How To Use Revolve In A Sentence
Gough's songwriting draws influences from Radiohead and Revolver and Rubber Soul-era Beatles, but with a good deal of folk and a bit of hip-hop, soul and dub thrown in for good measure.
Hunter agreed with his own nod and took out his own revolver, a .45 caliber, long barrel, made custom by the town's gunsmith.
He is accused of possessing a.22 double action Sentinel revolver recovered during a raid on a house in Toothill last year.
The case - possibly the ultimate in town versus gown - revolves around a former manse on a quiet street in St Andrews, where students already occupy more than half the town centre accommodation.
Let's assume someone is loading the revolver properly with the hammer at its half-cock position.

They lived for some days on the excellent flesh of the maskalonge, on clams from the beach -- enormous clams of delicious flavor -- on a new fruit with a pinkish meat, which grew abundantly in the thickets and somewhat resembled breadfruit; on wild asparagus-sprouts, and on the few squirrels that Stern was able to "pot" with his revolver from the shelter of the leafy little camping-place they had arranged near the river.
Darkness and Dawn
How much the world revolves almost entirely around the male gaze.
Times, Sunday Times
The 660 is a short light powerful rifle not much harder to carry than a hogleg revolver.
Some Odds and Ends
On Thursday, police say, 23-year-old Wellington Oliveira talked his way into his former elementary school in a working-class western outskirt of Rio de Janeiro and opened fire with at least one of two revolvers he carried.
Brazil Mourns the 12 Killed by Gunman
But you may want to look into some long-term solution that doesn't revolve around an external fetish object such as a crystal or talisman.
The moon revolves around the Earth.
And so he had grown in the warmth of his parents 'love, trained in what we call outdoor sports, but which are life itself to the Arab, until at fourteen no one could surpass him in running or horsemanship or spear-throwing, whilst with rifle or revolver he could clip the hair off the top of a man's head, the which strenuous accomplishments he balanced in passing his leisure moments in the gentle arts of verse-making and even music, in spite of the latter being condemned by religion; also did he learn to converse in foreign tongues.
Desert Love
We were each armed with a Mississippi yager and two Colt's revolvers.
The Life of Hon William F Cody
Its symphonic narrative revolves six characters through six ages of man - from the 19th century to distant millennia - then brings them full circle as each one completes their interrupted history.
Knowledgeable shootists realize the value of a large-frame revolver and have mourned the loss of this full figured six-gun ever since.
The discussion revolved around the question of changing the club's name.
He is still battling himself, and I think the show will completely begin revolve around him in some kind of way … … … ….
The Tail Section » Season 4 Finale “There’s No Place Like Home, Part 2″ Afterthoughts
God then willed the revolution of the outermost sphere, known as the diurnal sphere, which caused all the other spheres to revolve with it, thereby producing changes in the hyle in accordance with the motions of the sphere.
A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy
The effort has revolved around the shut-down of outdated capacity, differential pricing policies, limits to “high energy intensity, high pollution” projects, an increase in inspections to enforce energy efficiency standards, and so on (Chinese).
Alex Wang: What to Make of China's Efforts to Meet Its Energy Intensity Targets
His gut got the best of him, so he unstrapped his short-barrel .357 Magnum revolver, and proceeded slowly.
In this position, we were also able to observe her extraordinary versatility as she performed amazing feats of balance as the stage slowly revolved.
The story unemphatically revolves around the main character, Chris Gardner, and his son, Christopher.
The LP can be ordered for either autos or revolvers, with a straight drop or a slight cant.
Now, Obama's election promises revolved, exactly, around the hope of doing away with the objectivization of political life and its corollaries: disenchantment, voter apathy, and nihilism.
TELOSscope: The Telos Press blog
William discovered over 800 double stars and showed that many of them revolve around each other.
One of the pandies stirred, and pulled himself up on one knee; Wheeler, his arm still round the babu, whipped up his revolver and fired, and the pandy flopped back in the dust.
When I stopped at a khafe-khana for a glass of tea, he actually removed a wheel of the carriage, which we had considerable difficulty in putting right again, and he pounded the coachman on the head with the butt of his revolver, in order, as far as I could understand, that he should be induced to go half-shares with him in the backshish that the driver would receive at the end of the stage.
Across Coveted Lands or a Journey from Flushing (Holland) to Calcutta Overland
The technology revolves around neural network processors which can solve very complex problems in real time, where real time is microseconds rather than milliseconds.
