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How To Use Revolver In A Sentence

  • Gough's songwriting draws influences from Radiohead and Revolver and Rubber Soul-era Beatles, but with a good deal of folk and a bit of hip-hop, soul and dub thrown in for good measure.
  • Hunter agreed with his own nod and took out his own revolver, a .45 caliber, long barrel, made custom by the town's gunsmith.
  • He is accused of possessing a.22 double action Sentinel revolver recovered during a raid on a house in Toothill last year.
  • Hunter agreed with his own nod and took out his own revolver, a .45 caliber, long barrel, made custom by the town's gunsmith.
  • Let's assume someone is loading the revolver properly with the hammer at its half-cock position.
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Master English with Ease
  • They lived for some days on the excellent flesh of the maskalonge, on clams from the beach -- enormous clams of delicious flavor -- on a new fruit with a pinkish meat, which grew abundantly in the thickets and somewhat resembled breadfruit; on wild asparagus-sprouts, and on the few squirrels that Stern was able to "pot" with his revolver from the shelter of the leafy little camping-place they had arranged near the river. Darkness and Dawn
  • The 660 is a short light powerful rifle not much harder to carry than a hogleg revolver. Some Odds and Ends
  • On Thursday, police say, 23-year-old Wellington Oliveira talked his way into his former elementary school in a working-class western outskirt of Rio de Janeiro and opened fire with at least one of two revolvers he carried. Brazil Mourns the 12 Killed by Gunman
  • And so he had grown in the warmth of his parents 'love, trained in what we call outdoor sports, but which are life itself to the Arab, until at fourteen no one could surpass him in running or horsemanship or spear-throwing, whilst with rifle or revolver he could clip the hair off the top of a man's head, the which strenuous accomplishments he balanced in passing his leisure moments in the gentle arts of verse-making and even music, in spite of the latter being condemned by religion; also did he learn to converse in foreign tongues. Desert Love
  • We were each armed with a Mississippi yager and two Colt's revolvers. The Life of Hon William F Cody
  • Knowledgeable shootists realize the value of a large-frame revolver and have mourned the loss of this full figured six-gun ever since.
  • His gut got the best of him, so he unstrapped his short-barrel .357 Magnum revolver, and proceeded slowly.
  • The LP can be ordered for either autos or revolvers, with a straight drop or a slight cant.
  • One of the pandies stirred, and pulled himself up on one knee; Wheeler, his arm still round the babu, whipped up his revolver and fired, and the pandy flopped back in the dust. Fiancée
  • When I stopped at a khafe-khana for a glass of tea, he actually removed a wheel of the carriage, which we had considerable difficulty in putting right again, and he pounded the coachman on the head with the butt of his revolver, in order, as far as I could understand, that he should be induced to go half-shares with him in the backshish that the driver would receive at the end of the stage. Across Coveted Lands or a Journey from Flushing (Holland) to Calcutta Overland
  • As he listened to their conversation, through a bug he planted, he pulled the hammer of his revolver back to half-cock and gently pushed out the loading gate.
  • Finger grooves are featured on the grips for double-action revolvers, while metal inserts provide consistent fit.
  • A man with a small revolver was trying to sneak up on them, and Niane kindly ended his existence with a well-placed .45 slug in his forehead.
  • Stripped to a pair of cotton trousers, with a dripping cutlass in one hand and a Colt's revolver in the other, an adventurer at the head of a bunch of dogs as desperate as himself fought his way across the reeking decks of a Chinese junk, to close in single combat with a gigantic one-eyed pirate who stood by the helm with a ring of dead men about him and a great two-handed sword upheaved .... The Cruise of the Jasper B.
  • A small double-barrelled pistol was found hidden in a coffee percolator and a loaded mini revolver in a passenger's hand luggage.
  • It was My Lady -- formerly My Lady -- clad in embroidered short Spanish jacket, tightish velvet pantaloons, booted to the knees, pulled down upon her yellow hair a black soft hat, and hanging from the just-revealed belt around her slender waist, a revolver trifle. Desert Dust
  • If you see him very savagely cut up in "The Revolver," you will recognize the kindly hands which held the bistoury, scalpel, and tenaculum, and the gentleman who wept while he wounded. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 21, July, 1859
  • As I carried considerable weight in my gown, about ten pounds of silver, our two revolvers, the telescope, our silver-lined tsamba basins and dry stockings for us both, Mr. Rijnhart cautioned me not to fall off, for with such impedimenta about me he could do nothing to save me. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • Behind the counter sat a guard with a. 38-caliber revolver in a holster on his hip.
