How To Use Rewrite In A Sentence

  • The Chief Inspector has suggested a complete overhaul of the good book, reducing it to a pacier 250 pages, a greater focus on “Floods and brimstone and other cool stuff” and a possible rewrite by Dan Brown to “Sex the whole thing up a bit.” Archive 2008-10-01
  • The producer disliked the script and demanded a rewrite.
  • It might also rewrite the science books. Times, Sunday Times
  • They also rewrite the articles to freshen up the information and publish it anew, which gives them more mileage from the initial work. Just The FAQs For Authors: MaAnna Stephenson | The Creative Penn
  • This week, rewrite a film, any film. Times, Sunday Times
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  • It might also rewrite the science books. Times, Sunday Times
  • Take the systems we have now rewrite them, combine them and reenforce them with up to date coverages. Sources: White House considers drafting health care bill
  • By the final chapter, you realise you've been reading a crazy rewrite of The Maltese Falcon.
  • Members of the next assembly, to be elected in February, could rewrite the rules, or throw out the supplementary pension plan entirely.
  • The alternative is to rewrite the sentence to provide the necessary noun or pronoun. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rewrote this four times already, so I'm going to leave the next rewrite for when I edit.
  • Harper tried to rewrite or ignore history this whole campaign, and I must admit he did a pretty fine job.
  • Online Article Rewriter is a script that turns your articles into unique content.
  • The manual could use a through rewrite, reorganization, and editing to make the English understandable, but who reads the manual anyway?
  • As homework you are asked to watch a video of a film that you dislike, that may even disturb you, and watch the film with the sound switched down and to rewrite the scenes that upset you.
  • It's a slow-ish news day here at TEV, which is just as well because I'm now in something like the seventh week of promising my agent that I'll deliver my rewrite in "two or three weeks". PROFILE: ALAN HOLLINGHURST
  • GRATs and other estate freeze strategies including intra-family loans wouldn't be affected by the bill, but many estate planners think the new administration might try to rewrite the rules on GRATs to make them less advantageous taxwise. With Stocks Unsure, Bonds In GRATs
  • I guess I’d rewrite it all in leetspeak, just to make it more interesting. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Think Like an Editor
  • This proved to be a torturous task as many drafts, revisions and rewrites poured out of my head into my PC for weeks on end.
  • Anything less would be a missed opportunity as we rewrite our role in the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • She can then begin to rewrite them, with a twist, with humour, with irreverence, with blasphemy even.
  • You will be asked to write and rewrite and write again until you finally get it right. Christianity Today
  • It usually takes a good number of rewrites of the plot synopsis to get all such issues straight.
  • They panegyrize his crusade to alter, rewrite, or ignore past events to make them consistent with his current "reality".
  • This absolutely eliminates countless rewrites, which is time consuming and frustrating. Archive 2009-02-01
  • The first line indicates to the server that you wish to rewrite certain file paths.
  • Each person writes a piece, and then they pass it on and then next person rewrites it and then passes on their rewrite and the next person rewrites that.
  • He would select news items, reselect them, rewrite them, cut them short, crumple them up and throw them away.
  • He has not been too dominant, and he does not interfere or rewrite unnecessarily.
  • But this only affects a small part of the project, which you can optimize or even rewrite.
  • But if you really want, I could rewrite the chapter so that he finds that the door is locked, and the hole in the ceiling is magically fixed, and ooh looky, he only has twelve hours to live, might as well make them worthwhile…
  • Only after countless rewrites did John consider the script ready.
  • It is not vnknowen that oure language for the barbarousnes and lacke of eloquence hathe bene complayned of, and yet not trewely, for anye defaut in the toungue it selfe, but rather for slackenes of our coũtrimen, whiche haue alwayes set lyght by searchyng out the elegance and proper speaches that be ful many in it: as plainly doth appere not only by the most excellent monumentes of our aũciẽt forewriters, A Treatise of Schemes and Tropes
  • It's been a huge amount of work and I'm not quite done with it, but once this massive rejig is done, the rest of the rewrite will flow quite nicely, I hope. On rewriting ...