Since it is still considered to be an underdeveloped country, most of the economy revolves around the import and export of food.
As he listened to their conversation, through a bug he planted, he pulled the hammer of his revolver back to half-cock and gently pushed out the loading gate.
Their constantly changing work schedule revolves around the many phases of the moon and the tides.
Finger grooves are featured on the grips for double-action revolvers, while metal inserts provide consistent fit.
Countries which have won their independence or gone through a nationalist revolution usually change their names, and any country or other unit round which strong feelings revolve is likely to have several names, each of them carrying a different implication.
Notes on Nationalism
It takes approximately 365 and a quarter days for the earth to revolve around the sun.
The story revolves around his young master Hero who spies a fair maiden in the house next door and falls instantly in love.
Episode three revolves around a prank that goes horribly wrong and appears to have brought tragedy - tinged with jubilation - in its wake.
Times, Sunday Times
Earth and other planets rotated on their axes and revolved around the Sun.
A man with a small revolver was trying to sneak up on them, and Niane kindly ended his existence with a well-placed .45 slug in his forehead.
And that they move in orbits very nearly parabolical, I infer from their velocity; for the velocity with which a parabola is described is everywhere to the velocity with which a comet or planet may be revolved about the sun in a circle at the same distance in the subduplicate ratio of 2 to 1; and, by my computation, the velocity of comets is found to be much about the same.
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 15 — Science
Farm research continues to revolve around NPK - nitrogen, phosphorous and potash - the three major plant nutrients that the soils are largely deficient in.
The fabrics are soft and pliant, in silk and cashmere blends, while the colors revolve around a strong palette of slate and off-blacks, accented with brights such as yellow and sky blue.
We no longer live in a time when the routines of household life revolve around the rhythms of the kitchen.
The earth has an atmosphere, and rotates on its axis as it revolves around the sun.
It revolves around people who share a birthday and has a big twist at the end.
The Sun
Stripped to a pair of cotton trousers, with a dripping cutlass in one hand and a Colt's revolver in the other, an adventurer at the head of a bunch of dogs as desperate as himself fought his way across the reeking decks of a Chinese junk, to close in single combat with a gigantic one-eyed pirate who stood by the helm with a ring of dead men about him and a great two-handed sword upheaved ....
The Cruise of the Jasper B.
The only puns I know in Korean revolve around the fact that they use the same word for “pepper” and “penis,” for “spicy” and “erect,” and for “eat” and “fuck.”
The Nervous Breakdown
The film revolves around crimes of passion based on unrequited love, lust, treachery and revenge.
The wheel began to revolve.
Much of the instruction revolves around projects that students undertake in teams.
A small double-barrelled pistol was found hidden in a coffee percolator and a loaded mini revolver in a passenger's hand luggage.
Angelology" revolves around a 23-year old nun, who teams with an angelologist named Verlaine as they race to thwart a group that tries to corral the destructive powers of a race of angel / human hybrids called Nephilim.
It was My Lady -- formerly My Lady -- clad in embroidered short Spanish jacket, tightish velvet pantaloons, booted to the knees, pulled down upon her yellow hair a black soft hat, and hanging from the just-revealed belt around her slender waist, a revolver trifle.
Desert Dust
Fleischer might just as well have complained that the press believes the Earth revolves around the sun.
If you see him very savagely cut up in "The Revolver," you will recognize the kindly hands which held the bistoury, scalpel, and tenaculum, and the gentleman who wept while he wounded.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 21, July, 1859
Thousands of galaxies revolve about its center, moving in every possible orbit like bees circling a beehive.
He writes a tidbit/gossip column and the source for most of it revolves happenings with the International Broadcast Centre, NBC or Channel 7.
She thinks the world revolves around her and her schedule.
As I carried considerable weight in my gown, about ten pounds of silver, our two revolvers, the telescope, our silver-lined tsamba basins and dry stockings for us both, Mr. Rijnhart cautioned me not to fall off, for with such impedimenta about me he could do nothing to save me.
With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
The talks revolve around whether to grant them refugee status and over how to restrict their movements and activities in Europe.
Behind the counter sat a guard with a. 38-caliber revolver in a holster on his hip.
The hand gun carried by the first man was a Webley revolver adapted to fire shot gun cartridges.