  • The hand gun carried by the first man was a Webley revolver adapted to fire shot gun cartridges.
  • In these hot damp climates the venereal requirements and reproductive powers of the female greatly exceed those of the male; and hence the dissoluteness of morals would be phenomenal, were it not obviated by seclusion, the sabre and the revolver. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He had seen the end of gold and the end of the buffalo, the beginning of cattle, the beginning of wheat, and the spreading of the barbed-wire fence, that, in the end, will take from him his occupation and his revolver, his chaparejos and his usefulness, his lariat and his reason for being. The Passing of Cock-Eye Blacklock
  • Bert blew on his knuckles, like a gunman puffing smoke from the barrel of his revolver.
  • 1922 - Popular author and Irish Republican Army member Robert Erskine Childers is executed by an Irish Free State firing squad for illegally carrying a revolver.
  • Demeter's exploration produced a bulldog revolver, a slungshot, a packet of pamphlets, and several small red flags. All-Wool Morrison
  • O Lord have mercy upon us!" ... and Doña Elena was at the same time contemplating a group of officers with helmets and reseda uniforms reinforced with leather pouches for the revolver, field glasses and maps, with sword-belt of the same material. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. (Los Cuatro Jinetes del Apocalipsis) from the Spanish of Vincente Blasco Ibanez; authorized translation by Charlotte Brewster Jordan.
  • It is almost impossible to get judges there who will administer laws without bribery, and as every man goes armed with knife or revolver, there are plenty of shindies.
  • Police seized two revolvers and three muzzle-loaders dating from the Anglo-Boer South African War.
  • In this revolver the whole top strap is gone and most of both adjoining chambers. Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • It caused an immediate sensation and was clearly the best thing that had ever happened to double-action revolvers.
  • Consequently, I thought that we could take for our Monday morning gun porn, the iconic Webley revolver - perfectly suited for knocking big chunks out of fuzzy-wuzzies ... FREE MARKET FAIRY TALES
  • Come up with a case where a Western gunfighter actually undertook a gunfight with a revolver in each hand.
  • When the revolver was examined it was discovered that all but two of the gun's chambers contained live bullets.
  • If, instead of marrying a young girl who didn't know any better than to believe that you were a man, instead of a fractional one, you had come to me, and borrowed my revolver and blown out the fungus growth which you refer to as your brains, you would have bit it. Remarks
  • This 6 round .455 revolver is yet another weapon of World War 1 vintage.
  • They were a picturesque crew with their broad felt hats, their flannel shirts of various colors, overlaid with an enamel of dust and perspiration, baked by the Dakota sun, their bright silk handkerchiefs knotted round the neck, their woolly "shaps," their great silver spurs, their loosely hanging cartridge-belts, their ominous revolvers. Roosevelt in the Bad Lands
  • Part of it is the flood of traded-in service revolvers that have glutted the market since the massive law enforcement switch to the semi-automatic service pistol.
  • As a fierce rain beats against them, a struggle ensues between father and son, and Vincenzo drops the revolver onto a catwalk running alongside the bridge.
  • The courier and the young banker carried loaded revolvers, and Muscari (with much boyish gratification) buckled on a kind of cutlass under his black cloak. The Wisdom of Father Brown
  • For a Smith duty auto to outshoot a Smith target revolver is almost unheard of.
  • _~Many years ago McClure had~ ~James was the son of rich but~ ~Jas, as his college friends used to call~ ~McClure~ ~James~ Producing a revolver from his hip pocket, Herbert shot James McClure through the heart. Punch or the London Charivari, Vol. 147, October 7, 1914
  • The exact total, however, is unknown, as most citations only refer to ‘pistol’ or ‘revolver’ and some famous events do not mention sidearms at all.
  • It was a revolver, probably nickel-plated too, judging by the shine of the frame.
  • Paris children held hostage An masked man armed with a revolver is holding twenty-five children hostage in a nursery school in Paris.