  • Phillips 'order "does not order the military to redesign its barracks, to retool its pay scales or benefits, to reordain its chaplains, to rewrite its already extensive anti-harassment or' dignity and respect '"rules, or anything else," they said. Log Cabin Republicans Push Supreme Court To Vacate Stay On DADT Repeal
  • The ending of this scene is still not done because it hangs closely together with a scene about Jareth which I seriously need to rewrite; the scene where he dozes off in front of the fire and has a very important dream. Weekly
  • Written in a discursive Middle English, it has inspired several rewrites in modern times, including T.H. White's "The Once and Future King" (1958), the first part of which became the 1963 Disney movie "The Sword in the Stone," and John Steinbeck's "Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights" (1976). Arthurian Glories Renewed
  • Reassessing the archival records in EMA, Arenas rewrites Mier's life in his own fantasized, creative, hallucinatory, baroque picaresque fashion.
  • Equational logic and, more generally, term rewriting treat equality-like equations as rewrite rules, also known as reduction or demodulation rules. Automated Reasoning
  • Shot by pioneering film-makers Mitchell & Kenyon, the discovery of this archive collection will rewrite British film history.
  • The news of the revolt meant she had to rewrite her speech.
  • Thinking of the future was dangerous because it meant trying to rewrite the divine script. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her output in the 1990s was a cataract of middlebrow — rewrites and remakes, first of the Father of the Bride movies, and then The Parent Trap (for which she elicited a brilliant, schizogonic performance from the young Lindsay Lohan). Double-X Films
  • Spain are going to have to rewrite the history books after losing their opening game. The Sun
  • We have always been an independent people, no matter how they rewrite history.
  • No amount of trying to rewrite history can change that fact. Times, Sunday Times
  • Spain are going to have to rewrite the history books after losing their opening game. The Sun
  • That rewrite is something a good people's ombudsman would cover. Easter Lemming Liberal News
  • Following this critique, students rewrite their papers and submit them for final evaluation.
  • So today I give you the bare essentials: no rewrites, no revisions, and pretty much no forethought.
  • Or, if you just want to give your regular smut a fresh, personal touch, why not rewrite some of your favourite erotic stories and recast them with your own characters, as McBride proposes.
  • Just like the taliban twist and rewrite islam to keep there uneducated slaves faithfull in blowing them selves up in market squares. WH may push through health care reform without Republicans
  • He says he expects popular demand to force a rewrite.
  • It's a rewrite but the sensibility is all present and correct.
  • In California, problems with the machines forced the state to rewrite its electronic voting rules in April and decertify those used in one-third of its polling places.
  • Dagens Media skriver i en rewrite av ett inlägg på Harvard Nieman Journalism Lab om att Google utvecklar ett system för mikrobetalningar som medieföretag ska kunna använda för ... Google developing a micropayment platform and pitching newspapers: “‘Open’ need not mean free” » Nieman Journalism Lab
  • I like to think this is saving me time in rewrites, but I could be deluding myself. INTERVIEW: David Moles
  • But when I started to work on the mochup of Cinelerra 2. 1cv I tryed to enable again the support of font antialias (xft), write a draft of Utf-8 support, rewrite some parts of titler code and adapt the svg plugin from the Cinelerrasv by "Simeon Völkel". LXer Linux News
  • This is almost certainly not some deep-dyed plot by the company to rewrite history, but is the product of dismaying ignorance.
  • This Seventh Edition represents a complete rewrite of the previous edition culled from suggestions made by students and colleagues in academia and industry.
  • Please mention how many articles a day you can do and the pay rate I am currently offering i s$1. 5 per 500 word rewrites and $2-$2. 5 for original content. New Projects
  • Giving a whole new meaning to the term fanatic, this deranged devotee and No 1 fan of a romance-novel writer (James Caan), holds him against his will, forces a rewrite of the protagonist's fate and then sledgehammers his legs so he can't escape from her. TODAYonline
  • In December 2005, Morales became Bolivia's first indigenous president, after promising to hold a Constituent Assembly that would rewrite the constitution and "refound" the Bolivian state. Foreign Policy In Focus
  • Telephones were brand new, allowing legmen to call in the details to rewrite and get the story into the paper within minutes.
  • It is a conflict that continues despite the culmination last week of the first, long, drawn-out stage of Egypt's electoral transformation with the third round of voting for a lower house which will pick an assembly to rewrite the country's constitution ahead of presidential elections. Egypt: one year on, the young heroes of Tahrir Square feel a chill wind
  • That's a place for films that rewrite genre conventions, rather than slavishly tick them off. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was the two months Mrs. Graham spent -- after graduating from the University of Chicago -- as a rewrite woman and cub reporter on the San Francisco News, a lively tabloid evening paper. Katharine Graham: Portrait of a lady, on display in D.C.
  • Correspondents chafed at the numerous, often contradictory, rewrites demanded by producers.