In these hot damp climates the venereal requirements and reproductive powers of the female greatly exceed those of the male; and hence the dissoluteness of morals would be phenomenal, were it not obviated by seclusion, the sabre and the revolver.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
He had seen the end of gold and the end of the buffalo, the beginning of cattle, the beginning of wheat, and the spreading of the barbed-wire fence, that, in the end, will take from him his occupation and his revolver, his chaparejos and his usefulness, his lariat and his reason for being.
The Passing of Cock-Eye Blacklock
Bert blew on his knuckles, like a gunman puffing smoke from the barrel of his revolver.
1922 - Popular author and Irish Republican Army member Robert Erskine Childers is executed by an Irish Free State firing squad for illegally carrying a revolver.
A lot of what people do for fun, or for self-realisation or self-improvement, revolves around knowledge.
We lie down and slowly revolve on the turntable gazing up at the stars.
Times, Sunday Times
Demeter's exploration produced a bulldog revolver, a slungshot, a packet of pamphlets, and several small red flags.
All-Wool Morrison
The film revolves around these ideas of female and male inheritance.
The first movement revolves around a haunting ostinato which forms the motto theme of the quintet (a typical Franckian device) and develops throughout the movement.
Most scenes revolve around exploration.
Christianity Today
A snapping behind me made me jump, and I wished for a weapon, any weapon, as I revolved slowly on the spot.
O Lord have mercy upon us!" ... and Doña Elena was at the same time contemplating a group of officers with helmets and reseda uniforms reinforced with leather pouches for the revolver, field glasses and maps, with sword-belt of the same material.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. (Los Cuatro Jinetes del Apocalipsis) from the Spanish of Vincente Blasco Ibanez; authorized translation by Charlotte Brewster Jordan.
Our day revolved around our work
VDI is one form of desktop virtualization that revolves around the idea of centralized, server-hosted desktops.
Desktop Virtualization Tips For CIOs
the Earth revolves around the Sun
It is almost impossible to get judges there who will administer laws without bribery, and as every man goes armed with knife or revolver, there are plenty of shindies.
Louis believed strongly in the divine right of kings, saying that he was the sun and that his courtiers and France should revolve around him like planets.
But the dome of the cathedral is the focal point around which the rest of the city revolves.
Times, Sunday Times
Police seized two revolvers and three muzzle-loaders dating from the Anglo-Boer South African War.
In this revolver the whole top strap is gone and most of both adjoining chambers.
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Complaints revolved around the completely unsubstantiated claims of 70 per cent absorption.
The case revolved on an inaccurate affidavit used to get a search warrant, the evidence obtained as a result of which was, of course, "legally contaminated" and so, the case should not have been pressed using that evidence, asserted Deputy District Attorney Ceballos in a memorandum to his superordinates in the office.
Garcetti v. Ceballos; Alito Kills Whistleblowing
It caused an immediate sensation and was clearly the best thing that had ever happened to double-action revolvers.
Consequently, I thought that we could take for our Monday morning gun porn, the iconic Webley revolver - perfectly suited for knocking big chunks out of fuzzy-wuzzies ...
Come up with a case where a Western gunfighter actually undertook a gunfight with a revolver in each hand.
The debate revolves around specific accounting techniques.
The whole town revolves around the club and so the experience is going to be very intense and emotional for him.
When the revolver was examined it was discovered that all but two of the gun's chambers contained live bullets.
If, instead of marrying a young girl who didn't know any better than to believe that you were a man, instead of a fractional one, you had come to me, and borrowed my revolver and blown out the fungus growth which you refer to as your brains, you would have bit it.
Using graphics software, you can revolve the image on the screen.
This 6 round .455 revolver is yet another weapon of World War 1 vintage.
Drawing inspiration from real life incidents, he makes hard-hitting films that revolve around issues concerning society.
Simplicity was a major criterion in the community and my life revolved round the message of social justice and non-violence.
Then later in that dark street, you stepped left as I stepped right, we stood for a moment and looked at each other, then we kissed - a first kiss - like electricity grounding out from your lips to my lips all the way through me, to my toes, a rush of warm chaos - everything stopped as it does for lovers - everything stopped and the world revolved around you and I and that wonderful kiss
the drunken clatter of fellow athletes hooting, hollering in at least 6 languages
Admit-it Diary Entry
Though he stayed upright, his back wheel had been buckled and would no longer revolve through the frame.
Times, Sunday Times
The entire action takes place on a giant luggage carousel that revolves slowly throughout.
