How To Use Rewriting In A Sentence
Feeling Better ... after sixish hours working on revising/rewriting my first 17 pages.
MFA Rock
That is rewriting history, and cutting your anchor rope, and should be resisted.
Okay, it would have been much preferred to avoid using the term constitutional convention and, instead, use Article V convention, because the language in Article V clearly limits a convention to amendments and prevents a wholesale rewriting of the constitution.
Dissident Voice
Clifton's palimpsestic rewriting of Whitman in which relationships, not the individual, have primacy, is finally able to bring this family identity into American literature.
It meant rewriting the dogma of molecular biology.

He was in a continual process of rewriting his material.
The first draft of his novel needed a substantial amount of rewriting.
When Netscape made the fatidic decision of opening the source code of its flagship product and later of rewriting it from the scrath it became clear that an era had ended.
Reflective Surface - It’s time to bury Netscape
‘The most obvious reason for rewriting POPE JOAN (because of which I was thinking to entitle my novel: THE MAN WHO WAS A WOMAN) has to do with the female sex and more precisely with gynaecocracy, the matriarchy that rises in our days.’
The key to good writing is rewriting.
Exploring language (6th edn)
_Quique quod_ is obviously prone to haplography; on the other hand, it could be a rewriting of _qui quod id es_, which is itself presumably a simple corruption through interchange of _qui quod es id_.
The Last Poems of Ovid
You wouldn't want me rewriting your script.
Times, Sunday Times
The different types of prewriting that we will explore here are freewriting, brainstorming, clustering, tagmemics, and journalistic technique.
A proper respect for the laws that Congress does enact-as well as the inalienable right to liberty-prohibits this court from rewriting the law, no matter how exigent the circumstances.
Far-right groups said they will protest outside the film's screening and a French member of parliament condemned it as a "negationist" rewriting of history.
The Age News Headlines
The last week or ten days, for example, I haven't been able to push myself beyond a certain point in rewriting Corvus, mostly because 1) I couldn't find a way forward; 2) I've come to realise that the entire novel ought to be rewritten from the ground up to work the way it should; and 3) I'm not sure there's any point in continuing when all I'll ever be, at best, is third-rate.
Archive 2008-05-01
Chinese sources refer to catapult-launched exploding projectiles in 1221, but some historians have argued that the references date to later rewritings of the sources.
Relics of the Kamikaze
It was said of him that he spent more of his time rewriting his speeches and public addresses than any other president.
Peril and Promise: A Commentary on America
Standing firmly on the side of the poor (if only because he himself lived in abject poverty), Bloy embraced the Beatitudes ' inversions, rewriting abjection as election.
NVNC (_FIL_) looks like a rewriting of the line, perhaps following the loss of _crimen_ by haplography (_cr_iM _s_im_ilE_).
The Last Poems of Ovid
Equational logic and, more generally, term rewriting treat equality-like equations as rewrite rules, also known as reduction or demodulation rules.
Automated Reasoning
We agree that the rewriting of history is an integral part of the historian's trade, and this has been a marked feature of our own work.
While you're rewriting your title and description tags, don't forget the keywords meta tag.
Rostropovich spent two summers with the ailing Prokofiev and was astonished at the patience with which his suggestions were received during the rewriting of the concerto and the gestation of other works.
If you read a lot of Jennings's work, the poems blur into one another; there is too much repetition, too much rewriting of the same poem, too many neat little verse essays.
If the present team go up, they may be rewriting history again.
Times, Sunday Times
You were re-recording and rewriting bits of the album beyond the eleventh hour.
The Sun
If I was rewriting, I would reword the post differently to make this clear.
Frowning, the teacher slowly picked up the writing utensil, rewriting the equation for me and showing me the step I'd managed to forget to do.
In other words, the Sapphic lyric refuses the chronological unfolding of time and instead endlessly repeats the activity of looking back to the past even as it predicts its own future rewriting.
This paper proposes to study these stereotypes and see if and how they evolve with the different rewritings of the Lives: from premetaphrastic Lives, to metaphrastic Lives, to the summaries introduced in menologia.
It was said of him that he spent more of his time rewriting his speeches and public addresses than any other president.
Peril and Promise: A Commentary on America
I went to my house in Madrid with Nicolas Roeg, the lighting cameraman, and we worked on rewriting the script.
I finally 'birthed' the baby ... the newest largest edition of 'book repair for booksellers' now comes all the messy after birth parts like designing the cover, getting it to market and all that happy horseshit, like writing and rewriting the thing wasn't bad enough.
Archive 2009-04-01
As different job boards use a variety of formats, recruiters can spend a lot of time writing and rewriting job advertisements for multiple postings.
Times, Sunday Times
But we also know that a rewriting of that nomology may be required.
Strange Fiction in the Marketplace
Instead of rewriting history and using religion as a power tool, he would rather that politicians embrace technology.