  • No amount of trying to rewrite history can change that fact. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anything less would be a missed opportunity as we rewrite our role in the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • I would get rid of corrupt Union leaders and rewrite the law to stop unions from giving their member's dues to buyoff political parties and going into corrupt union bosses 'pockets, etc., etc. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • If some rewrites are needed, Microsoft is really good at being corrected and taking advice.
  • As you can see, this chapter was a MAJOR rewrite.
  • The surgeon did his best to slowly and methodically cut me open, and attempt to rewrite history; however, my gapping wound instead revealed the heartache and pain that swells beneath the skin. Jenna Benn: The Scars That Lie Beneath
  • Calculation comes in rewrite and editing; creation comes in losing oneself in fearless territories. Alchemy on the First Page
  • The one-habit-at-a-time mode Sure, you confront several writing problems each time you rewrite a new document.
  • Roger and I are signed on to do any rewrites necessary.
  • The outcome will not only determine how governmental power will be apportioned over the next four years, but will also decide the makeup of the special committee that is supposed to rewrite the flawed Constitution.
  • If the reporter needs to rewrite or edit the release, it is much easier to edit an electronic message than to retype a fax or a hard copy of the release.
  • So I "rethought" and told her she could rewrite the final paper, but I was not going to just raise her grade without that. In which I clean out my mailbox.
  • If the worst eventuates, I may have to rewrite it.
  • The alternative is to rewrite the sentence to provide the necessary noun or pronoun. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though Mr. Frayn rewrites it slightly for every major production, "Noises Off" is an almost perfectly crafted play, owing to its relentless logicality: Its plot, a chain of syllogisms, ends only when the curtain comes literally down. Things Go Wrong, Laughter Ensues
  • I'll have to rewrite most of the essay.
  • Together they took her in hand, corrected her terrible spelling and grammar, and got her to rewrite her earlier attempts at fiction. Times, Sunday Times
  • We will rewrite the school timetable around the social lives of our students. The Sun
  • The SFTU called the stayaway in an attempt to force the Swazi government to rewrite controversial industrial relations legislation and to repeal the kingdom's 26-year ban on political parties. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • However, the end product betrays a number of clumsy rewrites commissioned by the New Line production trust so the story could be packaged in the sellable format of a policemen buddy movie.
  • After the first read-through, the star demands rewrites.
  • He is leading an initiative to rewrite school books which he says unjustly glorify the partisans who struggled against fascism during World War Two.
  • When a story is rewritten to give a new interest to old facts it is called a _rewrite story_; when it is rewritten to include new facts or developments, it is called a _follow-up_, Newspaper Reporting and Correspondence A Manual for Reporters, Correspondents, and Students of Newspaper Writing
  • No, I had to remember them then I had to rewrite them and now it's past midnight and I can't sleep in because I have to have the dog at the vet in the morning because currently his piddle is the colour of rust and no, now that you mention it, the words I rewrote aren't precisely what I had before, although they're close, and I'm really really pissed about it because I'm terrified I've left out a really important bit but can't remember because the words were too new and hadn't sunk into my brain. Curses!
  • A collaborative catalog system in PHP. A complete rewrite is being designed...
  • It looks like it was a simple rewrite of the Sunday Times piece though, so we're still only getting the story from one side.
  • For example, when the author of Luke rewrites the story in 1 Kings 17 of Elijah raising the son of a widow he met at the gate of a city , to become a story of Jesus raising the son of a widow he met at the gate of a city, Luke copies out 'kai edoken auton te metri autou' from the old story. BBC 1 Sunday - The miracles of Jesus part 1 - Rageh Omaar
  • And so tomorrow, with a clean conscience, I shall hie me to see the new Star Trek film, get some housework done, take care of a few urgent chores on Friday, then return with a vengeance Saturday to the Clone Wars #4 rewrite. Yeeeeesssss!!!!!!!
  • It is 500 pages and is a rewrite of the 1989 Public Finance Act.
  • Rewrite sentences in the active voice. Recast sentences that have more than five prepositions and infinitives.
  • Software packages may need complete rewrites to match new hardware.
  • This tends to happen on sony, vertabim and even acer disks (likely more) or the laser on the rewriteable cd or dvd burner is the reason. Q&A: Formatting your PC to rid viruses | Sync Blog
  • Or did they really want a radical economist and committed environmentalist who will urge them to rewrite the entire system of government accounting? Times, Sunday Times
  • On both the foreign policy and the fiscal fronts, the Bush administration is trying to rewrite history, to explain away its current embarrassments.