Times, Sunday Times
They were a picturesque crew with their broad felt hats, their flannel shirts of various colors, overlaid with an enamel of dust and perspiration, baked by the Dakota sun, their bright silk handkerchiefs knotted round the neck, their woolly "shaps," their great silver spurs, their loosely hanging cartridge-belts, their ominous revolvers.
Roosevelt in the Bad Lands
The structure of a game revolves around scrum and lineout.
Times, Sunday Times
Still, personnel moves aside, a key question that lingers revolves around the Patriots 'ability to respond psychologically from the Super Bowl.
Imagine the Patriots won ... prep for '08 would be the same
Part of it is the flood of traded-in service revolvers that have glutted the market since the massive law enforcement switch to the semi-automatic service pistol.
As a fierce rain beats against them, a struggle ensues between father and son, and Vincenzo drops the revolver onto a catwalk running alongside the bridge.
I have been toppled by my own monstrous solipsism, hoodwinked by the belief that everything revolves around me.
Today, Just My Imagination was the chosen tune and as the Temptations latest opus revolved on its never-ending loop, it echoed round our flat and wormed into my subconscious causing me to pick at my chips and barely register what mishaps were befalling Hoss and Little Joe on the Ponderosa ranch.
Family life
The Earth revolves around the sun.
They're vague on their precise strategy for breaking the US, but as far as I can work out, it revolves around elocution lessons and not using "innit" as a lyric any more.
N-Dubz: 'We were naughty. We used to cause madness!'
Then Carne, stepping warily, unlocked the heavy oak door at the entrance of the cellarage, held down his lantern, and fixed with a wedge the top step of the ladder, which had been made to revolve with a pin and collar at either end, as before described.
It revolved clockwise in some unseen orbit, then counterclockwise, immediately before a loud cracking, like summer thunder, filled the air.
The courier and the young banker carried loaded revolvers, and Muscari (with much boyish gratification) buckled on a kind of cutlass under his black cloak.
The Wisdom of Father Brown
For a Smith duty auto to outshoot a Smith target revolver is almost unheard of.
Rolling uses an appropriate size die that adjusts to the steel tube, angle, pipe, channel, bar or steel beam and revolves at the same peripheral speed, turning in opposite directions.
_~Many years ago McClure had~ ~James was the son of rich but~ ~Jas, as his college friends used to call~ ~McClure~ ~James~ Producing a revolver from his hip pocket, Herbert shot James McClure through the heart.
Punch or the London Charivari, Vol. 147, October 7, 1914
Almost all of them revolve around a failure of non-technical business people to understand basic technology facts.
The exact total, however, is unknown, as most citations only refer to ‘pistol’ or ‘revolver’ and some famous events do not mention sidearms at all.
It was a revolver, probably nickel-plated too, judging by the shine of the frame.
The whole Italian culture revolves around the ritual of eating.
Paris children held hostage An masked man armed with a revolver is holding twenty-five children hostage in a nursery school in Paris.
Absent-mindedly, I loaded my revolver with bullets and fastened the gun onto my belt.
The system cannot revolve around any one case, but must try to accommodate the needs of all cases.
The debates between the fundamentalist and moderate wings of the various religions also revolve around issues of aggression versus non-aggression, and their outcome will have significant impact on world politics.
I revolved these circumstances in my mind, and determined thenceforth to apply myself more particularly to those branches of natural philosophy which relate to physiology.
Officers were armed with sword and revolver, other ranks with bayonet and pistol.
This is truly a handgun hunter's revolver chambered in a handgun hunter's caliber.
Debates on the authority of texts, however, still revolve around the question of who dies first.
Immigrants' limited involvement revolves around volunteering for civic organizations.
The main problem in the footage revolved around the fact that I filmed in widescreen.
The dance revolves around the idea that children from poor backgrounds need companionship and love.
The debate revolves around specific accounting techniques.
Recently bought a cheap used german 22LR SAA style revolver which is mostly aluminum castings/forgings and all the screw threads were full of that powdery white aluminum "rust".
Some Peeves from a Gunsmith
There was no wabble to the revolver and it was directed toward her stomach, not from an outstretched arm, but from the hip, against which the forearm rested.
To Kill a Man
By premising its concept of "world" (or an all-encompassing framework by some other name) on an originary act of reflexive self-possession, Cartesian epistemology and the political philosophy of classical liberalism revolve a model of agency constituted ex negativo — that is, defined by the alleged absence of any inner pre-determination.
