
Slightly apart stand a line of khaki-clad men, ancients with grizzled beards and yellow, rheumy eyes, dressed in tattered uniforms and battered solar topis.
`Dutchie shouldn't," he wheezed, with rheumy old eyes streaming.
‘Come and be touched by Oprah Winfrey’, he rattled, his rheumy eyes streaming, staring deep into my soul.
Behind those rheumy eyes, the game knee, the bad hip, or whatever—Frankie, the fastest kid in eighth grade.
Shortcut Man
His rheumy eyes were wandering sightlessly, but his ears were locked on me and twitching.
Costley, however, does not come over as any rheumy romantic.
Instead, you find yourself outraged by the fact that in the course of an average working day these already unattractive garments soak up tens of billions of endemic, playfully airborne, hospital-dependent microbes issuing from the rheumy pipes and tubes of the chronically ill.
Archive 2009-05-01
Father Stone is standing closer, his eyes staring at me with the rheumy quality of the very old.
Milton has a wide-fitting loafer in the door of the future and a rheumy eye on Sylvia's support hose.
World of Lather: a month in soap
With rheumy eyes they saw to his needs, with palsied hands filling his glass or striking him on the back between the shoulders when death stirred and he coughed and gasped.
The Wit of Porportuk
We saw elderly monkeys with thick grey fur, big muscular bodies and rheumy eyes.
The old soldier conjured a particularly ugly visage: a balding gnome-like pate, puggish nose, rheumy eyes-some said from too much drink-a perpetual frown, chinless face, the furrowed brow.
Appearing in other worldly guise, she had a hooked nose with rheumy cold, had cheeks sunken and walked lame.
He gave them a rheumy stare and climbed unsteadily to his feet.
It doesn't take much to put it all together; the rheumy eyes, the wrinkles, the unnatural emaciation, and that slight but unmistakable tremor in her hand.
He approached the skittish animal once more and it backed away again, its rheumy red eyes wild with fear, until it was perched at the very lip of the precipice.
Excerpt: Water, Stone, Heart by Will North
rheumy with age and grief
Sonia thinks about the restaurant owner with the rheumy eyes and the son who is no good.
That creepy old retired nun with the rheumy face of a Martian had locked him in a closet in the basement.
Lee shifts his feet, startled at the giddy look in Wesley's rheumy eyes.
But one glance at the wrinkled-map face, and the single rheumy eye peering over the top of the bifocal lens would also have told you that the braces and baggy trousers were inevitable.
Free Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Save the Dragons 22 - Dave Freer
He was a sagging man of 65 or 70; his eyes were rheumy and his nose spider-webbed with disintegrating capillaries.
Why I Fired My Broker
The old rheumy eyes swivel audibly away from the mushroom cloud of dust now settling near the fireplace.
Was the kind of rheumy old man that gave me the stink-eye and made it Very Clear that he thought a) only Masters students should really be considered for his program, and b) that he didn’t respect my subfield and didn’t think what I was writing about was important at all.
Godwin’s law: NEW RECORD « Love | Peace | Ohana
They look relatively healthy - no bloated bellies or rheumy eyes - but after a few questions it emerges they have consumed only black tea in the past 48 hours.
With rheumy eyes they saw to his needs, with palsied hands filling his glass or striking him on the back between the shoulders when death stirred and he coughed and gasped.
The Wit of Porportuk
He's got more cheekbone than Snoop, bloodshot and rheumy eyes, and he's wearing a scruffy black overcoat and woolly hat.
Slightly apart stand a line of khaki-clad men, ancients with grizzled beards and yellow, rheumy eyes, dressed in tattered uniforms and battered solar topis.
This is the moment in the funeral video that turns the slow, rheumy trickle from Gordon's eyes into flat-out crying.
He twists his head, exposing one rheumy malevolent eye and half a mottled, gummy mouth.
The trapper then tried to force movement in the aching and tired limbs; he jumped about like a rheumy drunk until he felt his bowed legs limbering to his efforts.
With one shaky hand he dabbed at his blood-shot, rheumy eyes, with the other he tap-tap-tapped continually at a hearing aid that looked like it had been built in the Eisenhower administration.
Tamara with difficulty sought out a bald, ancient old man, grown over as though with bog moss by entangled gray bristles; with little rheumy eyes and an enormous, reddish, dark-blue granulous nose, on the manner of a cookie.
Yama: the pit
The old man trotted closer, looking up with pink and rheumy eyes.
If the good senator is looking at the Administrations nominee's with a rheumy eye, then maybe the hair on the back of our neck's should be standing up.
Bill Nelson Continues To Block NASA Administrator Nominees - NASA Watch