  • In this novel, Morrison reproduces and rewrites the myth of flying Africans through depicting the flights of Black ancestor Solomon and his great grandson, Milkman.
  • That's a place for films that rewrite genre conventions, rather than slavishly tick them off. Times, Sunday Times
  • The news of the revolt meant she had to rewrite her speech.
  • Can you rewrite them correctly a few days later?
  • After Miers took herself out of consideration he proposed Alioto, not quite the Hollywood handsome, “parfit knight” like Roberts, but a committed antiabortionist who STILL upheld the law and refuse to rewrite it. Think Progress » CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Calls Out Lynne Cheney For ‘Sniping At My Patriotism’
  • IMPORT:transormers nerrd seriously if he takes another and full of classic transformers and throws them in a desert i will be very upset, completely ignoring their story lines and introducing sound wave was a big mistake because of the first film "TRANSFORMERS"not G-1 pushed frenzy in with out bringing in sound wave_ rewrite the script before you make the film, ask a couple of original TF fans if it works out, not your toilet_anyway all we can do is wait nothing more nothing less OR go to his house with a stack of vhs tapes of the original series and a box of marvel comics,trans formers spotlight comics. Michael Bay Has Story And Is Starting Work On Transformers 3 For 2011 Release | /Film
  • The coordinating committee at that time predicted that the next revision would be a rewrite in 1997-8, so a new version is overdue.
  • The claim that she's "pathological" is a reference to Nevada journalist Jon Ralston's tireless efforts to document what he describes as her "pathological" tendency to rewrite history and pretend she never said what she plainly did say. Harry Reid: Sharron Angle is "pathological"
  • Others would rewrite the fractions using common denominators.
  • Writing students learn to follow a prewrite, outline, write, and revise pattern.
  • Thinking of the future was dangerous because it meant trying to rewrite the divine script. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its buzz is really created by its connection with Alexander the Great, who traced his lineage back to the god Heracles, and how it slightly rewrites the history of early Greece. A Classical Education to Treasure
  • The user can erase and rewrite to the disk multiple times.
  • It's fun writing, but I have to say, once you have all the pieces, the final rewrite is in the editing room and to take everything and switch it around and give it a whole new meaning and shape it and take all that hard work and strip out certain pieces and rearrange them, it's just fascinating to me. Follow-Up Interview: Get Smart's Director Pete Segal «
  • But the rewrite is done, and the ms is off to copy edit. The Reluctant Mage rewrite ...
  • This is the point at which you go in there and listen to one song over and over again, and rewrite the scenes you don't like. Times, Sunday Times
  • And while he did allegedly insist on the rewrites that ensured he got the girl, he was happy to leave his character's unlikeable personality traits.
  • Much as he admires Gee's work, McGann then used the rewrites to progressively prune away the clutter and the dated non-essentials from the story, in order to make it work as a contemporary film.
  • Yeah, the rewrite is going to be tough, but I ultimately think it will be a much better book. #165 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics – Guest Starring ‘The Tragic Penis-Man’…NSFW? « 1979 Semi-Finalist…
  • The first draft will take three or four months, the rewrite will take four or five.
  • Much as he admires Gee's work, McGann then used the rewrites to progressively prune away the clutter and the dated non-essentials from the story, in order to make it work as a contemporary film.
  • I need around 100 380word rewrites a day, so am searching for several rewriters who would each get 50 articles done per week or a big team which could handle the whole lot. - New Projects
  • To do so he will have to rewrite the history books. The Sun
  • I intend to rewrite the story for younger children.
  • McKinley to rewrite the book on which Ms. Taymor had collaborated with Glen Berger and restage the show. Spidey's Green Glimmer of Hope
  • I was deleting excessive writing on computer, and then I by accidentally deleted this chapter off the site, so I had to rewrite it.
  • Lying, cheating, deception and duplicity only matter when you lose, for the winners rewrite history.
  • Fans of the Adam and Joe Show will recall a warped rewrite of The Royle Family using Star Wars figures.
  • The teacher asked the students to rewrite the text.
  • We will rewrite the school timetable around the social lives of our students. The Sun
  • In the face of what she called an "alarming trend towards ever-bigger data breaches," Ms. Stoddart said she now plans to ask Industry Canada to rewrite that proposed legislation to give her the power to impose fines - powers that privacy officials have in Britain and France. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Fun With Dick and Jane had massive rewrites and reshoots - by some estimations more than a third of the film was reshot.