  • Absent-mindedly, I loaded my revolver with bullets and fastened the gun onto my belt.
  • Officers were armed with sword and revolver, other ranks with bayonet and pistol.
  • This is truly a handgun hunter's revolver chambered in a handgun hunter's caliber.
  • Recently bought a cheap used german 22LR SAA style revolver which is mostly aluminum castings/forgings and all the screw threads were full of that powdery white aluminum "rust". Some Peeves from a Gunsmith
  • There was no wabble to the revolver and it was directed toward her stomach, not from an outstretched arm, but from the hip, against which the forearm rested. To Kill a Man
  • He laid out the revolver, an aerosol can, some superglue and a brightly wrapped square box on the back seat.
  • A small double-barrelled pistol was found hidden in a coffee percolator and a loaded mini revolver in a passenger's hand luggage.
  • For instance, the first specification I would take out of the box in which it was kept, would perhaps have to do with house-raising without disturbance to the foundations, the second would prove to be an article half umbrella, half revolver, while in the third I would perhaps find an extremely quaint notion for a portable pocket corkscrew. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, May 23, 1891
  • What model revolver did Gus carry in lonesome Dove? What model revolver did Gus carry in lonesome Dove?
  • With the exception of the magnums, revolvers seem to last almost forever, but once more it's a matter of degree.
  • He ran from the bank with his stolen loot, and escaped unharmed, even though the bank manager emptied an entire revolver at him, missing with every shot.
  • .454 Casull: For sheer pain, unequalled among handgun cartridges, shoot this one. 325 grains at 1,525 fps. 1,630 foot-pounds of muzzle energy 40 foot-pounds of recoil in a 3-pound single-action revolver. Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • The spring-loaded clips of looseleaf folders snap shut with a noise like revolver shots.
  • The roar of the conflict along the river had become terrific; to the east a New Jersey battery, obscured in flame-shot clouds, was retiring by its twenty-eight-foot prolonges, using cannister; the remains of a New Hampshire infantry regiment supported the retreat; between the two batteries Claymore in his shirt, sleeves rolled to his elbows, heavy revolver swinging in his blackened fist, was giving a tongue lashing to the stream of fugitives from the river woods. Ailsa Paige
  • They hated that, felt it was all wrong to have him stand there in his getup - the four stars, his ribbons and decorations, and his pearl-handled revolvers.
  • There's two double centre-fire breech-loaders in the case," he said to himself, "and there's his revolver and his sword, besides that old hunting-knife in the shark's-skin case -- there's every temptation for a young man to do it. The Queen's Scarlet The Adventures and Misadventures of Sir Richard Frayne
  • This one held a lone shotgun and revolver; the other items were more esoteric, including foils, swords, crossbows and bolts, spears, axes, hatchets, knives of all sizes and shapes, stakes, gallon jugs of holy water, and garrotes.
  • None of these tiny revolvers are going to win medals at the target range.
  • During a search of the vehicle police found a .357 magnum revolver and four rounds of ammunition.
  • Instead, he reloaded his revolver very carefully, and then sat in the best room of the cottage by the derelict brickfield, looking anxious and perplexed, and listening to talk about Bill and his ways, and thinking, thinking. The War in the Air
  • From amidships, revolver in hand, the mate was springing toward him. A SON OF THE SUN
  • On 7 November 1919 barrack orderlies were instructed to carry revolvers.
  • Wear-resistance is good for slides, cylinders of revolvers and innards.
  • This one held a lone shotgun and revolver; the other items were more esoteric, including foils, swords, crossbows and bolts, spears, axes, hatchets, knives of all sizes and shapes, stakes, gallon jugs of holy water, and garrotes.
  • Pistol or revolver barrels sometimes have a small ring in the bore caused by getting a bullet stuck and then shooting again.
  • Shotguns, air pistols, ball-bearing guns and a revolver with about 60 rounds of ammunition had been handed in to local police stations by Wednesday.
  • In that box the revolver had lain, and here every day through all the year, John Bard retired to clean and oil his gun, oil and reclean it, keeping it ready for the crisis. Trailin'!
  • She kept a cabinet full of weapons, including an axe, crossbow, machete, swordstick, cosh, an air rifle and two revolvers, the court was told.