And yet, The New York Times, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Fox News, and Wall Street Journal all printed transcripts with the word "scripted" altered to "unscripted" - some transcripts rewriting more than just that one word, editing and adding at different points.
The Blog from Another Dimension
All I want to do is continue rewriting history here.
The Sun
He was also largely responsible for rewriting Davis's Handbook of Chemical Engineering in its two-volume format for a second edition.
It meant nothing less than rewriting the dogma of molecular biology, almost a redefining of the meaning of life itself.
Rewriting of history for bellicose use can also, presumably, be a very fine art.
And, few hands deal with the rewriting of those text; like the hands of the monks in monasteries trying to maintain the writings in the face of barbarian invansions.
Amazing Thread v.2.0
The first draft of his novel needed a substantial amount of rewriting.
With continued rewriting , my homework changed a lot.
Most speech writing is rewriting.
Times, Sunday Times
So instead of writing new material today, I was rewriting scenes I wrote in the past couple of days, to ensure that I got one character (and important ... let's call it "cargo") into orbit where they have to be for the rest of the book to pan out the way I envision.
Archive 2006-10-22
Consensus-based constitutional conventionsdevolved tothe bioregional level, rewriting their constitutions to reflect a directly democratic, bioregionally-based confederation, with acentral coordinating function for common defense andfair trade, and including economic and cultural, as well political rights.
As the badge of an authentic untimeliness, uncouthness marks the expectation of future rewriting, conceives itself as the object of subsequent distressings.
I first wrote it as a one-act play in Kannada and have kept on writing and rewriting it over the years.
With a minimal amount of solid rewriting, you can reap some surprising benefits.
Beginners reveals, Lish allowed himself an astonishingly free hand in the rewriting, repagination and retitling of his friend's stories. news business sport the Daily Telegraph newspaper Sunday Telegraph
As mythmakers they play with the idea of rewriting history, constructing artifacts - specimens from antiquity, or from a fantastic future - that become corroborative evidence to a fictional history of their own making.
Kiša Lala: Mythographers: Recalling The Future, Foretelling The Past
The friendship between the writer and the illustrator was forged during months of rewriting and hard work that produced books that look effortlessly funny.
Times, Sunday Times
Some Democrats who voted to authorize the use of force are now rewriting the past.
I have several unpublished pieces, but they need extensive editing and rewriting.
It's a little like rewriting the script of a play.
Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
Rewriting the Constitution might remove some limiting provisions, but consider then the sense of originalism as it may be focused upon years later in construing a rewritten constitution, with so much more documentation regarding original intent, original meaning, original understanding, original whatever du jour, for scholars to consider?
This would lead to a rewriting of history.
Times, Sunday Times
Her new approach will mandate a significant rewriting of how slaves and slaveholders were addressed in canonical and extra-canonical sources of the early Christian communities.
He was also anxious and imperious in equal measure, and driven to an endless activity of rewriting that has no parallel I can think of among novelists.
This includes Abigail Derecho’s fascinating “archontic,” which she offers in an essay that traces the history of rewriting as a women’s history of writing, sometimes literally in the margins.
Recent reading
Dick is being a dick again – falsely taking credit, rewriting facts to suit himself.
Think Progress » Despite Opposing Withdrawal From Iraq, Cheney Takes Credit For Withdrawal Success
‘The most obvious reason for rewriting POPE JOAN (because of which I was thinking to entitle my novel: THE MAN WHO WAS A WOMAN) has to do with the female sex and more precisely with gynaecocracy, the matriarchy that rises in our days.’
_Quique quod_ is obviously prone to haplography; on the other hand, it could be a rewriting of _qui quod id es_, which is itself presumably a simple corruption through interchange of _qui quod es id_.
The Last Poems of Ovid
And then, of course, I see the copyedit, and then again in page proofs, but those are nit-picking and minute changes, not rewriting.
Interview: Laura Anne Gilman
We can see this phenomena in today's social web - the web is rewriting the rule book on how we program content- rather than a top-down, command economy approach, where programmers decide what we should read, watch, and discuss - users are leverage social media sites to "reprogram" content.
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The process of writing and rewriting clarifies their thoughts and strengthens their hold on their own ideas.
A Short Guide to Writing About History
The key to good writing is rewriting.
Exploring language (6th edn)
This would lead to a rewriting of history.
Times, Sunday Times
The best rewriting method in this case is the simplest: by correcting one problem you chip away at the others.
S and R are real, with R nonnegative, and rewriting Schrödinger's equation in terms of these new variables to obtain a pair of coupled evolution equations: the continuity equation for Ï = R2 and a modified Hamilton-Jacobi equation for S, differing from the usual classical Hamilton-Jacobi equation only by the appearance of an extra term, the quantum potential
Bohmian Mechanics
Bear also does a great job of rewriting history here, with a dark version of 1938 that fits perfectly into might-have-been territory … Bear provides plenty of political intrigue, some tension and enough mythic conversation to make readers long for a mystical library collection of their own.