  • Whether I move today's scene to the beginning or not, I suspect I won't make quite as big a jump in wordage tomorrow because I'm going to rewrite part of what I wrote today to make it more exciting. The first sentence I wrote today...
  • When investigators tracked down Tom's parents in California, producers had to rewrite the promotional copy for the show so it wouldn't make them look like such naifs.
  • I always took it to be a way to kind of dispel the magic that fun can produce, rewrite the narrative to a simple one where they were in charge. Boing Boing
  • Well, actually, my name is a combination of potent chemicals, genetic information, and high frequency electromagnetics. “Hearing” it in all its glory would rewrite the DNA of the average human to the point where that individual would be totally unable to use a flush toilet, let alone understand what they were being told. 365 tomorrows » 2008 » January : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Occasionally he would do a rewrite in reported speech to present a smatter of variety. A Small Death in the Great Glen
  • And when I say "revise," what I actually mean is "rewrite from scratch. I smoke my friends down to the filter
  • I'll have to rewrite most of the essay.
  • Given that I wanted to weave in afew extra observations during the rewrite, I despaired of getting it down to the right length. Big Bang Boom : Bev Vincent
  • It is the major part of the bill, and if anybody says that the old Act is being thrown out and that the 358-page bill now being brought in is a complete rewrite of the legislation, he or she is incorrect.
  • The rewrite is still not done -- thankfully, I have folks holding me to high standards -- but it's very close. I've noticed that...
  • I'll be posting new chapters and rewrites here.
  • Several essays address the self-reflexive nature of hagiographic traditions-the tendency of hagiographers to rewrite and adapt material and the interplay between adaptations from which clues of context may be discerned.
  • You will be asked to write and rewrite and write again until you finally get it right. Christianity Today
  • I have a novel I'm working on, a loose sequel to "Planet of the Amazon Women", but after getting to 70,000 words a couple of years ago, I've been stuck in rewrites ever since. INTERVIEW: David Moles
  • It may take a while for citizen reporters to rewrite the news business.
  • The writing process in question is now over, barring unexpected pre-publication crises as at the weekend I completed the handful of fairly minor rewrites which had been requested by the editor.
  • The online caroling contest challenged teens to rewrite and perform (or "holla") traditional holiday carols with new lyrics about smart driving. Local News from Gadsden Times
  • Gordon Crovitz Information Age: "Technology Rewrites the Fourth Amendment," Nov. 14 urges the Supreme Court to move away from old-geezer notions of privacy and into the fully illuminated, chromium-plated world of digital technology. Technology Opens Those Castle Doors
  • The punishments are constant: story rewrites or rejections or less prestigious assignments.
  • It would completely rewrite our understanding of the out-of-Africa migration. It is far from proven, but Jeff and others will be developing research programs to test the theory.
  • In Ghost in Love, Carroll does this again, but even moreso, using a kind of dreamlike fluidity to constantly rewrite the rules of his world and its magic as evil and good tear apart the lives of Ben, German, Pilot and Ling and the people around them. Boing Boing
  • Many of Smith's stories are rewrites of Chinese myths and fables, with casts of characters out of his dreamlike human universe.
  • Slowness has to do with being able to remember, rather than obliterate or use revisionism to rewrite events.
  • When we code a computer program, we do not rewrite the entire thing every time something fails to work.
  • They've brought in Peter Sollett, director of "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist," to rewrite Jon Hartmere's script, and hired musical movie veterans Craig Zadan and Neil Meron to come aborad as producers. Zac Efron’s ‘Footloose’ Heads Towards The Dance Floor » MTV Movies Blog
  • Following this critique, students rewrite their papers and submit them for final evaluation.
  • In a show that seeks cockily to rewrite art history, the flotsam is sprinkled generously with jewels. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is the point at which you go in there and listen to one song over and over again, and rewrite the scenes you don't like. Times, Sunday Times
  • It takes four solid years of overdubs, rewrites, and revisions - not to mention several label dalliances - to finish their third album, The Meadowlands.
  • The perfectionist endlessly rewrites draft after draft , worriedly seeking that perfect essay , missing the deadline.
  • But even so, like so many others, this piyyut can ultimately have no halachic authority and Jews are free, as they have always been, to recite, ignore, or rewrite liturgical additions to the siddur outside the formal prayer service.