  • pearl-handled revolver
  • Three hand grenades, four revolvers, one rifle and 150 rounds of ammunition had been found.
  • I always had the feeling the flintlock had a much slower lock time than the Colt cap and ball revolver.
  • Section 53A of chapter 131 of the General Laws, as amended by chapter 234 of the acts of 1950, is hereby further amended by striking out, in lines 22 to 24, inclusive, the words "; provided, that no firearm other than a revolver or pistol not larger than thirty-eight calibre is used or possessed" and inserting in place tliereof the words: —, pro - vided that no firearm other than a rifle designed to discharge a twenty - two calibre rim-fire cartridge or a revolver or pistol not larger than thirty-eight calibre is used or possessed. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • He holstered the revolver and headed back to the car, now it was time to radio in what had happened.
  • The two men advanced on each other with drawn revolver.
  • The engineers told me they had done high-speed video of people shooting these monster revolvers.
  • The vast majority of my field and hunting handguns are single action revolvers.
  • He had only seven rounds of ammunition for the revolver.
  • Jack emptied his revolver into Mary's breast.
  • There were remaining to her five cartridges in the revolver, and somewhere there in the inky blackness about her were four men, presumably ammunitioned without stint. A Pagan of the Hills
  • Another agent was sprawled limply by the auditorium door, and Bill, his lantern jaw outthrust, was grimly holding off the three attackers with his revolver.
  • He dashed down his sword and picked up a revolver.
  • Conversations become stilted and whispered, the drinks were poured stronger, they removed the tarps disguising the twin Brownings and walked the deck with revolvers in their belts.
  • With a revolver, simply give the cylinder a spin so that you do not know whether to expect a live or a dummy round.
  • He looked back at Roland, smiled without showing his teeth, twirled the gunslinger's revolver once on his finger, clumsily, burlesquing a show-shooter's fancy coda, and then he held it out to Roland, butt first. The Drawing of the Three
  • I've often observed the same ammunition fired in both pistols and revolvers, and I've seen equal or better accuracy from the six-shooter.
  • I took it for granted she would know how to unload a double action revolver.
  • The only thing I could do was make for the revolver that was in my swag.
  • Keeping slag operation in steel making in revolver, with mang advantage and numerous economically benefits , may encounter the danger of melted slay pray when pouring melted iron.
  • I've personally been a revolver man in my later years and I adapt very easily to the LDA's sweet and light action.
  • The popping of revolvers, the clanging of cow bells, the clash of tin boilers -- all that medley of discord which lends volume to the horror known as a charivari -- tore to shreds the harmony of the night. A Man Four-Square
  • Just a couple of years later, Sturm, Ruger & Co. was making a splash with their new Blackhawk .44 Magnum single-action revolvers.
  • Watching his own hands carefully, he reloaded the revolver, looking at the empty shells now at his feet.
  • The Pfeifer single-action revolver is chambered for the .600 Nitro Express cartridge. And Now, A Really Manly Handgun
  • Robert, who has been favourably known for some years as one of our rising lyrists, committed suicide at his lodgings at Solentsea on Saturday evening last by shooting himself in the right temple with a revolver.
  • A detailed analysis of weapons handed in shows the haul includes two revolvers, two single shot pistols and a converted blank firer.
  • Of his many arms his favorites were always the various Colt Model 1873 single-action revolvers, usually in caliber .45.
  • Back at Revolver, a 20-something wearing a collared shirt unbuttoned to his navel is approached and asked what he thinks of Ben Quayle. Ben Quayle's run for Congress, interrupted by Internet columnist Nik Richie
  • As soon as he turned his back, I made a grab for the revolver.
  • One of my escorts relieved me of my revolver and thrust it into the belt of his field rig, then the soldiers urged me with their rifles towards the door.
  • They went over to a spot on one wall where handguns and revolvers were set up.
  • If the revolver had misfired, then it would certainly be consistent with that explanation.
  • Arising from within a culture, technology, whether it is a canoe, a revolver, or a clock, simultaneously shapes and reshapes the culture in which it exists.