The Melancholic Gift: Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Fiction
He laid out the revolver, an aerosol can, some superglue and a brightly wrapped square box on the back seat.
A small double-barrelled pistol was found hidden in a coffee percolator and a loaded mini revolver in a passenger's hand luggage.
While that particular game revolves around the idea of flanking your rivals stones at either end to flip them to your own colour,
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Chronicle columnist Herb Caen wrote "In this strangely flat era of" diversity, "she was the rarest of birds, an exotic creature who rose each morning to become the sun around whom thousands of lives revolved.
Jessica Mitford (1917 - 1996)
Here a flywheel is revolved by a motor until a preset speed is reached.
Swedish cuisine revolves mainly around meat and fish dishes.
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Her subjects may revolve around love, loss, and guilt but poignancy rarely tips over into plangency.
For instance, the first specification I would take out of the box in which it was kept, would perhaps have to do with house-raising without disturbance to the foundations, the second would prove to be an article half umbrella, half revolver, while in the third I would perhaps find an extremely quaint notion for a portable pocket corkscrew.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, May 23, 1891
His whole conversation on snugness revolves around fictional children who hide or sleep in snug places within the following books: The Wind in the Willows, Heidi, The Secret Garden, and the stories of Beatrix Potter.
Feeling Like a Kid (copy)
The playlets revolved around interesting situations like that of a naive, conservative and traditional mother whose teenage daughter breaks the news of her pregnancy.
The whole plot revolves around secretly videoing people for fun and profit.
Thoughts on Red Dwarf
What model revolver did Gus carry in lonesome Dove?
What model revolver did Gus carry in lonesome Dove?
With the exception of the magnums, revolvers seem to last almost forever, but once more it's a matter of degree.
Outside the closed replacement forearm will revolve the gypsum to hold fixedly to treat the first metacarpal bone base base bone fracture dislocation Cui ...
He ran from the bank with his stolen loot, and escaped unharmed, even though the bank manager emptied an entire revolver at him, missing with every shot.
So many took part in these singular experiments, which assumed rather the appearance of outdoor sports than of scientific demonstrations, that in a short time we had provided the asteroid with a very large number of little moons, or satellites, of gold, which revolved around it in orbits of various degrees of ellipticity, taking, on the average, about three-quarters of an hour to complete a circuit.
Edison's Conquest of Mars
.454 Casull: For sheer pain, unequalled among handgun cartridges, shoot this one. 325 grains at 1,525 fps. 1,630 foot-pounds of muzzle energy 40 foot-pounds of recoil in a 3-pound single-action revolver.
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However, his life now revolves mainly around his work.
Thus constructed of three pieces of wood, united by alternate opposite dovetails and bound together by cold-drawn iron plates, they revolved in the trees or amaxopodes.
The Ten Books on Architecture
The spring-loaded clips of looseleaf folders snap shut with a noise like revolver shots.
People used to think the earth was flat and the universe revolved around it.
The roar of the conflict along the river had become terrific; to the east a New Jersey battery, obscured in flame-shot clouds, was retiring by its twenty-eight-foot prolonges, using cannister; the remains of a New Hampshire infantry regiment supported the retreat; between the two batteries Claymore in his shirt, sleeves rolled to his elbows, heavy revolver swinging in his blackened fist, was giving a tongue lashing to the stream of fugitives from the river woods.
Ailsa Paige
With its visceral tritones and flatted seconds, the band's sound revolved more around the riff than the song.
But the moon still revolveth around all that is earthly: so revolveth also the prince around what is earthliest of all -- that, however, is the gold of the shopman.
Thus Spake Zarathustra A book for all and none
The technological clock revolves in one to two decades.
Positive Parent Power
The story revolves around two co-dependent high school seniors who set out to score alcohol for a party.
The debates between the fundamentalist and moderate wings of the various religions also revolve around issues of aggression versus non-aggression, and their outcome will have significant impact on world politics.
They hated that, felt it was all wrong to have him stand there in his getup - the four stars, his ribbons and decorations, and his pearl-handled revolvers.
The entire action takes place on a giant luggage carousel that revolves slowly throughout.
Times, Sunday Times
There's two double centre-fire breech-loaders in the case," he said to himself, "and there's his revolver and his sword, besides that old hunting-knife in the shark's-skin case -- there's every temptation for a young man to do it.