  • Speaking of the script, Mr. Nichols and Jon Robin Baitz have subjected "The Country Girl" to an extensive rewrite job, but the results still sound as stilted as ever -- Odets, too, was over the hill by 1950 -- and many of the play's clunkiest lines have been left inexplicably intact: "Listen to him ... he's ready to give that dark sterling quality to the best available parts. On Broadway, Bright Stars and Dim Casting
  • Sad to say, the new version, which is billed by express order of the Gershwin brothers' estates as "The Gershwins' Porgy and Bess," is a sanitized, heavily cut rewrite that strips away the show's essence so as to render it suitable for consumption by 21st-century prigs. A 'Porgy' For Prigs
  • The always blabby Italian Primer Minister suggests the world markets may be closed to "rewrite the rules of international Finance" Yikes Archive 2008-10-05
  • Calculation comes in rewrite and editing; creation comes in losing oneself in fealess territories. Alchemy on the First Page
  • From Austrian Thomas Bernhard’s “Ritter, Dene, Voss” to Norwegian Jon Fosse’s “Someone is Going to Come” with Israel’s Yehuda Amichai and a radical poetic rewrite of “Antigone” in between, One Little Goat has proven itself time and time again to be driving outwards from the borders of contemporary theatre in Canada. Attention Toronto Ninjas: Talking Masks
  • Your homework is a disgrace: rewrite it!
  • the rewrite was much better
  • Anything less would be a missed opportunity as we rewrite our role in the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only after countless rewrites did John consider the script ready.
  • Phillips' order "does not order the military to redesign its barracks, to retool its pay scales or benefits, to reordain its chaplains, to rewrite its already extensive anti-harassment or 'dignity and respect'" rules, or anything else," they said. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • To do so he will have to rewrite the history books. The Sun
  • But almost all of the goals of the final rewrite on a book like this are practical ones.
  • The rewrite came and it was worse than the first version, a tactic I found common to almost all male writers whose genius I had the audacity to second-guess. Roseanne Archy
  • Necropolis Awakened needed a rewrite and a recasting to work as something special.
  • By morning, the aides had a draft for Yeltsin, Kravchuk, and Shushkevich to comb through and rewrite, sentence by sentence, word by word, sending pages back to the specialists to reformulate. The Return
  • But this season he is driving as well as he ever has in the best car in the field and is on course to rewrite the record books yet again.
  • Spencer sees that modern astronomy's contempt for its mystically minded ancestor has required an acrobatic rewrite of history, in which the ideas of those of the past have been bowdlerised and suppressed.
  • This is actually the third book I've worked on for a local doctor and she admits that with this one I will be doing more of a rewrite than an edit.
  • Taking a page from Mr. Chávez's book, Mr. Correa early in his first term convened a constitutional assembly to rewrite some of Ecuador's political rules. Ecuador's Correa Poised to Win Second Presidential Term
  • The innocent corruption of scheming, out-of-control teens will always be more compelling than all those witty rewrites of the lives of jaded middle-aged dilettantes who really have no excuse to be so soulless.
  • Redraft, rewrite, start again... Work consistently and often.
  • The producer disliked the script and demanded a rewrite.
  • We would rewrite takeover laws to get more long-termism in corporate governance. Times, Sunday Times
  • This, the company's Peter Bondar tells us, involves a complete rewrite rather than minor adjustments.
  • Write with the door closed, rewrite with the door open. Stephen King 
  • Upon hearing Kurtz's notes over the phone, one imagines the rewrite guy pshawing the angle.
  • The human memory is not a factual record, you can rewrite a page you don't like by superimposing your own version often enough.
  • -- _Rewrite these same sentences, changing the direct quotations and questions to indirect, and the indirect to direct_. Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
  • So, yeah, strictly speaking, by the letter of the law, there's nothing at all wrong with a cut-up and fold-in rewrite of Revelation in which God is the bad guy, is there? Get Yer Free Blasphemy Here
  • Searching several rewriters for 100 380word rewrites a day! - New Projects
  • And while he did allegedly insist on the rewrites that ensured he got the girl, he was happy to leave his character's unlikeable personality traits.
  • Therefore, a multidisciplinary task force was appointed and charged to rewrite the bylaws.
  • If the reporter needs to rewrite or edit the release, it is much easier to edit an electronic message than to retype a fax or a hard copy of the release.
  • Duncan Kenworthy demanded 20 rewrites from screenwriter Richard Curtis on Four Weddings and a Funeral.
  • Remember also that if you are wrapping the Entity Framework and doing any non-trivial expression rewrites you have to avoid any Invoke Expressions - see MSDN Blogs

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