  • He started and half reached for an open drawer where must have reposed a revolver, then bethought himself and growled, 'This is no bank.' Local Color
  • Summoned by their chiefs, they came – chosen representatives of all the big tribes – one thousand five hundred strong, each tribe headed by its Bariaktar with the bullet-riven banner, and led by its priest or Franciscan – sons of the Church militant (a revolver peeped from the habit of more than one) – riding or marching in front of their men, and marshalling them with a precision that called forth general admiration. High Albania
  • I wear a sombrero, silk neckerchief, fringed buckskin shirt, sealskin chaparajos or riding-trousers; alligator-hide boots; and with my pearl-hilted revolver and beautifully finished Roosevelt in the Bad Lands
  • Then you see little Robert on a hyper streak, tearing around the house, only to be calmed by his gran showing him how to load a revolver - one of a stash of six guns.
  • He sucked in his breath through his teeth, biting down hard to try and suppress the throbbing left behind by a revolver's bullet's passage.
  • She clasped the revolver tightly and looked in the direction where the wrestle for the sniper's gun continued between Alex and the captain.
  • Eyewitnesses reported that riot vans, unmarked cars and several police vehicles surrounded the yard as officers armed with revolvers and machine guns stormed the site.
  • They looked at silent, deserted booths where newspapers and books had once been vended; an ancient bootery; a weapon shop (the gunslinger, with a sudden burst of excitement, saw revolvers and rifles; closer inspection showed that their barrels had been filled with lead; he did, however, pick out a bow, which he slung over his back, and a quiver of almost useless, badly weighted arrows); a women's apparel shop. The Gunslinger
  • Most departments, whether armed with pistols or revolvers, have already switched to hollow-point dumdum bullets that mushroom on impact, thus causing more injury. Arms Race On Hill Street
  • Some houses were commandeered in the village, and a fierce volley of fire was opened up, as rifles, revolvers, and hand-grenades were utilised.
  • His highly polished boots and the ivory-handled revolvers strapped to his hips were all part of this posturing, as was the profanity of his language.
  • It resembles many of the English revolvers more closely than the Colts and Remingtons.
  • And there, standing not five yards off, with a smoking revolver in his hand, was a tall fellow in tweeds; he just gave me a nod, and then jumped lightly over the rocks and stood over the moujik, who was groaning and clutching his bleeding arm. Fiancée
  • Now, the company is offering customers the option of purchasing the revolvers with consecutive serial numbers.
  • Wingdam night coach, and when Finn of Robinson's Ferry admitted to have fired three shots from a revolver at a dark object struggling in the water near the ferry, which he "suspicioned" to be a bear, the question seemed to be settled. Mrs. Skagg's Husbands and Other Stories
  • there were four notches in the handle of his revolver
  • Arrived outside, they collected some blunderbusses, rifles and revolvers, and took up a position behind some sandhills.
  • The final figures for the county reveal that four self-loading handguns, seven revolvers and three shot pistols were given up.
  • Confederate cavalry — fine, rough-looking fellows, dressed in nondescript uniforms, red shirts, grey tunics; some with boots and some without; armed with sabres and revolvers. Illustration of the War in America
  • With a huge grin on his face, a bag full of loot and a silver revolver with five bullets and one empty slot he slowly walked down the street to the north on his way to his apartment.
  • There is a 12 lb. weight limit which will cover the majority of rifles and single-action pistols or revolvers.
  • For the hiker or backwoods bicyclist who carries the handgun solely for self-protection and may not own another gun, the revolver is easy to use and carry.
  • He went on strike, as they do in this country, and just before the final collapse we had those extraordinary strikes known as the shearer strikes in the interior and the marine strike along the coast; until the business men, the wholesale men, were sworn in as constables and marched day and night with baton and revolver in order to keep life and property secure. Australia: Political and General Conditions
  • They are, however, well-designed pocket revolvers for those who can and must carry a gun for personal protection.
  • Gripping the butt of the revolver, he scrambled to his feet and pushed himself forward.
  • Josie fires the revolver, and the sound of the shot explodes into the air and disappears into the water.
  • The sheriff had a shotgun in one hand and a Colt revolver in the other.