The Queen's Scarlet The Adventures and Misadventures of Sir Richard Frayne
This one held a lone shotgun and revolver; the other items were more esoteric, including foils, swords, crossbows and bolts, spears, axes, hatchets, knives of all sizes and shapes, stakes, gallon jugs of holy water, and garrotes.
The story revolves round the locals’ attempts to thwart the plan.
The video ends with a view from on high: the wagon circles counterclockwise on a circular stage, which revolves in the opposite direction.
The script is in the early stages but insiders say it will revolve around life in the music industry.
The Sun
None of these tiny revolvers are going to win medals at the target range.
If the suspect ivory is held up to a light source so that the stripes are visible and then revolved slowly horizontally through 90 degrees, the light and dark stripes on genuine ivory will become less pronounced or disappear.
During a search of the vehicle police found a .357 magnum revolver and four rounds of ammunition.
A wheel revolves round/on its axis.
Instead, he reloaded his revolver very carefully, and then sat in the best room of the cottage by the derelict brickfield, looking anxious and perplexed, and listening to talk about Bill and his ways, and thinking, thinking.
The War in the Air
From amidships, revolver in hand, the mate was springing toward him.
On 7 November 1919 barrack orderlies were instructed to carry revolvers.
Wear-resistance is good for slides, cylinders of revolvers and innards.
At this, Quimby dropped the hat he held as if it had been red-hot, glanced at the chair whereon he had so lately distinguished himself, took up the tails of his coat one in each hand, revolved again, and then without a word darted from the room.
Wired Love A Romance of Dots and Dashes
This is the first week where the medieval saga doesn't revolve around a brutal battle to overthrow the King.
The Sun
Two small moons (hardly larger than the city of Paris) revolve rapidly round Mars; they are called Phobos and Deimos.
Astronomy for Amateurs
All these issues revolve around how power distributes itself relative to competitive advantage.
This one held a lone shotgun and revolver; the other items were more esoteric, including foils, swords, crossbows and bolts, spears, axes, hatchets, knives of all sizes and shapes, stakes, gallon jugs of holy water, and garrotes.
The prank revolved around Michael getting on a private plane only to find out it was falling apart.
The talks revolve around a little more pay and the hated appraisal system, which links pay to performance.
a binary star is a system in which two stars revolve around each other
In many ways, it is the pivot on which J.K. Rowling's entire tale revolves; the fabric from which the next tale will be woven.
Pistol or revolver barrels sometimes have a small ring in the bore caused by getting a bullet stuck and then shooting again.
Shotguns, air pistols, ball-bearing guns and a revolver with about 60 rounds of ammunition had been handed in to local police stations by Wednesday.
In that box the revolver had lain, and here every day through all the year, John Bard retired to clean and oil his gun, oil and reclean it, keeping it ready for the crisis.
She kept a cabinet full of weapons, including an axe, crossbow, machete, swordstick, cosh, an air rifle and two revolvers, the court was told.
Health education will have to revolve around the adoption of safer practices.
He unfixes the land and the sea, makes them revolve around the axis of his primary thought, and disposes them anew.
Roohul's life revolved around creating beautiful embroidery designs on kurtas, dupattas, saris and shawls.
pearl-handled revolver
My own favourite things revolve, perhaps predictably, around food.
Times, Sunday Times
Polish astronomer who advanced the theory that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun, disrupting the Ptolemaic system of astronomy.
The earth revolves around the sun.
Three hand grenades, four revolvers, one rifle and 150 rounds of ammunition had been found.
The rear turret revolved and a piece of it became dislodged.
I always had the feeling the flintlock had a much slower lock time than the Colt cap and ball revolver.
If this were not true, we would still be assuring ourselves that the sun revolves around the earth, and the church, centuries later, would never have apologized to Galileo, who declared the opposite.
Section 53A of chapter 131 of the General Laws, as amended by chapter 234 of the acts of 1950, is hereby further amended by striking out, in lines 22 to 24, inclusive, the words "; provided, that no firearm other than a revolver or pistol not larger than thirty-eight calibre is used or possessed" and inserting in place tliereof the words: —, pro - vided that no firearm other than a rifle designed to discharge a twenty - two calibre rim-fire cartridge or a revolver or pistol not larger than thirty-eight calibre is used or possessed.
Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
He holstered the revolver and headed back to the car, now it was time to radio in what had happened.
The stories revolve around the troubled conditions of a modern cosmopolis rising from the bombed-out ruins of war.