Subterranean Press » 2009 » May
As we approach the anniversary of the regicide of that glorious saint and King – Charles I, it is a good time to look at one of the most shameful rewritings of history I have ever seen up there with the holocaust deniers.
Archive 2008-01-13
If the present team go up, they may be rewriting history again.
Times, Sunday Times
Further, what is to stop a subsequent government rewriting the constitution when it comes to power?
Times, Sunday Times
In this paper, the symbolic measure is introduced, and semiregularity is defined, and the confluence of semiregular term rewriting system is proved.
* Fixed minify bug with rewriting of url URI in CSS
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Further, what is to stop a subsequent government rewriting the constitution when it comes to power?
Times, Sunday Times
It's a little like rewriting the script of a play.
Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
I have a lot of stitching and backwork and rewriting to do, but with any luck I have a better idea of where I'm going now.
Book & haus update
He sits huddled in a corner, writing his name, erasing it and rewriting it.
Rewriting of canonical pieces, the development of sequences and rengas, a short verse play collaboration, as well as the workshopping of individual poems, will be the main elements of the course.
The girls, who were most of them busy with odd jobs such as darning, making out lists, rewriting work, writing letters home and so on, looked up as June strode into the room.
In the Fifth at Malory Towers
He is being accused of rewriting history under a star-spangled banner and the British press is crucifying him for it.
As proved in the dismissal of the whole rewriting the law on intruders.
Mr. Gates said the overall plan "involves several phases: rewriting the regulations, putting together the content of the training, and then 'tiering' of the training.
NYT > Home Page
Their approach commences by rewriting the field equations in the form of Ernst's equation as described in Chapter 11.
He has been rewriting Plus's listing rules and trying to second-guess the European market infrastructure regulation, MiFID II and U.K. regulatory changes.
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I went to my house in Madrid with Nicolas Roeg, the lighting cameraman, and we worked on rewriting the script.
In my relatively free versions of some of Transtr?mer's poems I have attempted to steer a middle ground between Lowell's rangy, risk-taking rewritings and the traditional, strictly literal approach.
Before you continue with this chapter, determine which mode of rewriting suits your style.
Quinn has repeatedly pointed out to reporters that he has the power to strengthen the bill by rewriting it -- a so-called amendatory veto. -
By rewriting internecine butchery as ‘reassuring fratricide,’ Shakespeare engages in a politics of collective forgetting that complicates official memory.
Most speech writing is rewriting.
Times, Sunday Times
The first draft of his novel needed a substantial amount of rewriting.
It was said of him that he spent more of his time rewriting his speeches and public addresses than any other president.
Peril and Promise: A Commentary on America
Parker has been rewriting the book on the sounds that can be made with a sax for over 40 years, developing a remarkable post-Coltrane technique that has allowed him to play counterpoint on what was designed as a single-line instrument, generate electronics-like textures acoustically, and build a personal soundscape that avoids conventional tunes but has its own arresting lyricism.
This week's new live music
All I want to do is continue rewriting history here.
The Sun
We're also rewriting a script for Warner Bros called Cecilia, which is a comedy about four guys who fall in love with the same girl, best friends, and how that sort of impacts the friendship.
The Definitive Interview with the Writers of 500 Days of Summer «
I've also read a lot of Supernatural community writing this year, and deeply appreciate the legions of writers out there weaving tales of the apocalypse, rewriting canon in inventive ways, and spinning the characters into hilarious, tragic, and complex alternate universes (sometimes all three at once).
December 2009
some fool idea about rewriting authors' books
He begins rewriting his speech as news of the second impact, and thus suspected terrorist collusion, reaches him.
It was said of him that he spent more of his time rewriting his speeches and public addresses than any other president.
Peril and Promise: A Commentary on America
Together they schooled fresh intakes of cadets and helped induct new sub-editors in the art of writing headlines, rewriting stories and slashing copy.
This collaboration is rewriting our national history.
Times, Sunday Times
He's been at it for decades and has written a magnificent text book which he's currently rewriting.
Further, what is to stop a subsequent government rewriting the constitution when it comes to power?
Times, Sunday Times
Long-running comics titles often resort to this ploy - rewriting story history that was first created on the fly gives the writers a chance to act as if the first flubs never happened.
Albert's powers now include proposing legislation, exiling anyone he chooses, rewriting the constitution, and having control over every one of his citizen's lives.
LS helped in writing and rewriting the paper and contributed additional ideas to the manuscript.
This collaboration is rewriting our national history.
Times, Sunday Times
You wouldn't want me rewriting your script.
Times, Sunday Times
The first draft of his novel needed a substantial amount of rewriting.
And when it came to the final presentation, there was Carroll - rewriting leads, headlines, subheads, and cutlines.
The process of writing and rewriting clarifies their thoughts and strengthens their hold on their own ideas.
A Short Guide to Writing About History