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How To Use Rheometer In A Sentence

  • Salvador Crespo, senior research and development chemist at Grace Davison, said: 'Using the rheometer shortens research times, which is a major gain. Processingtalk - processing industry news
  • To improve its sensitivity, the rheometer is shielded from external magnetic fields by a cage of high magnetic permeability metal.
  • The ball-on-plate rheometer is therefore ideal for evaluating the performance of lubricants under the realistic conditions found in many machine components.
  • This work relied on what would now be called a dynamic shear rheometer which was built at ARRB by Peter Witt.
  • The Rheological property of self - prepared PET synthesized with medium - purity acid was studied with capillary rheometer.
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  • The rheometer combines steady shear and oscillatory testing capability with good temperature control. Processingtalk - processing industry news
  • Briefly, the rheometer consists of a cylindrical cuvette with an inner diameter of 15 mm and a volume of - 1.5 ml.
  • The Malvern rheometer has proven to be a cost-effective, reliable and easy-to-use choice for steady shear and oscillatory testing throughout the product development cycle. Processingtalk - processing industry news
  • It will be seen that, upon combining all the elements of the apparatus, we can obtain very different combinations; and, according to the inventor, his rheometer is a substitute for a dozen galvanometers of various degrees of sensitiveness, and permits of measuring currents of from 20 amperes down to 1/50000000 an ampere. Scientific American Supplement, No. 421, January 26, 1884
  • Details on the rotating disk rheometer have been described by Miller et al. 1991.
  • Brookfield Rheocalc operating software was used to control the rheometer.
  • The rheometer is equipped with a heating unit that allows us to maintain the sample at 37°C.
  • A wide gap rheometer geometry has been developed which can be used to measure the flow characteristics of food products containing particles.
  • To measure the macroscopic properties of the extract, we use a mechanical rheometer to investigate the onset of gelation, and the frequency- and strain-dependent network response.
  • The cover glass was mounted in the sample holder of the magnetic bead rheometer and the measurements were started.
  • The rheological behavior of PET synthesized with MTA was studied with Rosand capillary rheometer.
  • Malvern rheometer helps Michelman develop coatings Processingtalk - processing industry news
  • Viscosity Measurements Viscosity of the samples was measured using a Brookfield DV-III programmable cone and plate rheometer (Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, USA) fitted with a CP-42 cone spindle.
  • 'The rheometer is easy to clean and it is simple to switch between different test types for wet or dry samples, aqueous or solvent-based systems,' he added. Processingtalk - processing industry news
  • The T2SR time- and temperature-scanning rheometer is a robust, portable mechanical instrument designed to simplify dynamic measurements of materials in the viscosity range of 10-1000 Pa/sec.
  • The T2SR rheometer employs disposable probes and containers.
  • The rheology of BLG solutions at 20°C was determined using a Rheometrics rheometer with parallel plate geometry.
  • The new rheometer provides an extended torque range, a new normal force sensor with high stability and accuracy.
  • The bulk elastic modulus of the collagen gels was measured using a stress-controlled rheometer with a 4°, 40-mm cone and plate geometry.
  • Scientists at Michelman are using a rotational rheometer from Malvern Instruments to customise its water-based surface modifiers, polymers and coatings. Processingtalk - processing industry news
  • Changes in the dynamic properties of high-viscosity and viscoelastic fluid materials can be measured with a rheometer offered by Fluid Dynamics Inc.
  • Packaging Technologies is using a rotational rheometer to accelerate the development of new food-grade and industrial sealants. Processingtalk - processing industry news
  • The end pressure loss of LLDPE melt in short die extrusion and factors affecting the pressure loss were investigated by using a capillary rheometer.

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