How To Use Reynard In A Sentence
On this occasion, Campobasso gave his opinion, couched in the apologue of the Traveller, the Adder, and the Fox; and reminded the Duke of the advice which Reynard gave to the man, that he should crush his mortal enemy, now that chance had placed his fate at his disposal.
Quentin Durward
They clustered here and there in little clumps, whispering, while Reynard's crew scurried around reefing the sails.
The Big Ship, Reynard, was the largest in the fleet of appropriated sailing ships that Claw's organization was running.
persuasion" and indigenous origin: so Reynard the Fox has its analogue amongst the Kafirs and the Vái tribe of Mandengan negroes in Liberia [FN#235] amongst whom one Doalu invented or rather borrowed a syllabarium.
Arabian nights. English
In Leicestershire he would be regarded as a hunting man, while in his own district he is known as a vulpicide, for Reynard is seldom, if ever, found in his coverts.
The Horsewoman A Practical Guide to Side-Saddle Riding, 2nd. Ed.

Called a "baby bibliomaniac" as a child, he acquired his first book at auction, the fable "Reynard the Fox," at age 11.
Extreme Book-Collecting
The Friars brotherly Companion, who had given sufficient enstructions to the Nurse, and a small purse full of Sisters white thred, which a Nunne (after shrift) had bestowed on him, upon the husbands admittance into the Chamber (which they easily heard) came in also to them, and seeing all in very good tearmes, they holpe to make a joyfull conclusion, the Brother saying to Friar Reynard: Brother, I have finished all those foure jaculatory prayers, which you commanded me.
The Decameron
“persuasion” and indigenous origin: so Reynard the Fox has its analogue amongst the Kafirs and the Vái tribe of Mandengan negroes in Liberia235 amongst whom one Doalu invented or rather borrowed a syllabarium.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Brother, answered Reynard, you have a better breath then I, and your successe hath prooved happier then mine, for before the arrivall of my Gossip Credulano, I could accomplish but two jaculatory prayers onely.
The Decameron
Reynard wears an oxygen mask and breathes pure air.
He is looking down at sly-looking, hungry-looking, bushy-tailed Mr. Reynard Fox.
Eliza’s Freedom Road