  • A Colt revolver’s cylinder steps around clockwise, which is different from a Smith & Wesson, which rotates counterclockwise. Persuader
  • The truth simply is that if some remedy be not soon found for the situation created by these people, who are as stupid as they are mischievous, in a few years we shall be obliged either to decuple the gendarmerie, or to allow every citizen to go about armed with a revolver, in order to protect himself against our much too liberally emancipated young scolos! ' France and the Republic A Record of Things Seen and Learned in the French Provinces During the 'Centennial' Year 1889
  • One of the pandies stirred, and pulled himself up on one knee; Wheeler, his arm still round the babu, whipped up his revolver and fired, and the pandy flopped back in the dust. Fiancée
  • An amnesty to get guns off the streets of Bradford has seen rifles, revolvers and semi-automatic pistols handed over.
  • In Washington D.C., the cradle of freedom, you are allowed to own plugged muzzleloaders, fake flintlocks and dismantled cap-and-ball revolvers if the caps and balls are stashed in other jurisdictions.
  • He slipped the knife, the knuckle-duster and the revolver into his overcoat pocket, and with apparent unconcern searched in every corner of the place, even opening the ice-box and the telephone booth. In the Rue Pigalle
  • The massive revolver, chambered in the new .500 S & W Magnum, was an astonishing success.
  • They are available for most popular models of service handguns, revolvers and autos.
  • One held a revolver full of deadly bullets, the other a quiver full of deadly arrows.
  • Ian picked up the revolver and held it in his lap with both hands, staring at it, admiring the dull sheen of the metal.
  • As Luke Fine drew and fired his Colt revolver, Charlie spun to his left as the bullets whizzed by him.
  • I slipped my revolver into my right-hand pocket and a knuckle-duster over my left fist, where it was ready and yet would not stop me from being able to work my flashlight. Carnacki, the Ghost Finder
  • After geese have got tough, 'n' turkeys have got strong, 'n' lamb's got old, 'n' veal's pretty nigh beef, 'n' sparragrass's growin 'tall' n 'slim' n 'scattery about the head,' n 'green peas gettin' so big 'n' hard they'd be dangerous if you fired 'em out of a revolver, we get hold of all them delicacies of the season. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 21, July, 1859
  • They pack a .44 magnum revolver to guard against polar bears.
  • I halted abruptly in front of the horridly painted blue house, threw Jackson my .22 and grabbed my magnum, loading the revolver with six shots.
  • Another jemadar prowled, revolver in one hand, primed grenade in the other, and kukri clenched between his teeth.
  • It exerts the best leverage in seating the ball over the powder of any percussion revolver ever produced.
  • However rather than refinish this revolver, the newly installed barrel, cylinder, and ejector tube have been antiqued to match the original parts.
  • At that point, with McNeill paralyzed and helpless on his back, Mireles fighting the effects of his avulsed forearm, Grogan unable to clearly locate his target without his glasses, and Manauzzi still unarmed after losing control of his revolver from the impact of the improvised felony stop, the mortally wounded Michael Platt made his daring bid for freedom. THE NEWS BLOG
  • City police said the man was armed with a revolver.
  • Casull holds a couple-dozen major patents, and is, in fact, a complete gun designer covering everything from mini-revolvers to machine guns to magnum handguns.
  • I remember one man they dragged out of a heap, who pleaded abjectly until a revolver shot cut him short. Chapter 23: The People of the Abyss
  • He is a man of about 35, in a deplorable plight, bespattered with mud and blood and snow, his belt and the strap of his revolver-case keeping together the torn ruins.
  • Elon shouted as he drew his cavalry saber and aimed his Colt revolver.
  • As quietly as he could he headed up the stairs, revolver cocked and ready in his hand.
  • That's why full-size and large-frame pistols and revolvers sell better than pocket handguns.
  • On Thursday, the parent of American Airlines, AMR Corp., said it planned to draw from its $255 million revolver to reduce its credit card reserves, following similar actions in the last week from General Motors, Goodyear Tire & Rubber and a handful of other companies.
  • After the brother, 20-year-old Franklin S. Emilcar, came to the door with a. 38-caliber Smith & Wesson revolver, the two engaged in what Shaw described as horseplay, joking and wrestling over the gun until it fired. Connecticut Post Online Most Viewed
  • Whatever might have been the feelings and intentions of the men around him, the precedence of McKinstry's right to the duello was a principle too deeply rooted in their traditions to deny; if any resistance to it had been contemplated by some of them, the fact that the master was now armed, and that Mr. McKinstry would quickly do battle at his side with a revolver in defence of his rights, checked any expression. Cressy
  • This turned out to be quite affordable, since the used gun market is glutted with traded-in service revolvers these days.
  • The drill was to set up 10 identical S & W Model 64 revolvers, all completely unmodified.
  • High costs of barbering and laundering made middle-class decorum impractical, but, even if a clean-shaven, white-shirted appearance were possible, everyone preferred tattered clothing, adorned with a revolver and bowie knife.
  • Whilst waiting for the wagons, the boys organised sentries, checked their horses' tack, loaded their revolvers and relaxed.
  • If you've selected the correct model, it will closely mate with the contour of your revolver's front strap, retained in place by a pair of thin copper tabs.
  • The weapons included a revolver, a semi-automatic pistol and a sub-machine gun.
  • There are rocket launchers, grenade launchers, flame-throwers, laserguns, cannons, bombs, shotguns, chainsaws, pistols, revolvers, and machine guns all at Stone's disposal.
  • They left the native mechanic and a disgruntled Atlee on board and, armed with shotguns, revolvers and machetes, set out on foot into the jungle for the lake.
  • One journalist described Madison as a ‘Montana ranch girl, expert in the art of whirling a lariat arid revolver marksmanship.’
  • Among revolver terms, there is less room for error or confusion.
  • The "Evolver" t-shirt is sweet -- a visual riff on the cover of the Beatles 'Revolver mashed with some science-lovin', intelligent-design-refutin 'evo-bio. Boing Boing
  • Shrouded– hammer/hammerless revolvers can be shot from inside a pocket, semi-autos must always be drawn. The Volokh Conspiracy » Women’s (or Men’s) Concealed Carry Handgun Recommendations:
  • Although he had already prepared thoroughly, he cleaned and checked his revolver one last time before loading it.
  • A 12-bit digital position transducer is composed of brushless revolver and integrated circuit AD2S90, the revolver make the system achieve fairly high reliability.
  • Tenderfeet, with ten pounds of Colt's revolvers, cartridges, and hunting-knives belted about them, wandered valiantly up the trail, and crept back softly, shedding revolvers, cartridges, and knives in despairing showers. CHAPTER I
  • Colonel Samuel Colt's revolver continues to serve as an equalizer.
  • Wesson Model 642 "hammerless" revolver in .38 Special. GuardianWatchBlog
  • Her mitten is off, and the revolver is in her hand. The Sun-dog Trail
  • He pocketed the cellphone, keys and the revolver, and bolted out the door.
  • A four-man gang, armed with a sawn-off shotgun and a revolver, overpowered security guards and forced their way into the plant.
  • 'freedom of the press' they consider on a par with _freedom of Colt's revolver_. The Confidence-Man
  • When I was a younger man, I believed what I read in the gun magazines and presumed that an auto would always easily outshoot a revolver when things went to warp speed.
  • Soon he realized men needed more powerful revolvers, but ones still easily carried in belt holsters.
  • Joan was standing up in the stern-sheets, reiterating her good-byes -- a slim figure of a woman in the tight-fitting jacket she had worn ashore from the wreck, the long-barrelled Colt's revolver hanging from the loose belt around her waist, her clear-cut face like a boy's under the Stetson hat that failed to conceal the heavy masses of hair beneath. Chapter 16
  • The first revolver bearing the cognomen LadySmith was the Model M Hand Ejector of 1902.
  • A struggle ensued and he was smashed over the head with a revolver.
  • Armed with all these new lubricants, oils, bore cleaners, solvents, degreasers and fouling removers, we cleaned two revolvers and two semiautos.
  • In a business context, a revolver frequently is secured by the borrower's receivables and/or inventory.
  • I slipped into his shirt and cavalry breeches, drew on the soft boots, donned his hairy poshteen, * (* Sheepskin coat.) stuck the Khyber cleaver in my sash, and was winding the puggaree round my head and wishing I had a revolver as well, when Ilderim says thoughtfully: Fiancée
  • The German threw the revolver off the stoep and into the garden. Let The Dead Lie
  • The breech-face on a revolver takes a tremendous beating as it stops the rearward thrust of the fired cartridge.
  • It was a nickel-plated revolver.
  • The revolver was originally chambered for the .44 Henry rimfire cartridge.

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